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1、When was he born?,Unit 5,Review:The twelve months of the year,January July February August March September April October May November June December,1st 7th2nd 8 th3rd 9th4th 10th5th 11th6th 12th,This is my sisters son.He is three years old.He was born in 2002.,/He was born in August,2002./He was bor

2、n on August 15th,2002.,Jays birthday is January 18th,1979Liu Xiangs birthday is July 13th,1983,Jay was born on January 18th,1979,Liu Xiang was born on July 13th,1983,be born,be born 用法点滴,1 be born的时态当我们说某人出生于某时或某地,只能用一般过去时was born或were born,不能用一般现在时。,2)be born还可用于将来时。,e.g.:When and where were they b

3、orn,e.g.:Another baby will be born next week,2 be born后的介词be born后接时间状语 若表示出生于某一天或具体某天的上(下)午或晚上用介词on。e.g.:Jim was born on March 5,1988 若表示出生于某年或某月,用介词in。e.g.:Were you born in 1989 若表示出生于某具体时刻,用介词at。e.g.:She was born at 4 in the morning,-Whos that?-Thats Deng Yaping.She is a great Chinese ping-pong p

4、layer.-When was she born?-She was born in 1973.,Conversation2-Whos that?-Thats Michael Jordan.Hes a great American basketball player.-When was he born?-He was born in 1963.,Section A 1b,Converation3-Whos that?-Thats Martina Hingis.Shes a great Swiss tennis player.-When was she born?-She was born in

5、1980.Converation4-Whos that?-Thats David Beckham.Hes a great British soccer player.-When was he born?-He was born in 1975.,1b,Listen and write the year the sports star was born under each photo.,1963,1980,1975,international sports stars,achievement:,在英语中,年份一般用阿拉伯数字写出。,seventeen forty-eight,two thous

6、and(千)and six,twenty sixty-three,ten fifty,nineteen ninety-six,年份2000-2009一般都是按照数字2000-2009的读法来读.,读的时候,四位数的年份,一般前两个数为一个单位,后两个数为一个单位,依次按基数词读出。,1996,1748,2063,1050,2006,复习,How to read,1983 183720051991.31652.6,nineteen eighty-three,eighteen thirty-seven,two thousand and five,March nineteen ninety-one,

7、June sixteen fifty-two,September twenty-first,eighteen forty-six,Shirley Temple,秀兰邓波生于1928年4月23日。,was born,年用in 月用in 星期也用in有年有月还用in如果遇到年月日,千万记住要用on,on,April 23,1928.,When was he born?,He was born,When were you born?,I was born,in Dec.1980.,on Dec.12,1980.,in 1983.,in May 1983.,on May 22,1983.,in 198

8、0.,When was Mary born?She was born 1991.She was born May.1991.She was born May 1st,1991.,in,in,on,Exercise,1.When _ your birthday?(be)2.How old _ he last year?(be)3.When _ your sister born?(be)4.When _ the twin sisters born?(be)5.My father is going to Beijing _ December 11th.6._ 1999,we went to the

9、Great Wall with Tonny.,is,was,was,were,on,In,hiccup,sneeze,69 years and 5 months,Charles Smith,Donna Green,hiccupping,sneezing,?,打嗝,打喷嚏,hiccup-hiccupping-hiccupped,sneeze-sneezing-sneezed,A:how long did Charles Smith hiccup?B:He hiccupped for 69 years and_ months.A:When did he start hiccupping?B:He

10、started in_.A:When did he stop hiccupping?B:He stopped in_.,2C,5,1922,1990,978 days,1922,1981,1,13,1990,1983,9,16,A:how long did Charles Smith hiccup?B:He hiccupped for 69 years and_ months.A:When did he start hiccupping?B:He started in_.A:When did he stop hiccupping?B:He stopped in_.,2C,5,1922,1990

11、,Donna Green,sneeze,She,sneezed,978 days.,she,sneezing,She,on January 13,1981.,she,sneezing,She,on September 16,1983.,1922,1990,978 days,1981,1,13,1983,9,16,2.对划线部分提问。He started playing soccer when he was four years old._ _ he start playing soccer?He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months._ _ _ he _?,W

