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1、广东省2012高考第二轮复习:完形填空总述,目录,专题一记叙文型完形填空专题二夹叙夹议型完形填空专题三议论文型完形填空专题四说明文型完形填空,第一模块完形填空,第一模块 考纲解读,完形填空是一种综合测试,涉及的知识面很广,是用来测试考生的阅读理解能力和综合应用语言的能力。具体表现在以下几个方面:(1)词语辨析能力(2)语法结构分析能力(3)语篇理解能力(4)逻辑推理能力(5)文化背景透析能力(6)作者意图剖析能力(7)生活常识综合运用能力,第一模块 命题分析,完形填空在选材上主要以记叙文、夹叙夹议型的文章为主,伴之以说明文和议论文。所选材料源于生活,时代感强,语言地道,内容健康,情节丰富,寓意

2、深刻,常涉及人物的心理活动描写,集知识、文化、教育和娱乐为一体,具有极强的可读性。词数大多在250300,难度低于阅读理解部分的文段。,第一模块 命题分析,近年来的完形填空试题在选项的设置上越来越淡化语法结构,重在文意的干扰,即把具体的语言知识溶进具体的语言情景中去,考查考生通过上下文的前后提示或暗示,对整体文意进行把握的能力。这种考查方式所占的比例较大,且难度也大,若单纯从句子或个别段落来分析,或许所给的四个选项在语法和结构上都是正确的,若放在全局,则不一定正确。因此,快速浏览全文,领悟文章主旨,通过上下文的语境来选择正确答案是解决这类题的关键。以下是广东省最近三年高考自主命题的完形填空的命

3、题特点以及实词考查对照表:,第一模块 命题分析,第一模块 应试点睛,完形填空考查的内容和范围1主要考查的词类完形填空题突出考查考生对篇章的整体理解和对语境的理解,而在文章中只有实词才能较好地突出词汇的语境化。细读近两年的考试大纲和研究近三年的高考试题后,我们可以得知,广东卷完形填空只考查实词,主要是名词、动词(包括动词短语)、形容词、副词等。同时,每小题的四个选项均属同一词类或同一语法形式。若四个选项都是名词,那么都是单数名词或复数名词或是不可数名词;若四个选项都是形容词或副词,要么都是原级,要么都是比较级,要么都是最高级;如果都是动词,那么四个选项要么都是及物动词或不及物动词,要么都是ing

4、形式或ed形式,要么都是动词原形。,第一模块 应试点睛,2试题的选文特点广东卷完形填空的体裁可以是具有一定故事情节的记叙文,或是夹叙夹议、富有哲理的议论文,也可以是说明文。20092011年广东高考英语试题的三篇文章的主题都很明确,内容完整,结构严谨,层次分明,逻辑性强,文章内容新,立意高,构思巧妙,富有一定的时代特色和教育意义,句式结构不是很复杂,知识内涵没有超出中学生的认知水平,考生读起来熟悉、亲切、自然,其难度略高于高三教材。完形填空的首句是文章的窗口,有助于考生了解和推测全文的大意,所以短文首句均不设空,每两题空格最大间隔一般不超过30个词,最小不低于5个词。,第一模块 应试点睛,广东

5、卷完形填空的全部答案都是通过理解上下文来确定的,也可以说是要求考生从文章中找出直接或间接的答案。它一般不设纯语法题,如不设主谓一致题,不设复合句的连接词,不考介词、代词等。另外,四个选项中一般不会出现很难辨析的同义词或近义词。逻辑推理、背景知识、生活常识、习惯用法和搭配是命题者经常考虑的命题点。3考查的主要技能首先,考查考生结合文章上下文对词汇意义及其用法的理解和运用能力。完形填空题型有相当一部分试题是考查考生能否根据文章的上下文来正确辨别所给选项,选出最适合文章语境的词或词组。其次,考查考生灵活运用习惯用法和常用搭配的能力。另外,考查考生根据生活常识进行推理和判断的能力。,第一模块 题型探究

