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1、English Reading(1),Brief introduction to English reading course and unit 1,Step I.Significance and Types of Reading,Question:Whats the importance of reading?Answers:To cultivate language senseTo increase vocabulary and ways to expressTo help writingTo enrich us with culture,information and knowledge

2、 etc.,Question:How many types of reading?What are they?Answer:Two.1.intensive reading(Comprehensive integrated English course)2.extensive reading.,Step II.Features of the Textbook,Variety in contents:it ranges from politics to economy,from culture to history,from novel to poems and so on.Knowledgeab

3、le Material:it can help Ss broaden vision and learn a lot of information in various fields.Brief textsAbundant practicable and useful exercises,Step III.Arrangements of the Textbook,7 volumes:Book 1 focuses on all kinds of important basic reading skills and relevant exercises under the guide.Book 2-

4、4:each book has 40 passages and relating exercises in order to develop Ss general reading ability in timing reading.Book 5 is commentary reading.Book 6 is newspaper reading.Book 7 is appreciative reading.,Step IV.Requirements for Students,1.Dont be late and dont be absent in class.Call the roll(点名)o

5、n irregular.2.Dont apply dictionary in class,just guess the meaning of the unknown words.It can be permitted that you use it after class to consult the unknown words.3.Finish the exercises after class.4.Persist with reading outside of class.Magazine,newspaper:21 Century,China Daily,Beijing Review,Cr

6、azy English English Films The original novels,Please finish at least one novel this term and write reading reports:2 pieces one month and turn in at the end of every month.Main idea of the parts youve readBeautiful sentences Comment on them,英语专业必读小说,The BibleBritish Literature英国文学1Hamlet by William

7、Shakespeare 哈姆雷特莎士比亚著 2Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe 鲁宾逊漂流记 丹尼尔.福著3Gullivers Travels by Jonathan Swift 格列佛游记斯威夫特著4Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen 傲慢与偏见简.奥斯汀著5A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens 双城记查尔斯.狄更斯著6Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray 名利场萨克雷著7Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte 简爱夏洛

8、蒂.勃朗特著8Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte 呼啸山庄艾米莉.勃朗特著,9Tess of the Durbervilles by Thomas Hardy 德伯家的苔丝 托马斯.哈代著10.Jude the Obscure(by Thomas Hardy)无名的裘德 哈代著11.Lucky Jim-Kingsley Amis 幸运的吉姆 12.Alices Adventures in Wonderland-Lewis Carroll 爱丽丝梦游仙境 13.Rebecca-Daphne Du Maurier 蝴蝶梦14.Lord of the Flies-Wi

9、lliam Golding 蝇王15.Sons and Lovers-儿子与情人,American Literature美国文学,1、The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne 红字 霍桑著2、The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain 哈克贝利.芬历险记马克.吐温著 简称赫 克是美国文学中的珍品,也是美国文化中的珍品 3、The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James 贵妇画像亨利.詹姆斯著 4.Moby Dick by Herman Melville 白鲸麦尔维尔著 5

10、.Martin Eden by Jack London 马丁.伊登 杰克.伦敦著 6.The Great Gatsby by F.S.Fitzgerald 了不起的盖茨比菲茨杰拉德著,7.The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway 老人与海海明威著 8.The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck 愤怒的葡萄斯坦贝克著 9.The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner 喧嚣与骚动10.Catch 22 by Joseph Heller 第二十二条军规约瑟夫.海勒著著11.Uncle

11、 Toms Cabin(Harriet Beecher Stowe)汤姆叔叔的小屋 斯陀夫人著 12 The Color Purple(Alice Walker)紫色 爱丽思沃克著13.Death of a Salesman(by Arthur Miller)推销员之死 阿瑟米勒著),14.Theodore Dreiser-Sister Carrie嘉莉妹妹15.Ralph Ellison-Invisible Man隐形人16.Margaret Mitchell-Gone with the Wind 乱世佳人17.Toni Morrison-The Bluest Eye 最蓝的眼睛18.Vla