12、hen did How long did hiccup,You are never too young to start doing things.For example,Tiger Woods started golfing when he was only ten months old.Mozart started writing music when he was four years old.And Ronaldo,the great Brazilian soccer player,played for his national team when he was seventeen.,

13、tooto 太而不能 start golfing 开始打高尔夫write music 作曲 the great Brazilian soccer player 这个杰出的巴西足 球运动员play for 效力于 national team 国家队,3b1,-Who is Mei Lanfang?-He was a Beijing Opera performer.-When did he become a Beijing Opera performer?-When he was ten years old.2,-Who is Ronadlo?-He is a famous soccer star

14、.-When did he become a soccer star?-When he was seventeen.3,-Who is wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?-He was a famous musician.-When did he start writing music?-When he was four years old.4,-Who is Liu Xuan?-She is a gymnast.-When did she win an Olympic gold medal?-When she was fifteen.,Language points in 3a

15、,1.too to.太 而不能,The boy is too young to go to school.Mr Smith is too old to go to work.,not+adj+enough to do sth,so.that+从句(从句应用否定形式)如此 以致不能,The boy is not old enough to go to school.Mr Smith is not young enough to go to work.,The boy is so young that he couldnt go to school.Mr Smith is so old that

16、he couldnt go to work.,这个男孩太小不能去上学史密斯先生年纪太大了不能工作了,他激动得说不话来.(tooto,sothat),say a word,这个盒子太小,装不下所有的东西.(tooto,notenough to),hold,He was too excited to say a word.,He was so excited that he couldnt say a word.,The box is too small to hold all the things.,The box isnt big enough to hold all the things.,

17、1.我太累了,什么也做不了.(tooto)(sothat)2.他已经足够大可以上学了(enough to)他还不够大,不能上学.(notenough to)3.她学习努力,所以取得了好成绩.(sothat.),2.开始做某事:start doing sth start to do sth begin to do sth begin doing sth,当begin/start 本身用进行时态时,一般用begin/start to do sth.他正要开始写信.,He is beginning/starting to write a letter.,当begin/start 的主语是物时,一般用

18、begin/start to do sth.春天万物复苏.,Everything begins/starts to grow in spring.,Li Lei plays for the school football team.She plays for her national team.,3.play for 为效力,talentedloving outstandingunusualbeautifulcreative kindfamous,有天赋的,慈爱的,杰出的,出色的,不寻常的,漂亮的,有创造力的,和蔼的,著名的,Discuss with your partner,then cho

19、ose only two words that you think are the best to describe the person in the picture.与同伴讨论,然后决定用两个最合适的词来形容图中的人。,kind,Loving,What do you think of the old man?,Discuss with your partner,then choose only two words that you think are the best to describe the person in the picture.与同伴讨论,然后决定用两个最合适的词来形容图中

20、的人。,talented,creative,What do you think of the pianist?,Discuss with your partner,then choose only two words that you think are the best to describe the person in the picture.与同伴讨论,然后决定用两个最合适的词来形容图中的人。,What do you think of the girl?,outstanding,beautiful,Discuss with your partner,then choose only tw

21、o words that you think are the best to describe the person in the picture.与同伴讨论,然后决定用两个最合适的词来形容图中的人。,What do you think of the artist?,talented,famous,loving,Arther is a loving grandfather.He is kind to us.He spends all his free time with his grandson.,A loving father?,A famous Chinese pianist,李云迪,3a

22、.Read the article and fill in the chart.,Li Yundi,the well-known Chinese pianist,always loved music.He was born in 1982 in Chongqing.When he was a small boy,he could hum songs and difficult pieces of music.He began to learn the accordion at the age of four,and he started to learn the piano when he w

23、as seven.In October 2000,Li Yundi took part in the 14th Chopin International Piano Competition in Poland.He won the first prize in his group.He was also the first Chinese pianist in the 70-year history of the competition to win this prize.,Ask and answer,1,Who is LiYundi?,2,What could he do when he

