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1、F-u1,Home-u2,In this unit,you will learn different expressions to:describe your schedule2.describe your major and the courses required3.describe your school life,Objective,Basic Patterns,Basic Patterns,Basic Patterns,Basic Patterns,Part I-Questions,Could you say something to your partner or class ab

2、out your study?,You may use the following questions to help you:What is your major?What grade/year are you in?What are the main courses in your major?How many courses are you taking this semester?Which subject do you like best?How many classes do you have every week?,Part II-SA-main,I.Listening Acti

3、vitiesNew Words and ExpressionsExercise AExercise BSection A II.Speaking ActivitiesNew Words and ExpressionsExercise AExercise B Exercise C,adj.happening or existing before 以前的,先前的,Part II-SA-words,Section A:Talking About Ones Major CoursesI.Listening ActivitiesNew Words and Expressions,former,vocat

4、ional,adj.providing skills and education that prepare one for a job 职业的,n.a title given by a college or university 学位,degree,diploma,n.a document showing that someone has successfully completed a course of study or passed an examination 文凭,adj.an elective course is one that students can choose to ta

5、ke,although they do not have to take it 选修的,elective,1.Liu Jun is a vocational college student.2.Liu Jun is majoring in Computer Science.3.He will stay in college for two years.4.He will get a degree,but no diploma.,Part II-SA-IA,I.Listening Activities A Listen to a short dialogue between a man and

6、a woman,and then decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).,Liu Jun is majoring in Marketing.,Script,T,_,F,_,F,_,He will stay in college for three years.,F,_,He will get a diploma,but no degree.,Part II-SA-IB1,I.Listening Activities B Listen to the dialogue again,and then answer

7、 the following questions.,1.Which vocational college is Liu studying in?,The Number One Vocational College.,_,2.What is his major?,Marketing.,_,3.How many major courses does Liu Jun have to take?,Eight(major courses).,_,4.Why did he choose that major?,Because he likes it,or he thinks he can get a go

8、od job when he graduates,_,Script,Part II-II.Speaking Activities,v.to connect one thing with another 把联系起来,与有关,Section A:Talking About Ones Major CoursesII.Speaking ActivitiesNew Words and Expressions,relate,n.a general truth or belief that is used as a base for reasoning or action 原理,principle,v.to

9、 give a computer a set of instructions to make it perform a particular task(为计算机)编程序,program,v.to help or give support to 帮助,辅助,aid,n.the general plan or arrangement of sth.That is made,such as a building,machine,etc 设计,design,Part II-II.Speaking Activities,bining many different parts into a whole 综

10、合的,integrated,综合英语,Integrated English,adj.situated to actual condition 实用的,practical,n.a particular standard of skill or ability,i.e.in education or sport 等级,级别,level,adj.short and concise 简单,简洁,brief,Part II-SA-IIA1,II.Speaking Activities A Read and practice the following dialogue with your partner

11、,paying close attention to the highlighted expressions.,(Li Ting and Michael are talking about the courses they are taking.),Ting:How many courses do you have to take as a Computer major student?Michael:Well,we have to take eight to ten major courses that are related to Computer Science,such as Intr

12、oduction to Computer Science,Principles of Computer Programming,and Computer Aided Design.We also should take ten to twelve elective courses,and then of course,English courses,such as Integrated English,Listening and Speaking English,and Practical English Letter Writing.,Part II-SA-IIA2,Ting:How man

13、y courses are you taking this semester?Michael:Well,Im taking six courses:two computer major courses,two English courses and two other elective courses.Ting:Do you have to take the Test for Non-English Major Professional Students?Michael:Yes,as a sophomore,or a second-year college student,I have to

14、sit for and pass that test.Ting:Will it be very difficult?Michael:Not really.There are two levels for the test:Level A and Level B.Level A may be a bit more difficult.Well,what about you?How many courses are you taking this semester?,Part II-SA-IIA2,Ting:Im taking eight courses.Three art major cours

15、es:A Brief History of Chinese Art,Oil Painting,and Principles of Art.I am also doing two English courses:Integrated English Level One and Speaking and Listening English Level One,and three other courses.Believe it or not,one of them is Basic Computer Science.Michael:So youre also taking a computer c

16、ourse?Ting:Yes,I think it will be useful for my Art major.Maybe Ill need your help if I have any problem in that course.Michael:No problem.I would be glad to offer my help.Ting:Thanks.,Part II-SA-IIA2,E,C,take eight to ten major courses that are related to Computer Science,上8至10门与计算机科学有关的主修课,Notes,E

17、,C,Introduction to Computer Science,计算机入门,E,C,Principles of Computer Programming,计算机编程原理,E,C,Computer Aided Design,计算机辅助设计,E,C,elective courses,选修课,Part II-SA-IIA2,E,C,Integrated English,综合英语,E,C,Test for Non-English Major Professional Students,非英语专业高职考试,E,C,sit for and pass that test,参加并通过考试,E,C,be

