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1、1.人们常说骄兵必败。拿破仑和希特勒在俄罗斯的失败就是典型的例子。,翻译(综合练习册)Unit 1,2.1812年,拿破仑率领大军入侵俄罗斯。他自信会马到成功,预言5周内攻下俄国。,3.然而他未能料到会在莫斯科遭遇劲敌-俄罗斯的严冬,从而以失败告终。,4.1941年,希特勒不宣而战,对苏联发动袭击。他希望速战速决,预计3个月结束战役。,5.但是,他犯下了同样的致命错误-低估了俄罗斯冬季的严酷,而付出了惨重的代价。,6.任何军事行动都必须考虑到自然因素。对俄罗斯人民而言,严冬是他们的冰雪卫士。,1.They say that pride comes before a fall.The failu

2、re of Napoleons and Hitlers invasions of Russia is a good case in point.,2.In 1812,Napoleon led his Grand Army into Russia.Confident of a quick victory,he predicted the conquest of Russia in five weeks.,3.But he was not prepared for the devastating enemy that met him in Moscow-the severity of Russia

3、n winter.Thus he ended in failure.,4.In 1941,without a declaration of war,Hitler began an invasion of the Soviet Union.He expected a short campaign-to last no longer than 3 months.,5.But he made the same vital mistake-underestimated the severity of Russian winter,and took a toll on his invading army

4、.,6.The elements of nature must be reckoned with in any military campaign.For the Russian people,the winter was an icy defender.,1.汽车工业-20世纪最赚钱、最有影响力的产业,将感受到计算机革命的影响。2.首先,智能汽车已经制造出来,它们能监控行车过程以及附近行车状况,从而消除绝大多数汽车事故。3.其次,有了全球卫星定位系统,驾驶员能确定准确的方位,并得知交通路况,以免迷路和陷入交通堵塞。4.除此之外,远程信息学最终将把智能汽车送上智能高速公路,在计算机的控制下,编

5、组行驶。5.总之,智能汽车能节约燃油,减少交通堵塞,降低空气污染,增加高速公路车流量。,Unit 2,1.The automobile industrythe most lucrative and powerful industry of twentieth century,is about to feel the effects of the computer revolution.2.First,Smart cars Smart cars have already been built which can monitor ones driving and the driving condi

6、tions nearby,thus eliminating most car accidents.3.Second,Global Positioning Systems make it possible to locate the drivers precise location and alert the driver to driving conditions to avoid getting lost and traffic obstruction.4.In addition,“telematics”will eventually attempt to put smart cars on

7、 smart highways.Cars will be bunched into groups,traveling in unison and controlled by computer.5.To sum up,smart cars could save fuel,reduce traffic jam,decrease air pollution,and serve as an alternative to highway expansion.,Unit 3,常言道,好的开端是成功的一半。As the saying goes,well begun is half done.在求职时,求职者

8、事先做好充分的准备是非常重要的。It is extremely important for a job applicant to do his homework/be fully prepared while seeking employment.我认为,事先作不准备常常会影响求职者的成功机会。Form my standpoint/as I see it,whether or not one has done his homework clearly makes a difference in his chance of success.,另外,要想得到一份工作,还有以下四个关键:1.准备去赢

9、。2.永不中断学习 3.相信自己,哪怕没人相信你。4.想方设法显得与众不同。拥有了这些品质就会在求职中获得成功。In addition,there are four keys to getting hired:1.Prepare to win.2.Never stop learning.3.Believe in yourself,even when no one else does.4.Find a way to make a difference.All these will lead people to be a successful job hunter.,1)在人类历史上,所有的强国最

10、终往往衰落,并且为新兴的帝国所取代。2)但是,美国现在并没有落败。因为美国新型的社会模式与以往的大相径庭。3)这个国家正在通过融合太平洋文化、拉丁文化和亚洲文化创造一种拼盘式的文化。4)一个典型的城市就是洛杉矶。在这里,如此众多的种族、民族和文化正在同时创建一个多元文化的社会。5)因此,在美国每一个人都有尝试的机会。这便构成了这个国家发展的潜力。,Unit 4,1)In the history of mankind,all powerful nations tended to decline and gave way to other new empires.2)But America is

