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1、Unit 16 Science at work,Language Points of Warming up&Reading,Language Points of Warming up,1.advantage,n.有利条件;优点;利益,词组:take(full)advantage of.have an advantage over.to ones advantage,(充分)利用=make(full)use of.,优于.,胜过.,对某人有利,反义词:disadvantage n.不利条件,eg:He made such rapid progress in English study just

2、because of the _ he took of his every spare minute.A.wayB.use C.place D.advantageeg:Whats the _ of living near an airport?-Well,the _ of planes taking off and landing make it impossible to sleep well.A.opinion;voices B.disadvantage;noises C.disadvantage;sounds D.shortcoming;pronunciation,补充 2.a wast

3、e of.,.的浪费,waste v.浪费,反义词:save v.节省,词组:waste time/money on sth.waste time/money in doing.,在(做)某事方面浪费时间/钱,waste un.废弃物,eg:Please stop arguing about it.It is _.A.wasting of timeB.time to waste C.a waste of timeD.a waste time填空:为什么浪费钱在你不需要的衣服上?eg:Why _ _ _ _ you dont need?,waste money on clothes,补充 for

4、t,v.安慰,un.安慰;舒适 cn.使人得到安慰的人/物,反义词:discomfort,comfortable adj.舒适的,反义词:uncomfortable adj.不舒适的,eg:A hot cup of milk on a cold night is _.A.real comfortB.a real comfort C.real comfortsD.real comfortable,补充 4.Shanghai is the first city in the world to have built a high-speed maglev train.,表示“顺序”的词或序数词后常接

5、to do作后置定语。,翻译:他是我们班第一个在竞赛中获奖的学生。eg:He is the first student in our class to win a prize in the competition.,补充 5.successful,adj.成功的,拓展:success succeed successfully,un.成功 cn.成功的人或事,v.成功,adv.成功地,词组:succeed in doing sth.be successful in doing sth.,成功地做某事,eg:We have every reason to believe that _ 2008 O

6、lympic Games will be _ success.A./;a B.the;/C.the;a D.a;a,Language Points of Reading,1.charge,v.(1)使充电(2)要价(3)控告(4)进攻,攻击,词组:charge sb.money for sth.charge sb.with sth.,为某物向某人要价,因某事控告某人(常用于被动),=accuse sb.of sth.,eg:The string was getting charged.eg:The army charged at the enemy lines.eg:How much did

7、he charge you for repairing the bike?eg:The man in black was charged with stealing the money.,使充电,攻击,进攻,要价,指控,charge n.费用;控告;充电,词组:free of charge sb.be in charge of sth.sth.be in/under the charge of sb.,免费的,某人负责某事物=sb.take charge of sth.,某物由某人负责,eg:How much did the book _ you?A.pay B.spend C.cost D.

8、chargeeg:All the children _ the nurse are taken good care of.A.taking charge ofB.in the charge of C.in charge ofD.under charge of,2.a great deal of,大量的+un.,注意1:a great many+cn.复=,a great many of the+cn.复,注意2:a large quantity of+cn.复/un.=,large quantities of+cn.复/un.,谓语v.单复数随着quantity的变化而变化。,eg:There

9、 _ large quantities of food in the cupboard.,are,eg:He spends _ money on books and _ his books are about space and satellites.A.a great deal of;a good many of B.a lots of;plenty of C.a large quantity of;a large amount of D.a good many;a great number of,3.prove,vt./link-v.证明是.,link-v.prove(to be)+adj

10、./n.且无被动,vt.prove+从句/n.,常用结构:It is proved that.事实证明.,eg:We had thought the examination would be difficult,but it _ easy.A.consideredB.made C.keptD.provedeg:Dont throw the dictionary away.Perhaps it will _ to you in future.A.be proved usefulB.prove of some use C.prove usefulD.be proved much use,4.tea

11、r,(1)tear-tore-torn v.撕扯,撕毁,词组:tear.to/into pieces tear.down tear.up tear.apart tear.open,把.撕成碎片,拆毁,撕掉,撕毁,撕碎,把.撕毁;使.四分五裂,把.撕开,注意:tear作动词时,如果和well,easily等副词连用,常表示主语的特性,用主动态表被动意思,主语是物。,翻译:这布料很容易破。,eg:This material tears easily.,类似的v.还有:sell,read,write,wash,clean,burn,break,open,lock,shut.,(2)tears n.眼

12、泪,词组:move sb.to tears be in tears burst into tears,使某人感动得流泪(常用被动),正流着眼泪,正哭着,突然哭起来,eg:On getting the letter,he tore the envelope _ and started to read it.A.open B.opened C.opening D.to openeg:This piece of cloth _.A.is torn easilyB.tears easy C.tears easilyD.is to tear easily,5.control,v./n.控制,支配,词组:

