1、clone,Paragraph 7,CONTENTS,段落分析,单词详解,句法分析,拓展学习,第一部分,we live in a time when we argue aboutpragmatism and compromises in ourquest to be morally right.But cloningforces us back to the most basicquestions that have plaugued humanitysince the dawn of recorded time:what isgood and what is evil?And how muc
2、hpotential for evil can we tolerate to obtainsomething that might be good?,我们生活在这样一个时代,人们为了追求道德的完善而对实用主义和妥协折中的问题争论不休。,而克隆技术迫使我们回到有史以来一直困扰人们的本质问题,什么是善?什么是恶?,为了获取可能对我们有帮助的东西,我们对邪恶的潜在危险能容忍到什么程度?,Cloning,with its possibilities for creatingour own identical twins,brings us backTo the ancient sins of vani
3、ty and pride;The sins of Narcissus,who so lovedHimself,and of Prometheus,who,instealing fire,sought the power of God.Sobefore we can ask why we are sofascinated by cloning,we have toexamine our souls and ask,What exactlyso bothers many of us about trying tomake an exact copy of our genetic selves?Or
4、,if we are not bothered,why arent We?,克隆技术以其创造与我们自身完全相同的孪生兄的可能性,将我们带回到种种古老的罪孽:虚荣傲慢;纳西瑟式的自恋罪;以及普罗米修斯以盗火来获取上帝权利的罪孽;,因此我们在扪心自问为何对克隆技术如此着迷之前,不得不先审视一下自己的心灵,问一问:究竟是什么使得我们当中的很多人对于尝试复制与自身基因完全相同的孪生兄的如此不安?或者,如果我们并没有为此感到不安,其原因又是什么?,作文句型,Argue about,争论作文中用于可以引出对问题的矛盾,People have argued about this phenomenon for
5、 a long time,Some people hold the idea that some people think otherwise,Some people are in favor of the idea thatsome people are opposed of the idea that,粉条(分条)陈述的句型,In the first placein the second placefinaly,作文扩展,argue with sb about sth 与某人就某事争argue against 反对;据理反对;争辩argue for 赞成argue back 反驳:argu
6、e down 驳倒某人;驳倒argue for 赞成;支持;论证;为辩护argue in favour of 为辩护argue into 劝使做某事argue out(of)doing 说服某人不去做某事argue round and round 只在(问题)表面兜圈子而不深入其实质argue the toss 事已至此,争也无用,纳西瑟斯(narcissus)水仙花,纳西瑟斯是河神刻菲索斯与仙女莱里奥普所生,是一个容貌俊美的少年,自负而冷淡地拒绝女神爱可(Echo)的爱情,使之因伤心憔悴而死,仅留美妙的回声。月神阿提米丝(Artemis,一称复仇女神涅墨西斯Nemesis)决定惩罚纳西瑟斯。
8、e()his parents with requests of money.,plagues,potential:可能的,电位电势,潜力,潜在的,潜能It recognizes that every child has limitless potential for success and limitless capacity for love.,每一个孩子都有成功的无限潜力、都有爱的无限能力,这是公认的。,tolerate,tolerance n.Tolerant adj.Distinguish:bear,stand,endure,tolerate,put up withbear,指在通常情
9、况下,可互换的.e.g.She cant bearstand the hot weather in Hangzhou.endure 经历了很长时间困难或不幸e.g.I had never endured anything like this before.,intolerant,tolerate(doing)sth.e.g.The school cannot tolerate cheating on exams,1 自满,自大,自负 2 骄傲;傲慢,骄气3.自豪;自尊;自尊心 4.满意;得意;自满5.引以自豪的人;夸耀之物6.(国家、民族等的)全盛期;强健时期;7.最优秀部分;精华;顶点8.(
10、马的)精力,血气9.(禽兽等的)群10.(孔雀的)开屏;(徽章)孔雀开屏13.古语壮丽;光辉;装饰;修饰vt.使得意;自负;骄傲:He prides himself on remaining calm in an emergency.,他为自己在紧急关头十分镇定而感到骄傲。,be eaten up with pride 被骄傲冲昏头脑be puffed up with pride妄自尊大false pride虚荣;虚伪的自尊心feel(take)(a)pride in对感到意;以自豪give pride of place to把第一位让给hold pride of place占第一位in pr
11、ide of grease(猎物)正肥;正好猎取in the pride of处于的顶峰(或最佳状态)in the pride of ones heart踌躇满志;兴高采烈pocket(swallow)ones pride暂时含垢忍辱;,Pride goes before a fall骄者必败。pride of China(India)檀香木pride of life古语排场;虚荣亦作 pride of the worldpride of ones youth青春pride of place傲慢;高位;(尤指鹰的)飞翔pride of the desert骆驼pride of the morn
12、ing天晴的预兆pride oneself on(upon)以自豪,以自傲,以自鸣得意,对感到满意purse pride因富有而引起的傲慢wound someones pride(或 the pride of someone)伤害某人的自尊心,Cloning,with its possibilities for creating our own identical twins,brings us back To the ancient sins of vanity and pride;The sins of Narcissus,who so loved Himself,and of Prometheus,who,in stealing fire,sought the power of God.,Cloning,介词短语作状语,同位语,the ancient sins,定语从句,Dolly,Cloned monkeys,First cloned mule,What animals have been cloned?(3),Cloned twin goats,First cloned horse,First cloned cat,Thank You!,PPT整理资料收集:江浩翔 徐海涛内容整理:何灵飞 陈慕蓉班级:信管 计算机系,