11、not on the decline,for the new type of society is entirely different from any that has gone before it.3)This nation is in the process of creating a collage-like civilization by fusing with the Pacific,Hispanic and Asian cultures.4)A typical city is Los Angeles,in which so many races,nationalities,an

12、d cultures are simultaneously creating a society of pluralism.5)Therefore,in America everyone has the chance to try,which makes up this countrys potential of development.,1,就我来说,很难对一个人进行判断,因为外表往往是靠不住的.2,从外表和举止上看,伯顿好象是一个浑然一体/表里如一的人.3,善良文雅,伯顿看上去连蚂蚁都不忍伤害.4,然而,他队需要帮助的朋友却很残忍.5,他侮辱和愚弄山穷水尽的特纳,对他的死全然冷漠无情.,U

13、nit 5,1.For my part,it is no easy job to judge people for appearances are all too often deceptive.2.As far as appearance and manners were concerned,Burton seemed a man all of a piece.3.Kind and gentle,Burton appeared as if he could not bear to hurt an ant.4.Nevertheless,he turned out to be cruel to

14、a friend in need of help.5.He insulted and fooled Turner who was down and out,and was completely indifferent to Turners death.,攻势已经持续了三天,但是我们并没有取得多少进展。我们在前线与敌人交战的部队遇到了强力的抵抗。师长(division commander)命令我们营(battalion)绕到敌人后方发起突然袭击。然而,要绕到敌人后方,我们必须越过一片沼泽地(marshland)。我们很多人担心会陷入泥潭之中。我们营长决定冒一下险。我们在夜幕掩护下出发,不顾困难,

15、奋勇向前。幸运的是,夜间气温突然下降到摄氏零下20度,烂泥地都结上了冰。由于这寒冷的天气,我们于天亮前到达并从敌人后方发起进攻。这一下扭转了战局。敌人没有戒备,不久便投降了。,翻译(课文后练习)Unit 1,The offensive had already lasted three days,but we had not gained much ground.Our troops engaging the enemy at the front were faced with strong/fierce/stiff resistance.The division commander instr

16、ucted our battalion to get around to the rear of the enemy and launch a surprise attack.To do so,however,we had to cross a marshland and many of us were afraid we might get bogged down in the mud.Our battalion commander decided to take a gamble.We started under cover of darkness and pressed on in sp

17、ite of great difficulties.By a stroke of luck,the temperature at night suddenly dropped to minus 20 degrees Celsius and the marsh froze over.Thanks to the cold weather,we arrived at our destination before dawn and began attacking the enemy from the rear.This turned the tide of battle.The enemy,caugh

18、t off guard,soon surrendered.,Unit 2,汽车在二十世纪改变了世界,尤其是在美国和其他工业国家。Automobiles changed the world during the 20th century,particularly in the United States and other industrialized nations.汽车确实对我们大有用处,但也带来了一些危害,比如声音污染.空气污染以及公路死亡事故。They are indeed of great use/benefit to us,but they have brought some haz

19、ards as well,such as noise and air pollution,and highway fatalities.据报导汽车事故被列为全世界导致死伤的主要原因之一。It is reported that automobile accidents rank among the leading/main causes of death and injury in the world.,可庆幸的是,现代发明家们正在重新发明汽车。Fortunately/Luckily/By a stroke of luck,modern innovators/inventors are rein

20、venting the automobile.新的推进系统、燃料、设计以及制造汽车的手段在过去的十年中得到迅速发展。New propulsion systems,fuels,designs,and means of manufacturing cars have all developed rapidly in the past decade.例如,通过使用卫星辅助的全球定位系统,汽车里的计算机能给汽车精确定位;For example,by using the satellite-aided global positioning system(GPS),a computer in the au

21、tomobile can locate the vehicles precise position.随着遥感器的应用,智能汽车能排除不少汽车事故。and with the application of sensors,smart cars can eliminate most car accidents.,Unit 3,常言道,好的开端是成功的一半。As the saying goes,well begun is half done.在求职时,求职者事先做好充分的准备是非常重要的。It is extremely important for a job applicant to do his h

22、omework/be fully prepared while seeking employment.我认为,事先作不准备常常会影响求职者的成功机会。Form my standpoint/as I see it,whether or not one has done his homework clearly makes a difference in his chance of success.,我的一位朋友在一家计算机软件公司供职,年薪十万美元左右。I have a friend who is working in a large computer software company,earn

