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1、现代新理念英语少儿版四册 Lesson 9 Where do you live?一:Subject-Where do you live?(four classes)二:Teaching date-April 12,2008三:Teaching target-(教学目标)This lesson talk about personal information.1.Asked by a person come from,where to live,Leads to the theme sentence:Where are you from?Where do you live?2.Master the

2、 general application of the present time.,四:Teaching emphasis-(教学重点)two sentence structure:Where do you come from?Where do you live?How to correctly use the present tense general五:Teaching contents-(教学内容)a.vocabularies in this lesson b.two sentence structures c.an English song:Where do you come from

3、?d.Humor small essays:Where am I?六:Teaching aids-(教具)About this lesson that the big cities picture;Tape;radio,七:Teaching procedures(教学步骤)(the first class)Step1.preparetion a.Have a dictation in last lesson b.have a free talkStep2.Revision 1.recite the Humor small essays in lesson eight-She laughs in

4、 English 2.Review of the third person singular verb usageStep3.presentation a.let some students introduce oneself.Leads to the theme come from this lesson b.turn to page sixty-three.look at the new words in this lesson.Let the students read their first try.,d.The teacher leader read one sentence by

5、one sentence e.Explain the words one by one(writing on the blackboard in the step 5)f.Lets learn:(sentence structures)Where do you come from?你来自什么地方呢?I come from Heilongjiang.我来自黑龙江.Where do you live?你住在哪呀?I live in Harbin.我住在哈尔滨.Textbooks to students in several places on the human geography of know

6、ledge Show various parts of the picture,1.首先要知道各个地方的省会城市或者首都(注意:课本中的城市图片不一定是省会或者首都)黑龙江的省会城市哈尔滨 江苏的省会城市南京 浙江的省会城市杭州 山西的省会城市太原 中国的首都北京 英格兰的首都伦敦 澳大利亚的首都堪培拉 美国的首都华盛顿2.列举几个地方的人文地理a.黑龙江:黑龙江的省会城市哈尔滨是最冷的城市;黑龙江省的漠河是中国最北部的城市,漠河是不夜城,昼达19小时每天;黑龙江省的松花江,盛产优质的大豆和玉米。b.江苏:太湖是五大淡水湖泊之一;江苏是我国著名的鱼米之乡;盛产名茶碧螺春;历史人物有古代有祖冲之

7、,吴敬梓,苏东坡.近代有徐悲鸿,梅兰芳,现代有周恩来,华罗庚,h.pay attention to Where 引导的特殊疑问句,它的基本构成 为“特殊疑问词Where+do(does)+主语+动词+其他Step4.drill and practise a.Control picture for students to practise.Asked an Answer b.Tong zhuo as a unit to do the replacement exerciseStep5.Writing on the blackboard A.ill:作表语 Eg:He is ill.Sick:既可

8、作表语也可作定语.a sick man B.drive v.驾驶 Eg:He drives a car.driver n.司机 Eg:My father is a driver.C.arrive in+大地方 Eg:I arrive in Beijing.arrive at+小地方 Eg:Lucy arrives at the station.,D.come from=be from 来自 Eg:Lei lei comes from China.Lei Lei is from China.E.look over 仔细检查look at 看 look up 向上看,查字典look out of

9、向外看F.at once 马上Eg:You must come back at once.,Step6.consolidation,summary and assignment of homework Make sure that you remember the wordsStep7.After-school Notes1.要让学生自己尝试认读新单词,因为这样可以帮助学生记忆单词,进一步扩充词汇量.2.对词汇用法要讲清楚,列举例子帮助学生理解.3.要强调整体认读的能力,可以采用教师领读,学生齐读,男生女生分小组读,学生领读。只有大声读出来才能更好的记忆.,Teaching procedure

10、s:(the second class)Step1.preparetion Read the new words loudly Step2.revesion Sentence structure-a.Where do you live.你住在哪呀?b.where do you come from?你从哪里来?,Step3.presentationLets talk 讲述的是一个女孩和一个外国男人之间的一段对话,对话的内容围绕个人情况展开.从而进一步练习了本课的语言结构.a.Import-listen to the radio twice.Enable students to grasp the

