1、The most beautiful language!,French is the most beautiful language!by 都德,1870年普鲁士入侵法国,爆发了普法战争,法国战败后,签订和约,把阿尔萨斯和洛林两个州割让给了普鲁士。普鲁士政府占领后,为了让当地人民永远忘记祖国,自己好永远统治这个地方,下了一道命令:让两个州的学生只准教德语,不准再教法语。最后一课就反映这一事件。,Which language do you think,is the most beautiful language?,My answer isCHINESE!,汉字是世界上独立形成的最古老的四种文字体
2、系之一,其他三种分别是:古埃及的圣书字,古美索不达米亚的钉头字,中美洲的玛雅文。,Firstly,Chinese has four different tones.When you read a character(汉字)in different tones,it may have different meanings.This feature makes Chinese more difficult than other languages,but also makes Chinese more clever than people who use other languages.,Seco
3、ndly,Thirdly,Chinese is the most,miraculous(神奇的)language!,You can use Chinese to speak out another language,but other languages cant do like this,surely.,Not only other languages,but also numbers!,Can you believe that you can use characters(汉字)to remember thirty digits after the point in Pi(圆周率)?,从前
5、8),扇尔吃酒(3279)。”,You can also see how,miraculous the chinese is,by these poems!,清明清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村。,清明清明时节雨,行人欲断魂。酒家何处有?遥指杏花村。,清明,清明时节雨,纷纷路上行人。欲断魂。借问酒家何处?有牧童遥指,杏花村。,(清明时节。雨纷纷。路上。)行人:(欲断魂)借问酒家何处有?牧童:(遥指)杏花村。,风声雨声读书声声声入耳,家事国事天下事事事关心,OR,风声雨声读书声我不出声,家事国事天下事关我屁事,The last thing I want to say
6、,I and all of you think Chinese is the most beautiful language,the most important reason is we are Chinese.We all have a great love for our country,our culture and our language.But to be fairly,the truth isthe most beautiful language is your mother tongue.And I guess this is the reason why Dude say that French is the most beautiful language all over the word.,Thank you!,Bye-bye!,第7张幻灯片对应视频地址,(用硕鼠可以下载)没办法啦,我本来做了超链接,但是文库不让传视频,所以又去掉了如果亲要用,只能自己下载了,嗯其实也不麻烦,呵呵。,