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1、Module 8 Choosing presents,Unit1 I always like birthday parties.,教学重点,Listening:能听懂有关中外孩子如何过生日的简短对话Speaking:能利用Would you like to do句型正确发出邀请和恰当运用频度副词(always/often/usually/sometimes/never)表达如何过生日,birthday,What do we do at a birthday party?,Brainstrom,have a big dinner,激发学生思维,为下文话题做铺垫,birthday,have a b

2、ig dinner,eat noodles,have a party,eat a birthday cake,sing Happy Birthday,get presents,get cards,go shopping,Brainstrom,What do we do at a birthday party?,On my birthday,I,Present frequency adverbs:always,usually,often,sometimes,never.,+,+,+,+,_,always,usually,often,sometimes,never,eat _ get _go _h

3、ave _make _,On my birthday,I always/usually/often/sometimes/never,Drill the usage of frequency adverbs by a speaking practice.,How about you?,noodles,cakesa present,a caketo a football matcha partya cake,birthdaycardpartypresent,Listen and number the words as you hear them,1,Before listening,听力热身,3,

4、4,2,Listen and answer,1.When is Damings birthday?2.What presents would Daming like for his birthday?,Its on Saturday.,Its a secret.,Listen again and check,1.Its Damings birthday party on Saturday.2.Tony never likes birthday parties.3.Damings mother sometimes makes a birthday cake.4.Damings family al

5、ways sings Happy Birthday.5.Daming never has birthday presents.,while-listening,T,F,F,T,F,always,never,always,Underline the key phrases and sentences,培养学生自己找重点,学会自学,学会质疑,Listen and repeat,跟读录音,纠正语音语调,drilling,A:Would you like to come to my birthday party?B:Yes,Id love to.What do you do at a Chinese

6、birthday party?A:We usually eat noodles and birthday cake.My mother never makes a birthday cake,but she usually buys a special cake.We sometimes give birthday cards.And we always sing Happy Birthday.,A:come to my birthday party?B:What do you do?A:We usually eat My mother never,but she.We,整合对话,通过控制性练

7、习,强化重点,Make a dialogue,Task1 Level B,Your birthday is coming.You want to invite your friend and tell him/her how you celebrate your birthday.,输出,先口头表演,再落实笔头巩固,你校的校刊正在征集青少年如何过生日的文章,请你采访你的一位朋友或同学如何过生日,然后写一篇文章进行投稿。,Reporter(汇报人):My friend often has a party,Task2 Level A,重点是练习三单和频度副词,先口头熟练,再课下笔头落实。,完成句子

8、测评,你愿意来我的生日晚会吗?_ to my birthday party?2.他总是在生日那天收到生日礼物。_on his birthday.3.我们经常在生日晚会上用英语唱“生日快乐”歌。We often_ at birthday parties.4.托尼从来不玩儿电脑游戏,但他经常听音乐。Tony _,but he often listens to music.to send to him.5.在生日晚会上你们通常做什么?_at your birthday parties?,Would you like,He always gets birthday presents,sing Happ

9、y Birthday in English,never plays computer games,What do you usually do,达标测评:九、请听一段对话,完成第1和第2小题。()1.Where does the woman want to go?A.Bookstore.B.Hospital.C.Cinema.()2.How may she go there?By taxi.B.On foot.C.By bus.十、请听一段对话,完成第3和第4小题。()3What will the man buy?A.A coat.B.A shirt C.A jacket()4How much

10、 will the man pay?A.$30 B.$50 C.$80,九.1.A 2.B 十.1.C 2.B,达标测评:十一、听独白,根据所听到的独白内容和提示词语,记录关键信息。,5.bedrooms 6.7 7.bank 8.school 9.Sunday,1.背诵并默写学案Unit 1“词语学习”部分的短文。2.完善课上编演的对话3.完成目标Unit1中的第2、3题,不看书完成4.朗读并翻译学案unit2词语学习,Homework:,Unit 2 She often goes to concerts.,教学重点,Reading:能读懂关于挑选生日礼物的课文,并明确要根据不同人的不同爱好

11、来选择礼物。Writing:能运用重点句型表达喜好并给出合适礼物的建议,Birthday presents,Brainstorm,a box of chocolate,a CD,a cinema ticket,a concert ticket,a football,a magazine,a scarf,a silk dress,a T-shirt,Match the people with their hobbies.,Fast reading,Damings grandparentsDamings motherBettys cousinTonys sisterLinglings aunt a

12、nd uncle,A:going to concertB:going shoppingC:staying healthyD:watching filmsE:watching football matches,1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.E,1.What do Damings grandparents sometimes wear?2.What does Damings mother always buy?3.What does Bettys cousin never do?4.What does Tonys sister often buy?5.What do Linglings au

13、nt and uncle do at weekends?,Read For More Information,They sometimes wear T-shirts.,She always buys expensive clothes.,She never watches sport.,She buys CDs of her favourite songs.,They usually watch football on television at weekends.,Do you have any questions?,Listen and read aloud,Finish the tab

14、le and report。Damings grandparents _healthy.They _ _ T-shirts.Damings mother_ chocolate,but she _ _any because it isnt very healthy.and she_ expensive clothes,she _ a lot of money.Bettys cousin _ reading and she _ lots of books.She often _ the cinema,but she _ _ sport.Linglings aunt and uncle footba

