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1、形容词和副词的比较级和最高级。大多数形容词和副词有三个等级:原级、比较级、最高级。原级指形容词和副词的原形;比较级用来表示“较”或“更一些”;最高级则表示“最”,Grammar:,一、形容词和副词的原级:表示两者(A与B)在某一方面相同时用句型:A+谓语+as+形容词或副词的原形+as+B.eg:Tom 和 Sam 一样高。Tom is as tall as Sam.Tom 和 Sam 跑得一样快。Tom runs as fast as Sam.英语和数学一样重要。English is as important as math.Lucy 和Lily 学习一样好。Lucy studies as

2、well as Lily.,2.两者(A与B)在某一方面A不如B时用句型:A+谓语+not as/so+形容词或副词的原形+as+B.eg:Tom 不如 Sam 高。Tom is not as/so tall as Sam.Tom 不如 Sam 跑得快。Tom doesnt run as/so fast as Sam.英语不如数学重要。English is not as/so important as math.Lucy 不如Lily 学习好。Lucy doesnt study as/so well as Lily.,形容词的比较级,一:用法用于两者(人或物)之间,表示“其中一个比另一更”或“

3、较”,后面通常用连词than连结另一个比较的对象,其基本句型是:主语谓语(系动词)形容词比较级than对比对象。eg:吉姆比迈克高。Jim is taller than Mike.迈克比吉姆矮 Mike is shorter than Jim.,1、形容词和副词的比较级的规则变化:,一般直接在词尾加er或 est,tall,taller-tallest,light,lighter-lightest,以字母e结尾的直接加r或st,nice,nicernicest,fine,finerfinest,以辅音字母加y结尾的形容词,要变y为i再加er或est,heavy,heavierheaviest,

4、busy,busier-busiest,以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母的形容词,要双写末尾的辅音字母再加er或 est,thin,thinnerthinnest,hot,hotterhottest,多音节词或部分双音节词的比较级和 最高级在其前面加more或most。,beautiful,more beautifulmost beautiful,important,more importantmost important,Interesting more interesting most interesting,quickly more quickly most quickly,tir

5、ed more tired most tired,2、不规则形容词的比较级最高级,better,best,more,most,less,least,worse,worst,farther/further,farthest/furthest,(抽象),写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级,(1)ill/bad/badly _(2)busy _(3)big _(4)fat_(5)hot _(6)easy _(7)little _(8)fast _(9)hard _(10)many/much _,worse/worst,busier/busiest,bigger/biggest,fatter/fattes

6、t,hotter/hottest,easier/easiest,less/least,faster/fastest,harder/hardest,more/most,(11)happy_(12)far _(13)careful _(14)good/well _(15)difficult _(16)small _(17)quiet _(18)old _(19)beautiful_(20)strong_,happier/happiest,farther(further)/farthest(furthest),more careful/most careful,more difficult/most

7、 difficult,more beautiful/most beautiful,better/best,smaller/smallest,quieter/quietest,older/oldest,stronger/strongest,形容词比较级的常用句型,(两者之间),A比B较/更”。A+谓语+adj./adv.比较级+than+B.eg:Tom 比 Sam 高。Tom is taller than Sam.Tom 比 Sam 跑得快。Tom runs faster than Sam.英语比数学重要。English is more important than math.Lucy 比Li

8、ly 学习好。Lucy studies better than Lily.,Which goes faster,the bike or the car?,The car goes faster than the bike.,The bike goes fast.,Which flies higher,the plane or the bird?,The plane flies higher than the bird.,The bird flies high.,Which runs faster,the dog or the sheep?,The dog runs faster than th

9、e sheep.,The sheep runs fast.,Donald duck,Harry Potter,Which is more interesting?,Harry potter is more interesting than Donald duck.,Donald duck is interesting.,形容词比较级前可加数词,表示“大(小)多少”“长(短)多少”eg:他比我小五岁。He is five years younger than me.,A+谓语+倍数(times)+adj./adv.比较级+than+B.,Eg:我的房间是你的三倍大。My room is thre