12、dimir Nabokov-Lolita 洛丽塔19.Edith Wharton-The Age of Innocence 纯真年代20.Richard Wright-Native Son土生子,5.Your usual performance accounts for 30%of your final examination.Your attendanceYour performance in classyour grade in reading reports Your score in quiz such as vocabulary quiz etc.,Step V.Word Study

13、-Context Clues,Questions:In the course of reading,do you know the meaning of every word?How can you know the unknown word?By guessing?How to guess?No2 ways to guess the meaning:1)context clues 2)word analysis:stems and affixes,2.Fast-reading the text and questions,1).Whats context clue?Context clue

14、refer to the sentence and the paragraph in which a word occurs.Use your knowledge of grammar&your understanding of the authors ideas.,2).How to guess the meaning of an unknown word from the context clues?A.Use the meaning of other words and the whole sentence to reduce the possible meanings.Please g

15、uess the meaning:My unmarried aunt,a 40-year-old spinster,has no kid.My unmarried uncle,a 40-year-old bachelor,has no kid.,B.Use grammar and punctuation clues which point to the relationships among the various parts of the ma,colon,semicolon ectSemicolon:used between 2 coordinate clauses not linked

16、by a conjunctionEg,No one is born with knowledge;knowledge must be taught and learned.Three causes have been given for the failure:poor planning,insufficient manpower,and the shortage of material.Comma:to introduce an explanation,a summary,or an appositive,C.Use general or common knowledge of the wo

17、rld.The earth moves around the sun.D.Be satisfied with a general idea about the unfamiliar word;the exact definition or synonym is not always necessary.There is a bird,egret,on the treeE.Learn to recognize situations in which its not always necessary to know the meanings of the word.Parents should r

18、esume responsibility to rear a child.,3.Samples:,1.I remove the _from the shelf and began to read.(book,magazine,newspaper,novel)2.Bob is a thief;he would _the gold from his grandmothers teeth and not feel guilty.(steal,take)3.Our uncle was a_,an incurable wanderer who could never stay in one place.

19、(traveler,drifter,roamer,nomad),4.Unlike his brother,who is truly a handsome person,Hogartty is quite _.(ugly,homely,plain)5.But surely everyone knows that if you step on an egg,it will _.(break,crack)6.Tom got a new _for his birthday.It is a sports model,red,with white inside and bucket seats(car),

20、4.Explanations of corresponding exercises,Ex 1:ABCAA BBBCB2)destitute:be destitute of=be devoid of,be lacking in Live in complete destitution.生活一贫如洗。Institute,prostitute,destiny,destination4).Maim:make sb become a handicap5).Decrepit:made weak by age or hard use,decayed Deceive,deception,deceptive R

21、eceive,conceive,perceive,receipt,6).Circuitous:circuitous s:kju:its a.迂回的,间接的 circuit s:kit n.电路,线路;环行,环行道circular s:kjul a.圆形的;循环的 n.通知,通告circulate s:kjuleit v.(使)循环;(使)流传,传播circulatory system 循环系统9).Prospector:探矿者,勘探者 Spectacle,inspect,spectator,aspect,retrospect,respect,Ex 2:AAABC BACBA1).Lush:A

22、lush scent;lush fruit;the lush sounds of an orchestra.美妙的气息;赏心悦目的水果;管弦乐队悦耳的乐声2)perilous:dangerousThe action of Japanese governments purchasing Diaoyu island is very perilous.Yellow peril 黄祸,6.Scrumptious:delicious What a scrumptious meal!多香的饭菜!Scrum:(橄榄球赛中)双方球员争球,混乱,争夺Scrump:vt(在果园里)偷,偷窃Dump vt.倾倒,抛

23、弃,倾销,抛售,倾卸,计转储 vi.倾倒,突然落下n.垃圾场,军需供应站pump n泵 vt.(用泵)抽(水),泵送,打气clump n.丛,块,沉重的声音v.用沉重的脚步行走,丛生,使成簇stump n.树桩;残余部分 vi.笨重地走 vt.使为难plump:fat,8)rural:of the countryAntonyms:urban,metropolitan,municipal9)outlaw:people who violates the law out-noun:outside,outlook,out-patient,outline,outskirtout-adj:outlandi

