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1、.词汇过关1_v逗(某人)笑_n娱乐(活动);消遣2_n解释;说明;阐述3_v对待;治疗;款待_n对待;治疗4_v.&n低语;耳语5_vi.反应_n反应_adj.反应的,易反应的6_adj.醉的;飘飘然的,答案:1.amuse;amusement2.explanation3.treat;treatment4.whisper5.react;reaction;reactive6.drunk,.短语自查1_使明显;显示出2in the open air_答案:1.bring out2.在户外,在野外,.句式翻译1There are thousands of jokes which use“play

2、on words”to amuse us._,2Instead,what he gets is another kind of answer which makes the situation funny._,3The answer to the question contains a word which,when spoken,can have two meanings._,4You should be thinking that someone has stolen our tent!_5Whenever you finish your story,you will feel a sen

3、se of success._,答案:1有成千上万的笑话使用了“开玩笑的话”来使我们发笑。2相反,他得到的是另一种使这种情形有趣的答案。3问题的答案会有一个单词,当我们讲这个单词的时候,它会有两个意思。4你应该在想有人把我们的帐篷偷走了。5不管你何时讲完你的故事,你都会有一种成就感。,.单词突破1amuse(vt.)逗乐,使发笑;使快乐,提供消遣His foolish mistakes amused all of us.他愚笨的错误把我们逗乐了。The children were amused at the storytellers jokes.小孩子们听了讲故事者说的笑话都乐了。,知识拓展1

4、)amusement(n.)娱乐,消遣;开心,快乐Big cities have theatres,films and many other amusements.大城市里有戏剧、电影以及许多其他的娱乐活动。To everyones amusement,the actor fell off the stage.演员从舞台上跌了下来,把大家都逗乐了。2)amusing(adj.)引人发笑的,好笑的,有趣的an amusing book/person 有趣的书/人,【牛刀小试】完成句子(1)孩子们做游戏取乐。The children_ _by playing games.(2)听说他坐了一屁股油漆

5、,我们都笑了。We_ _to hear about him sitting on the wet paint.(3)我不觉得他的笑话有什么可笑。I dont think his jokes_.答案:(1)amused themselves(2)were amused(3)amusing,2whisper1)v.耳语,低声说,常说whisper sth.to sb.,whisper to sb.thatShe whispered a warning to me and then disappeared.她低声警告了我一声就不见了。He whispered to me that he was le

6、aving.他小声告诉我他要走了。,2)n.低语,耳语,私语She said in a whisper,so I couldnt hear.她是悄悄说的,所以我没听见。I could hear the whisper of the sea.我听见大海在轻声诉说。,【短语归纳】whisper to sb.对某人耳语;whisper about sth./sb.小声议论某事或某人whisper sth.to sb.低声告诉某人某事in a whisper低声地Its whispered that.有人私下说,【牛刀小试】(1)(2007四川)Mum_to us,“Be quiet!Your lit

7、tle sisters sleeping”AwhisperedBshoutedCexplained Dreplied答案:A由话的内容看,是怕惊醒别人,所以用whisper合适。,根据汉语意思完成句子(2)教师低声给孩子们讲了个故事。The teacher told the children a story_ _ _.(3)有人私下说史密斯先生的生意在衰败。_that Mr Smiths business is falling.(4)他的冒险经历都传遍了。His adventures_ _ _everywhere.,答案:(2)in a whisper(3)It is whispered(4)

8、have been whispered,3mess nC脏或乱的状态What did John think Mary should have done with the mess in the pan?约翰认为玛丽对锅里的混乱状态应该做点什么?The children have made an awful mess in the house.孩子们把房子弄得凌乱不堪。,【知识拓展】1)mess n.不整洁的人Get cleaned!You are a mess!收拾一下吧!你真邋遢!v.弄乱,弄脏,弄糟Dont mess your hair!别把你的头发弄乱了!,2)be in a mess杂

9、乱无章;脏乱不堪make a mess of把搞得一塌糊涂a mess of许多mess up弄坏,毁掉;弄脏;弄乱;搞砸The previous chairman has left the company in a terrible mess.前任董事长使公司成了一个烂摊子。They have made such a mess of the economy.他们把经济状况搞得如此糟糕。,It took me ages to get this rightI dont want some idiot to mess it up.我花了好长时间才把这东西弄好我不想让某个白痴把它毁掉。,【牛刀小试】

10、完成句子(1)他又遇到麻烦了。He has_ _another_.(2)这场病把我的假期计划打乱了。The illness has_ _my holiday plans.The illness has_ _ _of my holiday plans.答案:(1)get into;mess(2)messed up;made a mess,单项填空(3)The workmen made so much_that Mrs Walker had to spend three days cleaning up afterwards.Atrouble BdamageCmess Dharm答案:C本题考查名

