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1、1,交际英语大全(续),潘晓燕 讲解,2,十一、问路,(一)答话人认识路1.-How do I get to the cinema?-_A:Its very far.B:Yes,there is a cinema near here.C:Its well known.D:Go down this street and turn left.,答案:D,3,十一、问路,2.-Excuse me,could you show me the way to the nearest post office?-_ Oh yes!Two blocks away from here at the Green A

2、venue.You cant miss it.A:I beg your pardon?B:What do you mean?C:Youre welcome.D:Mm,let me see.答案:D,4,(二)答话人不认识路,1.-Excuse me,but can you tell me the way to the post office?-_.A:Dont ask thatB:Sorry,Im a stranger hereC:No,I cant say thatD:No,youre driving too fast答案:B,5,2.-Madam,do all the buses go d

3、owntown?-_.A:Wow,you got the ideaB:No,never mindC:Pretty well,I guessD:Sorry,Im new here答案:D,6,3.Stranger:Excuse me,sir,could you tell me the way to Peoples Square?Passer-by:_A.Dont bother me.B.Sorry,Im a stranger here,too.C.I dont understand you.D.Why dont you take a taxi?答案:B,7,十二、就医,1.-Doctor,I d

4、ont feel well.-_A:You are fine.B:It doesnt matter.C:Whats the matter?D:Dont take it seriously.答案:C,8,十二、就医,2.-Have you found anything wrong with my stomach?-_.Ill let you know the result next week.A.Not yet,Im still examiningB.Oh,no,theres nothing wrongC.Yes,there is a serious problemD.I dont know答案

5、:A,9,十三、寻找座位,1.-Is that seat taken?-_A:Please dont worry.B:I dont think so.C:Why not?D:Its very nice.答案:B,10,十三、寻找座位,2.-Is this table taken?-No._.-Thanks a lot.A.Go ahead,sit downB.Its takenC.You cant sit hereD.Sorry,I have a friend here答案:A,11,-寻找座位,3.Ashley:Excuse me.Is this table taken?Michael:_A

6、.Sorry,you should sit somewhere else.B.Yes,you can sit here.C.Yeah.Im saving these seats for friends.D.Sure,its really cheap.答案:C,12,十四、谈论职业,1.-What do you do?-_A:What do you do?B:Fine,thank you.C:Im a college student.D:I do well in my studies.答案:C,13,十四、谈论职业,2.-What does Peter do?-_A:Hes good at fi

7、xing things.B:He can speak good German.C:He does the washing-up after supper.D:Hes a language teacher.答案:D,14,-谈论职业,3.-What does Toms wife do for a living?-_.A:She is a doctor.B:Tom loves his wife.C:She has a happy life.D:She lives far from here.答案:A,15,-谈论职业,4.-_?-He teaches physics in a school.A:W

8、hat does your father want to doB:Who is your fatherC:What is your fatherD:Where is your father now答案:C,16,十五、提建议,1.Im afraid Ive got a terrible flu._.A.Never mind B.Keep away from meC.Better go and see a doctorD.You need to be more careful答案:C,17,十五、提建议,2.-Lets go to the library this afternoon.-_.A:

9、Yes,thats right.B:No.I cant.C:What about you?D:Thats a good idea.答案:D,18,-,3.-How about going to dinner at the Mexican restaurant tonight?-_ A:Forget it.B:Sorry,I like Mexican food.C:Thats great!D:Glad you like it.答案:C,19,-,4.Amanda:I know youre busy,but you have to put some time aside to play with

10、your kids.Matthew:_A.I should.But I have too much work to do these days.B.I think my children can play by themselves.C.Thank you,but its none of your business.D.Thanks for your concern,and I wont do that.答案:A,20,十六、询问看法及发表看法,1.-Do you think this is a nice place?-_A:Thats all right.B:Youre well.C:No,