15、ll,but they football matches.They _ _ football on television.,检测学生对文章的理解并巩固重点,like to stay,sometimes wear,likes,doesnt buy,always buys,spends,likes,reads,goes to,never watches,like,dont go to,usually watch,at weekends,Retell Damings grandparents _ _ _healthy.They _ _ T-shirts.Damings mother_ chocola

16、te,but she_ _any because it isnt very healthy.and she_ _expensive clothes,she _ a lot of money.Bettys cousin _ reading and she _ lots of books.She often_ _ the cinema,but she _ _sport.Linglings aunt and uncle _ football,but they _ _ _ football matches.They _ _ football on television_ _.,Share your i

17、deas Choose presents and give reasons.,Damings grandparentsDamings motherBettys cousinTonys sisterLinglings aunt and uncle likes/like dont like/doesnt likealways/often.So I think is a good present for,How do we choose presents for friends properly?We should know the hobby,the habit,gender,age of our

18、 friends.A good present is not the most expensive,but the most useful!,Do you want to know something about your classmates?Go around the classroom to ask them,at the same time fill in the blanks.,汇报一下你采访的结果吧?(尝试用第三人称转述,不要怕出错。,My good friend is.He likes.He often.But he doesnt like.He never.His/Her mo

19、ther likesHe/She often.But he/she doesnt like.He/She never.So I think is a good present for,落实笔头,语言输出,完成句子测评,汤姆不经常买巧克力。Tom _ chocolate.2.大明的母亲喜欢购物,而且总是买昂贵的衣服。_and always buys expensive clothes.3.她经常听光盘,但从来不去音乐会听音乐。She often listens to CDs,but_ to listen to music.4.我爷爷爱看书,所以我经常选杂志送给他读。My grandpa like

20、s reading,so _to send to him.5.我父亲经常在周六去看足球赛。My father often_.,doesnt often buy,Damings mother likes going shopping,never goes to concert,I often choose magazines,goes to football matches on Saturday,1.背诵并默写学案Unit2预习先行部分的词语学习。2.完成目标检测的Unit21-3的内容。3.修改完善课上的汇报,Homework,Unit3 Language in use,Unit Three

21、Grammar:1.掌握 频度副词的使用及其在句中的位置;2.复习巩固动词第三人称的单数形式。3.巩固形容词物主代词的用法;,教学重点,I usually make a card./I never get a car on my birthday.,She usually makes a card.She never gets a car on her birthday.,教师可准备动词和频度副词的卡片,让学生抽取其中的一个动词和一个副词,然后说出一个句子。再找旁边的同学进行三单的转换。,Revision1,I go to the cinema.(often)He plays football

22、 on Saturday.(usually.)She gets up at 7:00.(always)They speak English at home.(never),I often go to the cinema.,He usually plays football on Saturday.,She always gets up at 7:00.,They never speak English at home.,Put the word in brackets in the correct place in the sentence.,usually,always,often,som

23、etimes,seldom,never,Adverbs of frequency,Summary 1,位置:be 动词后,行为动词前,I usually get presents.,What do you usually do on your birthday?,have a party,make/eat a cake,get a birthday card,get presents,Revision2,What does she usually do on her birthday?,has a party,makes a cake,gets a birthday card,gets pre

24、sents,She usually gets presents.,Revision,Pair work!,I like and I.I dont.She likes and she.She doesnt.,Write after interview-Output(2).,Do a survey and report with a paper.,3.把下列动词变成第三人称单数,并大声朗读。,have,has,fly,flies,eat get like make drink play love read listen do go watch wash finish,s,s,s,s,s,s,s,s

25、,s,es,es,es,es,es,复习巩固第六模块重点:一般现在时的三单情况,本课笔头输出也需要,而学生总易出错。,Fill in the blanks,1.I _(like)swimming.2.Tony _(like)basketball.3.He often _(play)basketball.4.Linda usually _(go)to the theater on her birthday.5.My parents _(watch)TV in the morning on Sundays.6.I _(not like)flowers,and my father _(not lik

26、e)flowers.,like,likes,plays,dont like,goes,watch,doesnt like,Exercise.,人称代词与物主代词,Revision3,my,your,his,her,our,their,its,五.用方框里的词完成下面的短文。,Hello,whats _ name?_ name is Lucy.Lily is _ sister.We are twins.We often read.There are a lot of books in _home.We have a good friend._nameis Betty.She likes Harr

27、y Potter.Its _favourite film.Now,Bettys grandparents live in the USA._home is in New York.Lily and I want to make a cake for Betty,its _ birthday.,your,My,my,our,Her,her,Their,her,六.用恰当的物主代词填空。,_book我的书,_pen你的钢笔,_ruler她的尺子,_bike他的自行车,_ name 它的名字_ teacher他们的老师This desk is_(你的)This card is_(她的)。This j

28、eans is_(他的)。These shirts are_(他们的)。The trainers are_(我们的)This present is_(我的)。,mine,your,her,his,its,their,yours,hers,his,theirs,ours,my,完成句子测评,1.我妈妈总是在周六做蛋糕。My mother_on Saturdays.2.香蕉是我最喜欢的水果,因为香蕉是健康的食品。_ because they are healthy food.3.我们为大明做个生日贺卡吧。_ for Daming.4.我爸爸喜欢读书,但从来不去图书馆看书。My father likes reading,_ to read books.,always makes cakes,My favorite fruit are bananas,Lets make a birthay card,but he never goes to library,Homework,1.目标 综合练习部分2.准备模块测试。,


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