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2、ance;significant2.somehow3.spit4.delete5.scratch6.kindergarten7.radioactive8.division;divide9.applaud10.accelerate11.arrest12.skilful/skillful;skill;skilfully/skillfully,.短语:1due_ 由于;因为2on_of 代表3refer_查阅;参考;谈到4take_to do sth.轮流做某事5fed up_ 受够了;饱受;厌烦6be worried_担心;烦恼7_only 但愿;要是就好了8look_ 向前看;为将来打算9now

3、_then 时而;不时地10date_ 追溯到,答案:1.to2.behalf3.to4.turns5.with6.about7.if8.ahead9.and10.back/from,1applaud(v.)1)鼓掌Everyone applauded when the play ended.演出结束时,大家都热烈鼓掌。The crowd applauded(him/the performance)for five minutes.群众(为他/演出)鼓掌五分钟。2)sb./sth.(for sth.)称赞;赞许;赞赏We applauded him for his bravery.我们称赞他的

4、勇敢。We all applaud you for your decision.我们一致赞成你的决定。,【知识拓展】1)cheer 欢呼;喝彩The crowd cheered as the teams entered the field.球队入场时观众们为之欢呼。2)clap 鼓掌、拍手(表示赞许或欣赏)The audience clapped(her/her speech)enthusiastically.听众热情地(为她/为她的讲话)鼓起掌来。,【知识运用】(1)Having visited two schools in China recently,I cant help but_th

5、e ideal of education upheld by the headmasters.AapplaudBto applaudCcheer Dto cheer,答案:A本题题意:最近在中国参观了两所学校,校长办校的理念让人暗自喝彩。applaud表示“称赞;赞许;赞赏”;此外,sb can not help but do sth.|sb.can not help(doing)sth.表示“某人忍不住(或无法抑制)做某事”。,(2)She_her hands in delight.Aapplauded BclappedCcheered Dhit答案:B本题题意:她高兴地拍起手来。clap

6、ones hands表示“拍手;击掌”。,2accelerate(v.)1)(使)加速,加快The bad weather accelerated our departure.糟糕的天气促使我们早日离开。Exposure to the sun can accelerate the aging process.暴露在日光下会加速老化过程。,2)(交通工具或人)加速;加快The car accelerated as it overtook me.那辆汽车一加速就超越了我。The leader is losing ground as the rest of the runners accelerat

7、e.领先者在其余赛跑者加速时就逐渐失去了优势。,【知识拓展】acceleration U&sing.(in sth.)加速;加快You know,Gail is very good at acceleration after 20 meters.你知道吧,盖尔非常擅长20米后加速跑。The acceleration is positive if the speed is increased,negative if speed is decreased.速度增加的加速度为正加速度,速度减少的加速度为负加速度。,【词语辨析】accelerate,quicken,hurry,rush,speed这些

8、动词均含“加快,使加快”之意。1)accelerate着重指频率或速率运转加快。The driver stepped on the gas and accelerated the car.司机加大了油门,让汽车加速行驶。2)quicken普通用词,指增加速度、速率。We quickened our steps.我们加快了脚步。,3)hurry指赶紧或匆忙地做某事或催促别人做某事,隐含草率或混乱的意味。A good meal should never be hurried.美食不应狼吞虎咽。4)rush含义与hurry相近,但显得更仓促更慌乱。Ambulances rushed the inju

9、red to hospital.救护车把受伤的人火速送到了医院。5)speed侧重实际的快速行动。He sped down the street.他沿那条街快步走去。,【知识运用】(1)His interest was_by an article he had read.Aaccelerated BquickenedChurried Dsped答案:B本题题意:他读了一篇文章便兴趣大增了。quicken表示“(使某事物)变得更活跃,更加活泼”。,(2)This work needs care;it mustnt be_.Aaccelerated BquickenedChurried Dsped

10、答案:C本题题意:这活儿需要细心,催不得。hurry sth.(along/up)表示“使某事加快;催促某事物”。,(3)Water went_through the lock gates.Aaccelerating BquickeningCrushing Dadapting答案:C本题题意:水流经水闸时十分湍急。rush表示“(使某人或某物)急速去或来”。,(4)This medicine will help_her recovery.Arush BquickenChurry Dspeed答案:D本题题意:这药能加快她康复。speed表示“使(某事物)快速移动或行进”。(5)He_her c