11、its not here.D:Yes,I think so.答案:D,21,十六、询问看法及发表看法,2.-Do you think its going to rain over the weekend?-_.A.I dont believeB.I dont believe it C.I believe not soD.I believe not答案:D,22,-询问看法及发表看法,3.-What do you think of this novel?-_A:Ive read it.B:Its well-written.C:It was written by my uncle.D:I boug

12、ht it yesterday.答案:B,23,-询问看法及发表看法,4.-What do you think of your new teacher?-_A:He came to teach us last week.B:He teaches us English.C:He has two children.D:He is very nice.答案:D,24,-询问看法及发表看法,5.-John said he didnt like the film you went to last week.What did you think of it?-_a total waste of time.

13、A.It was boring and unrealisticB.It was pretty goodC.I like it very muchD.It was not bad答案:A,25,-询问看法及发表看法,6.-Do you like my new jacket?-_.It goes beautifully with your hat.A.Yes,but it doesnt suit youB.Yes,and I like your hatC.Yes,I like it very muchD.Im not sure答案:C,26,-询问看法及发表看法,7.W:How do you li

14、ke my new dress,dear?M:_.youve never been more beautiful.A.When did you buy it?B.You call it new?C.It doesnt suit you at all!D.It looks terrific on you!答案:D,27,-询问看法及发表看法,8.Tom:How did you like yesterdays play?Ted:_ A.Generally speaking,it was quite good.B.Thats all right.C.It doesnt matter.D.Sorry,

15、I have nothing to say.答案:A,28,十七、征求意见,1.Shall I tell John about it?No,you _.Ive told him already.A.neednt B.wouldnt C.mustntD.shouldnt 答案:A,29,十七、征求意见,2.Must I be home before seven?_.A.No,you neednt B.No,you mustntC.Yes,you will D.No,you wont答案:A,30,-征求意见,3.-Must I take a taxi?-No,you_.You can take

16、a car.A:had better toB:dontC:must notD:dont have to答案:D,31,-征求意见,4.-Is there any way to convince John hes wrong?-Well,_.I wouldnt be surprised if he didnt listen.A.Im sure hes wrong B.hes likely to be stubbornC.there must be a way D.Im not sure答案:B,32,-征求意见,5.-Is it possible for you to work late ton

17、ight?-_.A:I like itB:Ill do thatC:Id love toD:I think so答案:D,33,-征求意见,6.Jerry:But what happens if it rains?What are we going to do then?Cherry:_A.The plan must be canceled with bad weather.B.Have a good time.C.It will never happen.D.Not at all.Go ahead.答案:A,34,十八、同意或不同意对方的说法,(一)同意对方的说法1.-I think he

18、is a good lecturer.-_A:Sorry,it doesnt matter.B:So do I.C:Yes.Its a good idea.D:I dont mind.答案:B,35,-同意对方的说法,2.-The lecture given by Sue was absolutely fascinating.-_.I was totally attracted by her.A.Yes,but I dont think soB.Maybe youre rightC.I disagree with youD.I couldnt agree with you more答案:D解析

19、:“I couldnt agree with you more”或“I couldnt agree more with you”的直译是“对你的说法,我不能同意得更多了”,或“对你的说法,我同意得无以复加”,其意译就是“我完全同意你的说法”。【比较】I couldnt agree with you.我不能同意你的说法。I couldnt agree with you more.我完全同意你的说法。,36,-同意对方的说法,3.-Miami Beach is beautiful,isnt it?-_.I like the beach very much.A.Yes,terrificB.Yes,t

20、erribleC.No,it isnt D.No,I dont think so答案:A,37,-同意对方的说法,4.-I really dont see why football players get such high salaries.-_.After all,how much work do they do?A couple of hours a week at most!A.So do IB.No,I cant see thatC.Neither do I D.Me too答案:C,38,(二)不同意对方的说法,1.I believe weve met somewhere befo

