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1、英语阅读,阅读理解考试介绍,四级阅读主要测试掌握主旨大意正确理解事实和细节既理解字面意思,又能根据所读材料进行一定的判断和推论既理解个别句子的意义,又理解上下文的逻辑关系理解作者的态度推测词义,题目特点,题材:科技方面:如有关动植物,医学,海洋,地质,语言,空间技术等。社科方面:如历史,家庭,婚姻,教育,伦理,犯罪,娱乐,交通,住房,环境,能源等。科技:25,社科人文:75,体裁:说明文,议论文为主1)对社会、自然、思维等现象进行解释、阐述和论证2)信息量大且比较复杂3)逻辑性强4)以抽象思维如概括、判断、推理为主,结构:演绎:主旨句实例结论;归纳:事实 分析主旨语言:长句难句较多,常见题型,

2、1.主旨题 2.推理题(包括作者的观点,态度,语气题)3.细节题4.语义题,1 主旨题(“main idea”questions),The main idea of this passage is that_The passage is mainly about_The major point discussed in the passage is_What has been discussed in the passage?Which of the following can best sum up the passage?Which of the following would be th

3、e best title for the passage?The best title for this passage might be_What is the main topic of this passage?The passage mainly tells us_,一、四级阅读理解题型分类-主旨题,如2005年考题,What is the authors purpose in writing this article?A)To justify the study of the Boston University Medical Center.B)To stress the impor

4、tance of maintaining proper weight.C)To support the statement made by York Onnen.D)To show the most effective way to lose weight一看这四个选项,就可以发现A和C里面包含十分具体信息“the Boston University Medical Center”和“York Onnen”,是利用原文中的具体话题,某个细节内容而设计的干扰选项。,Exercise(Overview Questions),Every scientific discipline tends to

5、develop its own special language because it finds ordinary words inadequate,and psychology is no different.The purpose of this special jargon(行话)is not to mystify non-psychologists;rather,it allows psychologists to accurately describe the phenomena they are discussing and to communicate with each ot

6、her effectively.Of course,psychological terminology consists in part of everyday words such as emotion,intelligence,and motivation,but psychologists use these words somewhat differently.For example,laymen use the term anxiety to mean nervousness or fear,but most psychologists use the term to describ

7、e a condition produced when one fears events over which one has no control.,The main topic of this passage is _.A.effective communicationB.the special language of psychologyC.two definitions of the word anxietyD.the jargon of science,B,2 推理判断题,It can be inferred from the passage that_From the passag

8、e we can infer(draw the conclusion)that_The author writes this passage mainly to_The passage implies(suggests)that _The authors attitude towards.is_Where would this passage most probably be found?The paragraph following this passage most probably discusses_,推理题分类,1 综合推理判断题:归纳分析能力推断作者态度与观点:文章主题句和段落主题

9、句,字里行间,上下文,措词褒贬。推断语篇与段落主旨:基本原则以文章主旨或TS为基础,不能无原则的任意猜测2 细节推理判断题:即某一细节的言外之意。原则-身在其外,意在其中。不能脱离该细节上下文来想象、推理。,从原则上来讲,态度题可以考查作者对一个中心话题的看法,也可以考查作者对某一具体细节的态度,但是从历年考法来看,四级阅读更加注重考查文章中心话题。所以,态度题经常可以通过文章主题来判断作者的态度。如2003年6月考题,原文首句:Its no secret that many children would be healthier and happier with adoptive paren

10、ts than with the parents that nature dealt them.题目:The authors attitude towards the judges ruling could be described as_.A)doubtful B)critical C)cautious D)supportive全文首句可以体现文章讨论的中心话题,它明确道出了作者的观点:有时小孩与养父母在一起比与亲生父母在一起更好。而原文中judges ruling的结果就是把小孩判给了养父,所以作者一定会持支持态度,故选D。,一、四级阅读理解题型分类-态度题,一、四级阅读理解题型分类-态度

11、题,When apple growers talk about new varieties of apples,they dont mean something developed last month,last year,or even in the last decade.A.Apple growers havent developed any new varieties in recent decades.B.Some varieties of apples can be developed in a short time,but others take a long time.C.Ne

12、w varieties of apples take many years to develop.,(1)判断推测句中omnivorous一词的大意 She has a wide interest and is an omnivorous reader.根据句中她“兴趣广”这一上文和被修饰的reader一词,可大概判断omnivorous具有“兴趣广、什么书都喜欢读”等含义。(2)根据前文,判断下文 Laziness is a sin,everyone knows that.NeverthelessA)laziness can actually be helpfulB)laziness is

