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1、基础知识平台,Unit 3Going places,1.逃离 2.注意;当心 3.保护/保卫某人(某事物)4.为某人送行 5.另一方面 6.也;还;而且 7.向某人问好 8.野餐 9.与开玩笑;取笑10.接近自然 11.把普通旅游和学习相结合,get away(from),watch out(for),protect sb/sth from,see sb.off,on the other hand,as well as,say hi to,have a picnic,make jokes about sb.,get close to nature,combine normal tourism

2、with learning,consider vt.考虑;认为,We must consider _(give)it a try.Columbus is generally considered _(discover)America.,giving,to have discovered,means n.手段,方法;工具(单复数相同)1.通过;用;借助于2.(表示同意)当然可以,没问题 务必;无论如何;千方百计地3.决不,一点也不4.用这种方法5.怎样,by means of,by all means,by no means,by this means,by what means,Every p

3、ossible means has been tried,but none proved successful.,prefer vt.宁可,宁愿;更喜欢prefer A to Bprefer doing A to doing Bprefer+n./doing/to do/sb.to do,prefer to do A rather than do B,I prefer tea _ coffee.He preferred walking there _(take)a taxi.He preferred to walk there _(take)a bus.I should prefer you

4、_(not stay)here too long.,to taking,rather than take,not to stay,Sentence patterns,How would you like to go to the following places,by boat,by train or by bus?Where would you prefer to go?Instead of spending your vacation on a bus,in a hotel orsitting on the beach,you may want to try hiking.Hiking i

5、s fun and exciting,but you mustnt forget safety.Bring maps,water,sunscreen and maybe a cell phone ifyou have one.Watch out for dangers,such as spiders,snakes orpoisonous plants.Wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun.,The name“Whitewater”comes from the fact that thewater in these streams and riv

6、ers looks white when itmoves quickly.As for hiking,you should always think about your safetyand wear good clothes.You should not go rafting unless you know how to swim,and you should always wear a lift jacket.,1.This building _ the 12th century.A.is dated back toB.is dated fromC.dates back toD.go ba

7、ck in time to 2.Carol said the work would be done by October,_personally I doubt very much.A.itB.thatC.whenD.which 3.The rich,for _ money was not a problem,wanted to stay at an expensive hotel.A.theirB.hisC.whoseD.whom 4.If you really want yourself to be in good health,youmust _ always _ so much.A.n

8、ot;be smokingB.not;have smokedC.not;to smokeD.be not;smoking,巩固练习,5.She is to play the part of a beauty in the Tang Dynasty and has to _ weight quickly.A.liftB.riseC.put onD.lose 6.So tall _ that you can easily _ from the crowd.A.he is;pick him upB.is he;pick him outC.he is;pick up himD.is he;pick o

9、ut him 7.Feeling sick he _ everything he had eaten.A.held upB.carried upC.brought upD.took up 8.They have done well _ that they are green hands.A.considerB.consideredC.consideringD.to consider,基础知识平台,Unit 4 Unforgettable experiences,1.发生;举行 2.失火 3.把往上曳 4.站立起来 5.通过;经受;仔细检查 6.在度假 7.旅行社代理人 8.遭遇,碰上;经历;陷

10、入 9.再三考虑,三思10.向的里面看;浏览;调查,on fire,pull sb.up,get on ones feet,take place,go through,on holiday,travel agency,be caught in,think twice,look into,11.在拐角处;不远;就在眼前12.径直爬上山 13.去 两日游14.拍摄的照片 15.傍晚时份16.逼近;临近,climb all the way up the mountain,go on a two-day trip to,take a photo of,(be)around/round the corn

11、er,towards evening,be upon,rescue vt.解救,救出(常指情况极度危急时的救助)n.营救;援助come/go to ones rescue去帮助或援助某人,advance v.(使)前进、进展Our troops have advanced 5 miles.我们的部队已经行进了五英里。The rain advanced their growth.雨水促进了它们的生长。advanced adj.高级的;进步的;年老的advanced English高级英语advanced worker先进工人 in advance 预先;提前;在前面,before在之前;不没来得

12、及Before they reached the house,a new wave came,sweeping down the tree.It was dark before she realized it.不知不觉天就黑了。It wont be long before she comes back.不一会她就回来。,Someone called me up in the middle of the night,but he hung up _ I could answer the phone.A.asB.sinceC.untilD.before-What was the party lik

13、e?-Wonderful.Its years _ I enjoyed myself so much.A.afterB.beforeC.whenD.since,hold onto 抓住(不放),抓牢;保持;不放弃The old man held on to his job and would not retire.那位老人不肯脱离工作岗位,不愿退休。We thought of selling this old furniture,but wevedecided to _ it.It might be valuable.A.hold on toB.keep up withC.turn toD.lo

