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1、,1.在人们家中in peoples home2.在家通过电脑学习study at home on computers3.将来in the future4.免费的be free5.活到200 岁live to be 200 years old6.一百年之后in 100 years7.一张纸a piece of paper8.更多/更少的树more/few trees9.更多/更少的污染more/less pollution,12.同意某人的意见agree with sb13.与谈话talk to/with sb14.使用某物做某事use sth to do15.在上小学be in elemen

2、tary school16.住在一间公寓live in an apartment17.乘坐火箭到月球fly rockets to the moon18.爱上fall in love with19.独自居住live alone20.能够做某事be able to do sth21.去香港度假go to Hong Kong on vacation,4.告诉某人(不要)做某事tell sb(not)to do sth5.得到一份兼职的工作get a part-time job6.打开turn on7.把声音放得太大playtoo loud8.给写信write sb a letter9.给打电话cal

3、l sb up10.一场球赛的票a ticket to a ball game 11.使惊讶surprise sb,12.支付pay for13.从借borrow sth from sb14.为某人买某物buy sb sth15.不知道have no idea16.有同样的发型have the same haircut17.查明find out18.请家教get a tutor19.需要去做need to do20.邀请某人去做某事invite sb to do sth21.把某物落在家里leave sth at home22.做某事失败fail(in)sth,23.与相处融洽get on w

4、ell with sb24.与相同的be the same as25.归还某物return sth26.在字典中查找look upin a dictionary27.与打架have a fight with sb28.与比较compare with29.向抱怨某事complain to sb about sth30.感觉处于(太多的)压力之下be/feel under(too much)pressure,1.He is very strong because he e_ a lot.2.I like watching TV p_ on(关于)Chinese 3.She is a good st

5、udent,she is h_ ever late for school.4.We wash our hair t_ a week.5.Junk food is not good for our h_.6.My eating h_ are pretty good,so I am very h_.,7.Dont worry.M_(可能)he can help you.8.This picture is d_from that one,can you tell me the d_ between the two pictures?9.My grandfather is still healthy,

6、a_ he is over 80 years old.10.I got good g_ with the help of my English teacher last term(学期)。,11.Some students like s_ the Internet.12.Eating a lot of v_ and fruit help people keep in good health.13.My mother has a healthy lifestyle,she eats l_ junk food but more vegetables.,14.Im s_ out,I shouldnt

7、 study tonight,I need to have a good rest.15.Im t_,can you give me something to drink?16.Its i_ us to eat b_ diet.17.I dont b_ the story,its not true(真实的)。18.The patient(病人)is so w_ that he cant stand up.19.If you are too t_,please lie down and rest.,20.My teacher is very a_ with me because Im late

8、again.21.If you have bad bread,you may have a s_.22.Whats the m_ with you,madam?23.Can you work out the math p_?24.Can you give me some a_ on how to study English well?,25.Eating a b_ diet helps you keep healthy.26.We walk with our f_ and eat with our t_.27.T_ Chinese doctors believe we need a balan

9、ce of yin and yang.28.She has a terrible c_,and she needs to see a doctor.29.Im not f_ well today,I cant go to school.,30.I am b_ my sister this evening because my mother is ill.31.Im going h_ in the mountains next Sunday.32.Whats your p_ for your summer holiday.33.How about s_ at home this morning

10、because its raining outside.34.We plan t_ v_ Tibet next year.35.Im going o_ May1st and coming back i_June.,6.Yesterday my father f_to lock the door when he left home.And he l_his keys(钥匙)on the table.37.Some people like to live in cities,but others like to live in the c_.38.I met many foreign t_in J

11、iuzhai valleys(九寨沟)。,39.I like going bike r_.And you?40.They r_a room from Mrs White last week.41.Liu Dehua is f_ as an actor and he is also famous f_ singing.42.She is l_Shanghai for Beijing next month,and she will be away for a month.,43.We should love n_and protect(保护)it.44.Classes begin at 7:40

12、in the morning and f_ at 5:00 in the afternoon.45.After I finished_(write)a letter.I listened to music.,46.We are t_ a long vacation this summer.47.I want to cook something d_ for my parents.48.All the students plans to have a very r_ vacation,they will be relaxed after the vacation.49.You can forge

13、t a_ your problems when you travel.50.Ben wanted to visit Spain(西班牙),but finally d_ o_Canada.51.China is f_ f the Great Wall.52.I p_ to take walks with my mother after dinner.,53.He d_ to take the jacket,although it was very expensive.54.The story sounds i_,and Im i_in it.55.I know there are many pe

14、ople w_ speak French in Canada.56.I have a new watch,let me s_ it to you.57.He returned home o-_ a cold,windy morning.,1.I have two pencils.Can you give me a _(three)one.2.I have more apples than _(you).But _(you)are better than_(he)3.I often heard _(sing)in the room.now I see him_(play)on the groun

15、d.4.Yellow River is one of the longest _ in China.(river),5.Are they busy_(go)over his lessons?6.Mr Green has a son _(call)Tom.7.What is wrong with you?You look(worry)_.8.The wind was blowing _(strong)then9.Dont keep the teacher _(wait)for a long time.,10.which side of the street is _(clean)11.He to

16、ld me _(not look)out of the window.12.my mother often makes me _(do)much work13.He runs much _(fast)than his mother.14.Please help _(you)to some apples.Mrs Green said to her friends,15.The police _(be)directing the traffic over there.16.It is good _(have)a rest after running.17.Both of them think Ch

17、inese is much _(much)important than English.18.It is _(danger)to play football near the river.,19.My mother often does the _ on Sundays.(wash)20.My grandma told me an _(usual)story.21.Michael Jordan is my favorite basketball _(play)22.July is _(seven)month of the year.23.Lucy,_(pass)a bottle of oran

18、ge to me,please.,24.My parents _ the house at eight yesterday morning.(clean)25.Mary draws _(bad)than Meimei26.Li lei tried hard _(work)out the problem.27.Would you please _(not turn)on the radio?28.Do you find it easy _(ride)a bike?,29.English is _(use)than Maths.30.Yesterday it rained as _(heavy)a

19、s it is now.31.Who runs _(slow)in your class?-Wei Fang _(do).She runs _(slow)than any other student in the class.32.It takes me half an hour _(go)home every day.,33.It is difficult _(learn)English well.34.You must finish _(do)your homework next week35._(drink)milk is good for your health.36.The boy

20、is old enough _(go)to school.37.If you want to be _(thin)and(healthy)_.You have to eat _(little)food.,38.Is there _(something)wrong with your cars?39.I will try _(not be)late for school.40.If you go soon.,you _(be)late.41.He couldnt sleep _(good)last night.42.My mother doesnt feel like _(drink)anyth

21、ing.,43.I will call you as soon as she _(come)back.44.This isnt takeaway food It is home _(cook)45Either my father or I _(work)on a farm this week46.My sister does some _(run)every morning,so she is very healthy,47They were on _ way to school when it began to rain(they)48Its not far from here It about three _ walk(minute)49Hurry up!I dont want any of you to get_(lose)50Our English teacher is always very _ to us(friend),


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