6、,探究点一对名词和动词的考查完形填空主要考查语境理解,而在通常情况下,只有实词才能较好地体现语境。20092011年广东高考英语卷完形填空考查的全为实词,如名词、动词、形容词、副词等。一、名词名词是完形填空中对词汇考查的重要内容之一。名词在英语基本词汇中所占比例很大,而且英语中名词的同义词和近义词很多,所以对名词考查的主要项目是名词词义辨析,此外还有名词与介词的搭配、名词与动词的搭配等。做题时应该注意:,第一模块 题型探究,1名词的基本意义以及同、近义名词的区分例1 Chinese arts have won the _ of a lot of people outside China.Aen

7、joymentBappreciationCentertainment Dreputation,【解析】B本题考查名词的词义辨析。enjoyment享乐,快乐;appreciation欣赏,正确评价,感激;entertainment款待,娱乐;reputation名誉,名声。根据语境“中国的艺术得到许多海外人士的好评”可知答案为B。,第一模块 题型探究,2名词在特定情景、语境中的特殊含义例2“The longer you stay away from the motherland,”she said,“the sweeter your blood grows to the mosquitoes.

8、”Well,less than a week after my arrival,I was already carpeted with a _ of mosquito bites.Ashade BpileCcloud Dblanket,【解析】Dblanket原意是“毯子,毛毯”,此处意思是“像毯子一样的厚厚的覆盖物”,此处引申为“一层”。另外,blanket常用作名词,意思是“毯子”,也可用作动词,意思是“像毯子一样覆盖”。,第一模块 题型探究,例3 It didnt matter whether you were black,white or Asian;everyone worked t

9、ogether for the _ of the company.Agood BbossCrest Dright,【解析】A此处good是名词,意为“好处,利益”。,第一模块 题型探究,3名词与动词的搭配例4 I have read the material several times but it didnt make any _ to me.Ameaning BimportanceCsense Dsignificance,【解析】Cmake sense是固定习语,意为“意义清楚,讲得通,有道理”。,第一模块 题型探究,4名词与介词的搭配例5 Other animals,it is true

10、,communicate with one another by _ of cries.Aways BmeansCmethods Dapproaches,【解析】B四个选项都有“方法,手段”的意思,但by means of 是固定短语,意为“借助手段”。,第一模块 题型探究,例6 Dont leave matches or cigarettes on the table within_ of little children.Ahand BreachCspace DDistance,【解析】Bwithin reach of sb是固定习语,意为“某人伸手拿得到的”。,第一模块 题型探究,例7I

11、keep medicines on the top shelf,out of the childrens _.Areach BhandChold Dplace,【解析】Aout of sbs reach和beyond sbs reach是固定习语,意为“伸手拿不到的,够不着的”。,第一模块 题型探究,例8 He and his wife are of the same _;they both want their son to go to college.Asoul Bspirit Cheart Dmind,【解析】Dof the same mind是固定结构,意为“意见一致,想法一致”。,第

12、一模块 题型探究,二、动词动词是高考考查的热点。命题者通过设计特定的、真实的语境对动词和动词短语的用法进行考查。做题时应该注意:1动词的基本意义、引申意义例9 Scientists around the world have been studying the warming of waters in the Pacific Ocean known as EL Nino.The appearance of EL Nino is known to _ the weather around the world.Aeffect BaffectCspoil Dheat,【解析】Beffect使发生,实

13、现,引起;affect影响,作用;spoil宠坏,溺爱,破坏;heat加热。,第一模块 题型探究,例10 People who are welladjusted are able to_ stressful situations better than others.Ahandle BcreateCaffect Dinvestigate,【解析】Ahandle作名词时意思是“柄,把手”,此处用作动词,意为“处理,操作”。,第一模块 题型探究,2同、近义动词的区分 例11 Hospital staff burst into cheers after doctors completed a 20h

