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1、,.词汇1_ next to or at the side of sth2_ to choose sb for a job or position of responsibility3_ a raised line of water that moves across the surface of the sea,ocean,ect.4_ a set of clothes made of the same fabric,including a jacket and trousers/pants or a skirt5_ a mountain with a large hole at the t

2、op,through which hot rocks and ash sometimes rise into the air from inside the earth,6_ all the special tools,machines,clothes etc.that you need for a particular activity7_ a structure from which water is sent up into the air,which is often in a small pool8_ complete or total9_ the possibility that

3、something will develop in a certain way,or have a particular effect10_ real,especially as compared with what it is believed,expected or intended,答案:1.alongside2.appoint3.wave4.suit5.volcano 6equipment7.fountain8.absolute9.potential10.actual,.短语1share sth _ sb 与某人分享某物2compared _ 和比起来3be suitable _ 适合

4、4make ones way _ 前往5be appointed _ 被任命为6burn _ the ground 全部焚毁7as _ as 和一样,除以外还8protect._ 保护免受9_ the distance 在远方10be enthusiastic _ sth/sb.对某物/人充满热情,答案:1.with2.with/to3.for4.to5.as6.to7.well 8from9.in10.about/over,.语篇导读请根据课文内容,填充表格。,答案:1.alongside2.volcano3.database4.predict5.eruption6.shaking7.bri

5、ght8.fountained9.crater10.way,1alongside(prep.&adv)1)在旁边;沿着的边The rain ran in shallow runnels alongside the path.雨水流进路边的小河沟里。The police car pulled up alongside.那辆警车在旁边停下。2)与一起;与同时If you stay alongside of me,you wont get hurt.你若在我身边,就不会受伤害。Nick caught up with me and rode alongside.尼克赶上了我,并排驾车行驶。,【知识运用

6、】(1)She walked_Jack until they came to Thirtynine street.AalongBalongsideCbesides Dnext答案:B本题题意:她轻快地走在杰克身边,一直走到第三十九条街。alongside表示“在旁边”。,(2)Pulled by the jeep,he ran_for a few paces,his feet hardly touching the ground.Aalongside BthroughCdown Dbeneath答案:A本题题意:他被车拖着,脚不沾地地向前跑了几步。在介词用法里alongside 后可以选择性地

7、跟 of.,2appoint(v.)1)sb(to sth)|sb(as sth)任命;委任We must appoint a new teacher at once to the mountain school.我们必须立即委派一名新教师到那山村小学去。He appointed Williams as his deputy in the city of York.他任命威廉姆斯作为他在约克市的代理人。,2)安排,确定(时间、地点)They appointed a place to exchange stamps.他们约定一个地方交换邮票。They appointed ten oclock a

8、s the time for the conference.他们将会议时间定在十时。,【知识拓展】appointment(n.)1)C(with sb)约会;预约;约定I have an appointment with them in the evening.今晚我与他们有个约会。2)C&U(as/to sth)任命;委任The appointment of a new judge was reported in the newspaper.报上报导了任命一位新法官的消息。,【知识运用】(1)The time_for the meeting was ten oclock.Aelected B

9、appointedCvoted Dassigned答案:B本题题意:约定的开会时间是十点。appoint表示“安排,确定(时间、地点)”,过去分词短语appointed for the meeting担任后置定语,修饰名词time.,(2)They appointed him_captain of the English team.Afor BwithCon Das答案:D本题题意:他们任命他为英格兰队队长。appoint sb as/to be.表示“任命某人为”。,3evaluate(v.)估值;评价;评估I cant evaluate his ability without seeing

10、 his work.我没有看到他的工作情况,无法评论他的能力。We need to evaluate how well the policy is working.我们需要对这一政策产生的效果作出评价。,【词语辨析】evaluate,estimate,value,rate这些动词均有“估价,估计”之意。1)evaluate指使判断绝对准确,但多用于对人物的某方面的评价,很少用于评价某物的市场价值。The study will assist in evaluating the impact of recent changes.这项研究将有助于评价近来发生的变化所产生的影响。2)estimate通

11、常指由个人作出的主观估价。Can you estimate its length/how long it is?你能估计其长度吗?,3)value侧重指一般人对某物的价值或价格所作的估计。He valued the house for me at 80000.那所房子他给我估价80000英镑。4)rate专指评定价值等级的高低。She is highly rated as a novelist.她这位小说家受到很高的评价。,【知识运用】采用evaluate,estimate,value或rate的适当形式填空:The gardener_that it would take him four h

