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1、谓语动词的错误,下列各小题中有且仅有一处错误(多1个单词、少1个单词、错1个单词),请指出并改正过来,然后说明理由。1.(2015新课标卷I)When I was a child,I hoped to live in the city.I think I would be happy there.,指小时候“想”,用一般过去时,改后才与was,hoped时态一致。,2.(2014新课标卷I)Since thenfor all these yearswe had been allowing tomatoes to self-seed where they please.As a result,t

2、he plants are growing The fruits are small,自那以后到现在,应是现在完成进行时。,3.(2013新课标卷I)I was only four when she passes away.由主句时态可知,用一般过去时。4.(2012新课标卷)When I tear apart my fifth birthday toy train,my father said,“Thats it.No more toys for you.”上下文谓语动词的时态都是用一般过去时。,5.(2011新课标卷)When I finally arrived at my friends

3、 he lent me lots of clothes.I feel very happy that I could change my clothes at last.,上文谓语动词都是用一般过去时,而feel却用一般现在时,时态不一致。,6.(2014新课标卷II)My dream school starts at 8:30 a.m.and ends at 3:30 p.m.There are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon.We didnt need to do so much homework.,据上文动词时态

4、可知,要用一般现在时。,7.(2013新课标卷II)This custom soonbecomes another meal of the day.Interestingly,it had a connection with the British porcelain(瓷器)industry.,由下文中的had及语句意思可知,用一般过去时。,8.(2015新课标卷II)A woman saw him crying and telling him to wait outside the shop.,与前面的saw是并列谓语,用told。注意:考生易误以为telling与crying并列,如果这样

5、,意思是讲不通的。,9.(2014新课标卷II)We can lie on the grass for a rest,or sat by the lake listening to music.,与or前的lie并列,sit也用原形。,10.(2015新课标卷I)Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very serious problem.,因“研究”与“表明”是主动关系。,11.(2015新课标卷II)Tony was scaredand begun to cry.,因begin的过

6、去时是began。考生易受and前面部分影响,以为也要跟scared一样用过去分词构成被动语态,其实,“汤姆”与“开始哭”是主动关系。,12.(2013新课标卷II)Tea in China was traditionally drank from cups without handles.,构成被动语态,用过去分词。,13.(2011新课标卷)Luckily,I had all my money in my pocket,but the only clothes I had was those I had on.,句中(that)I had是定语从句,主句主语是clothes,为复数,故wa

7、s改用were才主谓一致。,14.(2014新课标卷II)My dream school look like a big garden.一般现在时,主语My dream是第三人称单数,谓语动词要加s。15.(2015新课标卷I)We must found ways to protect the environment.在情态动词(must)后用动词原形。,16.(2012新课标卷)My punishment lasted a year.Meanwhile,I found out that with more patience,I must make my toys last.,更有耐心,才“可


9、0、11、12题即考查语态。,(1)查该用主动还是被动。如果是主动语态,句中有行为动词时,不能再用be。如真题再练10,“研究”与“表明”是主动关系,已有行为动词show了,就不能再用be,故删除been。(2)如果要用被动语态,看是否漏掉be;同时注意be的时态是否正确,主谓是否一致,过去分词拼写是否正确(常误写成过去式或原形)。如真题再练12,就是过去分词的拼写错误。,3.查并列动词的形式是否一致。在A and/or B或A,B and C这类结构中,A,B,C的形式应一致,关键是要找准谁跟谁并列,不要找错对象,尤其当句子有谓语动词又有非谓语动词时更应注意。如真题再练8、9。,4.查主谓是

10、否一致。有时虽然前后时态是一致的,但主谓不一致。如真题再练13,主语clothes是复数,谓语动词却用单数was;真题再练14,主语My dream school是第三人称单数,谓语动词look却用复数(原形)。,5.查情态动词是否用错。若有情态动词,首先根据语境体会句子所表达的语气与情态,判断是否用错了情态动词。如真题再练16,“我明白了,有了耐心,我就一定让我的玩具用得更久”,玩具是否用得久,还受本身的质量或其他因素的影响,用“一定(must)”语气太强了,改用“可能(could)”更好。另外,我们知道,情态动词有三大特征:,(1)后面一定要接动词原形,并与之一起构成谓语。(2)没有人称和

11、数的变化。(3)其疑问式或否定式不借助于do。因此,我们还要考虑作者是否因不懂情态动词的基本用法而用错了。如真题再练15,must后接found,这就错了,应改为原形find。,谓语动词的错误不但每年必考,而且考得最多,每套题中平均有两处错。到目前为止,仅考查了以下8点:1.前后谓语动词的时态不一致。2.主动语态中已有行为动词时却多用了be。,3.被动语态中或者完成时态中,过去分词拼写错。如:A little girl was hurted and her mother needed help.(2009大纲卷II)解析:“小女孩被弄伤”,用被动语态是对的,但hurt的过去式、过去分词与原形是

12、相同的,即hurthurthurt,故hurted错了,应改为hurt。,Since then we havent see each other much.But weve kept writing to each other.(2007新课标卷)解析:由since then(自那时起到现在)可知,用现在完成时是正确的,但现在完成时由“have+过去分词”构成,故see错了,要改为seen。,4.并列谓语的时态形式应该一致却没有一致。5.主语与谓语在人称和数方面应该一致却没有一致。6.情态动词后本应接动词原形却接了过去式,或者根本没有动词。如:,So real friendship shoul