14、ok after,Someone called me up in the middle of the night,but he hung up _ I could answer the phone.A.asB.sinceC.untilD.before-What was the party like?-Wonderful.Its years _ I enjoyed myself so much.A.afterB.beforeC.whenD.since,Sentence patterns,.4.杰夫和弗罗拉相互对视,脸上充满了惊恐的神色.Jeff and Flora looked into eac

15、h others face with a look of fright.5.我们先去看乐山,径直爬上了山去看大佛.First,we went to Leshan,where we climbed all the way up the mountain to see the Buddha.6.抬头望望巨大的佛头,低头看看巨足,使你觉的自己和渺小.Looking up at the large head and down at the large feet makes you feel so small.7.树木一棵接一棵倒下,是被水流冲断的 Tree after tree went down,c

16、ut down by the water,which must have beenthree metres deep.8.中国正努力抓住每一个机会,使大多数人的生活更加富裕美好.China is trying to seize(take)every opportunity to help most people live a richer and better life.,She was surprised that she couldnt move.Bettys parents have been married for more than 25 years.Flora heard some

17、body shouting.Before she could move,she heard a great noise,which grew to a terrible roar.She fought for her life,and finally pulled herself up.When the water seemed to go down a little,they ran.,There she stopped listening to the strange sounds.Tree after tree were cut down by the water,which must

18、have been three metres deep.I found some photos of interesting places which were not too far away from Chengdu.I called a travel agent whose telephone number I found a newspaper.,1 Do you know _ art in the 18th century played _ more important part in peoples lives than it does today?A.an;theB./;aC.t

19、he;aD.the;the 2.Who do you think he would have _ a letter ofthanks to the little hero?A.writtenB.to writeC.writingD.write 3.Some boy students like to _ their hair longnowadays.A.dressB.wearC.grewD.raise 4.I _ to go to the concert the other day,but Icould not spare the time.A.was hopingB.would hopeC.

20、had hopedD.hope,巩固练习,5.It will be two years _ he gets the doctorsdegree.A.sinceB.afterC.before D.until 6.The clerk was fired because he was caught _money from the bank.A.stealB.stealingC.to stealD.stolen 7._ in a heavy snow,we had to stay in a smallwooden house for a few days.A.CatchB.CatchingC.Caug

21、htD.To catch,7 The poor in the street were dying of hunger _ food was going bad in the warehouse.A.howeverB.thereforeC.whileD.when 8-Is the patients health getting any better?-Yes,his condition has _ improved.A.more or lessB.more thanC.more and moreD.no more than 9-How much did the concert _,can you

22、 suppose?-Perhaps 30,000 yuan.A.bring upB.bring outC.bring onD.bring in,23.I _ to go to the concert the other day,but I could not spare the time.A.was hopingB.would hope C.had hopedD.hope,过去完成时的特殊用法:1.hope,intend,mean,plan,think,want等动词的过去完成时可以用来表示一个本来打算做而没有做的事。We had hoped to catch the 7:30 train,b

23、ut found it(was)gone.I had thought that he had died at least at least twentyyeas ago.2.在虚拟语气中,动作发生在过去,用过去完成时来表示与过去事实相反。He wishes he had watched the play last night.,1.When I reached the airport,it _.A.is probably rainingB.probably rains C.has probably rainedD.will probably be raining 2.Alice has jus

24、t arrived,but I _ until four.A.havent known she will come B.dont know she will come C.hadnt known she was coming D.didnt know she was coming 3.-Oh,its you!I _ you.-Ive just had my hair cut,and Im wearing new glasses.A.dont recognizeB.didnt recognize C.havent recognizedD.wont recognize,4.Unluckily wh

25、en I arrived she _,so we only had time for a few words.A.just leftB.was leaving C.had just leftD.has just left 5.-Who _ that violin?-My sister,when she _ time.A.plays;hasB.is playing;will have C.plays;is havingD.is playing;has had 6.-Ive been told that John _ from his journey to America.What about v

26、isiting him tonight?-All right.Ill pick you up at 6:00 p.m.A.had come backB.is back C.came backD.coming back,7.Rainforest _ and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.A.cutB.are cut C.are being cutD.had been cut 8.Shirley _ a book about China last year but

27、I dont know whether she had finished it.A.has writtenB.wrote C.had writtenD.was writing 9.-Hey,look where you are going!-Oh,Im terribly sorry._.A.Im not noticingB.I wasnt noticing C.I havent noticedD.I dont notice10.The news came as no surprise to me.I _ for some time that the factory was going to shut down.A.had knownB.knewC.have knownD.know,Homework,完成试题整理!,


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