24、was still a small boy?,3,When did he begin to learn the accordion?,4,What did he do in October 2000?,5,What do you think of him?And why?,He is the famous Chinese pianist.,He could hum songs and difficult pieces of music.,When he was at the age of four.,He took part in the 14th Chopin International P

25、iano Competition.,read the useful expressions.,well-known pianist 著名钢琴家hum songs 哼唱歌曲a piece of music pieces of musiclearn the accordion 学手风琴at the age of.在几岁时take part in 参加win the first prize,Self check,1.tour start stop win become,How old were you when you _ learning English?What can I do to _ fa

26、mous?He _ playing football because of his sore back.The Chinese football team _ Asia last year.John _ the first prize in the speech competition.,started,become,stopped,toured,won,1.He began to learn the accordion at the age of four(=when he was four).at the age of four 在四岁的时候例:Mozart started writing

27、 music at the age of four.莫扎特在四岁的时候开始写音乐。,Language points,2.Li Yundi took part in the 14th Chopin International Piano Competition in Poland.join与take part in两者都表示“参加”,join指“参加”某种组织。take part in 表示参加某项活动。,例:When did your brother join the Party?你哥哥什么时候入的党?Do you want to take part in our school sports

28、meeting?你想参加我们学校的运动会吗?,take part in,指参加会议或群众性活动等,着重说明句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用。如:We”ll take part in social practice during the summer vacation.暑假期间我们将参加社会实践。We often take part in physical labour.我们经常参加体力劳动。,join,join有两个用法:(1)指加入某个党派,团体组织等,意为:“参军、入团、入党”等。如:When did you join the army?She joined the Young Pi

29、oneers.少先队(2)和某人一道做某事,其结构为:join sb.in(doing)sth.如:Will you join us in the discussion?,join in,多指参加小规模的活动如“球赛、游戏”等,常用于日常口语。如:Come and join in the ball game.Why didnt you join in the talk last night?昨晚你为什么没参加座谈?,3.He was the first Chinese pianist in the 70-year history.在钢琴大赛70年的历史中,他是第一个获得这样荣誉的中国钢琴家。t

30、he 70-year history 70年的历史,其中70-year做history的定语,year不能用复数。如:an eighty-year-old woman 一位八十岁老人,年龄表达方法(1)用基数词表达年龄,可以加上“years old”three years old(2)用when引导的从句 when I was three(years old)(3)at the age of 基数词 at the age of three(4)基数词-year-old three-year-old,注意这种表达常作定语,1.Li Yundi,the famous Chinese pianist

31、,was born _ October 7th,1982.A.on B.in C.at2.She is _ girl.A.an eight years old B.an eightyearsold C.an eightyearold,A,C,课堂练习与巩固,because后跟句子,because of后跟短语,名词或代词.,他不能说话,因为他嗓子疼.,他没去上学,因为他生病了.,He cant say a word because he has a sore throat.He cant say a word because of his sore throat.,He didnt go to

32、 school because he was ill.He didnt go to school because of his illness.,Useful Expressions,1.be born was born/were born“出生于”e.g We were born in Wuhan.He was born in September.2.on May 18,1987(on 用于具体的日子前)e.g Kate was born on the morning of June 3,1990.3.for+时间段(用 how long 提问)e.g We watched TV for t

33、wo hours last night.How long did you watch TV last night?4.move to+n 表“搬家(迁)”,e.g The Greens moved to China two years ago.When did the Greens move to China?6.enjoy sth/enjoy doing sth 喜爱某事/喜爱做某事 e.g They enjoy reading books.7.so so adj“一般的,马马虎虎的”e.g My business is so-so Hes a so-so basketball player.8.good luck with sth“祝某人在某方面好运”e.g Good luck with your English.,5.时间段+ago(用 when 提问),U5,1 When was he born?2.when did she become a movie star?3.Is the apple red or yellow?,


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