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1、Local Transportation,Asking for Directions,最有效句子,Excuse me,I am looking for the museum.Do you know where the museum is?Can you tell me how to get to the mueseum?How far is it from here?About 15 minutes walk.What is the quickest way to get there?By taxi.,You should go down Fith Avenue about five bloc

2、ks.up,down 相当于中国人指方向用南,北的意思Can you tell me where the nearest ATM is?ATM=Automatic Teller Machine 自动取款机Is it possible to walk there?If you will be fine to walk an hour.,Walk along the road for 50 yards and then you will come to a fork road.yard 码 1 yard=1 meterfork road 岔口Take a right,pass two crossi

3、ng and you will see it.Can you show me on the map?Go straight,and its on the end of the road.You cant miss it.你肯定能找到。,theatre 剧院 post office 邮局 museum 博物馆subway sataion地铁 traffic light 红绿灯,Taking Buses,最有效句子:Which bus should I take?Take bus No.8.Please give me a bus route map and timetable.route map

4、 路线图 timetable 时刻表How long is the ride?Its six stops,about 30 minutes.Do I need to transfer if I go to the zoo?Can I directly go to the zoo by this bus?,How often does the bus come?Every 3 minutesWould you please let me know when we get to the stop?Of course,I will keep it in mind.Please swipe your

5、card before you getting off.swipe 刷卡How many stops are there to the railway station?Thats the terminal of this bus.,Where is the conductor?This is a self-service ticketing bus.Please drop your money into the box and take seats inside.,translate,我需要换乘其他公交车吗?Should I transfer to other bus?你要在第六站下车,然后转

6、乘3路车。You have to transfer at the sixth stop to No.3.我是否需要一张公交卡?Do I need to get a bus card?到站的时候可以提醒下我吗?Could you remind me if its the stop?公交车多久来一趟?How often does the bus come?,Traveling by subway,最有效句子Where is the underground railway station?underground railway=subwayWhere can I get the ticket?You

7、 can get one from the ticket vendor.Where can I get some small bills?small bills=change 零钱Will the ticket vending machine give me the change?Yes,but in coins.ticket vending machine 自动售票机,What is the price of a one-day pass ticket?How much is a one-day pass ticket?one-day pass 是指买当天全日都可以使用的通票What sho

8、uld I do with the token?token 一般是指在售票处购买的代币或地铁卡Just put this token into the slot.slot 硬币投币口This is a sensor ticket.Just swipe it on the sensor.sensor 传感器,Can I keep the token?Sorry,its recycling.When is my ticket valid till?How long is my ticket good for?good for=valid 有效期,translate,我的票可以乘4号线吗?Is my

9、 ticket good for line 4?去南站是在这个站台坐车吗?Is this the platform for subway to South station?我要把车票还回去吗?Should I give the ticket back?一张去皇后公园的票。One(ticket)for Queen Park,please.,Traveling by train,Do you have soft berth?Do you have soft sleepers(软卧)?Does the train stop at all station?No,this is a non-stop t

10、rain.直达车I prefer express to local train.express 快车 local train 慢车,多穿梭城际间的WHere is the dining car?餐车在几号车厢?Its on 9th car.,What is the difference between the first-class fare and the second-calss fare?What is the price difference between the first-class and the second-calss?How much longer is it till

11、we get to Rome.One hour.What is the age limit for the Youth Ticket.Youth Ticket.青年票,欧洲铁路系统为26岁以下的青年提供网内列车特价票,类似中国的学生票。,Where are food trolleys on the train?food trolley 贩卖食物的推车How many trains are there from Oxford to Avon every day?Only one.,translate,我们什么时候能到墨尔本。When will we arrive at Melbourne?软卧和普通卧铺有什么区别?What is the difference between soft berth and ordinary ones?这是一趟快车还是慢车?Is this an express or a local train?青年票只提供给26岁以下的年轻人。Youth Tickets are only offered to youth under 26 years old.,


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