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1、Welcome!,Unit 2,Writing a website article to give advice,Task,Skills building 1:identifying negative emotional language,Lets enjoy a funny flash!What do you think the woman dean(主任)will feel after she finds what her partner has done?,sad,surprised,disappointed,full of complaints,People often use spe

2、cific language to describe their experiencing problems,fears and worries.Do you know what words,phrases or structures are used to express negative emotions?,Discussion,WORDS:sad confused disappointed unhappy alone afraid lonely regretful hopelessSTRUTRES:I feel like They makes/it makes me feel I wis

3、h Im tired ofIMAGES:under a black cloud stuck/caught between feel blue down in the dumps,Make some sentences using the structures given on page 26.I felt like crying when I knew I would never see my grandma again.Failing my Maths test again made me feel rather depressed.I want to have a talk with my

4、 Maths teacher.He left school under a black cloud after causing a serious accident.Since her husband got ill,she seemed very down in the dumps.,practice,Step 1:identifying problems:,Reading and exercising,Read the letter in Part A on page 26 and underline the negative language used to describe the p

5、roblem in the letter.,Answers:.I dont know what to do.Ive been very sad.I feel caught between.They make me feel like Im a bad son I feel guilty Im so confused.Im really tired of feeling worried I wish I knew,Go over Part B on page 27 to find out what they should do next.Then listen to the recording

6、and finish the notes in this part.Check answers with the class.,sad 2.make mistakesplay well 4.studiesfalling behind 6.studiesbasketball 8.talent9.willing 10.focus11.education 12.injured13.Yao Ming 14.important15.business world 16.agree,Skills building 2:breaking a big question into smaller ones,Can

7、 you answer the following question?,How can we change the world?,It is difficult for us to simply answer the question with one or two sentences because it is too big.,Discussion,Can you change the following big question into smaller ones?,How can I improve my grades?,sample questions:1.What subjects

8、 do you find hard and need to improve on?2.What is your problem in these subjects?3.Is that because you have not spent enough time on them?4.What have you done to improve on these subjects?Did you use good study methods in these subjects?5.What are your short-term and long-term goals in these subjec

9、ts?Have you set proper goals?,Step 2:discussing solutionsPractise asking questions and discussing solutions.Work in pairs to discuss Ma Jies problems.Try to divide the big question into smaller ones What do you think of Ma Jies problem?.,Sample conversation:-You know Ma Jie is my good friend.Recentl

10、y he has been worried a lot.I want to help him solve his problem.What do you think I should do?-OK.Lets see what we can do to help him,but first lets make things less complicated.Wed better divide the big question into some smaller ones.Tell me what his problem is.,Speech bubble 1problem:source of i

11、nformation:people involved:attempts to solve problem:results of attempts:Things one wishes to happen:,What is his problem?,How did you find out about the problem?,Who else is involved in the problem besides MaJie?,What has he done to try to solve the problem?,What were the results of the solutions h

12、e had tried?,What does he wish to happen?,Make up and present a dialogue with the help of speech bubble 2 and speech bubble 3.,Skills building 3:giving advice,A few guidelines for you to remember,Guidelines,What to do,Why,avoid judging,give examples,be specific,use positive,helpful languagedo not sa

13、y,Its wrong for you to,mention a similar situation where your advice works.,give the advice that can help people to solve their own problem.,people want help but not judgement of their previous behavior.,people will know how to use your advice.,people can be helped to solve their problems.,Step3 wri

14、ting an article Write an article about how Ma Jie solved his problem with the help of his parents,teachers and coach.,Use the guidelines to find some information(for reference),Ma Jies problemsthe possible solutions Ma Jie has thought of and the reasons why they didnt work the advice you gave to Ma

15、Jiethe advice his parents,teachers and coach gave him and why it works your opinion about the best way to solve problems that students have,Language points,1.They often rely on emotional words and negative images.(P26)他们通常使用表示情感的词和消极的比喻。rely on:phrasal verb 1)to need a particular thing or the help a

16、nd support of someone or something in order to continue,to work correctly,or to succeed:依赖,依靠,+ing form of verb The success of this project relies on everyone making an effort.I rely on you for good advice.+to infinitiveIm relying on the garage to fix the car by tomorrow.,2)to trust someone or somet

17、hing or to expect them to behave in a particular way:British weather can never be relied on-its always changing.+ing form of verb Dont rely on finding me here when you get back(=I might have gone).,2.He thinks I need to arrange to spend more time working on my basketball skills.(P26)他认为我应该安排更多的时间练习我

18、篮球的技能。arrange:verb I or T to plan or prepare for;to organize:Im trying to arrange my work so that I can have a couple of days off next week.The meeting has been arranged for Wednesday.,+to infinitive They arranged to have dinner the following month.Ive already arranged with him to meet at the cinema

19、.Shes arranged for her son to have swimming lessons.+that Id deliberately arranged that they should arrive at the same time.+question word We havent yet arranged when to meet.,3.Whichever way I look at it,Ill never be really be good at anything unless I quit doing everything else.(P26)无论我怎样考虑,我都不能真正

20、的擅长于任何事,除非,我放弃其他所有事。1)whichever:any one from a limited set:We can go to the seven oclock performance or the eight-whichever suits you best.Either Thursday or Friday-choose whichever day is best for you.,高考链接,(06山东)_ team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships.No matter what B

21、.No matter which C.Whatever D.whichever,答案及解析:选D.此题是由whichever引导的主语从句,表示“无论那个队”,2)unless:conjunction except if 除非,否则You cant get a job unless youve got experience(=you can only get a job if you have experience).Unless you call me to say youre not coming,Ill see you at the theatre(=I will see you the

22、re if you do not call to say you are not coming).,高考链接,1.(06北京)_ you have tried it,you cant imagine how pleasant it is.A.Unless B.Because C.Although D.When2.(06浙江)We dont keep winning games _ we keep playing well.A.becauseB.unlessC.whenD.while3.(06重庆)In time of serious accidents,_ we know some basic

23、 things about first aid,we can save lives.A.whether B.untilC.if D.unless4.(05重庆)It is known to all that _ you exercise regularly,you wont keep good health.A.unless B.whenever C.although D.if5.(04四川)_you call me to say youre not coming,Ill see you at the theatre.A.Though B.Whether C.Until D.Unless,A,

24、B,C,A,D,3)quit:verb I or T quitting,quit,quit to stop doing something or leave a job or a place:离开,退出;停止,放弃,辞职 Would you quit your job if you inherited lots of money?+ing form of verb Im going to quit smoking.Quit wasting my time!Press Q to quit the program.,4.When you have a big question to answer,

25、the best way to start is to make it into several questions,and answer them first.(P28)当你要回答一个大问题时,最好的办法是将它分成几个小问题,先找到它们的答案。make into:phrasal verb to change something into something else:分成Theyve made the spare room into an office.,make for 对有益;助长 make out 1 辨识;看出 I could barely make out the traffic

26、signs through the rain.2 了解 I could not make out what she was saying make up 1 做成;编成 make up a prescription 开药方 2 组成;形成 One hundred years make up a century.一百年成一世纪 3 装扮;扮演;化妆 4 捏造;编造 make up an excuse 捏造藉口 5 弥补 make up the lost time 弥补失去的时光 6 整理;收拾 make up a room 收拾房间 make a face 扮鬼脸 make ends meet 收支平衡 make fun of 嘲笑;愚弄 make it(口语)成功 finally made it as an actor 终于成功地成为一位演员 make up(ones)mind 决定,决心,BYE-BYE!,


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