21、re.No,.A.it isnt the same B.it cant be rightC.I dont think so D.Id rather not答案:C,39,十九、关切、安慰与同情,(一)关切1.-Whats the matter with you?-_A:It doesnt matter.B:Not too bad.C:I dont feel well.D:Thats all right.答案:C,40,十九、关切、安慰与同情,2.-Whats the matter,dear?-_A:I didnt go to school.B:I have a terrible headach

22、e.C:I took the kids shopping today.D:It is a beautiful dress.答案:B,41,-关切,3.-Whats the problem with your bike?-_A:Not at all.B:Good,thank you.C:Nothing serious.D:Sure答案:C,42,-关切,4.Hows the young man?_A.Hes twenty.B.Hes a doctor.C.Hes much better.D.Hes David.答案:C,43,-关切,5.-David injured his leg playin

23、g football yesterday.-Really?_?A:Who did that B:Whats wrong with himC:How did that happen D:Why was he so careless答案:C,44,-关切,6.-Im afraid Susans question made you angry.-_.If I had been angry,I would have refused to answer.A.Do be afraidB.You are rightC.Dont worryD.Yes,it did答案:C,45,(二)安慰,1.Oh dear

24、!Ive just broken a window._!It cant be helped.A.Great B.Never mindC.Thats fine D.Not at all答案:B,46,(二)安慰,2.-Its already ten.Were going to miss the train!-_.It leaves in about an hour.Weve got plenty of time.A.Hurry upB.Go onC.RelaxD.Be quick答案:C,47,-安慰,3.-Unbelievable!I have failed the driving test

25、again!-_.This is not the end of the world.A:Good luckB:Cheer upC:Go aheadD:No problem答案:B,48,(三)同情,1.My grandmothers taken ill and Ive got to go down to the hospital._.A.Very sorry to hear it.I hope its nothing serious B.Really?C.Were going to the same placeD.Let me go with you 答案:A,49,二十、赞赏与应答,1.-T

26、hats a beautiful dress you have on!-_.A:Oh,thanks.I got it yesterdayB:Sorry,its too cheapC:You can have itD:See you later答案:A,50,二十、赞赏与应答,2.-What a beautiful dress you have on today!-_A:It is suitable for me.B:No,it isnt.C:You want to have one,too?D:Thank you.答案:D,51,-赞赏与应答,3.Mary,your dress is real

27、ly beautiful.How is John?.A.Thank you very much.B.No,no,John is not bad.C.Thank you.He is fine.D.Dont say that.Its ugly.John is good.答案:C,52,-赞赏与应答,4.You speak very good English._.A.No,my English is poor B.Dont say thatC.Thank you D.Its a pleasure 答案C,53,-赞赏与应答,5.-Wow!This is a marvelous room!Ive ne

28、ver known youre so artistic.-_.A:Great,I am very art-consciousB:Dont mention itC:Thanks for your complimentsD:Its fine答案:C,54,-赞赏与应答,6.Jane:Carol,you look very well.Carol:Thank you,Jane.You look wonderful too.Your weekend tennis must have done you good.Jane:_.A.Thats very kind of you.B.Are you kiddi

29、ng?Thank you anyway.C.You think so?Thats encouraging.D.I dont believe it.You are flattering me.答案:C,55,二十一、感谢与应答,1.-Thank you ever so much for your lovely gift.-_A:Never mind.B:Im glad you like it.C:Please dont say so.D:No,Its not so good.答案:B,56,二十一、感谢与应答,2.-Thanks for your help.-_.A:My pleasureB:N

30、ever mindC:Quite rightD:Dont thank me答案:A,57,-感谢与应答,3.-Thank you for inviting me.-_A:I really had a happy time.B:Oh,its too late.C:Thank you for coming.D:Oh,so slowly?答案:C,58,-感谢与应答,4.-Thank you for your invitation.-_A:It doesnt matter.B:Its a pleasure.C:Its a small thing.D:Ill appreciate it.答案:B,59

