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1、假设你是红星中学高二(1)班的学生李华。下面四幅图描述了上周五你参加的一次拓展训练活动。请根据图片的先后顺序,用英语为校刊写一篇短文。词数不少于60。参考词汇:Outward Bound 拓展训练,第一节 情景作文,2012,4 海淀一模书面表达,时态,人称要准确,要点要全:到达,跳桥,翻墙,照相缺一项9-11分,缺两项2-5分,有细节支撑,有一幅图不写细节的就降一档,要有语言质量,逻辑合理,Early in the morning,we arrived at the Outward Bound Centre in our school bus/by school bus.With the s

2、un rising above the horizon,we took our school bus heading for the Outward Bound training campThe moment we arrived,we were divided into three different teams and the trainer introduced the arrangements to us.Upon arrival,we gathered at the entrance in three groups,receiving the instructions from th

3、e coach.,Jumped across a broken bridgeJump from one side/end to the other.Protected by the safety ropes tied/fastened around the waist.Afraid,the first girl hesitated at that height at first.Looking down,some girls dared not jump across in the beginningWith the encouragement and help of the coach,we

4、 finally made it.Though scared at first,every one of us,with the coachs encouragement and help,finally managed to jump onto the other end safe and sound one after another.What a thrilling experience!,Climbed over the escape wall.With the help of the coach and the teammates we succeeded in getting ov

5、er the survival wallSupported by those standing below and pulled by those above,all of us were able to get to safety.We had to depend on the power of the whole team so as to make it to the other side of the escaping wall.,Had a photo taken with awards and the coach.Won prizes for our courage and coo

6、perationGot awards for bravery and teamwork.To keep the good memories for good,we got several photos taken at the entrance of the training base with the trainer and prizes we won.To record the challenging but rewarding experience,we took photos with the coach and awards.,情景作文典型错误,时态:误用现在时/现在时与过去时混搭。

7、落要点:第一图(乘车到达),最后一图(合影留念)。介绍营地过细/把第二幅图和第三幅图合并并一笔带过。单词拼写:1)名词/形容词/介词动词化;2)不规则动词ed 化;3)单词拼写语音化/随意化board,effect/efforts;rope,bridge,nervous;divided;led;skip/slip;climb;jump;flew;unity;teamwork;cooperation,bravery/courage;win an award/a prizeIn that day morning/On last Friday,The train encouraged us that

8、 dont be afraid.By our school bus/under the help ofWe took the bus get/to there.We made up/divided into three groups.We jumped from one said to anotherNext we had to over/through/across the flee/leave wallAll of us did/finished very good.The moment we arrived,most of us couldnt wait to have a try at

9、 the equipment.First of all,we were given necessary instructions about rules of safety before we were divided into three groups and taken to different places separately.,Last Friday,my class took part in a meaningful and challenging courseOutward Bound.(总说)(15分作文)Early in the morning,we got to an Ou

10、tward Bound centre on our school bus.Upon arrival,we were divided into several groups and our coach introduced the course to us.Shortly afterwards,we got involved in various activities.One of them was jumping across a broken bridge.I was afraid at first,but with the encouragement of the coach,I fina

11、lly made it.What impressed me most was climbing over a wall to“escape.”We helped one another and all of us managed to“survive.”Before we left the centre,we had a photo taken to record the unforgettable experience,which gave us a good chance to build up courage and improve our sense of teamwork.,I al

12、ways believe that it is through outside activities rather than text books that we get a better comprehension about something inside such as friendship,courage and cooperation.Last Friday we were organized to take part in an Outward Bound.With great enthusiasm,we arrived at the Outward Bound institut

13、ion early in the morning by school bus.The instructor divided us into groups and gave us some instructions so that we could experience a more exciting day.No sooner had we stepped into the gate than we started to try for the first program,in which everyone was requested to jump across a broken bridg

14、e.With the help of the instructor,each of us did well,even a classmate who was afraid of high places created a miracle for himself.Having experienced the thrilling activity,we came to the“escaping wall”activity which taught us what great power cooperation had.Everybody could see only by depending on

