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1、Attributive Clause,定语从句,定语从句的分类,定语从句包括限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。限制性定语从句和先行词关系密切,删掉后影响整个意义的表达,非限制性定语从句是一种补充说明,删掉后不影响句子的重心。限制性定语从句有时省略引导词,而非限制性定语从句用逗号隔开,引导词不可以省略。,Sentence Pattern,This is the teacher who often tells jokes.(这个就是那个常讲笑话的老师。)Those who want to go to the Great Wall sign up here.(想去长城的人在这里签名。),定语从句的引

2、导词,引导词,关系代词,关系副词,Who,whom,whose,which,that,as,When,where,why,关系代词的用法,在从句中指代人,This is the teacher who often tells jokes.主格Those who want to go to the Great Wall sign up here.主格Li ming is the only one that got full marks in our class.主格,She is the girl who/whom I will go to Shanghai with.宾格She is the

3、woman that you talked about just now.宾格She is the girl with whom I will go to Shanghai.宾格,He is an architect whose designs have won international prize.属格The man is an architect,the designs of whom won international prize.属格,在从句中指代物,The plane which has just taken off is half an hour late.主格The car t

4、hat had run over an old man were taken to the police station.主格,This is the hotel which/that you will stay in.宾格This is the hotel in which you will stay.宾格English is the most difficult subject that you will learn during these years.宾格,Which is the Asian country whose economy is growing the fastest?属

5、格Which is the Asian country,the economy of which is growing the fastest?属格,只用which不用that的情况,1.在非限制性定语从句中 Tom came back,which made us happy.2.当从句中介词提前时 This is a house in which Luxun once lived.,只用that不用which的情况,1.先行词有最高级,序数词时This is the most interesting film that Ive ever seen.This is the third book

6、 that she has given me.2.当先行词即有人又有物时Do you know the things and persons that they are talking about?,3.当先行词是all,much,little,something,every thing,anything,nothing,none,the one 等代词时You should hand in all that you have.4.当先行词前有only,any,few,little,no,all,one of等修饰时 Li Ming is one of the students that wa

7、nt to be teachers in our class.,关系代词的省略,1.关系代词在从句中做动词的宾语I have been to the city twice(that/which)you just visited.2.做从句介词的宾语,介词在句尾时Generation gap is a problem(that/which)people are interested in.,介词+关系代词(which,whom),There are many different kinds of ways in which they can solve the problems.The gent

8、leman about whom you told me yesterday proved to be a thief.,As引导定语从句,As everybody knows,Taiwan belongs to China.As is known to us,Taiwan belongs to China.Such people as you describe are short nowadays.This is the same thing as we are in need of.,关系副词,要视引导词所指代的先行词在定语从句中充当的成分而定,只有充当状语时,采用关系副词,否则要用关系代

9、词。,I will never forget the days that we spent in Qingdao last year.(作宾语)I will never forget the days when we lived together last year.(作时间状语)This is the house that/which I visited.(作宾语)This is the house where I work now.(做地点状语),Do you know the reason why he was late?The reason why Im calling you is

10、to invite you to a party.比较The reason is that I want to invite you to a party.(表语从句),Exerciseto see how much you have learnt,1.The woman came yesterday is my mother.2.Is the American film you have seen interesting?3.Have you found the bike was lost?4.The boy is singing over there is Li Ming.5.Do you

11、 know the man our teacher is talking to?,who,which,which,who,whom,6.The school Li fang is talking about is the best one there.7.She is the girl with I went to Shanghai.8.Please show me the man sister is doctor.9.Would you like to give me the book cover is green?10.Look at the lady name is Mary.,whic

12、h,whom,whose,whose,whose,11.The visitors want to stay at the hotel they stayed at last time.12.The visitors want to stay at the hotel they stayed last time.13.The visitors want to stay at the hotel they visited last time.14.My friend we have talked about before will come to see me.15.This answering

13、machine I bought at a low price doesnt work.,which,where,which,whom,which,He found a wallet there was a lot of money.I will never forget the day I became a middle-school student.The museum we have visited is very old.The house the famous writer lived is very cold.The clothes are hanging in the close

14、t have been washed.,where,when,which,where,which,David thought his cousin was a person he could rely on.Where is the picture you painted?Return the tools to gave them to you.We must admire someone has contributed so generously.are you saving this seat for?The exhibition I enjoyed most was the auto s

15、how.,whom,which,who,who,Whom,which,Einstein was a man influenced our ideas of time and space.The reason Mary came here was he wanted to see me.Sometimes the earthquake is violent that it can destroy the whole city,happened in Tangshan in 1976.Mary lost her bike last week.Today she found a young girl

16、 riding the same bike hers.She has decided to tell the policeman.,who,why,that,as,as,Is there anything I can do to help?Professor Li,we have long admired,is to have a lecture soon.The Summer Palace,attracts many tourists,is very old and beautiful.I like to go shopping on weekdays,the shop isnt crowd

17、ed.The play wont be put on in Beijing this year,makes us disappointed.,that,whom,which,when,which,Yang Liwei,parents are both teachers,is the first man in China who has traveled into space.The next Olympic Games are in two years,I will be a university student.The castle is the place,I most like to be in the summer.David helped me clean up,was very kind of him.The tigers in the zoo are heavy,the biggest of is more than 200 pounds.,whose,by which time,where,which,which,


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