12、ours to weed the garden.The hotel,_four star,had no hot water and no sink plugs.The research project has only been under way for three months,so its too early to_its success.The company has recently been_at$6 billion.,答案:estimated译文:园丁估计他给花园除草需要四个小时。rated译文:这家被评为四星级的宾馆没有热水和浴缸塞子。evaluate译文:这个研究项目进行了不

13、过三个月,所以要对它的成绩作出评价为时尚早。valued译文:那家公司最近被估价60亿元。,4wave1)n.(1)C 海浪;波浪;波涛Huge waves were breaking on the shore.巨浪拍打着海岸。(2)C 汹涌的行动(或思想)态势;心潮;风潮A wave of panic spread through the crowd.一阵恐慌传遍了人群。(3)C 挥臂;挥手;招手;摆手She gave a wave as she left the house.她离开家时挥了挥手。,(4)涌现的人(或事物);涌动的人(或物)It was not long before the

14、ir peace was disturbed by the next wave of visitors.他们还没消停多久就又来了一批来访者。2)v.(1)(at/to sb)|sth(at sb)|sth(about/around)挥手;招手;摆手;挥臂He waved(to us)when he saw us.他看见我们时(向我们)挥了挥手。,(2)挥手指引,挥手示意(方向)She waved vaguely in the direction of the house.她含糊地朝房子的方向挥了挥手。(3)挥动,挥舞(手中之物)He came out waving the document a

15、t the crowd.他出来时向人群挥舞着文件。(4)(一端固定地)飘扬,飘动,摇晃,起伏The flag waved in the wind.旗帜在风中飘扬。,【知识运用】(1)I felt so close to him and felt a_of emotion pass over me as I hugged him.Aseries BchainCconsequence Dwave答案:D本题题意:此刻,我感到心与他贴得多么近呀,拥抱他时,我感觉到情感在我身上流过。wave表示“汹涌的行动(或思想)态势;心潮;风潮”。,(2)They_hats and handkerchiefs i

16、n welcome to the returning hero.Apulled BthrewCwaved Dpicked答案:C本题题意:他们挥动帽子和手帕欢迎凯旋归来的英雄。wave表示“挥动,挥舞(手中之物)”。,5absolute(adj.)1)完全的;全部的;绝对的His story was an absolute lie.他的所述是十足的谎言。2)(口语中尤用以强调)地道的;确实的;无疑的Theres absolute rubbish on television tonight.今晚的电视节目简直糟糕透顶。3)肯定的;确实的;无疑的The police have absolute p

17、roof of his guilt.警方有他犯罪的确凿证据。,【知识拓展】absolutely(adv.)1)(强调真实无误)绝对地;完全地Its absolutely pouring down.大雨真是倾盆而下。2)(强调同意或允许)当然,对极了Dont you agree?Oh,absolutely!“你同意吧?”“噢,当然!”,3)not(强调不同意或不允许)当然不;绝对不行Absolutely not!Native speakers make a lot of grammar mistakes,especially if they come from a home where nons

18、tandard English is spoken.当然不是!他们同样犯很多错误,尤其是来自一个说不标准英语的家庭的人。,【知识运用】(1)The people of our various nationalities enjoy the_equality before the law.Atotal BessentialCabsolute Dthorough答案:C本题题意:我国各族人民在法律面前享有绝对的平等。absolute表示“完全的;全部的;绝对的”。,(2)I think the answers right but Im not_sure about it.Aexactly Babs

19、olutelyCparticularly Dspecially答案:B本题题意:我认为这答案是正确的,但是没有绝对的把握。absolutely表示“(强调真实无误)绝对地;完全地”。,6suit(v.)1)对(某人)方便;满足(某人)需要;合(某人)心意Would Friday morning suit you?星期五早上对你合适吗?2)(尤指服装、颜色等)相配;合身Its too expensive and anyway the colour doesnt suit you.这个太贵,而且颜色也不适合你。3)(通常用于否定句)适合;适宜;有利于This climate doesnt suit

20、 me.这种气候对我很不相宜。,【知识拓展】1)suit sth to sth/sb 使适合(或适应)某事物(或某人)He can suit his conversation to whoever hes with.无论跟谁说话,他都能说到一块儿。2)be suited(to/for sb/sth)合适;适宜;适当Her speech was well suited to the occasion.她的讲话在这个场合十分得体。般配的He and his wife are well suited(to each other)他和妻子十分般配。,【词语辨析】suit,fit,meet,satisf

21、y这些动词均有“适合;满足”之意。1)suit 常用于指“适合;中意”,多指符合需要、口味、性格、条件、地位等,尤其用来指衣着的式样与人相配。If you want to go by bus,that suits me fine.你要是想坐公共汽车去,那对我很方便。,2)fit多用来指“大小、形状、位置等适合”,含有“吻合”的含义。Her height fitted her for basketball.她身材高适合打篮球。3)meet指最低限度地达到预期的标准,或强调要达到这个标准的困难。The firm has done its best to meet us on that point.

