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1、A Revision:Writings,.英语贺卡的写法:,1)称呼:指祝贺人对受贺人的称呼,称呼一般写在卡片的左上方。前面可加to,也可不加,如 To Mr.Smith或Mr.Smith。,2)贺词:通常写一些固定的贺节用语,也可根据实际情况写一些简短的表示感谢和良好祝愿的话。,3)祝贺人签名:写在卡片的右下方。姓名前通常加from,也可不加。,A.What can we write on New Year Card?,Happy New Year!Happy New Year to you!Wish you a happy New Year!Best wishes for a happy

2、New Year!,B.What can write on Christmas Card?,Merry Christmas!Wish you a Merry Christmas!Best wishes for a Merry Christmas!,C.What can we write on Teachers Day Card?,Happy Teachers Day!Best wishes for a happy Teachers Day!We wish you a happy Teachers Day!Thank you for teaching us so well.Thank you f

3、or your help.Thank you for your hard work!,D.What can we write on Birthday Card?,Happy Birthday!Happy Birthday to you!Best wishes for a happy birthday!Best wishes for many happy returns of the day!,Mr.and Mrs.Green,Best wishes for a Merry Christmas!Kate,To Uncle Tony,Wish you a happy New Year!Enjoy

4、everyday!From Sam,Dear Mr.Wu,Thank you for making English fun!Class 3,Grade 3,To Peter,Best wishes for a happy birthday!From Jim,Exx:,1.A New Year Card for Uncle Wang,from Li Fen.2.A Christmas Card for Mr.King,from Mrs.King.3.A Teachers Day Card for your English teacher.4.A Birthday Card for your cl

5、assmate Big Bear.,II.英文信封的写法:,1.一般把收信人的地址写在信封的中央或右下角。第一行写姓名,下面写地址,地址写法顺序与汉语相反。2.发信人的姓名和地址写在信封的左上角,也可写在信封的背面。,英文信封的写法与汉语不同,Exx:,1.寄信人:王薇 邮编:310012 地址:中国浙江省杭州市文三路15号 收信人:Helen Hill 邮编:57632 地址:加拿大多伦多国王(King)街316号,2.寄信人:林迪 邮编:365000 地址:中国福建省三明市第八中学初三(5)班 收信人:Dr.Green 邮编:90024 地址:美国纽约和平(Peace)街225号纽约大学,

6、Wang Wei15 Wensan RoadHangzhou,Zhejiang310012China,Stamp,AIR MAIL,Helen Hill316 King StreetToronto,57632Canada,AIR MAIL,Stamp,Lin DiClass 5,Grade 3No.8 Middle SchoolSanming,Fujian365000P.R.C.,Dr.GreenUniversity of New York225 Peace StreetNew York,90024U.S.A.,.英语电话留言的写法,1.需记录电话是谁打的(From whom),打给谁的(To

7、 whom)。2.注明日期、时间(Date/Time),有时可省略。3.转述电话的主要内容(Telephone message)。4.记录人签名,有时可省略。,MS KLIP:Hello.MISS ZHANG:Oh,hello.Could I speak to Edward Bell,please?MS KLIP:Im afraid he is out at the moment.Can I take a message?MISS ZHANG:Yes,Could you ask him to call me,please?MS KLIP:Sure!may I ask your name,ple

8、ase?MISS ZHANG:Zhang Yujun.Im from TCL.MS KLIP:How do you spell your name?MISS ZHANG:Z-H-A-N-G,Zhang,Y-U-J-U-N,Yujun.My phone number is 6-5-7-8-8-3-4-1.MS KLIP:6-5-7-double 8-3-4-1.Right?MISS ZHANG:Right.Thanks a lot.Bye.MS KLIP:Bye,TELEPHONE MESSAGE,From:_ To:_ Tel:_Message:_ _ _,Zhang Yujun,Mr.Edw

9、ard Bell,65788341,Shes from TCL.Please give her a call.,Ms Klip,Lily:Hello!May I speak to Jim?Bob:Sorry!He isnt in at the moment.Hes at the cinema.Could I take a message?Lily:Yes.Its very kind of you.My name is Lily.Ill go to Shanghai next Monday.Im afraid I have no time to see him before I leave.Pl

10、ease tell him to give me a call before next Monday morning.And my telephone number is 3025577.Bob:OK!Ill leave a message on his desk.Lily:Thank you very much.Goodbye!Bob:My pleasure!Bye!,TELEPHONE MESSAGE,From:_ To:_ DATE:Dec.21 TIME:4:20Message:_ _ _,Lily,Jim,Please give Lily a ring before next Mon

11、day morning.And the telephone number is 3025577,Bob,MR GREEN:Could I speak to Mr.Song Jia,the headmaster,please?TEACHER:Im sorry he isnt here right now.May I help you?MR GREEN:Thats very kind of you,but I want to speak to him about my son,Jim Green.We are going to Mount Emei on Friday.I hope to see

12、him as soon as possible.TEACHER:Are you free later today,Mr.Green?MR GREEN:Sorry.Im free every day except today.TEACHER:Can you come tomorrow?MR GREEN:I think so.What time?TEACHER:Between 8:00 and 9:00.MR GREEN:Yes,that would be fine.TEACHER:Ill leave a message on his desk.MR GREEN:Many thanks.Goodb

13、ye!,TELEPHONE MESSAGE,From:_ To:_ DATE:Sept.27 TIME:9:12Message:_ _ _,Mr.Green,Mr.Song Jia,He wants to see you between 8:00 and 9:00tomorrow.,.病假条的写法,1.病假条属于便条(Note)格式,应包括日期、称呼、正文、署名。2.日期部分写在右上角,不必写出年份。3.称呼,即向谁请假,写在左上角。4.正文应说明请假的原因及时间的长短。5.署名,通常在右下角写上请假人的姓名即可。,1.以王明的名义给李老师写一张请假条。假条内容:得了重感冒,医生建议休息两天。

14、因此明、后天不到校上课,希望老师准假两天。日期是3月20日。,2.Suppose you are Li Lei,you hurt your right leg in a traffic accident and the doctor asked you to stay in bed for a week.Your have to write to your teacher,Mr.Hu,to ask for a weeks sick leave.The Date is May 21st.,EXX:,March 20thDear Mr.Li,I am sorry to tell you that

15、I have got a bad cold.The doctor told me to stay at home for two days and have a good rest.So I cant go to school tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.I hope I can be all right soon.Thank you!yours,Wang Ming,May 21stDear Mr.Hu,Im sorry that I cant go to school today.I had a traffic accident and hurt my right leg.The doctor said that I had to stay in bed for a week.Now Im writing to you to ask for a weeks sick leave.Li Lei,


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