23、ing in the neighborhood of 100 thousand dollars a year.他根据自己的经历告诉我说,那些对未来的雇员具有录用决定权的人(决策者)喜欢有充分准备的人。He told me hat from his own experience the decision makers who interview prospective employees like people who are well prepared.那些没有在了解未来的雇主方面尽全力的人很难有成功的希望。Those who make no endeavor to learn as much

24、 about his prospective employer as possible dont have much chance/prospect of success,Unit 4,亨廷顿(Huntington)教授的论文使我深受启发。他认为,在一个多元化社会里,不同意见是不可避免的。关键在于怎样正确对待不同意见,使之发挥建设性,而非破坏性的作用。他还说,在一个多元化社会里,我们必须注重人际关系,强调合作,多从他人视角考虑问题。如果某些群体自视高人一等,不尊重其他种族或宗教,那么整个社会有可能陷入瘫痪。我相信,要是我们把上述想法付诸实践,那我们就有可能创造出一种新的文明。,The pape

25、r of Professor Huntington greatly inspired me.According to him,in a plural/pluralistic society,there will inevitably be different opinions.The key is to deal with them in such a way that they play a constructive rather than destructive role.He argues that in a plural/pluralistic society we must stre

26、ss/attach importance to interpersonal relationships,cooperation,and looking at issues from the perspective of other people.If some groups regard themselves as superior and treat other ethnic groups or religious with disrespect,the whole society may be paralyzed.Im convinced that if we put into pract

27、ice the ideas mentioned above,then there is the possibility of creating a new civilization.,就我来说,如果要雇个职员我肯定不会单凭他的长相就做出决定。For my own part,I should certainly hesitate to hire a clerk on his face alone./would not hire an employee in accordance with his appearance.外表往往是靠不住的。Appearances are all too often

28、 deceptive.比如说吧,要是你凭外表去判断诸如毛姆笔下的爱德华.海德.伯顿这样的人,你就错了.For instance,you might well commit an error in judgment if you went by appearances(根据外貌判断)only with people like Edward Hyde Burton,the character created by Maugham.从外表和举止看,伯顿好像是个浑然一体的人.As far as appearance and manners were concerned,Burton seemed a

29、man all of a piece.,Unit 5,他个子很小,满头白发,有着一双温和,蔚蓝的眼睛.He was a tiny little fellow with white hair and mild blue eyes.他文雅坦率,和蔼可亲,许多人都说他是个世上最令人尊敬的人.Kind,gentle and candid,he was described by many as/said to be one of the most respectable people on earth.然而,它对需要他帮助的朋友却很残忍.Nevertheless,he turned out to be

30、cruel to a friend in need of his help.他侮辱和愚弄山穷水尽的伦尼,让他去做那样的蠢事.He insulted and fooled Turner who was down and out and made him commit himself to an insane venture.更 让人吃惊的是,它对伦尼的死全然冷漠无情.毫无疑问,他是个铁石心肠的家伙.What was still more surprising was that he was completely indifferent to Turners death.Without doubt

31、,Burton was a man with a heart of stone.,Unit 6,无疑,我们现在处于持续的压力之下,要长时间工作,要创造更多,拥有更多,从而成为一名成功人士。于是乎,工作狂一种现代癖,就这样出现了。工作狂其根源是基于这样一种认识:通过长时间地工作,完成更多的项目,我们便能提高我们的自身价值。许多妇女今天感到同样的压力,要创造,要出人头地,而与此同时,又要养育子女,承担起各种家庭责任。研究表明,工作狂往往使我们与家人的关系疏远。他会迫使我们长时间的劳作,仅留微乎其微的时间与我们所爱的人聚在一起,交流感情。家庭成员间的亲密关系在此过程中注定要消亡。,There is

32、no question that today we are under constant pressure to work longer hours,to produce more,to possess more,and to become a success.Workaholism,is the perception that by working longer hours and completing more projects,we will enhance our self-worth.Many women today feel the same stress to produce a

33、nd get ahead and,at the same time,to nurture their offspring and shoulder a variety of domestic responsibilities.Research shows that workaholism tends to distance us from our immediate families.It forces us to labor longer and longer hours,leaving a minute fraction of time to be physically and emotionally available to our loved ones.Intimacy among family members is doomed to die in the process.,


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