22、公司在那方面已尽了最大的努力来符合我们的要求。,4)satisfy指完全达到预定的条件、要求、标准或期望、心愿等。She has satisfied the conditions for entry into the college.她已符合进入这所学院的条件。,【知识运用】(1)(2008天津13)Her shoes_her dress;they look very well together.Asuit BfitCcompare Dmatch答案:D本题题意:她的鞋子与衣服相匹配;整体效果非常好。match表示“与相配;般配”。,(2)How about eight o clock out

23、side the cinema?That_me fine.Afits Bmeets Csatisfies Dsuits答案:D本题题意:“八点钟,电影院外见面如何?”“正合我心意”suit表示“对(某人)方便;满足(某人)需要;合(某人)心意。”,7potential1)(adj.)潜在的;可能的Every seed is a potential plant.每粒种子都可能长成植物。The dispute has scared away potential investors.这一争端吓走了潜在的投资者。2)(n.)(1)U(for sth/for doing sth)可能性;潜在性She r

24、ecognized the potential for error in the method being used.她意识到在所采用的方法中可能出错。,(2)U 潜力;潜质She has acting potential,but she needs training.她有表演潜力,但需要训练。,【知识运用】(1)These_effects must be monitored carefully.Aburied BlikelyCpotential Dportable答案:C本题题意:这些潜在的影响必须仔细地加以研究。potential表示“潜在的;可能的”。,(2)Does this prou

25、d and historic little state really measure up to its_?Acomfortable BpotentialCpossibility Dopportunity答案:B本题题意:这个自豪而具有历史意义的小州是否有真正无愧于自己的潜力?potential表示“潜力;潜质”。,8actual(adj.)1)真实的;实际的The actual cost was much higher than we had expected.实际成本比我们预料的高得多。What he told us was an actual happening.他告诉我们的是一件真实事

26、情。,2)(强调事情最重要的部分)真正的;本身The wedding preparations take weeks but the actual ceremony takes less than an hour.准备婚礼要几周,而婚礼仪式本身还不到一小时。It was they that were out of harmony with the actual world,not she.和实际世界格格不入的,本是他们,不是她自己。,【词语辨析】actual,real,true这些形容词均有“真的,真实的,实在的”之意。1)actual指事物的实际存在,并非出自主观臆造。What were h

27、is actual words?他实际上是怎么说的?All actual objects are concrete.一切实际存在的物体都是具体的。,2)real暗指某事物是真实的、货真价实的或表面看不出虚假的,或指看上去或宣称与事实吻合的事物。This is a real experience,not a dream.这是一次真实的经历,并不是做梦。My mother showed real sympathy for my predicament.妈妈对我所处的困难表示出真正的同情。,3)true暗指与事实、现实或事物的真实状态相一致,口语中多用。Is it true youre gettin

28、g married?你要结婚是真的吗?Indicate whether the following statements are true or false.标出下列说法是对还是错。,【知识运用】(1)(2009安徽24)Do you think its a good idea to make friends with your students?_,I do.I think its a great idea.AReally BObviously CActually DGenerally答案:C本题题意:“你认为与自己的学生交朋友是个好主意吗?”“说实在地,我认为是个好主意。”actually

29、表示“(礼貌地纠正他人)实际上,事实上”。,(2)采用actual,real或 true填空:The pickpocket was caught in the_commission of a crime.His dream will come_sooner or later.The TV play was based on_life.In the physical world,the_location of a thing is the means to finding it.Is this_leather or plastic?She is not the_owner of this hou

30、se.,答案:actual译文:这扒手是在一次作案时被当场捉住的。true译文:他的理想迟早会实现。real译文:那出电视剧是根据现实生活写成的。actual译文:在物理世界里,事物的实际位置意味着找到它的手段。real译文:这是真皮的还是塑料的?true译文:她不是这所房子的真正所有人。,1burn to the ground烧光,烧成平地The building was burned to the ground.该建筑物已全部焚毁。Seattle had a major fire nearly 100 years ago when most of the city was burned t

