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1、Remember, only your smile can make you find light in the endless darkness.勤学乐观天天向上(页眉可删)以文化为题的英语演讲稿 人生的路上,一群人建立了很长一段时间成为人的文化。文化包括人的价值观和信念,以及他们的技术能力。各色各样的文化,正在潜移默化我们的思想。下面给大家分享一些关于以文化为题的英语演讲稿,希望对大家有帮助。以文化为题的英语演讲稿1The way of life that a group of people builds up over a long period of time becomes the

2、peoples culture. Culture includes the peoples values and beliefs as well as their technical competency.Some aspects of culture are learned in a formal setting, such as a school, while other aspects are learned informally in the process of day-to-day living. A culture is always changing. Changes in s

3、 culture often come about by borrowing form another culture and by invention.To enrich the culture of our nation, we are constantly adapting new inventions and new ideas into our way of life.以文化为题的英语演讲稿2Traditional Chinese culture is beginning to capture the attention of the world. This is true even

4、 as popular culture that has traditionally been considered Western begins to spread throughout China.Kung Fu, especially, has had a great impact on the millions of people who first learned about China through it. From that, they may come to China and learn about other aspects of this culture, such a

5、s traditional operas like the Beijing and Sichuan ones. Asian nations have long known about the greatness of ancient Chinese culture. Their own cultures are a mix of native ones and those Chinese characteristics.Korea and Japan long ago adopted ideas such as Confucianism is something that continues

6、today even as it is challenged by Pop Culture. This strength comes from the ideas given in the Four Books of Confucianism (The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects of Confucius, and The Book of Mencius).These books built upon the ideas of an even more ancient period codified in the

7、 Five Classics. From them, the West learns such things as Fengshui and other concepts that are uniquely Chinese. China has taken steps to further this spread of its culture by establishing Chinese Cultural Centers in such places as the United States and Europe.以文化为题的英语演讲稿3A folk culture is a small i

8、solated, cohesive, conservative, nearly self- sufficient group that is homogeneous in custom and race with a strong family or clan structure and highly developed rituals. Order is maintained through sanctions based in the religion or family and interpersonal. Relationships are strong. Tradition is p

9、aramount, and change comes infrequently and slowly.There is relatively little division of labor into specialized duties. Rather, each person is expected to perform a great variety of tasks, though duties may differ between the sexes. Most goods are handmade and subsistence economy prevails. Individu

10、alism is weakly developed in folk cultures as are social classes.Unaltered folk cultures no longer exist in industrialized countries such as the United States and Canada. Perhaps the nearest modern equivalent in Anglo America is the Amish, a German American farming sect that largely renounces the pr

11、oducts and labor saving devices of the industrial age.In Amish areas, horse drawn buggies still serve as a local transportation device and the faithful are not permitted to own automobiles. The Amish s central religious concept of Demut humility , clearly reflects the weakness of individualism and s

12、ocial class so typical of folk cultures and there is a corresponding strength of Amish group identity. Rarely do the Amish marry outside their sect. The religion, a variety of the Mennonite faith, provides the principal mechanism for maintaining order.以文化为题的英语演讲稿4China has the history of more than 5

13、,000 years and we are so proud of the profound culture. Every year, we are so looking forward to spending the holiday during the traditional festivals. They are the important part of Chinese traditional culture. But for young people, the meaning of these festival is fading away.When young people are

14、 asked about the meaning of traditional festival, some of them have no idea. For example, some young people believe that Mid-autumn Festival is to in honor of the ancestors, or it is a day to eat mooncake. Actually, most festivals have been advocated by the commercial ads, and they show people to bu

15、y more products to spend the festivals happily. Some ads try to implant people the wrong idea about the meaning of festival, just to attract more customers.The loss meaning of traditional festivals brings the negative side to the preserve of traditional culture. The mass media should advocate the es

16、sence of the festivals, so as to let the young generation learn more about our culture and be proud of it.以文化为题的英语演讲稿5Chinese there are a lot of traditional culture, such as the Lantern Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Boat Glutinous Rice Balls to eat, to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival,

17、summer egg fight. I love most is the beginning of the egg fight.The day of the beginning, I invited my buddy to fight my eggs. At the beginning of the egg, mother prepared an egg for each of us and said, who is the last of the eggs, who is the king of the egg! First of all, I and Yao Peiyu, both of

18、us egg head to the egg, who will not let anyone, to fight each other up. We just fight soon, they heard the click sound, there is a broken egg! I was so surprised that I looked at my eggs, and thank God, my eggs were not broken. It was Yao Peiyu who accidentally hit the empty head with my tip! We sa

19、w it and laughed all the time. He bites and says, come again! This time, we all put out the strength of the milk, but his strength was not big, so he was defeated by me! Left Xiao Yuxuan, although she is a girl, but not a good deal.All of a sudden, I came up with a good plan and a seamless plan. I u

20、sed to fight with her on the empty end and broke up in a moment. I thought to myself, this is the end of you. Your sharp head has been damaged. I will fight with you with a good and sharp tip. So, I tried to wipe the egg head, and suddenly blows, give strength to my eggs. At first, her eggs were dam

21、aged, and she was not so big as I was, so I was easily defeated. I jumped up with joy. Mother loudly announced, the end of the game, Sun Yize is the king of eggs! Now everyone begins to eat eggs. We eat eggs, and all the people are in the atmosphere of joy.The egg not only brought us happiness, but also let me understand a truth: everything should be brain, with wisdom to win!以文化为题的英语演讲稿


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