14、our operation to have_ oneyearold twins at the head.Acut BseparatedCdivided Dremoved,【解析】Bcut切,割,削,剪,截;separate把(本来在一起的人或物)分开,分离;divide把(一个整体)划分为均等的几个部分;remove把脱掉,剔除。根据题意“医生成功地实施了手术,把连体孪生婴儿分开了”,只有separate 合乎语境。,第一模块 题型探究,例12 Four years of study in Hong Kong is not cheap,costing at least 400,000 yuan

15、,but many top students _ scholarships.Aaccept BreceiveCrequire Drequest,【解析】Baccept接受,同意,承担(责任等);receive收到,接受,迎接。此处的意思是“很多优秀学生获得奖学金”。,第一模块 题型探究,3动词与介词的搭配例13 A month ago,right before leaving Kennedy Airport,my grandma_ me of the behavior of the native mosquitoes around the visitors like me.Apersuaded

16、 BremindedCwarned Dinformed,【解析】Cwarn sb.of sth.是固定搭配,意为“警告某人某事”。,第一模块 题型探究,例14 Scientists are _ of the positive effect of laughter on physical and mental health.Aconvinced Bpersuaded Callowed Dprevented,【解析】Aconvince sb.of sth.使某人确信,使信服。,第一模块 题型探究,4动词与名词的搭配例15“But they are _damage to our houses and

17、 shops of historical interest,”said John Norris,one of the protesters.Adoing BraisingCputting Dproducing,【解析】A固定搭配do damage to意为“损害,破坏”。,第一模块 题型探究,例16 He explained that I looked for the best in people,.From then on,Ive always tried to_the principle in my life and later in running my company.Arevise

18、Bset Creview Dfollow,【解析】Dfollow the principle遵循原则。,第一模块 题型探究,5动词短语的意义 例17 They thought they would get the chance to _ the new oil fields in this area.Aput up Bset up Copen up Dbuild up,【解析】Cput up有“搭起,搭建,建造”之意,后面一般要接房子、帐篷之类的名词作宾语;set up 有“设立,建立,创立”之意,后面要接工厂、组织、榜样等名词作宾语;open up意为“打开,打通,开发,开创”,后面接领土、

19、资源之类的名词作宾语。,第一模块 题型探究,例18 he told me I needed to relax because I looked nervous.After I _,I played better.Afell down Bwrote down Cslowed down Dcalmed down,【解析】Dfall down跌倒;write down 记下,写下;slow down放慢速度,减速;calm down平静下来,镇定下来。,第一模块 题型探究,例19 He tried to make a telephone call,but was unable to_.Aget on

20、 Bget up Cget through Dget in,【解析】Cget on上车;get up起床;get through结束,做完,通过,接通;get in进入,到达,收割。,第一模块 题型探究,例20 Scientists have found that the longer the voyage lasts,the more serious the problem of adjustment is.When men are _ together for a long period,they begin to feel uneasy.Ashut up Bheld up Cbrough

21、t up Dpicked up,【解析】Ashut up关闭,住口;hold up举起,提出,抓住,阻挡;bring up养育,提起;pick up捡起,拾起。,第一模块 题型探究,探究点二对形容词和副词的考查形容词、副词是高考完形填空题重要的考查内容。形容词可以修饰名词;副词主要用来修饰动词、形容词、副词等。广东高考完形填空考查的副词有相当一部分是方式副词(表示行为动作发生方式的副词)。重点掌握以下两类副词:1由形容词加后缀ly构成的副词,如slowly(慢慢地),politely(有礼貌地),proudly(骄傲地),carelessly(粗心地),properly(适当地,完全地),su

22、ccessfully(成功地),badly(严重地,非常)等。2由分词加后缀ly构成的副词,如surprisingly(使人惊奇的是),hurriedly(匆忙地),undoubtedly(无疑,必定)等。,第一模块 题型探究,做题时应该注意:1形容词、副词的基本意义、引申意义例1 That his only son was killed in a car accident was a _ blow to the old man.Aheavy BbroadChuge Dmain,【解析】A老人唯一的儿子在车祸中丧生对他来说是沉重的打击。这里的heavy意思是“强烈的,沉重的”。,第一模块 题型

