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1、Review:Pre-work1.What is Curriculum?,4。课程:教育教学的重要载体和平台,宋代朱熹在朱子全书论学中多次提及课程,如“宽着期限,紧着课程”,“小立课程,大作工夫”等。虽然他对这里的“课程”没有明确界定,但含义是很清楚的,即指功课及其进程。这里的“课程”仅仅指学习内容的安排次序和规定,没有涉及教学方面的要求,因此称为“学程”更为准确。,curriculum 1824,from Mod.L.transferred use of classical L.curriculum a running,course,career(also a fast chariot,ra

2、cing car),from currere(see current).Used in English as a Latin word since 1630s at Scottish universities.,在西方英语世界里,课程(curriculum)一词最早出现在英国教育家斯宾塞(H.Spencer)什么知识最有价值?(1859)一文中。它是从拉丁语“currere”一词派生出来的,意为“跑道”(race-course)。根据这个词源,最常见的课程定义是“学习的进程”(course of study),简称“学程”。这一解释在各种英文词典中很普遍。,The following is c

3、ited from:http:/curriculumcurriculum 1.All the courses of study offered by an educational institution.2.A group of related courses,often in a special field of study:the engineering curriculum.Latin,course,from currere,to run;see current.The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language,Fourth

4、 Edition copyright 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.Updated in 2009.Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.All rights reserved.curriculum 1.(Social Science/Education)a course of study in one subject at a school or college2.(Social Science/Education)a list of all the courses of study offered by a scho

5、ol or college3.any programme or plan of activities from Latin:course,from currere to runCollins English Dictionary Complete and Unabridged HarperCollins Publishers 1991,1994,1998,2000,2003,curriculum an integrated course of academic studies;he was admitted to a new program at the university course o

6、f study,syllabus,programme,programcourse of lectures-a series of lectures dealing with a subjectinfo,information-a message received and understoodcrash course,crash program,crash programme-a rapid and intense course of training or research(usually undertaken in an emergency);he took a crash course i

7、n Italian on his way to Italy;his first job was a crash course in survival and in learning how to get along with people;a crash programme is needed to create new jobsreading program-a program designed to teach literacy skillsdegree program-a course of study leading to an academic degreeBased on Word

8、Net 3.0,Farlex clipart collection.2003-2008 Princeton University,Farlex Inc.curriculum a course,especially of study at school or university They are changing the curriculum.Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary 2006-2010 K Dictionaries Ltd.,SubjectThe below is cited from:http:/subject1.A course

9、or area of study:Math is her best subject.The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language,Fourth Edition copyright 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.Updated in 2009.Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.All rights reserved.2.(Social Science/Education)any branch of learning considered as a co

10、urse of study Collins English Dictionary Complete and Unabridged HarperCollins Publishers 1991,1994,1998,2000,2003,3.a branch of knowledge.“teachers should be well trained in their subject;anthropology is the study of human beings discipline,field of study,subject area,subject field,bailiwick,field,

11、studyBased on WordNet 3.0,Farlex clipart collection.2003-2008 Princeton University,Farlex Inc.4.branch of study,area,field,discipline,speciality,branch of knowledge a tutor in maths and science subjects Collins Thesaurus of the English Language Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition.2002 HarperCollins

12、Publishers 1995,20025.a branch of study or learning in school,university etc He is taking exams in seven subjects;Mathematics is his best subject.Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary 2006-2010 K Dictionaries Ltd.,Course?Programme?,教育、教学与课程的关系:基于学科课程的教育与教学在实践(practice)层面,学校教育的中心工作是教学。“这里说的教学,就是学

13、科教育”(顾明远,2001,转引陶本一2002:1),也称作分科、学科课程(subject curriculum)教育。(陶本一.学科教育学.北京:人民教育出版社,2002.)学校英语学科课程的教学,在归属上理应属于学科教育。,教育;课程;教学;学习;人(学生;教师);发展/成长,S0,Sn,learning,Language Curriculum,Teaching,Teacher,T0,Tn,learner,Teachers Professional Development:Professional Emotion,Professional Knowledge,Professional Sk

14、ills,Professional Competence,Learners All-round Growth/Development,2.Why should teachers understand English Curriculum?The role of the teacher in ELT Wang Qiang,A Course in ELT.Beijing:Higher Education Press,2006:68-72.,Harmers framework of English teachers rolesBased on the functions the teacher pe

15、rforms in different activities,Harmer(1983:201)defines the teachers roles as follows:controller assessor organizer prompter participant resource provider,Resource provider Why?What?How?Although the jug-and-mug method(the teacher,a full jug,pours knowledge into the students,empty mugs)has been widely

16、 criticized,the teacher is still considered a good and convenient resource for the students.In this sense,the teachers role is the same as the role of instruction materials.However,when students are supposed to work on their own,the teacher should withhold his/her readiness to provide resources.,Wan

17、g Qiang,A Course in ELTM.Beijing:Higher Education Press,2006:Unit 14 Moral Learning,244-245teacher as curriculum developer,邹为诚等,外语教师职业技能发展 北京:高等教育出版社,2008:第12章,P229。教师必须发展课程开发能力 教师作为课程开发者教师应该成为课程开发的主体,4.Understanding English Curriculum,Main Issues1.National English Curriculum in basic education in C

18、hina:its changes and challenges for teachers2.Curriculum ResourcesBasic concepts and framework 3.The Core of Curriculum Resources4.Supportive Curriculum Resources,Resources Unit 3 The National English Curriculum Unit 17 Using and Creating Resources Unit 18 Evaluating and Adapting Textbooks 第三章 外语教材和

19、备课 第十十一章 外语教学的辅助资源及其使用技能:音乐、歌曲、简笔画、现代教育技术与设备(计算机与网络),Wang Qiang,2006,邹为诚等,2008,第二六章 英语教学的辅助资源及其使用技能,肖惜,1999,Part OneNational English Curriculum in Basic Education in China:its changes and challenges for teachers Resources:Unit 3,Wang Qiang,2006:3850;310312.Supplementary readings(on the historic deve

20、lopment and reform of NEC in basic education in China),Pre-taskRead Second Paragraph of Section 3.3“Conclusion”.2.Think:Why should we pre-service English teachers go to a brief introduction to the National English Curriculum?,Task 11.Read“A brief history of ELT in basic education in China”in Section

21、 3.1(P38-41)and“An overview of goals and objectives of ELT in basic education in China”in Section 3.3(P43-45;312).2.Try to find out the focus of ELT in national guidelines(syllabi),textbooks and methodology at different development phases.,Task 21.Read Section 3.2(P41-43;310-313).2.Try to understand

22、“Designing principles/The rationale for the New National English Curriculum.,Task 31.Read Section 3.4 and 3.5 carefully.2.Try to find out the characteristics of the New National English Curriculum,a proper connection in both syllabus and textbooks between the primary and the secondary level of Engli

23、sh competence-based levels of performance standards,Task 41.Read Section 3.5 carefully.2.Try to summarize the content by labeling four parts in this section.importance of the teacher in curriculum reformrequirements/demands on the part of the teacherobstacles for the teacher in coping with curriculum reformstrategies for the teacher to cope with curriculum reform,


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