31、o the ground.约一百年前,西雅图市发生了一场大火灾,整个城市变成废墟。,【知识运用】(1)On October 8,1871,a huge fire started near Chicagos downtown area and_four square miles to the ground before it was extinguished.Aburned BblazedCblared Dflamed答案:A本题题意:在1871年10月9日,芝加哥市区附近发生了一场大火,在大火被扑灭前,已经延烧将近四平方英里的范围。burn to the ground表示“烧光,烧成平地”。,

32、(2)One day their house caught fire and speedily burned_the ground,with all the splendid furniture,books,pictures,gold,silver and precious goods it contained.Aonto BtoCwith Dfrom答案:B本题题意:一天,他们的房子着了火,一下子连同其中所有的高级家具,书画和金银财宝全都化为乌有。burn to the ground表示“烧光,烧成平地”。,2in the distance在远处;在远方I could see the bus

33、 coming in the distance.我看见公共汽车从远处开来了。In the distance you can see the cows quietly eating the grass.远处,你可以看见牛在悠闲地吃草。,【知识拓展】1)at/from a distance 离一段距离;从远处;遥远的;久远的The oilpainting looks better at a distance.这幅油画远看起来更美一些。2)be distant towards/with sb对某人冷淡Shes always very distant with Ann.她对安妮总是很冷淡。,3)kee

34、p sb at a distance 对冷淡;同疏远;与保持一定的距离She always keeps me at a distance.她总是对我疏远。4)keep ones distance(from sb/sth)(与.)保持距离;疏远;避免(与.)亲近;避免介入I would keep my distance from that dog,if I were you!我要是你,就离那条狗远一点!,【知识运用】(1)Sadly they saw the shores of England disappear_the distance.Aat BinCwithin Dbeyond答案:B本题

35、题意:他们黯然看着英国的海岸在远处消失了。in the distance表示“在远处;在远方”。,(2)_a distance she was a beauty but closing up things came apart a little.AFrom BInCWithin DBeyond答案:A本题题意:稍微远点看,是个美人儿,只是靠近就有点走样。at/from a distance表示“离一段距离;从远处”。,(3)The railway station is at a_of two miles away from our school.Alength Bdistance Cway D

36、space答案:B本题题意:火车站离我们学校二英里路程。at a distance of.表示“距离;时隔”。例如:At a distance of decades I am staggered by our thoughtlessness in those years.事隔几十年后,回顾那些年头醉生梦死的状况,着实使我惊愕不已。,3make ones way1)艰难地向前走As soon as he saw us,Henry made his way through the crowd to greet us personally.亨利一看见我们就从人群中挤过来,亲自迎接我们。2)自力更生;

37、自食其力She was anxious to finish school and make her own way in the world.她渴望早点毕业,好在社会上谋生。,【知识拓展】1)feel ones way 谨慎小心地进行He felt his way across the room when the lights went out.灯熄之后他摸索着走过房间。2)fight ones way 奋斗前进;打开一条道路We fought our way through the enemy line.我们从敌军中杀出一条血路来。,3)find ones/the way to/into 设

38、法赶到/进入It was with some difficulty that he found the way to his own house.他费了不少的劲才找到回家的路。4)force/push/squeeze ones way 挤(出去);冲(出去)They forced their way through a crowd.他们在人群中挤过去。,【知识运用】(1)Disappointed,bewildered,ashamed,he made his_slowly from the opera house and stood on the steps outside,thoughtful

39、,his head bent.Aroad BpathCway Dline答案:C本题题意:他意气消沉,心里发慌,觉得惭愧,慢慢的走出歌剧院的场子,站在外面台阶上,低下了头思量。make ones way表示“艰难地向前走”。,(2)采用动词的适当形式填空:Americans admire the selfmade person Abraham Lincoln,who_his way to the top.Mr.Smith couldnt understand how the stranger_his way.A number of them_their way into the office

40、of the headmaster.As day broke,General Zhao Yun discovered that Liu Beis wife and son were missing.Zhao gathered 30 troops and_his way back onto the battlefield to look for Lius wife,Madam Mi,and son,A Dou.,Naturally,the people of the town felt very sorry for this little boy when they saw him,comple