13、d able to standall sorts of tests.(2014大纲卷)解析:should是情态动词,后面一定要跟动词原形,而able是形容词,故应加be,构成be able to(能够)。,7.虚拟语气。如:My father was so pleased that he suggested I went to England for a holiday.解析:因表示“提议,建议”的suggest后的宾语从句的谓语动词要用“(should+)do”,所以went要改为go。,8.命题人有时也会利用某些动词的过去式与过去分词拼写相同,将一般过去时故意误写成现在完成时,要求考生删除

14、have或has。如:Li Ming came to see me every day.Then his father has changed jobs and they moved to another city.(2007新课标卷)解析:由后面的并列句中的moved可知,change也用一般过去时,故删除changed前的has。,提醒:时态只需注意前后一致,且只需注意现在时与过去时就行了。如真题再练2,根据Since then(从那时起到现在),或由下文are growing,are small可知,应当用现在时,而had是过去时,应改为have即可。不必按现在完成进行时、现在进行时、一

15、般现在时这样去理解。,1.(2010新课标卷)One day he was having a yard sale and the old man living next door come by to help.As the old man looked,上下文都是用一般过去时,这里也改为一般过去时才一致。,2.(2009新课标卷)I remember askingfor a room as far away from the lifts as possible and they find me a comfortable one on the second floor.,由语境可知,是“找到

16、”了。,3.(2008新课标卷)We were organizing an art exhibition for high school students in the city.It will be held on the 9th of July in the Exhibition Hall of Beihai.,由上下文可知,是指现在正在组织艺展。,4.(2007新课标卷)Then I invited Li Ming to my place.We listen to my CDs togetherand soon became best friends.,前后都是用一般过去时。,5.(20

17、14大纲卷)All of us need friendship.The understanding between two friends mean both of them have similar ideas,主语是The understanding(第三人称单数)。,6.(2013大纲卷)At home,my father often thinks Im silly.He said if I decide to do something,it takes him much time to stop me.,上下文谓语动词都用一般现在时。,7.(2012大纲卷II)Water is imp

18、ortant.We cannot live without water Yet it seemed water is becoming less and less.,上下文都用一般现在时,8.(2011大纲卷I)I hold my lunch-box in my hand when I was going to school.The smell from it was very good.,讲述过去的事情,9.(2011大纲卷II)However,my father had to return to work on Monday so we fly back last Saturday aft

19、ernoon.Itwas really a nice experience.,前后谓语都使用一般过去时,时态应该保持一致。,10.(2010大纲卷I)It was All I had to do was My teachers have been telling me how great my writing was.,前后都是用过去时(一般过去时),而这里却用现在时(现在完成进行时)。,11.(2010大纲卷II)I prepared She said it was the best gift she has ever had.,上下文的谓语动词都是用过去时,而这里变成现在时(现在完成时)。

20、,12.(2010大纲卷II)Christie was one ofmy best friends at high school.At that time,we often spend time together.,上下文谓语动词的时态都是一般过去时。,13.I find that the neighborhood which I used to live in has changed a lot.The Sichuan Restaurant and the old fish shop across the street from our middle school were gone.,由上

21、下文中的find,has changed等可知,用的是现在时,指现在已经变了,四川餐馆和老鱼店现在不见了。,14.(2009大纲卷II)Im sorry that I wasnt able to return your bike on time yesterday.I mean to give it back to you before four inthe afternoon,but I was held up on my way back.,由上文yesterday及与之并列的was held可知,是对昨天情况的回顾,用一般过去时,指昨天“本打算”。,15.(2008大纲卷I)I win

22、a national prize for painting last week.与last week连用,用一般过去时。16.(2008大纲卷II)Second,I will learn Third,since I was familiar with Beijing,I can help visitors find their way in the city.由上下文的谓语动词可知,要用现在时。,17.(2007大纲卷I)I was only about six when he held his hand out to me.I took it in mine and we walked.Th

23、en I ask him,“Grandpa,how come you have so many lines on your hand?”,上文动词是一般过去时,回忆六岁时发生的事。,18.(2007大纲卷II)I meant to write a long letter and tell you all the things Im doing at school,but the bell was ringing,so I just have to stop here.,句中meant用的是一般过去时,指“本打算,原打算”写一封长信的,但现在铃声响起来了。,19.(2009大纲卷I)The ma

24、rket at the corner of Friendship Street and Xinhua Road has been given way to a supermarket.,主语The market与give way to(让位给)是主动关系。,20.(2014大纲卷)The understanding between two friends means both of them have similar ideas and trusting each other.,与have并列,同样用原形。,21.(2012大纲卷I)For example,how manytimes have

25、 you walked out of a room and leave the lights or television on when no one else was there?,与walked并列,用过去分词。,22.(2010大纲卷I)What were better,I had useful help.主谓一致,因主语What是单数,故改用was。23.(2009大纲卷I)There exist now a park that has a small river running through.因There exists是There be的变体,是倒装句式,主语是a park,第三人

26、称单数,所以用exists。,24.(2009大纲卷II)When I got back,it were already 6 p.m.I hope you understand.,主语是第三人称单数it。,25.(2010新课标卷)On the box was a card“You will never sell these for that much.”he told Nick.Convinced,Nick has brought the price down to 10 cents a piece.his neighbor picked up,因为上下文都是用一般过去时,这里却用了现在完成时,删除has时态才前后一致。,THANK YOU!,


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