23、探究,例2 She has the ability to keep_ in an emergency.Aquiet BcalmCstill Dsilent,【解析】B我们不妨从这几个表示“静”的反义词的角度来加以辨析。calm对应wild,指海上无浪,情绪稳定;still对应moving,指不动;silent对应wordy,指不出声;quiet对应noisy,指安静,无噪音。由句意可知应选B。,第一模块 题型探究,例3 Mr.Smith used to smoke _ but he has given it up.Aseriously BheavilyCbadly Dhardly,【解析】BM

24、r.Smith以前抽烟抽得很凶,但现在已经戒掉了。这里的heavily指的是量大,次数频繁。,第一模块 题型探究,例4 The final score of the basketball match was 9394.We were only _ beaten.Anearly BslightlyCnarrowly Dlightly,【解析】C副词narrowly在此表示“勉强地”。句意:篮球赛的最后比分是9394。我们以微弱的劣势输掉了比赛。,第一模块 题型探究,例5 It is always difficult being in a foreign country,_ if you dont

25、 speak the language.Aextremely BnaturallyCbasically Despecially,【解析】D注意掌握词语的准确含义,结合语境进行分析。extremely极端地;naturally自然地;basically基本上;especially尤其,特别地。,第一模块 题型探究,例6 She devoted herself _ to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her field.Astrongly BextremelyCentirely Dfreely,【解析】Cstrongly强烈

26、地;extremely极端地,非常;entirely全部地,完全地;freely自由地。根据句意,C项最符合。,第一模块 题型探究,2同、近义形容词、副词的区别在对形容词和副词的考查中,有时会碰到同义、近义词的辨析。辨析时,单从汉语意思上有时是无法辨清的。我们要逆向思维,采用反义对比、分析构词等方法,使语义一目了然。例7 When I took his temperature,it was two degrees above _.Aaverage BordinaryCregular Dnormal例8 Letter boxes are much more _ in the UK than in

27、 the US,where most people have a mailbox instead.Acommon Bnormal Cordinary Dusual,第一模块 题型探究,例9 Its in the _ interest that we should have a wellrun health service.Aordinary BgeneralCParticular Dusual例10 Now,in our country,free medical treatment covers sickness of mind as well as _sickness.Anormal Bav

28、erageCordinary Dregular,第一模块 题型探究,【解析】7.D8.A9.B10.C这组题目主要涉及ordinary,usual,common和normal等词语的辨析。要辨清这几个中文意义十分相近的词的用法,我们不妨来个逆向思维,从它们的反义词上去寻找一些“蛛丝马迹”:ordinary special(特殊的);general specific,particular(具体的,个体的);common rare(少见的);normal abnormal(不正常的)。从反义词的角度,把同义、近义词作对比,它们的区别便一目了然。,第一模块 题型探究,3形容词与介词的搭配例11 Th

29、is magazine is very _ with young people,who like its content and style.Afamiliar BpopularCsimilar Dparticular,【解析】Bbe familiar with熟悉;be popular with受欢迎;be similar to与相似(注意不搭配介词with);be particular about对很讲究(不搭配介词with)。,第一模块 题型探究,4副词与动词的搭配例12 I _ recognize the difficult situation the company is in.As

30、trongly BdeeplyCsincerely Dfully,【解析】D注意记忆一些常用表达,如deeply regret 深感遗憾;fully recognize完全认清;sincerely hope由衷地希望;strongly recommend强烈建议。,第一模块 题型探究,5语境对形容词、副词的考查,侧重语境考查占较大比重。解答此类题目时不仅要理解形容词和副词的词义,而且对语境的正确理解更为重要。所以,要根据语境选择与短文所描述的情景或叙述的人、物、事件的性质、特征等有关的形容词或副词,选择与短文前后叙述的话题、主题、中心内容相关的形容词或副词。例13 The committee

31、is discussing the problem right now.It will _ have been solved by the end of next week.A.eagerly B.hopefully Cimmediately gradually,【解析】B既然“现在正在讨论”,那么这个问题在一定时间内得到解决是“有希望的”。比较四个选项,你会发现A、C、D在逻辑上都讲不通,可知答案是B。,第一模块 题型探究,例14 At times,worrying is a normal,_ response to a difficult event or situation a love