31、,-感谢与应答,5.These are certainly beautiful flowers.Thank you so much._.A.No,no.Its nothing B.You are welcomeC.Yes,I agree D.Yes,I think so,too 答案:B,60,二十二、祝贺与祝愿,1.-Tomorrow is my birthday.-_ A:Oh,I have no idea.B:Im glad you like it.C:Many happy returns of the day!D:You must be very happy.答案:C.解析:“Many

32、 happy returns of the day”的意思是“祝你快乐长寿”。,61,二十二、祝贺与祝愿,2.-Congratulations!You won the first prize in todays speech contest.-_.A:Yes,I beat the others B:No,no,I didnt do it wellC:Thank you D:Its a pleasure答案:C,62,-祝贺与祝愿,3.Jack:I heard you got a full mark in math exams.Congratulations!Mike:_.A.Thanks!Im

33、 sure you also did a good job.B.Dont mention it,I am so-so.C.Thats all right.The same to you.D.Thats a small piece of cake for me.答案:A,63,-祝贺与祝愿,4.A:What a surprise!You changed your hairstyle.B:Yes,and another surprise.Im going to get married next Saturday.A:_A.Oh,sorry,I nearly forgot that.B.Really

34、?Congratulations!C.How about another time?Ill be busy then.D.Thats OK.Saturday is the most suitable day for any marriage.答案:B,64,-祝贺与祝愿,5.-I was worried about my math,but Mr.Brown gave me an A.-_A:Dont worry about it.B:Congratulations!Thats a difficult course.C:Mr.Brown is very good.D:Good luck to y

35、ou!答案:B,65,-祝贺与祝愿,6.Im going to America for a holiday next week._.A.Goodbye B.Wish you successC.For sureD.Thats great答案:D,66,-祝贺与祝愿,7.-You know,I have three kids now.-_ A:Oh,Ive heard a lot about you.B:Thats wonderful!C:Youve really changed your hair style.D:Well,I gave up drinking.答案:B,67,-祝贺与祝愿,8.

36、M:Merry Christmas!W:_A.Oh,thanks to you!B.Happy New Year!C.The same to you!D.I never celebrate it!答案:C,68,-祝贺与祝愿,9.M:_W:If it werent for the climate,Id like it here very much.A.I hope youre enjoying your stay here.B.What is the weather like today?C.Have you been familiar with Dallas now?D.Are you fe

37、eling OK?答案:A,69,二十三、请求帮助与提供帮助,1.-Can you help me?-_A:No,I dont know.B:Sure.What is it?C:Dont mention it.D:Thats it.答案:B,70,二十三、请求帮助与提供帮助,2.-My radio doesnt work.Can you fix it for me?-_.A piece of cake.A.Let me thinkB.Sure thingC.Im not sureD.I dont think I can答案:B,71,-请求帮助与提供帮助,3.-Could you help m

38、e with my physics,please?-_.A:No,no wayB:No,I couldntC:No,I cantD:Sorry I cant.I have to go to a meeting right now答案:D,72,-请求帮助与提供帮助,4.Kate:I wonder if you could give me a hand.Jack:_.A.Sorry,I have no extra handB.Sure,Id like toC.No,I cant do this D.Yes,but I have to leave now答案:B,73,-请求帮助与提供帮助,5.-

39、Would you mind helping me for a minute,Barbara?-_.What do you want me to do?A.Yes,I doB.No,I mindC.Sorry,I have no timeD.Id be glad to答案:D,74,-请求帮助与提供帮助,6.-This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs.-_.A:You may ask for helpB:Ill give you a handC:Please do me a favorD:Id come to help答案:B,75,-请求帮

40、助与提供帮助,7.Can I borrow your camera for a week?_.A.Sure,here you are B.Yes,you can borrowC.Yes,bring it with youD.It doesnt matter答案:A,76,-请求帮助与提供帮助,8.-Could I borrow your car for a few days?-_.A:Yes,you may borrowB:Yes,go onC:Sure,here you are.Enjoy your journeyD:It doesnt matter答案:C,77,-请求帮助与提供帮助,9.