11、词的用法。make trouble“找麻烦,捣乱”;make damage“损害,伤害”;make mess“弄得乱七八糟”;harm“损害,伤害”,常与do连用。make a mess of“把弄得乱七八糟”。题意:工人们把这弄得乱七八糟,Mrs Walker后来花了三天时间才收拾干净。,4react(vi.)对作出反应,回应,常与介词to连用Local residents reacted angrily to the news.当地居民对这一消息表示愤怒。You never know how he is going to react.你根本不知道他会作何反应。,【知识拓展】reaction

12、(n.)反应,回应,常接介词toWhat was his reaction to the news?他对这消息有什么反应?,【牛刀小试】完成句子它们对环境的变化有什么反应?(1)How did they_ _the changes of the environment?(2)What were their_ _the changes of the environment?答案:(1)react to(2)reactions to,.短语精讲bring out使明显,显示出Pay special attention to the rhythm and intonation of what you

13、 say and try to bring out the humour.尤其注意你说话的节奏和语调并努力产生幽默的意味。That friend of his seems to bring out the worst in him.他的那个朋友似乎把他最丑的一面都显示出来了。,【知识拓展】bring out取出;生产;出版(作品等)Please bring out a piece of paper.请取出一张纸。The company began to bring out a new kind of soap.这家公司开始生产一种新肥皂。They will bring out a new mo

14、del of the car next year.明年他们将推出这种汽车的新型产品。,【短语归纳】bring about带来;造成bring back带回来;使恢复(记忆、健康)bring in提出;引进;赚得bring up教育;培养;使成长;呕吐bring forward提出bring sth.forward提前,【牛刀小试】用bring短语填空(1)He _ _a quarrel between his parents.(2)Electricity lines as well as telephone poles were_ _by falling trees or branches.(

15、3)Can you make up a sentence to_ _the meaning of the phrase?(4)Please_ _the matter at the next meeting.答案:(1)brought about(2)brought down(3)bring out(4)bring forward,.句式点击1Instead,what he gets is another kind of answer which makes the situation funny.相反地,他得到的是另一种使这种情形有趣的答案。1)what he gets为主语从句,what作g

16、ets的宾语;which.funny为定语从句,修饰answer。,The smell of cooking makes me hungry.烧菜的味道让我感觉饿了。We made him chairman.我们选他当主席。The speaker raised his voice but still couldnt make himself heard.讲话者提高了声音,但还是不能使别人听见。注意:(1)monitor,manager,president,chairman,headmaster等表示独一无二的职位名词作宾语补足语时,不用冠词。(2)动词不定式作make的宾语补足语时,不定式符号

17、to应该省略,但在被动语态中却不能省略。,【牛刀小试】(2007江苏)My parents have always made me_about myself,even when I was twelve.Afeeling well Bfeeling goodCfeel well Dfeel good答案:Dmake sb.do sth.“让某人做某事”,为固定搭配,故排除A、B两项;feel为系动词,后跟形容词作表语;well为形容词时,意为“身体健康的”,不合题意。,2Whenever you finish your story,you will feel a sense of succes

18、s.不管你何时完成你的故事,你都会有一种成就感。1)whenever.story是让步状语从句,相当于no matter when.。2)sense(1)n.any one of the special powers of the body by which a person is conscious of things感觉,知觉;understanding of the value or worth辨识,赏识,领悟力;power of judging判断力;见识,The blind generally have a keen sense of hearing.一般说来,盲人听觉灵敏。He s

19、uddenly lost his sense of direction.他突然失去了辨别方向的能力。There is a lot of sense in what he says.他说的话颇有见识。,(2)v.having a feeling,without being told directly感觉,意识,察觉I sensed that I was not welcome.我感到自己不受欢迎。The horse sensed danger and stopped.这匹马意识到有危险,停了下来。,【知识拓展】senseless adj.无知觉的;愚蠢的sensitive adj.敏感的;易受伤

20、害的sensible adj.有判断力的,明智的,觉察的【短语归纳】in a sense从某种意义上来说;多少有点in no sense决不make sense讲得通;有道理make sense of理解;明白come to ones senses恢复知觉;苏醒过来,【牛刀小试】(2008福建)Whats the_of having a public open space where you cant eat,drink or even simply hang out for a while?Asense BmatterCcase Dopinion答案:Asense“感觉,意义”;matter“问题,麻烦”;case“情况,问题”;opinion“意见,看法”。由题意知,四个选项中只有A项符合语境。,


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