11、ar and passed the bus in front.Aaccelerated BexploredCrushed Dhurried答案:A本题题意:他加快车速超过了前面的公共汽车。accelerate 表示“(使)加速,加快”。,3arresta)v.1)吸引(注意)The bright colors of the flowers arrested Susans attention/eye.花的艳丽色彩引起苏珊的注意。2)sb.(for sth.)逮捕;拘留The policeman arrested the thief.警察逮捕了那个小偷。,3)阻止;中止Nothing can ar

12、rest his studying English.什么也不能阻止他学习英语。b)n.1)C&U逮捕;拘留The police made an arrest last night.昨晚警察逮捕了一个人。2)停止;中止The patient died after suffering a cardiac arrest.病人患心搏停止而死亡(心脏停止跳动)。,【知识拓展】1)be/place sb/put sb under被逮捕;被拘留;成为囚犯I am placing you under arrest for attempted burglary.我按企图盗窃罪逮捕你。2)arrest sb.fo

13、r.因而逮捕某人You could get arrested for doing that.你干那种事可能要遭逮捕。,【词语辨析】arrest,capture,catch,seize,trap这些动词均有“抓住,捕捉”之意。1)arrest指根据法律或命令进行逮捕并予以监禁或拘留。After the match three youths were arrested.比赛过后有三个青年被捕。,2)capture指通过武力或计谋等,战胜抵抗而捉住敌人或动物。The police have not captured the murderer yet.警方还没有捕获那个凶手。3)catch普通用词,指

14、捉住跑动或隐藏中的人或动物,一般指活捉。The policeman caught the thief.警察逮住了小偷。4)seize侧重指以突然、有力地动作迅速抓住或捉住。He seized her hand and shook it heartily.他拉住她的手高兴地握着。,5)trap多指诱捕。I was trapped into telling the police all I knew.我中计了,把所知道的一切全都告诉了警方。,【知识运用】(1)I_a boy stealing apples from the garden.Aarrested BcapturedCcaught Dtr

15、apped答案:C本题题意:我撞见一个男孩儿正偷园里的苹果。catch sb doing sth表示“发现或发觉某人正做某事”。,(2)The title of the essay_my attention.Aarrested BseizedCstruck Dtrapped答案:A本题题意:那篇文章的题目吸引了我的注意力。arrest表示“吸引(注意)”。,(3)The animals are_in nets and sold to local zoos.Aarrested BcapturedCcaught Dtrapped答案:B本题题意:那些动物用网捕获后被卖到当地的动物园。capture

16、表示“俘虏;俘获;捕获”。,(4)He_the bag and ran off with it.Aarrested BseizedCcaught Dtrapped答案:B本题题意:他把那个包抢跑了。seize表示“抓住,捉住(某物);攫取”。,(5)The lift broke down and we were_inside.Aarrested BseizedCcaught Dtrapped答案:D本题题意:电梯出故障了,我们被困在里面出不来。trap表示“使(某人)陷入困境”。,4relief(n.)1)U&sing.(不快过后的)宽慰,轻松;解脱Its a great relief to

17、find you here.见到你在这儿也就放心了。“What a relief!”she said,as she took her tight shoes off.她把夹脚的鞋脱下时说:“可松快了!”,2)U(from/of sth.)(焦虑、痛苦等)减轻,消除,缓和The drug gives some relief from pain.这种药可以减轻一些痛苦。The doctors were working for the relief of her suffering.医生正在为解除他的病痛而工作。,【知识拓展】to ones relief令某人庆幸的是To my great reli

18、ef/Much to my relief,I wasnt late.我最庆幸的是没有迟到。To our great relief,our jet plane came to land in safety though one of its engines had broken down.使我们大大松了一口气的是,尽管我们乘坐的喷气式飞机的一个引擎出了故障,但它还是安全着陆了。,【知识运用】(1)(2010山东33)Those who suffer from headache will find they get_from this medicine.Arelief Bsafety Cdefen