15、 each other was it possible for us to get over the wall.With the efforts from everyone,hard as it was,we eventually got through the huge obstacle.When having finished all the activities,we sat together in front of the gate,with awards for courage and cooperation in our hands,and had a photo taken to

16、 memorize this rewarding experience,Time passed quickly and before we knew it,it was time for us to say goodbye to the Outward Bound Base.We were tired but happy.The memorable activities which teach us the importance of friendship,courage and cooperation will be kept in our minds forever.,3档 14分,作文3

17、档14分.JPG,Describe the picture-描述图片(三分之一篇幅);Explain how you understand it-对于图片的理解和自己的观点(三分之二篇幅)句式的多样性:定语从句,非谓语,强调,倒装句,以及高级词汇的使用自然流畅。2)不只看单句,要看前后句的连贯性和逻辑。,附件,立意:折射出什么生活现象,给人以什么启示1.不要好高骛远 2.想成功,从小事做起 3.只有抓住现在才能成功,不要太过关注将来4.不要看的太远,有时成功就在眼前5.要确立一个容易实现的梦想6.有的人花更多的时间在寻找,所以错过了很多事而一事无成7.粗心就会失去很多机会8.应该去踏实做事而不

18、是观望9.立足脚下10.不能只顾向前看,可以接受的立意,常见错误,描图不全面,不准确,丢三落四。时态老问题:过去时。首句老毛病:As can be seen,(.)A man关键单词不会拼写:telescope;net立意不明确,过于牵强(如方法,工具等已写、背过的作文)描图与立意脱节;议论部分前后不一致,不连贯;上下文逻辑不通。(如写着写着就写成了要坚持努力就一定会成功的固定套路)语言质量不高,很多只是语言的堆砌,鲜有精彩的句式或段落。议论部分显得浅薄,缺乏深度,眼界过窄,认识不到位。9.有些立意明显缺乏生活常识。(如用望远镜捕鱼)。,In the picture,a man on a bo

19、at is searching for some fish in the distance with a telescope.However,his efforts do not pay off,for the net is still empty.Amusingly,a school of fish is swimming just nearby,but he completely ignores them.What the picture conveys is that we should never aim too high,neglecting the readily attainab

20、le goal.If the man stopped focusing on the distant waters and looked around,the fish near the boat would be an easy harvest for him.In our daily life,we often make the same mistake.Without realizing the simple truth that some precious chances around us might slip away,we tend to believe that the hig

21、her our goal is,the bigger success we will achieve.Actually,our work will be more fruitful if we are more practical.,Amusingly,he ignores a school of fish is swimming just nearby.,In the picture,a man on a boat is searching for some fish with a telescope.However,his efforts do not pay off,for the ne

22、t is still empty.Amusingly,a group of fish is swimming just nearby,but he completely ignores them.What the picture conveys is that we should never aim too high,neglecting the readily attainable goal.If the man stopped focusing on the distant waters and looked around,the fish near the boat would be a

23、n easy harvest for him.This is not uncommon in our daily life.When we aim to build one ridiculously large project but neglect the seemingly small task at hand,we may end up completing nothing.However,if we aim for one small goal after another,we may complete a large project in the end without great

24、difficulty.As far as I am concerned,we should be more practical when we want to achieve something in life.Only in this way can we reach our goal successfully.,In the picture,we can see a man standing in a boat,looking far ahead through the telescope,while neglecting the small fish swimming around hi

25、s boat.What the picture seems to convey is quite clear:If we aim high,we cannot content ourselves with the immediate interests.As it so happens,small gains are everywhere in our daily life.But if we are cannot resist their temptation,none of us can expect to get far in our careers.Instead,if we set

26、high targets,we will not be satisfied with the small easy gains.Just like the man in the picture,he focuses his mind on big fish,which can be caught only far out at sea.Of course he will never get the big catch if he fixes his attention on the small fish easily available around.As is well known,the

27、more challenging,the more rewarding.Yao Ming has set us a good example.Like him,young people should cherish ambitious dreams,which naturally mean more pains,hardship,frustrations and even failures.However,nothing venture,nothing have.If we believe in our dreams and go all out for them,our efforts will pay off one day.Then we can return with the biggest fish in our boat and smile the sweetest smile in life.Sure its well worth all our efforts and trouble.,


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