18、lieve it or not,信不信由你,E,C,no problem,没问题,Part II-SA-IIB1,II.Speaking Activities B Practice the following patterns with your partner,using specific information of your own wherever necessary.,Part II-SA-IIB2,II.Speaking Activities C Role play.,Talk with your partner about your major,his/her major,the

19、 courses you have to take,and the courses you like best.,Part II-SB-main,I.Listening ActivitiesNew Words and ExpressionsExercise AExercise BSection B II.Speaking ActivitiesNew Words and ExpressionsExercise AExercise B Exercise C,Part II-SB-words,n.the process of dealing with or controlling things or

20、 people 管理,Section B:Talking About Learning Experience and Future PlansI.Listening ActivitiesNew Words and Expressions,management,hopefully,adj.used to express what one hopes will happen 但愿;希望,further,v.to continue to study at a higher level 进修;深造,overseas,adv.to or in a foreign country somewhere ac

21、ross the sea 海外;国外,expectation,n.a belief that something good will happen in the future 期望;期待,Part II-SB-words,unfortunately,adv.by bad luck;unluckily 不幸的是,absolutely,pletely and in every way 完全正确;正是这样,backup,n.someone or something that can be called upon if necessary 后备,career,n.a job or profession

22、 one is trained for and intends to do for several years 事业;职业,IT,(Information Technology)信息技术,interfere(in),to involve yourself in matters connected withother people without being asked or needed 干涉,Part II-SB-words,E,C,go into management,从事管理(职业),E,C,thinking of furthering my study,考虑进一步深造,Notes,E,

23、C,go overseas to study,出国留学,E,C,good for you,真了不起,E,C,a born learner,一个天生的学习者,Part II-SB-words,Notes,E,C,a good student with high expectation,志向远大的好学生,E,C,as long as you plan carefully,只要仔细规划,E,C,have a backup plan in case things go wrong,要有备用计划,以防情况有变,E,C,my parents dont usually interfere in my cho

24、ice of career,我父母通常不干涉我的择业,Part II-SB-IA1,I.Listening Activities A Listen to a short dialogue between a man and a woman,and then decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).,Script,1.The man is thinking of finding a job in management.2.The woman plans to study for a masters degree

25、.3.The man works hard,but does not succeed.4.The woman is lucky because her parents help her find a job.,T,_,F,_,The woman believes that if one wants to succeed,he has to work hard;while the man says that some people do work hard,but yet not succeed.,F,_,The woman is lucky because her parents do not

26、 interfere in her choice of career.,T,_,Part II-SB-IB1,I.Listening Activities B Listen to the dialogue again,and then choose the best answer.,1.Which of the following does the woman NOT think of doing after graduation?A.Going overseas.B.Finding a job.C.Getting a masters degree.,2.What does the man t

27、hink the woman is?A.A good learner.B.A good planner.C.Both A and B.,Script,Part II-SB-IB1-,3.If one wants to be successful,what should he do?A.Be a good student.B.Choose a right career.C.Work hard and plan well.,4.What did the mans father want him to do after graduation?A.Become a manager.B.Be an IT

28、 engineer.C.Have a successful career.,I.Listening Activities B Listen to the dialogue again,and then choose the best answer.,Part II-II.Speaking Activities,n.a person who collects and reports news for newspapers,radio or television 记者,Section B:Talking About Learning Experience and Future PlansII.Sp

29、eaking ActivitiesNew Words and Expressions,reporter,v.to hold an interview with(someone)采访,interview,v.to say or write the letters of a word in the correct order 拼写,spell,adv.accurately or truly,without any mistakes 正确地,correctly,adj.connected with the place where you were born and lived for the fir

30、st years of your life 出生地的,native,Part II-SB-IIA1,II.Speaking Activities A Read and practice the following dialogue with your partner,paying close attention to the highlighted expressions.,(Miss Ma is a reporter of a local newspaper.She is now interviewing a student on campus.),Woman:Excuse me,do yo

31、u speak English?Man:Yes,a little.Woman:OK.Id like to ask you a few questions about how you learn English,or what problems you have in learning English.Man:All right,but Im not sure if I can understand your questions.Woman:Dont worry.Ill try to use very simple English.Now the first question is:How lo

32、ng have you studied English?Man:Oh,for about six or seven years,I think.Woman:When did you begin to learn English?Man:When I was in the elementary school.Woman:What is the biggest problem you have in learning English?Man:Remembering English words.I find it difficult to spell English words correctly.