24、sh,outstanding,outrageout-verb:outweigh,output,outplay,outflow,outlet,outlive,outgrow,Ex 3:ABCAB CABAB3).Expire:pass away,cease inspire perspireGenius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.天才的百分之一是灵感,百分之九十九是血汗。respire:SARSsevere acute respiratory syndrome,4)resume:begin sth

25、 again or continue after stopping for a time Assume PresumeEx 4:CCABA CABBC3)infantbaby泛指的是14岁的小孩 newborn指1个月或不到3个月的 infant指3个月1岁的toddler指14岁的 4)prudent:adj.谨慎的,有远见的,精明的 Prudent housekeeping 精明治家,6)freighter货船冷藏货船 集装箱运输船refrigerated freighter container freighterbulge freighter散货船Barge大型游船,平底货船,大舱容的游

26、览船,驳船tank barge油气船油驳船;船油驳;平底油船;罐柜驳mining barge船矿业采矿驳船;,货船 渡船,渡轮 渔船 cargoboat ferry,ferryboat fishingboat 木筏 游艇 油轮 raft yacht tankerrowingboat canoe knu vessel 划艇 小船,独木舟 船 战船 巡逻艇 轻护航舰battleship patrolboat frigate潜水艇 炮舰 驱逐舰 submarine gunboat destroyer 巡洋舰 航空母舰cruiser aircraftcarrier,7)altitudeAptitude

27、 attitude latitude longitude Ex 5BACBA BBACA1)aquatic sports 水上运动aquarium kwerim aquaplane n.水族馆;养鱼池 n.驾浪滑水板 vi.乘滑水板滑水3)imminent:approaching,forthcoming,impending6)provoke:arouse Vok voc:to callInvoke Revoke恳求,求助 vt.撤销,取消,废除Evoke Convoke唤起,引起 vt.召集(会议),8)avert:vt.防止,避免;转移(注意力等)Vert:to turnDivert 转移I

28、nvert 颠倒Extrovert 外向的Introvert 内向的Pervert误用,歪曲,曲解,败坏Revert恢复,回复,归还Subvert推翻,颠覆,毁灭,使败坏averse不愿意的-aversionadverse adj.不利的,逆向的,有害的adversity 逆境,不幸diversify 使多样化controversial有争议的,争论的,9)synopsis:summarySyn-:sameSynthetic 合成Syndrome 综合症Synchronize 使 同步Synonym 同义词-antonym反义词Synergy协同作用10)impromptu speech:of

29、f-hand speech,Ex 6:CBABC BACCAEx 7:BACCB CAACC9)plump:euphemism of fat,Farting:break wind Old man:senior citizen The pregnant:expecting woman,Ex 8:,excessive means“over abundant,much more than necessary”ambiguous:not clear,vague,unsure,not explicit,obscureproprietor:owner,possessor,bosscardiologist:

30、specialist in heart diseasepelt:hit strikegregarious:social,not shy,ravenous:very hungry,starved,voracious,famished,gluttonoushazy:misty,unclearvague:unclear,indistinct,uncertain,fuzzymanifested:showed,embody,express,display,Ex 9:,toll:rate/number.Death toll:casualty wretched:poor/bad/unhappy/hard/b

31、itter,miserable,pitiful,patheticfamished:very hungryshreds:piecesrash:careless,reckless,hasty,imprudent,impetuous,brash,futile:useless,ineffective,fruitless,vainrefrain:hold oneself from,avoid,prevent oneself.Withhold,restrain,inhibit,abstaindrab:dark,not bright,cheerless.Dull,monotonousdrowsy:sleep

32、y.To compare with dowrypillion:seat behind the driver,Ex 10,gear:clothes,suit,coatorient:direct.New oriental school新东方学校rage:anger,wrath,frenzy,fit,craze,furyingesting:eating,take food into stomach.swallow,digestdetrimental:harmfulgrimy:dirty,dusty,greasy,7)hallucination:imagination,delusion,fantasy,illusion8)incessantly:continuously.Constantly,ceaseless,continual,perpetual9)tease:make fun of,laugh at.Badger,annoy,bother,jest,irritate,banter10)sagacious:wise.Sage:holy man Savant:experience profound learned intellectual.,Thank you!,


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