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1、,制作人,Crude adj.粗糙的;天然的,未加工的;粗鲁的 n.原油;天然的物质 e.g.Brent crude futures have fallen to 55 dollars a barrel.Translation世界原油供给的增长至少同世界需求的增长一样快。许多人把原材料市场(从原油到可可)视作贪婪交易商的一个竞技场.KeyThe world supply of crude oil grew at least as fast as world demand.many have seen raw materials markets,from crude oil to cocoa,a

2、s a playground for greedy traders.,词组短语Crude drugs 药材;生药;天然药物;生品 Crude rubber 粗橡胶;天然橡胶 Crude oil 原油Crude product 粗制品Crude production 原油的开采;半成品拓展Crudeness n.天然的状态;生硬;未成熟 e.g.You cant indict whole people for the crudeness of a few.您不能因少数人的粗暴行为就控诉整个民族。The hard conditions of the daily life made for crud

3、eness in manners.日常生活的艰苦使人的态度也粗鲁起来。,近义词辨析 词义辨析.docrude,rough,crude,raw,coarse,primitive Rude adj.粗鲁的;无礼的;狂暴的;rough adj.粗糙的;粗野的;未经加工的;粗略的;艰苦的 vt.使粗糙;粗暴对待;草拟 n.高低不平的地面;未经加工的材料;粗糙的部分;艰苦 vi.举止粗野 adv.粗糙地;粗暴地;粗略地Raw adj.生的;未加工的;阴冷的;刺痛的;擦掉皮的;无经验的;(在艺术等方面)不成熟的 n.擦伤处 vt.擦伤Coarse adj.粗糙的;粗俗的;下等的 Primitive adj

4、.原始的,远古的;简单的,粗糙的 n.原始人,extraordinary adj.不寻常的;令人惊奇的 very unusual or suprisinge.g.His unusual childhood and extraordinary actions tell about people who believed there were no limits to what they could do.Translation亲眼目睹千禧年的第一缕曙光是一种与众不同的经历。选举结果感觉像是对“橙色革命”的离奇的背叛。key It was an extraordinary experience t

5、o witness the first sunrise of the new millennium.The election result feels like an extraordinary betrayal of the orange revolution.,其他释义官员、雇员等)额外的,临时的 2.ekstr:dinri 特别使命的,特命的;特派的 3.常作 extraordinaries英国古语【军事】特别津贴词组短语 Extraordinary loss 非常损失;非常丧失Extraordinary meeting 特殊会议Extraordinary income 非常收入;非常利

6、益,rouse vt.激起;激发 produce aparticular feeling or attitudee.g.These words seemed to rouse Uncle Vernon.Translation一个英勇的人,不需要旁人为他呐喊助威。撒旦已经从灰土中站起身,召唤着他同样堕落了的随从们,唤醒他们实现英雄之举。KeyA gallant man needs no drums to rouse him.Satan has roused himself from off the burning marl,and he stands in order to call up hi

7、s fallen minions,to rouse them to acts-great acts of heroism.,其他释义vi.醒来;奋起 n.觉醒;奋起词组短语 rouse up用力拉从睡中喊起来;用力拉;从睡中喊起来 mollify rouse 平息 拓展rouseabout n.牧羊场的杂工 roused v.唤醒(过去分词和过去式)adj.愤怒的rouser n.激励者;唤醒者,Script n.底稿;讲稿;剧本The written form of a speech,play,film,etc.e.g.Your browser does not support script

8、 or currently has script disabled.This page requires script to function.Translation在这场悲剧中会有演员能够做些什么来完善剧本么?换句话说,德里达认为,在索绪尔的理论中,音响比文字,更具优势。KeyCan any actor in this sorry drama do anything to improve the script?In other words,language,according to Derrida,in the Saussurian tradition seems to privilege

9、sound over script,over what is graphic.,其他释义vt.把改编为剧本 vi.写电影脚本词组短语Run script 运行脚本;执行脚本 Registrar script 注册器脚本 Grass script 草书 拓展Scripted adj.照稿子念的;使用稿子的 vi.撰稿 vt.把改编成剧本(script的变形)Scripting n.脚本语言;脚本撰写;脚本处理 v.把改编成剧本;撰稿;写电影脚本,execute vt.实施,执行,履行;将处死do or perform sth,esp.in a planned way;Kill sb.as a l

10、egal punishmente.g.Brand proliferation is not a novelty,and it is profitable if you execute it well,he says.Translation执行病人的任何离奇想法或命令,是她的最重要的欢乐和酬劳。我们应当处决并消灭这种不折不扣的魔鬼,人类的渣滓.KeyTo execute any caprice or order of her patients is her chiefest joy and reward.We should execute and destroy such veritable f

11、iends and dregs of humanity.,词语短语execute buffers 执行缓冲区 execute store 执行存储器 execute an order 接受订货;执行指令 拓展Executed adj.已执行的;已生效的 Executed consideration 已履行订约要因;已履行的对价Executed locally 在区域执行 Executed in fact 贯彻执行e.gHowever,in china,the multiplayer issuance mechanism is traditionally executed which in fa

12、ct has greatly confided the health development of our movie industry.而我国传统上实行的是计划体制下的层级发行放映机制,事实证明这种传统机制束缚了电影行业的健康发展。,Scout 基本释义n.搜索,侦察;侦察员;侦察机 vt.侦察;跟踪,监视;发现 vi.侦察;巡视;嘲笑短语location scout 采景人;寻找及物色外景地scout around 侦察双语例句I just hope that talent scout are in a good mood.我只是希望那些星探们现在心情不错。A half-dozen anonymous workers scout ahead to check possible hive locations in hollow trees or wall cavities.半达的无名工蜂在前方侦察,核查能够安置蜂巢的树洞和墙洞。,Thanks For Viewing,


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