32、d one being injured in an accident,for example.Aeffective BindividualCinevitable Dunfavorable,【解析】C分析题干的语境可知,既然“worrying”是对困难的一种正常反应,那么这种现象的发生就是自然的,也是“不可避免的”。,第一模块 题型探究,探究点三前制性、后制性和语篇性的设空完形填空答案有的由已读过的上文决定,有的由未读过的下文决定,还有的要综合上下文而定,这三种设空方法分别称为前制性设空、后制性设空和语篇性设空。毫无疑问,前制性设空难度低,后制性设空难度较高,语篇性设空难度最大。1前制性设空:答

33、案由已读过的上文决定例1 I couldnt bear the pain of the bites.I woke up my cousin,who was sleeping peacefully in the bed next to mine.Unhappy for being _ she said,“There is nothing you can do”Ablamed BinterruptedCmoved Dfrightened,【解析】B根据I woke up my cousin可以知道答案。,第一模块 题型探究,例2 Being alone in outer space can be

34、frightening.That is one reason why astronauts on solo space flights were given plenty of work to keep them _.Atired BasleepCconscious Dbusy,【解析】D既然Being alone in outer space can be frightening.那么astronauts.were given plenty of work的目的就是使他们有事可做。,第一模块 题型探究,2后制性设空:答案由未读过的下文决定例3 Ring up this lady.She wa

35、nts a _ immediately.In fact,you would have to start tomorrow by cooking a dinner for ten people.ACook BhelpCteacher Dsecretary,【解析】A根据下文have to start tomorrow by cooking a dinner可以知道答案。,第一模块 题型探究,例4 Liu Mei is among the _ ones.The Chinese University of Hong Kong granted Liu a full scholarship HK$500

36、,000.Not all students are so fortunate.Apoor BsmartClucky Dsilent,【解析】C根据下文.granted Liu a full scholarship和Not all students are so fortunate.可以知道答案。,第一模块 题型探究,例5 It had been a longstanding joke in our family that I wanted a piano so that I could _lessons.“Learn to play the piano,and Ill get you one.

37、”was my husbands response.Agive BtakeCdraw Dteach,【解析】B根据下文Learn to play the piano,and.可以知道答案。,第一模块 题型探究,3语篇性设空:综合上下文后敲定答案这种设题方式体现了“突出语篇”的命题思路。例6 I did very badly at school.My headmaster thought I was _ and when I was 14 he said,“Youre never going to be anything but a failure.”Abright BuselessCsimpl

38、e Dhopeful,【解析】B根据上文.did very badly和下文Youre never going to be anything but a failure,可知答案。,第一模块 题型探究,例7 I played a racquetball game against my cousin Ed last week.It was one of the most _ games Ive ever had.When Ed suggested we play,I laughed quietly,figuring on an easy victory.When the game finally

39、 ended,both of us were lying flat on our backs.In a way,I think we both won:I won the game,but cousin Ed won my respect.Aencouraging BhopelessCsurprising Dregular,【解析】C此题并非考查四个词的区别,而是考查对全文的理解。根据后文提到的作者预计的得分与实际得分相比较,这场比赛的结果是出人意料的,所以可以推断C项为正确答案。,第一模块 题型探究,探究点四句子、句组和语篇的层次完形填空题设空的答案有的由一个句子决定,有的由相邻不远的一组句

40、子决定,还有的由语篇内容综合决定。因此,完形填空设空分为句子层次、句组层次和语篇层次。设空的难度,从句子层次到句组层次,再到语篇层次,依次递增。1句子层次完形填空的设空答案由一个句子决定。其所提供的四个选项往往在语法上都能成立,但从语境来看,却只有一个选项是最合适的。例1 I could hardly wait for him to open up his gift.In fact,I barely slept the night before.Upon awakening,I went to the kitchen to _ the coffee,tea and morning goodie