19、se Dshelter答案:A本题题意:那些遭受头痛折磨的人将会发现这种药物能使头痛症状得到缓解。relief表示“(焦虑,痛苦等的)减轻,消除,缓和”。,(2)Hearing the news,he breathed a sigh of_.Arelief BbriefCbelief Ddelivery答案:A本题题意:一听到这个消息,他如释重负地松了口气。relief表示“(不快过后的)宽慰,轻松;解脱”。,(3)He arose and made a_speech.Arelief BbriefCbelief Ddelivery答案:B本题题意:他站起身来作了一个简短的演讲。brief表示“

20、时间短暂的;简短的”。,1look ahead1)(to sth.)展望未来;为将来着想Have you looked ahead to what youll be doing in five years time?你是否想过五年后你要做些什么?We must look ahead before we make a decision.我们作出决定之前必须想得远一点。,2)向前看Look ahead in the distance,and you can see the lights of the village.你往远处看,便可以看见村庄里的灯光。Look ahead.What can you

21、 see on the top of the hill?向前看。你看见山顶上有什么东西吗?,【知识拓展】1)look after(1)(to take care of)照顾Whos going to look after the children while youre away?你不在时谁来照料小孩?(2)(to be responsible for)对负责Im looking after his affairs while hes in hospital.他住院时由我处理他的事物。,2)look at(1)看;瞧She looked at me and smiled.她看了看我,笑了。(2

22、)(仔细)查看,检查I havent had time to look at/read the papers yet.我还没来得及看这些论文。(3)(用某种方式)看待;考虑Looked at from that point of view,his decision is easier to understand.从那个角度来看,更容易理解他的决定。,3)look for(1)寻找;搜索Where have you been?Weve been looking for you?你上哪儿去了?我们一直在找你。(2)期望;期待;盼望Look for a change of weather in Ma

23、rch.希望三月天气会变。4)look on/upon.as.把看作;把视为Shes looked on as the leading authority on the subject.她被视为这门学科的主要权威。,5)look out(表示警告,尤指有危险)小心;当心;留神If you dont look out,you may fall on the ice.如果不小心的话,你会在冰上摔倒的。6)look out for(1)当心;提防;留心防备You should look out for pickpockets.你应当提防扒手。(2)留心寻觅Ill look out for you a

24、t the conference.我会在开会时来找你。,7)look forward to(高兴地)盼望;期待Im looking forward to the weekend.我盼望着周末呢。8)be just looking(在商店里表示不想购买某物)只是看一看Can I help you?Im just looking,thank you.“请问你要买什么?”“谢谢,我只是看看”。,【知识运用】(1)(2004湖南22)_for the glass!Its OK.Im wearing shoes.ALook out BWalk outCGo out DSet out 答案:A本题题意:“

25、小心玻璃!”“没关系,我穿着鞋子”。look out(表示警告,尤指有危险)“当心,小心”;例如:Look out!Theres a car coming!当心!有车来了!,(2)_this book and tell me what you think of it.ALook through BLook onCLook into DLook up 答案:A本题题意:看看这本书,告诉我你的看法。look through sth表示“快速察看;浏览”。,(3)I look_and before me rise the fantastic towers of New York,a city tha

26、t seems to have stepped from the pages of a fairy story.Aup BthroughCround Dahead答案:D本题题意:我展望前头,纽约的高楼大厦在我前面升起,似乎是从童话故事的篇章中出现的一座城市。look ahead 表示“向前看”。,2date back(to.)|date from.追溯到;始于;自至今Its a tradition that dates back at least a thousand years.这一传统至少可以追溯到一千年前。Her problems date back to her childhood.

