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1、英语笔译综合,翻译中名词的理解与表达,英汉名词特点基本相同,都是用来表示人、地和事物的名称。但英语倾向于多用名词来表达某些在汉语中常以动词表达的概念,因此就词类而言,英语以名词占优势,倾向于多用名词和介词。,一些语言学家认为,英语是noun-dominated language,而汉语则是verb-predominated language。英语民族注重抽象思维,抽象名词和具体名词使用一样频繁。,附:论中西思维方式(连淑能),语言的使用体现思维的选择和创造;翻译的过程,不仅是语言形式的转换,而且是思维方式的变换。思维方式主要由知识、观念、方法、智力、情感、意志、语言、习惯等八大要素组成。思维方


3、子或角色,注重群体观念,倡导的是集体主义。欧洲文艺复兴时期所提倡的人文主义,宣扬人性,反对神性;要求人权,反对神权;主张个性解放,反对宗教桎梏;注重个体人格,认为个体是单独的、自由的,个体与群体的关系式单个与多个而不是部分与整体的关系,注重自我中心,倡导的是个体主义。,2,整体性与分析性,整体性思维(holistic thought)把人与自然、人间秩序与宇宙秩序、个体与社会看做是不可分割、互相影响、互相依存、互相对应的有机整体。分析性思维明确区分主体与客体、人与自然、精神与物质、思维与存在、灵魂与肉体、想象与本质,并把两者分离、对立起来,分别对这个二元世界做深入的分析研究。,3,意向性与对象






9、构。英语用词造句成章的最大特点是采用形合法,重形式结构协调,让读者和听者分析其中的意义和关系。,He has an austere manner.You have a very lucky escape.Her long,black hair was loose about her shoulders.Shes the best teacher though she has the least experience.A little learning is a dangerous thing.,他前途未卜。Theres a question mark over his future./His

10、future is unpredictable.他懒洋洋地打了一个哈欠。He gave a lazy yawn.球队以微弱的优势保持着一个球的领先。The team had a slender one-goal lead.,英语“倾向于多用名词,因而叙述呈静态(stative);汉语倾向于多用动词,因而叙述呈动态(dynamic)”。(连淑能,p104)就其表现而言,主要在如下几方面:1)英语的名词化(nominalization)倾向Nominalization:the grammatical process of forming nouns from other parts of spee

11、ch,usually verbs or adjectives.(朗文语言教学及应用语言学辞典p309)英语中许多名词是由动词派生或转化来的,如development,writing,lover,invention,advance,The film is an absolute must-see.Another departure from the recent White House practice is the absence of dancing.The appearance of the book on the market caused a sensation.,2,用名词表示施事者

12、He is a good eater and a good sleeper.他能吃能睡。You must be a very bad learner,or else you must be going to a very bad teacher.Youre all clock-watcher today!Litmus paper can used as an indicator of the presence or not of acid in a solution.石蕊试纸可用于指示溶液中是否含有酸。,3,用名词代替形容词,构成标题式短语Sino-American Trade Review

13、Talks StartGold reserveSpace shuttle flight test program名词连用加强了英语的名词优势,也反映了现代英语追求简洁的总趋势,但过分堆砌名词会使语言失去活力,缺乏动感,有时还会造成语义含混British history teacherA small car factory,4,用形容词或副词表达动词的意义He was unaware of my presence.Down with the old and up with the new.破旧立新。5,动词的弱化与虚化英语里最常用的动词正是动作意味最弱的词to be,其各种形式都缺乏动感。,On

14、 one side of town there are many antelopes in the hills and along the roads are yellow wild flowers.On the other side there is the Big Horns and nearly 10,000 feet up,Powder River Pass is through them.On one side of town antelopes abounded by fours and fives in the hills,and yellow wild flowers line

15、d the roads.On the other side rose the Big Horns and nearly 10,000 feet up,Powder River Pass cut through them.,There was a tropical storm off the east coasts of Florida.A tropical storm lashed the east coast of Florida.,汉语的动态倾向表现在以下几个方面1,动词连用连动式和兼语式都包含两个或两个以上的动词。连动、兼语、把字句和被字句还常常互相包孕套用,构成各式各样的多动词谓语句。

16、他想办法摆脱了困境。He thought his way out of the dilemma.你去教室把他叫回来。Go to the classroom and call him back.,2,动词(词组)可以充当汉语句子的各种成分实现理想境界要靠辛勤劳动。To translate ideals into reality needs hard work.解决问题的最好办法是进行调查研究。The best way to solve the problem is to conduct investigations.,3,汉语动词常常重叠或重复要吃有吃,要穿有穿。You will have en

17、ough to eat and sufficient to put on.说是说了,没有结果;做是做了,没有成功。I have made proposals,but in vain;I have made attempts,but without success.学问学问,要学要问;边学边问,才有学问。Acquisition of knowledge entails learning and asking for explanation.我等着要上路,越等越不耐烦,哪里是等一会儿,一等就是老半天。I waited with growing impatience to get on my way

18、,not for one minute but for a considerable time.,英汉互译的过程多数时候就是动静之间的一个转换的过程。,A spirit prevailed then which was quintessentially American:that problems are a challenge,not an alibi;that men are measured not only by their success but also by their striving;that it is better to aim grandly than to wallo

19、w in mediocre comfort.那时的风气还是符合地地道道的美国精神的:有问题,只能上,不能躲;衡量一个人,不但要看他的成败,也看他的努力程度;宁愿好大喜功,也不甘庸碌度日。,一切爱好和平的人民都要求全面禁止核武器,彻底销毁核武器。All peace-loving people demand the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons.要不是我能干重活,早就给辞退了。It was only my capacity for hard work that saved me from early