13、a sign of mental illnessC)laziness is immoral and wastefulD)you must be careful when you see someone lazy根据第一分句的语义倾向和Nevertheless一词,我们可得出这样的判断,即下文要谈的内容必然与之相反,即谈论Laziness也有其有利、肯定的一面,故A最有可能。,3 细节掌握题(detail questions),Which of the following is TRUE(or NOT TRUE)?Which of the following is NOT MENTIONED i

14、n paragraph X?According to the passage,all of following are true EXCEPT that _Which of the following may lead to(cause)_The author strongly argues for(or against)because_The main reason for(or why.)is that_The author gives an example in para.X mainly to show that_,先看题干,再看原文,带着题干个别的特有信息或者带着题干的中心话题在原文

15、定位。如“What did the handball player do when he was not allowed a time out to change his gloves?”就可以结合handball player这个中心话题在原文找答案。四级细节题干有时会有比较明显的信息,如时间数字,专有名词,中心名词。如2005年1月考题:What was confirmed by the Boston University Medical Centers study?题干中Boston University Medical Center这个专有名词可以让考生迅速找到考到的原文内容。如果用题

16、干信息在原文找答案没有结果,可以根据题目的先后顺序来确定大概范围(除个别例外,四级细节题大体上还是按照出题的先后顺序找答案的)。,四级阅读理解题型分类-细节题,三个建议,一、四级阅读理解题型分类-细节题,In its typical feeding position,a sea otter(水獭)swims along on its back as it uses a rock to crack the shellfish on which it feeds.Then,tucking the rock into a pocket-like fold of skin under its arm(

17、in which it also often keeps a supply of extra food),it will turn and dive to the bottom for more shellfish.Otters have been playing with rocks and shells,throwing them from one paw to another for hours at a time.Mother otters usually shelter their young on their chests.If they have to leave the pup

18、s for any length of time,mother otters may wrap them in the stand of a kelp plant to keep them from drifting away.Although an otter is large at birth-five to six pounds-it receives maternal care until it is three or four years old,by which time,like its parents,it can dive to depths of 100 feet or m

19、ore.,1.What do sea otters do with shellfish?A.Eat them.B.Bury them.C.Feed them.D.Protect them.2.Where do sea otters store food?A.In their paws.B.Under their tongues.C.In little pockets in their cheeks.D.In pouches on their bodies.3.When do young sea otters usually become independent of their mothers

20、?Soon after birth.B.After about 100 days.C.After five or six months.D.After three or four years.,4 词汇意义题(语义题),The word“”in line(para.)X most probably means _In paragraph X,the word“”refers to(stands for).By saying“”(in line X,para.X),the author is referring to_The word“”in para X can be best replace

21、d by_“it”(they)in line X most probably refers to_Which of the following statements is closest in meaning to the sentence“”in para.X?,一、四级阅读理解题型分类-词汇题,Vocabulary in context questions,The planet Mercury is visible to the naked eye but is not the easiest planet to spot.UnclothedUnaidedunarmed,语义题分类,1)同

22、义判别题:生词辨义上下文暗示或上下文logic关系来推测2)语义转述题:重新paraphrase解释文章中的句子或短语 语句特点:a.与theme or TS有关;b.形式结构上有一定难度;c.在特定的context中有特定含义(e.g.The business of American is business.)3)语义指代题:this可指前或后;that指前,解题技巧,主旨题解题策略找主题句(TS)概括段落大意确定文章主题对比答案各项,找出答案正确答案特点:与TS相似,简明,扼要,不过于笼统也不过于具体,Para.1:Whether you are a smoker or a nonsmok

23、er,you should take measures to protect your lungs.You can test your lung capacity by holding a lighted match about six inches from your face and trying to blow it out with your mouth wide open.If you cannot blow out the flame,arrange for a medical examination.Using a simple machine called a spiromet

24、er(spiro meter),a doctor can message the lungs strength and capacity.In other words,he can test how efficiently you breathe.When combined with a complete physical examination,the spirometer test may detect early signs of respiratory problems.,Which sentence expresses the main ideaa.Necessity is the

25、mother of invention.b.An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.c.Dont count your chickens before theyre hatched.d.Join the unhooked generation.,细节题解题策略1)浏览全篇2)按试题顺序查找3)找关键词,找线索干扰项特点:句子与文章中的句子极为相似,此句多半是错的正确项特点:对本文中的key word 进行paraphrase。如 emphasis-stress,Example:Oral health care is,these days,

26、a big,boom business.According to Ralph Nader,Americans spend some$5 billion on dental care each year.Yet,despite the tremendous amount of money,time and energy given over to oral health,dental literature indicates that about half the population in this country has lost all of its natural teeth by ag