10、e times bigger than yours.,A+谓语+数词+adj./adv.比较级+than+B.,eg:他越来越胖了。He becomes fatter and fatter.她学得越来越好了。She studies better and better.,越来越高越来越强壮越来越长越来越受欢迎越来越漂亮越来越有趣,taller and tallerstronger and strongerlonger and longermore and more popularmore and more beautifulmore and more interesting,吃的越多,会变得越胖

11、,_you eat,_ you will be.,越多越好The more,the better.,你们越努力,将来你们就越成功.,The _(hard)you _(work),the _ _(successfully)you _ _(be).,他越忙越快乐._ _ he is,_ _ he will be.,The busier the happier,harder workmore successfully will be,Amy is the shorter of the two.,John is the taller of the two.,A+谓语+the+adj./adv.比较级+

12、of the two.,Amy,John,A+谓语+adj./adv.比较级+than any(other)+可数名词单数+范围。A+谓语+adj./adv.比较级+than the other+可数名词复数+范围。“A是中最的”或“A比(其他)任何都”注:当A在范围内比较时,必须加other;当A不在范围内比较时,去掉other.eg:上海比中国其他的任何一个城市都大 Shanghai is bigger than any other city in China.上海比日本的任何一个城市都大 Shanghai is bigger than any city in Japan.,He is,t

13、aller than any other boy.,He is taller than the other boys,He is the tallest of all.,The Yellow River,Which river is longer?,The Changjian River,在中国,长江比其他河流都长。The Changjiang River is longer than the other rivers in China.在中国,长江比其他任何河流都长。The Changjiang River is longer than any other river in China.长江

14、是中国最长的河流。The Changjiang River is the longest river in China.,(8)修饰比较级的词 much(的多)、far(的多)、a lot(的多)、even(更)、a bit(一点儿)a little(一点儿)eg:This city is much more beautiful than that one.这座城市比那座城市漂亮的多。Today is even hotter than yesterday.,如果比较对象相同,可用that/those代替第二个比较对象。,The weather in Shanghai is better tha

15、n that in Wuhan.,三、形容词、副词的最高级三者或三者以上人或物的比较。1.A+谓语+the+adj./adv.最高级+of,in,among短语A 是中最的。,My mother is the busiest in my family.我妈妈是家中最忙的。I jump the farthest in my class.我是我们班跳得最远的。Tom is the tallest of all the students.Tom是所有学生中最高的。,2、one of the+形容词最高级+可数复数“最之一”。篮球是世界上最受欢迎的运动之一。Basketball is one of t

16、he most popular sports in the world.3、the+序数词+形容词最高级+名词 表示“第几大长高”The Yellow River is the second longest river in China 黄河是中国第二长河。,I.用形容词的正确形式填空1.Which do you like _(well),apples,pears or bananas?2.I think this story is _(interesting)than that one.3.In the morning he is _(early).His father is _(early

17、)than he.His mother is the _(early)of the three.4.The Yellow River is the second _(long)river in China.5.He thinks his corn is _(delicious)of all the food.6.I feel math is _(difficult)than Chinese.,best,more interesting,early,earlier,earliest,longest,most delicious,the,more difficult,句型转换:1.Tom is t

18、all.Jim is short.(比较级合并)Tom is _ _ Jim.2.My hair is long.Marys hair is longer.(合并成一句)Marys hair _ _ _ mine.3.Pedro is thinner than Sam.(改为同义句)Sam is _ _ Pedro.4.My sister is better at study than me.She is clever.(改为同义句)My sister is _ clever(聪明的)than me at study.5.Peter is funny.Paul is funny,too.(合并

19、成一句)Peter is _ funny _ Paul.,taller,than,is,longer,than,fatter/heavier,than,more,as,as,2)比较级:1)A+be+adj比较级+than+B 2)A+V+adv比较级+than+B注意:1)比较级修饰词:much far even still rather a lot a little a bit 2)加倍数:A be+倍数+比较级+than+B 3)同范围的比较,相当于最高级:比较级+than+any other+sl(比其他任何一个都。)4)越来越:比较级 and 比较级 5)越.越.:the 比较级,t

