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1、高三完形填空复习专题,考察重点,着重考察考生综合运用语言的能力,在语篇理解和逻辑推理的基础上考察词语辨析及词语搭配等,突出词汇的语境化。,2011-2013年安徽省 完 形 填 空考 情 分 布,命题特点:,1.短文长度250词左右,记叙文、说明文和议论文为主。记叙文故事情节多有曲折,结果出乎意料,是幽默所在;议论文结构严谨层次分明,有很多对仗现象。2.首句无空格,提供语境。5-10词设一空,人名、地名、日期、数字不在之列。3.选项多为一词,偶会为词组。四选项为同一类词或属同一范畴,或近义或形异义,或与前后配成词组。故干扰性、迷性大。有时单独看一句话语法都是正确的,但根据上下文只有一个正确答案


3、度挺快,但是这种见树不见林的做法只会影响解题的质量和效率。,为什么我们在这一题型上总是失分较多?,切记:一定要用2-3分钟时间先进行缺词阅读,弄清文章大意和基本脉络后再着手逐个填空.,3.时间安排不当:在几个选项上过分纠缠,追求完美,导致许多本可以做出的题来不及做。,切记:正确的做法是由易到难,先做会做 的,再考虑较难的。强烈推荐:如尚有几题题目不确定可将某题的可能的两项填入空格,然后快速地整句整段地默读,选择某一项习惯或短语或动宾搭配读起来较流畅的.,掌握应试策略 提高解题能力,1.研读首尾抓主题2.上下联系寻信息3.左顾右盼找搭配4.思前想后觅逻辑5.语境分析辩词义6.集中精力破难题7.回

4、读检查补漏洞,备战完形填空能力必备,一、快速阅读能力二、词汇辨析能力三、词汇搭配的理解能力四、逻辑推断能力五、运用常识能力六、揣测作者意图的能力,如何提高能力技巧,一、提高阅读能力(速度、理解)二、打好语法基础(固定搭配)三、扩充词汇量(动词、名词)四、增长生活常识五、多做多练,以提高实战能力,The skills of finishing Cloze?,What do we learn today?,Skill1:Choosing by 上下文、语境Skill2:Choosing by 逻辑推理Skill3:Choosing by 词汇和短语用法Skill4:Choosing by 语法分析

5、Skill5:Choosing by 常识,Skill 1:Choosing by context(上下文、语境),eg.Many old people dont have good _.A.hearing B.health C.eyesight,1)They cant watch TV,but they can listen to music or news over the radio.,C,2)They cant listen to music or news over the radio,but they can read with glasses.,3)They cant walk

6、outside,but they can watch TV or listen to music or news over the radio at home.,A,B,eg2.Wait till you are more _.A.relaxed B.satisfied C.certain,1)Its better to be sure than sorry.,C,2)Ill improve it once more.,B,3)Or else youll be more nervous on the stage.,A,eg3.Traveling _,today becomes yesterda

7、y;traveling west it is tomorrow.A.south B.east C.north D.west,eg4.Some parts of the water are very shallow.But in some places it is very,very _.A.deep B.high C.cold D.dangerous,eg1.When we talked,I discovered(发现)some differences in school life between the US and China.For example,each class lasts fi

8、fty minutes in the US.It is a little _ than that in China.We usually have forty-five minutes in each class.,A.shorter B.longer C.earlier D.later,Skill 2:logic(逻辑推理),逻辑手段,2.逻辑手段,让步关系,转折关系,因果关系,解释关系,顺序关系,并列关系,10.(江苏卷)Then she looked at my father and replied,“You are 40(wrong).This is not the worst boy

9、 at all,41 the smartest one who hasnt yet found an outlet(释放的途径)for his enthusiasm.”41.A.but B.so C.and D.or,语境-转折关系、搭配,the smartest,11.(湖南卷)Bean is a white dog,quite handsome and very 38.38.A.smart B.sweet C.slow D.shy,语境-同类并列关系,12.(安徽卷)First of all,a pen should fit comfortably in your hand,.Then t

10、he writing point of the pen 52,the pen should make a thick,dark line.52.A.Meanwhile B.Generally C.Afterwards D.Finally,语境-顺序关系,eg1.At this moment,the air hostess 1.She looked pale,but was quite 2.1.A.showed B.presented C.exposed D.appeared2.A.well B.still C.calm D.quiet,Vt.,Vt.,Vt.,Vi,Skill 3:Choosi

11、ng by meanings of words and expressions(词汇和短语用法),eg2.In the morning,the king went to visit the pond.To his surprise,the pond was only filled with water!What happened?Yes!Everyone had the same idea _that man.,A.with B.to C.as D.of,the same,记叙文,重点1:名词词义辨析:energy;force;power;strengthcause;reasoninfluen

12、ce;effect;impactsymbol;signal;sign;markfault;mistake;wrongroad;street;way;path,记叙文,名词短语的固定搭配或习惯用法:1.掌握搭配活跃的名词:time:ahead of time;at a time;at one time;behind the times.mind:keep.in mind;set ones mind oncase:in any case;in case of;in no case habit:have a habit of;break/get rid of the habit of;in the

13、habit of;out of habit,记叙文,常用名词的活用:address(熟义:n.地址)vt.称呼(某人),演说,演讲view(熟义:n.观点,景色)v。考虑,认为,观看flood(熟义:n.洪水)n大量的人或物;vt.大量送至,充满,记叙文,动词的词义辨析:damage;destroy;ruinhappen;occur;take placeput;place;layglace;stare;glare strike;hit;beat;动词短语:put aside/put away/put down take away/take in/take over,夹叙夹议文/议论文,形容词词

14、义辨析regular;common;ordinary;normal;usualactual;real;truealive;live;living,lively副词的词义辨析:high/highly;almost/nearly;rather,very,quite,议论文,难点1利用褒贬语境,判断是非曲直(2013安徽卷)And learning is good for the health of your brain,too.I ve also heard people 50 about the misakes they make when 51(learning)A.worry B.hesit

15、ate C.think D.quarrel解析 A.学外语时担心出错,选项B,C是中性词,D项为贬义,但不符合常识。,议论文,难点2巧用平行结构选词(2013安徽卷)Well,relax and laugh about your mistakes 52 youre much less likely to make them again.A.if B.and C.but D.before解析 B.前面的句子为逻辑上的平行关系,类似于句式:祈使句and 陈述句.因此and.,议论文,难点3运用词汇复现选择答案(2013安徽卷)You will have more success if you st

16、udy regularly,so as to develop a 45.A.theory B.business C.routine D.project解析 c.由上文中的if you study regularly近义词复现进行解答。,说明文,难点1利用总分原则,巧判词类范畴(2013广东卷)Number sense is not the ability to count.It is the ability to recognize a 1 in number.A.rise B.pattern C.change D.trend解析 C.首句分析告诉我们什么是数字感,然后通过下文分述,鸟量的变化

17、,可以看出第一空需要一个表示变化的词。而不能惯性思维,填 a rise in,说明文,难点2准确分析长难句(2013山东卷)That was really a big 44(step)for me.By the end of the year,I had several new friends,and two of 45 are still my best friends today.45.A.us B.which C.them D.whom解析 C.,我校采取的复习形式,1.坚持练听力突出首尾2.扎实过单选重点分类;3.过度做阅读提高速度4.多样化作文提供情景的形式(图画、图表、提纲)-关键在表达,在高考后期两个月的时间,有效复习,一重视错题本,以“思”代“记”二着力于实战,以“考”代“练”,


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