27、e 65.Nearly half of all people over age 20 wear a bridge(假牙上的齿桥)or denture(假牙),and more than 20 percent have complete upper and lower dentures.By age 50,one out of every two persons has gum disease.,The dental profession blames neglectful Americans themselves.About half the population,it claims,fail

28、s to visit the dentist regularly and some 30 million never do.Critics,on the other hand,slam the profession.It can be conservatively estimated that at least 15 percent of United States dentists are incompetent,dishonest,or both,say a former Pennsylvania Commissioner of Insurance.Some have set the fi

29、gure as high as 50 percent.,1.The passage backs up which one of the following statements?By and large,dentists are honest professionals.Because of the large sums of money Americans spend on dental care their teeth are in excellent condition.Generally speaking,the result of poor dental care do not sh

30、ow up until very late in life.For the most part,dentists think that Americans should assume greater responsibility in maintaining the health of their teeth.2.The author of this passage states that the average Americans_visits his dentist at least once a year.still has the majority of his natural tee

31、th at the age of 70.annually spends relatively little on health care.may very likely wear a bridge or denture by the age of 25.,推理判断题解题策略1)利用信息推测2)对单个词选择项意义的理解(作者态度)作者的观点,态度,语气题 The authors attitude towardcan best be described as somewhatThe authors tone in the passage is that.The author of this pas

32、sage thinks thatThe tone of the writer is The authors attitude is generally,example:U.S.demand for fuels is growing steadily,and could double by 1985.But domestic supply is lagging,our oil production has peaked and is declining,and natural gas is already scarce in some sections of the country.Coal i

33、s in severe environmental trouble,construction of nuclear power plants is behind schedule,and any real help from synthetic fuels is ten to fifteen years away.So over the next decade the burden will fall heavily on oil and natural gas.And the available reserves of both have been declining as demand r

34、ises.Ironically the resources are there,in the ground,but we arent finding and developing them nearly fast enough.,1.Supplying the nations growing energy needs will requirea.drastic decrease of energy use.b.a different approach to finding new sources.c.a crash program to develop synthetic fuels.d.a

35、drastic change in the nations life style.2.Judging from your personal experience,which of the following criticisms seems fair?Too many Americans are_ a.overweight b.retired c.prosperous d.wasteful,语义题解题策略利用词汇意义:构词法;上下文(context)利用句法结构:词性利用篇章因素:上下文逻辑(discourse knowledge),Example:It is difficult to dec

36、ide at what point worrying ceases to be“normal”,but it is clearly reasonable to worry.People get seriously ill,plans go awry,tube trains sometimes crash.In practice,anxiety is judged to be pathological(病态的)when it curtails(消弱)our ability to lead a normal existence.We can manage perfectly well withou

37、t traveling in planes or lifts,and an evening out isnt spoiled by the fact that we are unable to leave the house without triple-checking the front-door lock.Such quirks are widespread in the general population and can easily be distinguished from the behavior of someone unable ever to leave their ho

38、use or people who cant go shopping for fear of trembling when they handle money in front of another person.,The word“quirk”in the paragraph refers to_feat b.behavior c.belief d feeling,第三章 选项中常见错误,1.离题(Irrelevance)2.理解不充分(Incomplete Comprehension)*太具体(Over-specific):着眼于文中某一细节,忽略具体内容,其毛病在于概括不够。*太笼统(O

39、ver-general):概括超出了短文中的思想。.3.不真实(Untrue or Illogical),正确答案特点,1.同义性答案a.使用原文的结构和用语e.g.A is more important than B-B is less important than Ab.使用同义词语:suppose-assumec.使用同义结构:compose-consist of,2.推理性答案A.归纳型:specific-generalB.演绎型:general-specifice.g.All the students are boys,so this one is a boy.C.释义型:to ex

40、plain in another way,第四章 阅读方法推荐,I.Top-down method通篇略读,快速阅读全文仔细阅读题目,明确问的是什么照题查阅,寻找正确答案的根据问题中找线索选择项中找线索文章中找线索II.Bottom-up Method,III.二者结合阅读法,浏览开头结尾段及各段TS,弄清主旨,找出key words,切忌太快。浏览题干,找出key words,做到心中有数有目的地浏览全文,粗略有别,合理定位。依据原文,合理利用排除法,确定答案:找出明显干扰项排除,但要依据原文事实,不可臆断。时间观念:9 minutes/per passage,第四章 阅读考试的考前准备,1 坚持广泛阅读英语读物读者文摘;英语世界;英语学习;大学英语*读的过程中注意情节或具体内容的发展,不过多关注生词,2 改正阅读中的坏毛病发出声音的朗读或心里默读用手或笔指着导读重复阅读或回头重读头左右摆动,手不停地做小动作3 加强考前强化训练,


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