20、he 比较级 6)两个当中比较.的:the 比较级 of the two 7)Who/Which is 比较级,A or B?最高级:A+be/v+the+最高级+of(in)+.注意:1)名词所有格,形物代修饰省略 the 2)one of the 最高级+pl 3)Who/Which is the 形容词最高级,A,B or C?,This box is_ that one.A.heavy than B.so heavy thanC.heavier as D.as heavy as2 This book is_ that one,but_ than that one.A.as diffic

21、ult as;expensiveB.as more difficult as;more expensiveC.as difficult as;more expensiveD.more difficult as;as expensive,2)比较级:1)A+be+adj比较级+than+B 2)A+V+adv比较级+than+B注意:1)比较级修饰词:much far even still rather a lot a little a bit 2)加倍数:A be+倍数+比较级+than+B 3)同范围的比较,相当于最高级:比较级+than+any other+sl(比其他任何一个都。)4)越

22、来越:比较级 and 比较级 5)越.越.:the 比较级,the 比较级 6)两个当中比较.的:the 比较级 of the two 7)Who/Which is 比较级,A or B?最高级:A+be/v+the+最高级+of(in)+.注意:1)名词所有格,形物代修饰省略 the 2)one of the 最高级+pl 3)Who/Which is the 形容词最高级,A,B or C?,()4 I think science is _ than Japanese.A.much important B.much more important C.important D.more muc

23、h important()5 This pencil is_ than that one.A longest B.long C.longer D.as long()6 Our classroom is_ larger than theirs.A.more B.quite C.very D.much,2)比较级:1)A+be+adj比较级+than+B 2)A+V+adv比较级+than+B注意:1)比较级修饰词:much far even still rather a lot a little a bit 2)加倍数:A be+倍数+比较级+than+B 3)同范围的比较,相当于最高级:比较级

24、+than+any other+sl(比其他任何一个都。)4)越来越:比较级 and 比较级 5)越.越.:the 比较级,the 比较级 6)两个当中比较.的:the 比较级 of the two 7)Who/Which is 比较级,A or B?最高级:A+be/v+the+最高级+of(in)+.注意:1)名词所有格,形物代修饰省略 the 2)one of the 最高级+pl 3)Who/Which is the 形容词最高级,A,B or C?,8 When spring comes,it gets_.A.warm and warm B.colder and colder C.w

25、armer and warmer D.shorter and shorter 9 Day by day,_ students in our class came to like English.A.more and more B.much and much C.many and many D.less and least10 _ I look at the picture,_ I like it.A.The best;the more B.The more;the lessC.The more;less D.More;the more11 _ he read the book,_ he was

26、 in it.A.The more;the more interestingB.The less;the more interesting C.The more;the more interested D.More;more interested,2)比较级:1)A+be+adj比较级+than+B 2)A+V+adv比较级+than+B注意:1)比较级修饰词:much far even still rather a lot a little a bit 2)加倍数:A be+倍数+比较级+than+B 3)同范围的比较,相当于最高级:比较级+than+any other+sl(比其他任何一个

27、都。)4)越来越:比较级 and 比较级 5)越.越.:the 比较级,the 比较级 6)两个当中比较.的:the 比较级 of the two 7)Who/Which is 比较级,A or B?最高级:A+be/v+the+最高级+of(in)+.注意:1)名词所有格,形物代修饰省略 the 2)one of the 最高级+pl 3)Who/Which is the 形容词最高级,A,B or C?,12.Which is_,Li Lei or Wu Tong?A.strong B.strongest C.stronger D.the strongest13.Which languag

28、e is_,English,French or Japanese?A.easy B.the most easy C.the easiest o D.much more easy14.Which is _ interesting,science,maths or English?A.more B.the most C.very D.too 15.The tree is _ in the garden.A.the taller B.the tallest C.taller than of all D.tall.,四.单项选择。1.Lucy is very short,but she is _ th

29、an her sister.A.shorter B.longer C.taller D.older 2.Frank is _ friendly than his brother.A.a little more B.a few more C.much D.a little 3.Sam is _ at Chinese than Jim.A.good B.well C.better D.gooder,6.Im _ quieter than Susan.A.little B.few C.a little D.a few 7.The watch is not _ beautiful as that one.A.very B.too C.so D.more8.The weather in North China is colder than _ in South China.A.B.this C.the one D.that,Thank you for listening!,


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