41、s.Astart BCookCset Dserve,第一模块 题型探究,【解析】Acook(烹调)与后面的宾语coffee和tea不搭配,它可以与breakfast搭配;set(摆放),serve(端饭菜)都必须有服务对象,通过对全段的理解可知我一早就去厨房,此时家里其他人都还没起床;start(开始动手)正说明一开始的情况。,第一模块 题型探究,例2 For hours,the secretary took no notice of them,hoping that the couple would finally become _ and go away.Asurprised Bdisap

42、pointedCworried Dtroubled,【解析】B根据句子中的took no notice和go away可以判断出答案。,第一模块 题型探究,例3 I would go to the pile of letters marked with“Funny”if we needed a“_”,or.ACry BLaughCChat DSigh,【解析】B 根据“Funny”可以判断出答案。,第一模块 题型探究,2句组层次完形填空题有的设空仅仅根据一个句子往往解决不了问题,必须联系上下句,甚至更多的句子才能得出答案。有的试题需要考生越过句子,甚至是段落来进行理解和推断。句组层次的题型,比

43、句子层次的在难度上提高了。,第一模块 题型探究,例4 And they asked why I would risk everything for a dream.I made my _1_ to start my own company and leave my secure position after _2_ a regional sales meeting.The vicepresident of our company delivered a _3_ that changed my life.He asked us,“If a god would offer you three wi

44、shes,what would they be?”After giving us a moment to write down the three wishes,he then asked us,“Why do you need a god?”I would never forget the power I felt at that moment.1A.planBPromiseCdecision Dmind2A.attending BJoiningCentering Dholding3A.newspaper BBookCreport Dspeech,第一模块 题型探究,【解析】1.C从空后的t

45、o start my own company and leave my secure(无忧无虑的)position我们知道这是作者作出的“决定”。2A从空后的a regional sales meeting 我们知道作者是参加会议。3D从He asked us,“If a god would offer you three wishes,what would they be?”以及后文我们知道,他作的是一个“演讲”,而不是作报告。,第一模块 题型探究,3语篇层次完形填空的设空答案若从单句或局部来分析,所给的四个答案在语法或结构上都是正确的,若统观全篇,则只有一个是正确的。语篇层次是完形填空命题

46、的较高层次,这个层次的题难度较大,做题时需要具备很强的阅读理解能力以及逻辑推理、分析判断的能力。,第一模块 题型探究,例5 Dear Laura,I just heard you tell an old story of gift giving and unselfish love in your program.You doubted that such unselfish love would happen in todays world.Well,Im here to give you _.So I wanted you to know,that kind of love still e

47、xists and lives even in the everchanging world of me,me,me!I thought youd love to share this story.Ahope BAdviceCsupport DcourageYours,Hilary,第一模块 题型探究,【解析】AYou doubted that such unselfish love would happen in todays world.这句话正体现作者要说明的中心是unselfish love(无私的爱),而信的结尾又作了肯定回答that kind of love still exist

48、s and lives even in the everchanging world of me,me,me!首尾呼应,中心明确。把握住这个中心,对选出正确选项极有帮助。本小题在第一段中体现出对全文的概括,文中的you持怀疑态度,作者当然不可能support(支持)、courage(鼓励);advice(劝告)是在对方没主意的情况下发出的;hope(希望)正是针对怀疑而来,作者在下文中用事实给you以“希望”,打消you的怀疑。,第一模块 题型探究,例6 Four students from Burlington College of Higher Education are in the b

49、ell tower of the_ and have made up their minds to ring the bells nonstop for two weeks as a protest against heavy trucks which run day and night through the narrow High Street.“Not really,”she said,“actually we are proper bellringers.I mean we are assistant bellringers for the church.I left the church with the sound of the bells ringing in my ears.”Acollege BvillageCtown Dchurch,第一模块 题型探究,【解析】D该题答案提示一直到最后(I mean we are assistant bellringers for the church.I left the church with the sound of the bells ringing in my ears.)才出现,答案选D。,


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