41、-I wonder if I could use your computer tonight.-_ Im not using it right now.A:Sure,go ahead.B:I dont know.C:It doesnt matter.D:Who cares?答案:A,78,-请求帮助与提供帮助,10.-May I use your bike for a moment?-_.A:Its wellB:It doesnt matterC:By all meansD:I have no idea答案:C,79,-请求帮助与提供帮助,11.Student A:May I use your

42、 computer this afternoon?Student B:Im sorry,but I have to finish typing this term paper today.Student A:_.A.Do as you please B.It doesnt matterC.Thank you just the same D.Never mind答案:C,80,-请求帮助与提供帮助,12.Excuse me.I dont want to interrupt you but _A.Can I help you?B.Certainly,how dare you?C.Its quite

43、 all right.D.Yes,you did.答案:C,81,-请求帮助与提供帮助,13.Sorry to interrupt,but can you give me another copy of the handout?_.A.No,of course not B.CertainlyC.Im sorry to hear that D.By no means,but its impossible答案:B,82,-请求帮助与提供帮助,14.-If you like I can mail this letter for you.-_.A:Thats very kind of youB:You

44、 are so kindC:Please give me a handD:You are great答案:A,83,-请求帮助与提供帮助,15.Can I help you with your luggage?_.A.Thank you.I can manage it myself B.No way.I can do it myselfC.No,I dont need your helpD.You do your things,please答案:A,84,二十四、请求允许与应答,1.Would you mind changing seats with me?_.A.Yes,you can B.

45、Of course,I like toC.No,I dont mind D.Certainly,please do答案:C,85,二十四、请求允许与应答,2.Its cold in here.Do you mind if I close the door?_.A.With pleasure B.Yes,pleaseC.Of course not D.Thank you答案:C,86,-请求允许与应答,3.-Its rather cold in here.Do you mind if I close the window?-_.A:Yes,pleaseB:No,go aheadC:Sure,pl

46、easeD:I dont like it答案:B,87,-请求允许与应答,4.Do you mind if I play some music?_.Ive finished writing my assignment.A.Not at all.Go ahead.B.Of course I would.C.Why not?D.Id rather you didnt.答案:A,88,-请求允许与应答,5.Do you mind if I take a couple of hours off this afternoon?_.A.Never mindB.OK,but what for?C.Yes,p

47、lease help yourselfD.Yes,but I dont care答案:B,89,-请求允许与应答,6.-Do you mind my smoking here?-_.A:No,thanks B:Yes,I do是的,我介意。C:Yes.Id rather notD:Good idea答案:B,90,-请求允许与应答,7.Can I have a look at your passport?_.A.It is here B.Here is it C.Here you are D.No,you cant答案:C,91,-请求允许与应答,8.-May I see your ticke

48、ts,please?-_.A:No,they are mineB:No,you cantC:SureD:Yes,you can答案:C,92,-请求允许与应答,9.Hello,may I talk to the headmaster now?_.A.Sorry,you cant B.No,you cantC.Sorry,he is busy at the moment D.I dont know答案:C,93,-请求允许与应答,10.Mr.Chairman,could I raise a point about the plan?_.A.Yes,Dr Chosuk B.I think so,e

49、itherC.Yes,I hope not D.No,I have no idea答案:A,94,二十五、委婉要求,1.Can you turn down the radio,please _A.Oh,I know.B.Im sorry.I didnt realize it was that loud.C.Please forgive me.D.Ill keep it down next time.答案:B,95,二十五、委婉要求,2.-Could you be so kind as to turn down that rock n roll?Im preparing for tomorrow

50、s exam.-_A:Its none of your business.B:What are you doing?C:Sure.Sorry to disturb you.D:No,I dont think so.答案:C,96,二十六、询问数量,1.-How many students do you teach?-_A:Quite a bit.B:More boys than girls.C:About 50.D:Three mornings.答案:C,97,二十六、询问数量,2.-How many languages does Peter speak?-_A:Many languages.


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