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1、沁园春雪赏析,沁园春雪 毛泽东 于1936年2月,北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。,原文汉译,北方的风光,千万里冰封冻,千万里雪花飘。望长城内外,只剩下无边无际白茫茫一片;宽广的黄河上下,顿时失去了滔滔水势。山岭好像银白色的蟒蛇在飞舞,高原上的丘陵好像许多白象在奔跑,它们都想试一试与老天爷比比高。要等到晴天的时候,看红艳艳的阳光和白皑皑的冰雪交相辉映,


3、千里。毛泽东讲究词章格律,但又不刻意追求。全词合律入韵,似无意而为之。虽属旧体却给人以面貌一新之感。不单是从词境中表达出的新的精神世界,而首先是意象表达系统的词语,鲜活生动,凝练通俗,易诵易唱易记。沁园春雪突出体现了毛泽东词风的雄健、大气。作为领袖毛泽东的博大的胸襟和抱负,与广阔雄奇的北国雪景发生同构,作者目接“千里”“万里”,“欲与天公试比高”;视通几千年,指点江山主沉浮。充分展示了雄阔豪放、气势磅礴的风格。,许渊冲译本对比赵恒元译本,许渊冲诗歌翻译的“三美”原则题目:沁园春雪许译:Snow Tune:“Spring in a Pleasure Garden”赵译:Snow On the P

4、attern of Qinyuanchun,意美,意美,就是指译诗也应有意象以及由意象组合而成的顺理成章的意境。“要传达毛泽东诗词的意美,可以选择和原文意似的绝妙好词,还可以借助音美、形美来表达原文的意美。”,原词:北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。许译:See what the northern countries show:Hundreds of leagues ice-bound go;Thousands of leagues flies snow.赵译:Look at the landscape of north China,The vast land is covered with ic

5、e;And the snow flits far-flung in the sky.赏析:许译“go,flies”也形象地描写出了静态的“冰封”与动态的“雪飘”相结合时北国的“风光”。,原词:望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。许译:Behold!Within and without the Great Wall The boundless land is clad in white,And up and down the Yellow River,all The endless waves are lost to sight.赵译:On both sides of the Great

6、Wall,Only the empty wilderness survives,From up river to down stream,The roaring currents disappear.赏析:许先生取用了一个“white”可谓达意传神,勾画出 了一幅长城内外一片白雪皑皑的景象。赵译文措 辞比较平淡,而且“survives”一词翻译得不准 确,这里并无幸存或存活之意。,原词:山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。许译:Mountains like silver serpents dancing,Highlands like waxy elephants advancing,All t

7、ry to match the sky in height.赵译:The mountains dance like silver snake,The highlands slither like wax elephants,Vying with the sky for height.赏析:“山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象”“advancing”有“一往无前”之意,“slither”意为“摇晃不 稳的滑行”。,原词:须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。许译:Wait till the day is fine And see the fair bask in sparkling sunshine,What an e

8、nchanting sight!赵译:When comes the sunny day,The land is dressed up with red sun and white snow,How gorgeous and attractive it is!赏析:“须”字意为等到,待到,许先生将其译为“wait till”,意义把握 准确,达到了意美。而赵译将该字译为“when”略显不尽之意。“红装素裹”,形容雪后天晴,红日和白雪交相辉映的壮丽景色。许译将其译作“bask in sparkling sunshine”深得原文的神韵与意境,传达出了原词的意美。赵译“red sun”和“white

9、 snow”与将“land”拟人化译为“dressed up with”不搭配。,原词:江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。许译:Our motherland so rich in beauty Has made countless heroes vie to pay her their duty.赵译:Such a beautiful landscape Has infatuated countless heroes赏析:许先生用了“vie to”来传达一个“竞”字,再现了原词 中所蕴含的多少英雄豪杰竞相为祖国江山社稷奔走操 劳之意。“折腰”原指鞠躬行礼,这里引申为倾倒,操 劳之意,所以许先生将

10、其译为“pay her their duty”,准确传神。“infatuated”原意为“冲昏头脑,使着迷”,意译为“竞折腰”还未能传达出历代多少英雄豪杰竞 相为江山社稷操劳之意。,原词:惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。许译:But alas!Qin Huang and Han Wu In culture not well bred,And Tang Zong and Song Zu In letters not wide read.赵译:Alas,emperors Qin Shihuang and Han Wudi Were not men of letters.Sovereign

11、s Tang Taizong and Song Taizu Were short of cultural genius.赏析:许译对仗更为工整。,原词:一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。许译:And Genghis Khan,proud son of Heaven for a day,Knew only shooting eagles by bending his bows.赵译:Gengh is Khan was Only capable of shooting the big eagles with his bow.,原词:俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。许译:They have all

12、passed away;Brilliant heroes are those Whom we will see today!赵译:They are now as nothing.Greater and nobler heroes Are coming up today.,音美,音美,就是译诗也应具有英诗的节奏美和押韵美。中诗讲究平仄。原词在音韵上,讲究平仄,分别为:飘、滔、高、娆;娇、腰、骚、雕、朝。许先生的诗行大致为抑扬格或扬抑格,全文上下段分别押 ai 和 ei的半音韵,与原词的韵脚分布大抵一致,较好地体现了音韵美。赵先生的整篇译文比较自由,有些像散文。,形美,形美,就是译诗也应有英诗的形

13、式美。汉语诗歌有古体诗和近体诗之分,在诗的行数、每行的字数及平仄上都有相应的规定。许先生的“译文大抵各句以两音节代替一个汉字,与原词各行字句对应较好,并注意表达原词的对仗、格式和节律,具有形美。”,1)See what the northern countries show:Hundreds of leagues ice-bound go;Thousands of leagues flies snow.2)Behold!Within and without the Great WallThe boundless land is clad in white,And up and down the

14、 Yellow River,allThe endless waves are lost to sight.3)Mountains like silver serpents dancing,Highlands like waxy elephants advancing,All try to match the sky in height.4)Wait till the day is fineAnd see the fair bask in sparkling sunshine,What an enchanting sight!,5)Our motherland so rich in beauty

15、Has made countless heroes vie to pay her their duty.6)But alas!Qin Huang and Han WuIn culture not well bred,And Tang Zong and Song ZuIn letters not wide read.7)And Genghis Khan,proud son of Heaven for a day,Knew only shooting eagles by bending his bows.8)They have all passed away;Brilliant heroes are thoseWhom we will see today!,谢谢欣赏,


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