33、Its very difficult for me.,Part II-SB-IIA1,Woman:Well,youre right.English words are difficult to spell,even for native speakers.Now what other problems do you have in learning English?Man:English listening and speaking.I can not speak English very well.Woman:Actually,your English is very good.I mean

34、 it.Man:Oh,thank you.Woman:Another question.Do you speak English every day?Man:No,I dont speak English every day;only when we have English classes,but I try to read English every day if I have time.Woman:Thats good.Now one more question.When do you think is the best time for a person to start learni

35、ng English?Man:I think as young as possible.Woman:How young?Man:Six or seven years old,or maybe eight or nine.Im not sure.Woman:Why?Man:Because children usually have good memory.Woman:Yes,they do.OK,thats it.And thank you very much for your time.Man:You are welcome.Bye.Woman:Bye-bye.,Part II-SB-IIA1

36、,E,C,English words are difficult to spell,even for native speakers.,英语单词很难拼,即使把英语作为母语的人也会觉得难拼。,Notes,E,C,Now what other problems do you have in learning English?,在英语学习中还有其他困难吗?,E,C,I mean it.,我说的是真心话。,E,C,I think as young as possible.,我觉得是越年轻越好。,E,C,OK,thats it.,好了,就这些。,Part II-SB-IIB1,II.Speaking A

37、ctivities B Practice the following patterns with your partner,using specific information of your own wherever necessary.,Part II-SB-IIB1,Part II-SB-IIC1,II.Speaking Activities C Role play.,Act as a reporter and interview your partner about his/her experience and problems in learning English.,Part II

38、-SC-main,I.Listening ActivitiesNew Words and ExpressionsExercise AExercise BSection C II.Speaking ActivitiesNew Words and ExpressionsExercise AExercise B Exercise C,Part II-SC-words,Section C:Talking About Course SchedulesI.Listening ActivitiesNew Words and Expressions,schedule,n.timetable 时间表,accou

39、nting,n.activity of keeping detailed records of the money a business or person receives and spends 会计,tutor,v.to act as a private teacher 当私人教师,advanced,adj.at a difficult or high level 高级的,oral,adj.spoken,not written 口头的,Advanced Oral English,高级英语口语,certificate,n.an official document that states th

40、at a fact or facts are true 证书;证明,Part II-SC-IA,E,C,What is your new schedule like?,你的新课表是怎样安排的?,Notes,E,C,I take five courses this semester.,本学期我上五门课。,E,C,English tutoring course,英语辅导课,E,C,get a certificate in oral English,获得英语口语证书,Part II-SC-IA,I.Listening Activities A Listen to a short dialogue b

41、etween a man and a woman,and then decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).,Script,1.Jenny takes five courses this semester.2.She has marketing classes on Wednesday.3.She also has computer classes on Tuesday afternoon.4.Jenny has a very busy schedule this semester.,She has mark

42、eting classes on Tuesday and Thursday from 1:30 to 3:00 pm.,T,_,F,_,F,_,She has computer classes on Tuesday morning.,T,_,Part II-SC-IB,I.Listening Activities B Listen to the dialogue again,and fill in the following table with what you have heard.,English,computer,English,marketing,marketing,English(

43、tutoring),accounting,accounting,accounting,Script,Part II-SC-,Section C:Talking About Course SchedulesII.Speaking ActivitiesNew Words and Expressions,PE,abbr.physical education 体育,lecture,n.a talk that is given to a group of people to teach them about a particular subject,often as part of a universi

44、ty or college course 讲座,break,n.a short period of time when you stop what you are doing and rest,eat,etc.(课间)休息,Part II-SC-,II.Speaking Activities A Read and practice the following dialogue with your partner,paying close attention to the highlighted expressions.,(Li Ting and Michael are talking abou

45、t their schedules for the new semester.),Li:Hello,Michael.Michael:Hi,Li Ting.Good to see you again.Have you got your schedule for the new semester?Li:Yes,Ive just got it.Michael:How many courses are you taking this semester?Li:Seven.Michael:Whats your schedule like then?Li:Well,Im quite busy on Mond

46、ay.I have two classes of Chinese Art History on Monday morning,from eight oclock to nine-thirty.Then I have a twenty-minute break.From nine-fifty to eleven-twenty,I have two English classes.In the afternoon,I have a PE class from two oclock,and a public lecture from three to four-fifty.,Part II-SC,M

47、ichael:So youve got six classes on Monday.Li:Yes.What about you?Michael:Well,I dont have a heavy schedule on Monday.I have only four classes on Monday:two in the morning,and two in the afternoon,ninety minutes each.But Wednesday is quite busy for me.I have eight classes that day,from eight oclock in

48、 the morning to four-thirty in the afternoon.Li:Im told that starting from this semester,there will be a movie show every Thursday evening on campus.Michael:So I hear.Do you know what time the movie show starts?Li:Yes,at eight-thirty.But the first show this Thursday will start at eight.Michael:Any i

49、dea what will be on?Li:Life of Pi.Michael:Oh,I like that movie.Its about a young man and a tiger,and their journey on the sea.Are you going to see it?Li:Im afraid not.You know I dont like that kind of movie.Besides,our art club is going to have our first meeting at seven-thirty.I dont want to miss i

50、t.,Part II-SC-,E,C,Chinese Art History,中国艺术史,Notes,E,C,So I hear.,我也听说了。,E,C,Do you know what time the movie show starts?,你知道电影几点开映吗?What time 引导的文句旨在打听具体的时间,即“几点几分”,而When引导的问句则询问“什么时候”,即“几月几号”或“星期几”。如:When is the party?This coming Saturday.晚会什么时候举行?本周六。What time will the party start?At seven oclock


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