13、lose control out of control,失去控制(动词词组),失去控制(介词词组),词组:sb.be in control of sth.sth.be in/under the control of sb.,某人控制某物,某物在某人的控制/负责中,词组:beyond control,无法控制(介词词组),eg:He is in _ control of the company.I mean,the company is in _ control of him.A.the;/B./;the C.the;the D./;/,6.pick out,v.挑出;辨认出,词组:pick u

14、p,捡起,拾起;去接某人,去取某人;学会.,eg:It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly _ my friend.A.turn outB.bring out C.call outD.pick outeg:She _ his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.A.looked upB.looked for C.picked outD.picked up,7.Having realised that I could use a kite to at

15、tract lightning,I decided to do an.,having done是doing的完成式,在句中作状语时,其动作在句子的谓语v.的动作之前发生,译为“做了某事之后.”,doing作状语,与句子的谓语v.的动作同时或几乎同时发生;与句子的主语是主动关系。,注意:having done.作状语放句首的否定句:Not having done.,翻译:没有收到他的信,我决定再写一封。eg:_ to reach them on the phone,we sent an email instead.A.Fail B.Failed C.To failD.Having failed,

16、eg:Not having received his letter,I decided to write again.,8.Tie the corners of the handkerchief to the points of the cross,and you will have a nice strong kite.,句型:祈使句+and/or+陈述句(will do),表条件,表结果,可以等同于if引导的条件状语从句。,单句改错:1.Working harder and you will make progress in English.2.If you go through the

17、gate,and youll find a small lake on your left.,Work,补充 9.The kite flew high in the rainy sky.,high adj.高的 adv.指所处位置的具体的“高”,常置于说修饰的v.之后,highly adv.指抽象的高,译为“高度地”,类似的词还有:wide/widely;deep/deeply,填空:1.The young man is a _ skilled worker.2.The emperor held his head _ when walking in the street.3.People th

18、ought very _ of this film.,highly,high,highly,补充 10.I was beginning to think that the experiment would not work.,(1)辨析:begin/start to do.与begin/start doing.,两个搭配含义上差别不大,但以下三种情况习惯上用begin/start to do.,(1)主语是物而不是人时:,eg:The ice began/started to melt(融化).,(2)begin/start本身为-ing形式时:,(3)当begin/start后跟的是unde

19、rstand,realise,see,know,think等与想法有关的v.时:,eg:She began/started to understand it.,翻译:1.天开始黑了。2.她开始认为她错了。,eg:It began/started to get dark.,eg:She began/started to think she was wrong.,(2)work,v.(器官,机械等)运转,运作(计划,药等)起作用,有效,eg:It is no good trying that method,because it wont _.A.work B.use C.practise D.af

20、fect,补充 11.The string was getting charged.,这是高考常考的get done结构,get=be/become,词组:陷入./困住 换衣服 喝醉 受伤 迷路,丢失,get caught/stuck in.,get changed,get drunk,get hurt,get lost,补充 12.shock,(1)un.打击,震惊;电击,翻译:1.The bad news left us all speechless from shock.2.It was a great shock for him when his wife died.,这个坏消息使我们

21、震惊地说不出话来。,(2)cn.令人震惊,使人受打击的事,他妻子的死对他来说是一个很大的打击。,(3)shock v.使震惊;使触电,shockedshocking,adj.(人)感到震惊的,adj.(人/物)令人震惊的,填空:1.I was _ when I heard about your accident.2.His failure in the exam was _ to his parents.3.It _ me to see how my neighbours treated their children.,shocked,shocking,shocked,补充 13.make s

22、th.of sth.,用.做.,常用于被动:sth.be made of sth.,翻译:1.make a small cross of two pieces of light wood2.用纸做风筝 _3.用丝绸做裙子 _,用两根轻木棍去做一个小十字架,make a kite of paper,make a skirt of silk,补充 14.Add a tail to the frame and.,词组:add.to.add to add up add up to,把.加到.上,增加,增添,加起来,总计为,eg:The fireworks _ the beauty of the fes

23、tival night.A.added upB.added to C.added up toD.added,补充 15.Fly the kite when a thunderstorm appears to be coming on.,appear v.出现,呈现 link-v.似乎,好像,常用结构:appear(to be)+adj.appear to do.It appears that.,可与sb.appears to do.互换用法同seem,翻译:1.她看上去好像生气了。同义句转换:eg:The stars appeared to have moved.,eg:She appears to be angry.,=It appeared that the stars had moved.,补充 16.Take care that the string does not touch the wall.,take care to do.that-clause 小心,当心.,翻译:当心别掉到河里。,eg:Take care not to fall into the river.,同义词组:look out(for.)watch out(for.)be careful(to do.),


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