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1、如何写一篇好的作文?,作文专题,写好作文的几大要求,主题符合贴切语法正确无误内容构思丰富字数符合要求字迹整洁清晰格式准确无误,1.主题符合贴切,不会写的时候,把“阅读短文”的内容抄进去,甚至连主题、人称、时间、地点、时态都没有改动,这样的写作不给分。不可以抄一段与主题不符合的短文,写作文要凸显主题,围绕题目来写,切勿扯东扯西,这里说一块,那里说一块。,2.语法正确无误,人称要用对,时态要统一 在情态动词can,could,may,might,cant;以及should,to,did,help somebody to do something,后面的动词用原型出现单词always,often,u

2、sually,everyday 表示每天重复发生的事情的时态,我们用一般现在时,动词用原形,第三人称单数后需加S,3.内容构思丰富,内容通顺不单调,不会看起来拼拼凑凑,没有任何过渡词去连接或引出下文,要合理利用学过的过渡和连接类的词,and,because,first,second,third,after that,finally,at last,and then,in the end之类的去连接全文。令文章看起来有连贯性,有前因后果,有始有终。Last weekend,I went to a park.I played soccer.I had lunch.I felt sad.I lost

3、 my keys.I found it.What a lucky day!,作文要结合自身实际情况去表达作文内容健康向上,不易出现敏感字词,不可以在文章透漏真实姓名和学校,不宜在文中说伤害他人的坏话。如果出现自己都不确定的新单词,不要硬写上去,用学过的单词去代替,语句不用太复杂,将学过的知识发挥出来就可以了。切记啰嗦,有时候写得越多不代表就很好,也会错误出现得很明显。,格式准确无误,标题段落、句子开头议论文格式书信格式,范文欣赏,以Internet 为题,用英语写一篇70词左右的短文,谈谈你对互联网的看法。参考词汇:more and more,fast and convenient(快且方便)

4、,information,talk to different people,in trouble,use it correctly,The Internet is important for people today.More and more people use the Internet every day,because it is fast and convenient.The Internet can help us do a lot of things.We can use the Internet for finding information and we can enjoy

5、lots of songs,movies and games on the Internet.We can also talk to different people in other countries through the Internet.,The Internet may be fast and convenient,but it may also get you into trouble.So we should know how to use it correctly.If you do,you can really have a convenient life with the

6、 Internet.,地球上水资源非常丰富,但可供我们用的淡水资源却极度贫乏。水是生命之源,动物、植物、人类都离不开水,没有水,地球上就没有生命存在。节约用水是每个地球人的职责。请以How to Save the Water 为题写一篇短文。不少于60词。,How to Save the Water Water is important to all living things.All animals and plants need water.Without water,there will be no life on the earth.So we should do our best t

7、o save and protect our water.,How do we save water?First,we must turn off the tap after we use it.Second,we must save every drop of water in everyday life and tell our parents and friends about it.Finally,use less water when it is not nessesary.I think its our duty to save water.,在你的生活中总有挥之不去的记忆。除了学

8、习,你还有特别喜欢的事情吗?也许你活波好动,球类,游泳是你的最爱;也许你有艺术天赋,唱歌、跳舞、听音乐、绘画是你的乐趣;也许集邮是你生活的一部分;也许。请根据以上提示,将你的爱好及与之相关的故事写信告诉美国的笔友Jack。,Dear Jack,Im glad to receive your letter.You ask me to tell you something about my hobby.Well,football is my favorite.Im a serious football fan.I enjoy football matches very much.I can sta

9、y up to enjoy a match on TV.My favorite player is Michael Owen.I often dream I meet him and he teaches me to play football.But thats only a dream.,I often play football with my friends.We have a match on the playground near my home every weekend.It is really fun and brings me a special kind of happiness.Yours,Sam,Thank you!,


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