27、她的这些问题小时候就有了。The town dates back to Roman times.这座城镇建于古罗马时代。The strike was the latest stage in a dispute which dated from 1990.这次罢工是自1990年以来纠纷的最新阶段。,【知识运用】(1)(2010沈阳市高三二模)He visited the Effel Tower,which_to 1889,during his stay in France last summer.Adated back Bdates backChas dated back Dhas been d

28、ated back,答案:B本题题意:去年夏天在法国逗留期间,他参观了埃菲尔铁塔。这座塔的历史可以追溯到1889年。date back to表示“追溯到;始于;自至今”,通常用于一般时态,排除选项C,D。此外,陈述一个现在存在的客观事实,采用一般现在时。,(2)Our present ideas about the motion of Bodies_Galileo and Newton.Aare dated back to Bdate back toCbring back to Dare brought back to,答案:B本题题意:我们目前关于物体运动的观念来自于伽利略和牛顿。date

29、back(to.)|date from表示“追溯到;始于;自至今”,为不及物性短语动词,不能用于被动语态和进行时态。,(3)It is a beautiful vase_about 1715.Ato date from Bdated fromCdating from Ddates from答案:C本题题意:这个漂亮的花瓶大约在1715 年就有了。本题考查现在分词短语“dating from about 1715”在句中担任后置定语,相当于定语从句which/that dates from about 1715.,If only it could be just like last year!要

30、是能像去年那样就好了!【知识剖析】if only常常用来表达强烈的愿望或遗憾,因此,主要用在虚拟语气中,用以表达强烈的愿望或非真实条件。常被译为“但愿”、“要是该多好啊”等。其用法归纳如下:,1)用以表示对现时或未来的愿望:If only I were rich.但愿我很富。If only I could swim.要是我会游泳该多好。If only I knew her name.我要是知道她的名字就好了。If only they would tell me what theyve decided.但愿他们能把决定告诉我。,2)用以表示与过去事实相反的愿望:If only hed remem

31、bered to buy some fruit.他当时要是记得买些水果来该多好。If only I had gone by taxi.假若我是乘计程车去的就好了。If only she could have lived a little longer.要是她能活得再长一些,那该多好啊!,【知识拓展】only if的用法:only if 引导条件状语从句,表示“只有(才);只有在的时候;唯一的条件是”,与if引起的一般条件句相比,它有一种增强主句语势的作用。例如:Only if the case is urgent should you call out the doctor in the mi

32、ddle of the night.只有患者情况紧急时,你才可以在半夜叫医生看病。I told him he would succeed only if he tried hard.我告诉他,只有努力才能成功。,Only if I get a job will I have enough money to go to school.我只有找到了工作才能有足够的钱上学。Only if the red light comes on is there any danger to employees.只要红灯一亮,就表示有危及职工的险情。,【知识运用】(1)(2008江苏32)_you eat the

33、 correct foods _be able to keep fit and stay healthy.AOnly if.will you BOnly if.you willCUnless.will you DUnless.you will答案:A本题题意:只要你饮食恰当,你就能持久地保持身体健康。only if表示“只要;只有”,用于句首,后接从句,主句部分采用部分倒装结构。,(2)(2000上海36)If only he_quietly as the doctor instructed,he would not suffer so much now.Alies Blay Chad lai

34、n Dshould lie答案:C本题题意:假如他听从医生的叮嘱,躺着静养就好了,他现在就不会吃那么多苦头了。用以表示与过去事实相反的愿望,if only所引导的句子采用过去完成时。,(3)(2003上海春40)Look at the trouble I am in!If only I _ your advice.Afollowed Bwould followChad followed Dshould follow答案:C本题题意:看我有多倒霉!要是我听从你的建议该有多好。用以表示与过去事实相反的愿望,if only所引导的句子采用过去完成时。,(4)_a teacher has given

35、permission is a student allowed to enter this room.AEven if BIf only COnly if DOnce答案:C本题题意:只有得到教师的允许,学生才可以进这间屋。only if 表示“只有”,引导条件状语从句,主句的谓语部分采用了部分倒装语序。,(5)If only they _me what theyve decided.AtoldBwill tellCwould tell Dtell答案:C本题题意:但愿他们能把决定告诉我。if only表示“只要;要是就好了,但愿”,用以表示对现在或未来的愿望,谓语部分采用“would/should/might/could不带to的不定式”。如果用以表示与过去事实相反的愿望,谓语动词部分则采用过去完成时。例如:If only hed remembered to buy some fruit.他当时要是记得买些水果来该多好。,


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