20、 dismissal.,This is a good piece of work.这活干得漂亮。I refused his offer of help.他表示愿意帮助我,我拒绝了。My admiration for him grew more.我对他越来越敬佩。His acceptance of bribes led to his arrest.他因受贿而被捕。,Aggression took many forms:the unilateral denunciation of treaties and international commitments,interference in the

21、internal affairs of other states,the use of threats against weaker neighbors,the imposition of unequal relationships,outright armed attack against the territories of other states and their dismemberment,the subjugation of colonial peoples and the denial of the right to self-determination and fundame

22、ntal human rights.侵略有多种形式,单方面废除条约与国际义务,干涉别国内政,对弱小邻国进行威胁,强迫实行不平等关系,赤裸裸地武装进攻别国领土和肢解他国,奴役殖民地民族,否决自决权和基本的人权等。,The use of nouns to express action is natural in English,so in translation many such dynamic nouns should be better turned into verbs and their attributives into adverbials.,Ambassador Wilson,a

23、shaggy-haired,camera-friendly presence,has been meeting the press on a regular basis.威尔逊大使头发蓬松,在镜头前显得自然亲切,经常定期约见新闻媒体。For political survival the most implacable idealists had to make political accommodations.为了在政治上站住脚,这位最坚定的理想主义者不得不在政治上做出让步。,Apart from such dynamic nouns,very often some other nouns c

24、an also be turned into verbs,or with verbs added in E-C translation in order to produce more smooth and natural version.,Its only a joke.只不过开个玩笑而已。But reality makes things difficult.但是一接触现实,事情就难办了。She considered housework demeaning and the care of children an added insult.她认为干家务活低人一等,带孩子更丢人。Example

25、is not the main thing in influencing.It is the only thing.以身作则不但是影响他人的主要方法,而且是唯一的方法。,A poor economy and Mikes alcoholism doomed them to even worse existence.经济不景气,麦克又开始酗酒,他们的日子就更艰难了。Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.没有(在场的)证据并不能证明(某人)不在场。My work and my family are more than enough to fil

26、l my time.又要工作,又要养家,我的时间简直不够用。,Soon the train started to move and the passengers were settled to fruit,periodicals and business letters.很快火车开动了,乘客们安顿了下来,有的吃水果,有的看杂志,有的则看起商务信函来。This is a novel of plot and structure and commitment.这部小说情节动人,结构严谨,主旨鲜明。In her habits,she was a living personification of or

27、der,method,and exactness.她的生活习惯体现了她的为人:有条不紊,按部就班,一丝不苟。,In a sense,the frequent use of abstract nouns in English also determines the wide application of turning nouns into verbs in E-C translation.,The early spring of England is still full of climatic irregularity.英格兰早春的天气常常变幻摩擦/变化无常。The boys nudged

28、each other aside for a better view.男孩们挤来挤去,都想占一个能看得更清楚的位置。This minimizes the wait and frees up the rest of the day for fun rather than fuming.这样一来,等待的时间就可以减到最少。这一天剩下的时间就可以去找点乐子,不用再生闷气了。,So,in other way round,translation from Chinese into English should make use of nouns to simplify sentence structur

29、e.,多吃蔬菜对我们的健康有好处。Plenty of vegetables will benefit our health.如果你能陪我一块儿去,我一定会很高兴。Of course I shall be glad of your company on the journey.矛盾不断出现,又不断解决,就是事物发展的辩证规律。The ceaseless emergence and ceaseless resolution of contradictions constitute the dialectical law of the development of things.,Such domi

30、nance of nouns or stativeness can also be found in English posters.Their counterparts in Chinese often use verbs.,No ThoroughfareNo Admittance Except on BusinessNo PassingFor Persons over 18 Years of AgeNo HawkersFull 3 Months Unconditional Service Guaranteed,禁止通行闲人免进禁止超车未满18岁者禁止入内禁止摆摊设点免费保修三个月,Agen

31、tive nouns in English can hardly find corresponding words in Chinese and therefore find their turning into verbs naturally in order to make the version more smooth and readable.,Hes a heavy smoker.Im not much of a sailor.我容易晕船。They could be obstructionists across a whole range of issues.他们在很多问题上都会发难

32、。They sat talking,for two and three house,as Smith spilled out his fear and frustrations and Conley alternately played the roles of friend,protector and confident.他们坐着一谈就是两三个钟头,史密斯在那里倒出了自己内心的害怕、担忧,种种失意,而康利则不时地安慰他,鼓励他,开导他。,Rabin was an active promoter of the Middle East peace process.拉宾曾积极地推进中东和平进程。H

33、e was a regular contributor to that magazine.他经常给该杂志投稿。Be careful!He is known as a blame-shifter.So it came about that in college I was unjustly accused of being a politician.He might have been stronger and better able to stand his illness if he had not been a bottle-boy but a breast-fed boy.,In man

34、y cases,such agentive nouns do not refer to persons.They can also be translated by using verbs.,Newly enlivened by hot culture and cold cash,London is rendering itself as a global trendsetter.时尚和金钱使伦敦再度活跃起来,引导着全球的新潮流。In the end,motive may turn out to be as important a pointer as physical evidence.最后

35、,在指明破案方向方面,动机的作用和物证的作用一样重要。The budget battle proved to be another nail-biter for the President shepherding the bill through Congress.总统正努力使该法案在国会得到通过,对他而言,关于预算的这场斗争又是一件让人头痛的事。,Native English speakers seem to prefer to use agentive nouns to describe a person but we Chinese tend to use verbs,他学习很用功。He is a good student/he studies hard.她衣着时髦。She is a sharp dresser.过去我常有点胡思乱想。I uses to be a bit a fancier myself.,


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