11、 effect the article b.Open the book.students read after it again c.Teachers read it again as a whole.d.Teacher from Reading,e.Tong zhuo based on the actual situation between the questions and answersfor example:Where do you come?你从哪来呢?I come from Han Dan.我来自邯郸.Where do you live?你在哪住呢?I live in Zhan

12、lan Road.我住在展览路 Where does Liu mei come from?刘梅来自哪呢?She comes from Shi jiazhuang.她来自石家庄.Does she live in Zhan Lan Road,too?她也住在展览路吗?No,she doesnt.She lives in Cong Tai Road 不,她住在丛台路,Step4.drill and practise a.The role of reading for students b.text repeatStep5.writting on the blackboard a.Lets talk

13、key words Excuse me;where;USA;where;live;New York b.Where do you come from?=Where are you from?Step6.consolidation,summary and assignment of homework 活动手册上的相关内容,Step7.After-school Notes 1.教师应该注重听力的练习,要尽量让学生根据记忆复述.2.要尽量让每一组学生都有做替换对话的练习.3.强调动词第三人称的用法,Teaching procedures:(the third class)Step 1.prepare

14、tion Play a game-draw mouth The rules of the game:A group of two students.One command,one painting.Step2.revesion Do some exercise 选择填空_do you come from?I come from Nan Jing.A.Where B.What C.Who,Step3.presentation(the third class)a.Lets chant Twice-first recording,allowing students to translate what

15、 is the meaning of,than follow read.b.To replace the practice:Nationality with their own names Replacementc.Lets sing-Where do you come from?Enable students to listen twice and then with the singing.唱这首英文歌曲不仅调节了课堂气氛,又在换欢乐的氛围 中复习了本课所学的语言结构.d.Lets play a game 抽卡对话对抗赛The rules of the game:Some teachers

16、 prepared to write a place card.Competition will be divided into two groups of students.According to the image of the contents of training.,Step4.drill and practise a.Sing an English song b.Play a game Step5.writting on the blackboard Where do you come from?Where does she live?Step6.consolidation,su

17、mmary and assignment of homework 活动手册上的相关内容Step7.After-school Notes1.在快乐的氛围中学生能更快更好的学习掌握知识!2.引导学生放开自己,大声的说唱。,Teaching procedures:(the forth lesson)Step1.preparetiona.Review the words in this lessonb.Practise the Lets learnStep2.revesiona.Play a game-fill the words on the blackboard b.do exercise 补全对

18、话:(Nan Jing,Jiang Su)A._?B.I come from _.A._?B.I live in _.,Step3.presentation(the forth class)本课趣味阅读讲的是Mr Brown驱车去给一个农夫的妻子看病,回家的时候迷了路的故事。紧扣本课话题和语言结构,是对本课知识点的又一次升华。a.listen to the radio twiceb.extensive reading teacherc.the teacher leader read one sentence by one sentenced.explain the sentence one b

19、y onee.listen to the radio and follow readf.The role of students performing essays,Step4.drill and practiseRent boys and girls separately to see which group of Reading fluencyb.Boys and girls each from a representative reading of texts PKc.winning the smiling faces of the students to give incentives

20、Step5.writting on the blackboard a.Mr.:先生 Mrs.夫人 Miss 小姐 b.doctor:在本课是医生的意思;另外还有博士的意思。c.After he looks over the sick man,Mr Brown starts to go back.前半句是after 引导的时间状语从句,表示 在之后。词组:look over 仔细检查 Start to do sth.开始做某事.d.loose ones way 迷路 example:My dog loose his way.我的小狗迷路了.e.say nothing 什么都没有说.,Step6.consolidation,summaryand assignment of homework1.活动手册上的相关内容.2.背诵本课的Read for fun-Where am I?Step7.After-school Notes1.在教师的正确引导下转变学生的想法:由要我背课文到我要背课文.2.教师要把赏识教育理念贯穿到课堂教学中去.,


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