41、tely blind,_his way along the streets with his cane.,答案:fought译文:美国人崇拜亚伯拉翰林肯,一个自食其力,奋斗前进而达到顶峰的人。found译文:史密斯先生不能理解这位陌生人是如何找着路的。forced/pushed/squeezed译文:他们中的一些人强行闯入校长的办公室。fought译文:天亮时,赵云发现走散了糜夫人母子,急集合三十骑,又杀回乱军中寻找。feeling译文:很自然,当镇上的居民看见这个双目完全失明、拄着手杖在街上行走的小男孩时都很为他难过。,1The lava that flows slowly like a w

42、ave down the mountain causes far more damage because it buries everything in its path under the molten rock.而顺着山坡下流的火山熔岩所造成的损失却大得多,这是因为火山岩浆所流经的地方,一切东西都被掩埋在熔岩下面了。,【知识剖析】far more damage 属于程度副词修饰比较级的用法。在英语中,可以用来修饰比较级的词语有:a little,a bit,much,no,still,far,by far,even,rather,a great/good deal,a lot,hardly

43、,any,slightly,somewhat等词。此外,名词词组two years,two meters,ten times等,分数或百分数57%,twothirds等也可以用来修饰比较级。注意:very 不能用来修饰比较级,但可以修饰形容词原级或最高级。例如:,Shes much better today.她今天好多了。You seem even more beautiful than usual today.你今天好像比平时更漂亮。Tom is tall,but Mary is taller still/still taller.汤姆很高,但是玛丽更高。He is able to func

44、tion far better than usual.他能发挥比平常好得多的作用。She had got to know him a good deal better.她需要进一步了解他。,【知识运用】(1)(2008全国128)Youre driving too fast.Can you drive_?Amore slowly a bit Bslowly a bit more Ca bit more slowly Dslowly more bit答案:C本题题意:你开车太快了。你能稍慢一点吗?比较级前可用any,much,far,rather,even,still,a lot,a littl

45、e,a bit,a great deal,by far等表示程度。,(2)(2007全国29)After two years research,we now have a_better understanding of the disease.Avery Bfar CFairlyDquite答案:B本题题意:经过两年的研究,我们现在对于这种疾病有了更深入的了解。本题考查far修饰比较级的用法。其余三个词通常用来修饰形容词或副词的原级。,(3)(2006江苏33)I wish youd do_talking and some more work.Thus things will become b

46、etter.Aa bit less Bany less Cmuch more Da little more答案:A本题题意:我希望你少说多做,这样情况将会更好些。本题考查a bit修饰比较级的用法。根据逻辑关系,排除选项C以及选项D;any 在修饰比较级时,通常用于疑问句,否定句或if从句中,表示“少许;稍微”。例如:Dont go any closer.别再走近。,(4)(2006全国314)Did you take enough money with you?No,I needed_I thought I would.Anot so much as Bas much as Cmuch mo

47、re than Dmuch less than答案:C本题题意:我需要的钱远比我预料的数额要多。本题考查much修饰比较级的用法。,2I was fast asleep when suddenly my bed began shaking and I heard a strange sound,like a railway train passing my window.我在熟睡中突然感到床铺在摇晃,接着我听到一阵奇怪的声音,就好像一列火车在我的窗外行驶一样。,【知识剖析】在并列句when suddenly my bed began shaking中,并列连词when表示“其时,当时,当场”。

48、例如:We played outside till sunset,when it began to rain.我们在户外一直玩到太阳下山,那时天下起雨来了。The Queens last visit was in May,when she opened the new hospital.女王上次来访是在五月份,她那时主持了这座医院的落成典礼。,I was taking a bath when the light went out.我正在洗澡,这时灯灭了。I was about to go out when it began to rain.我正要出去,这时天下起雨来。,【知识拓展】并列连词wh

49、en常用于以下结构:1)be about to do.when.I was about to phone him when he walked into the room.我正要给他打电话,他进屋了。2)be on the point of doing sth.when.I was on the point of going to bed when you rang.你来电话时我正要睡觉。,3)be doing.when.I was standing there lost in thought when I was called from behind.正当我站在那里沉思的时候,有人从背后叫我

50、。4)had just done.when.He had just drifted off to sleep when the phone rang.他刚迷迷糊糊地睡下,这时电话铃就响了。,【知识运用】(1)(2010全国27)Tom was about to close the window _ his attention was caught by a bird.A.when B.if C.and D.till答案:A本题题意:汤姆正要关窗户,突然一只鸟引起了他的注意。be about to do.when表示“刚要(正打算),突然”。,(2)I was on the point of g


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