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1、代词,初三英语总复习,代词的种类,代词,人称代词,物主代词,反身代词,指示代词,疑问代词,主格,宾格,形容词性,名词性,不定代词,人称代词主格和宾格,I,me,you,you,hesheit,himherit,we,us,you,they,them,you,数,人称,格,人称代词主、宾格的用法,人称代词主格在句子中充当主语。I am studying English now.We love our school.注意:1.几个人称代词并列充当主语时的顺序:单数形式:you,he and I 复数形式:we,you and they.2.I am he is she is it is we ar

2、e you are they are,人称代词的宾格在句子充当动词、介词的宾语或表语 Can you help me?We are waiting for them.Our teacher will have supper with us.介宾 Who is there?Its me.,动宾,介宾,介宾,表语,数,人称,名称,形容词性,名词性,your,yours,mine,my,hisherits,hishersits,our,ours,your,yours,their,theirs,形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词,两种物主代词的不同用法:,1)形容词性物主代词用来修饰后面的名词,不能单独

3、应用:My parents are both doctors.There is something wrong with his bike.They love their work in the factory.,小结:形容词性物主代词+名词,两种物主代词的不同用法,2)名词性物主代词应单独使用,后面不跟名词:May I use your ruler?Mine has been lost.May I use your ruler?I have lost my ruler.Lets clean their room first,and then clean ours.Lets clean the

4、ir room first,and then clean our room.These letters are his.These letters are his letters.,小结:这种物主代词所修饰的名词通常出现在它的前面。,反身代词,数,人 称,中英文,yourself,ourselves,yourselves,themselves,反身代词的用法,1 在句中作宾语,表示动作反射到动作的执行者本身。My grandmother is too old to look after herself.Lei Feng was always ready to help others,henev

5、er thought of himself.When they woke up,they found themselves lying on the ground.,反身代词的用法,2 在句中作名词或代词的同位语,用来加强语气,可译为“亲身”、“本人”、等。We ourselves will build the factory.The children made the model plane themselves.The house itself is not so beautiful.,反身代词的用法,3反身代词在实际运用中可构成许多常用词组:by oneself for oneselfc

6、all oneself teach oneselfhelp oneself speak to oneselflose oneself enjoy oneself,亲自,为自己,称自己,自学,随便吃,自言自语,=say to oneself,迷路,自得其乐,练习,1._ love _ country and well make it more beautiful.(we)2._ studies in a middle school near _ home.(he)3._ _ do it.(I)4.-Is it _,Tom?(you)-No,it isnt _,(I)it must be _(sh

7、e)5.I think _teacher is younger than _.(we,they)6.The farmer grow these tomatoes _.(they),We,our,He,his,I,myself,yours,mine,hers,our,theirs,themselves,7.Everyone works hard at _lessons in our class.8.The boy is too young.He cant look after _.(it)9.Open the door,Please!Its _.(I)10.Thats not _,it is _

8、,I made it_.(he,I,I),their,itself,me,his,mine,myself,Indefinite pronoun 不定代词,1.不定代词的定义:不定代词,即不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的 代词2.常用不定代词有:some(something,somebody,someone),any(anything,anybody,anyone),no(nothing,nobody,no one),every(everything,everybody,everyone,),all,each,both,much,many,(a)little,(a)few,other(s),an

9、other,none,one,either,neither等。,这两个词含义大致相同,只是位置不同:all 要放在冠词之前,而whole 应放在the之后。例:All the family/the whole family全家2.在复数名词前一般用all,在单数可数名词前一般要用whole。如:All the children enjoyed themselves.所有的孩子都过得很快活。The whole building was burning.整座在楼都在燃烧。注:它们在意义上有差别,all指“一个不剩”(即“全部”),whole 指“一点不缺”(即“整个”)。,whole和all,3.

10、在不可数名词之前一般用all,而不用 whole,例:the whole money/food/wine()all the money/food/wine()4.在时间名词(如day,week,month,year等)以及季节名词(spring,summer,autumn,winter)之前,两者都可用。如:all(the)spring/the whole spring整个春天注:在表示时间的hour和 century 之前,一般只用whole,不用 all 例:I waited for her the(或a)whole hour.我等了她整整一小时。,1.Many:许多,用于可数名词前,mu

11、ch:许多,用语不可数名词前。2.few,a few修饰可数名词,little,a little修饰不可数名词。few,little具有否定意义,表示“几乎没有”,a few,表示“一些;几个”a little具有肯定意义,表示“一点”。only a little;only a few,much/many/(a)few/(a)little,none:表示“一个也没有;一点也没有;都不”。none的反义词是all,none 3none 通常和of 连用none of them/usnone 可以指人也可以指物。例:None of the problems is easy to solve 这些问

12、题没有一个是容易解决的 None of us knows the answer.No one:=nobody 没有一个人,不和of 连用。No one likes the film.no:形容词,“没有”,后面必须加名词。如:I have no money/friends.nothing 表示“什么也没有”。如 There is nothing in the room.,no one/none/no/nothing,(2)none与数量有关,可回答how many 或how much 提出的问句,表示“一个也没有”一点也没有;no one表示“什么人也没有”,可回答who的问句。nothing

13、 表示“什么也没有”,回答 what的问句。例:How many people are there in that room?None.How much water is there in the glass?None Who was late today?No one.Whats in the bag?Nothing,1、everyone是不定代词。当表示“每一个、人人”时,它等于everybody,且谓语动词用单数形式,不能与of连用。例:Everyone is here大家都来了。2every one表示“每个人”时,等于everyone,例:Every one put on his h

14、at.=Everyone put on his hat(每个人都带上了帽子。)3、every one表示“每一个(东西、事情)”,every one 后面可以接 of例:He ate every one of the moon cakes.他把月饼都吃光了。,everyone/every one,any/some,some:一些。它可以修饰可数名词和不可数名词。Some water/money.Some books/boys例:Some are doctors,some are nursessome也可用于疑问句:在表示请求、邀请或征求意见的句子中 例:Would you like some

15、cake?any:一些,任何 any常用在否定句或疑问句中。它可以修饰可数名词和不可数名词.例:There isnt any ink in my pen.不定代词any表示“任何”时也可以用在肯定句,例:You may come at any time,other 表示“另一个或另一些”是泛指,当形容词或代词用。后既可接可数名词复数形式又可接不可数名词例:other students other tea others 表示“其他的(人或物)”,是代词,后面不能再加名词。常用于some,others结构 指剩下的一部分.例:Some people like singing,others like

16、 dancing.the others 是特指,表示“其他的(人或物)”,是代词,后面不能再加名词。指剩下的全部。例:I have five colour pencils.One is red,and the others are green.,other(s)/the other(s)/the other/another,the other:通常指(两者中的)另一个,用于 onethe other.一个另一个如:I have two brothers,one is a doctor,the other is a manager.,another:另一个;指三者或三者以上中的另一个。例:I d

17、ont like this one.Please give me another.another+数词+复数名词 表示“还,再”I have another two questions.我还有两个问题。another+数词+复数名词=数词+more+复名 I have two more questions.,each/every,each:代词或形容词,每个.可以和of 连用,也可以单独使用 each of us/them 我们/他们每个Each boy has a dictionary.每个孩子都有一本词典。There are 20 boys,each has a dictionary.Ea

18、ch of us has a cell phone(手机).=We each have a cell phone(手机)词组:each other 互相every:形容词,“每个”.后面必须修饰名词,不能和of 连用Every boy has a dictionary.每个孩子都有一本词典。注意:every 构成的常用词组every other day 每隔一天 every five days 每五天,every/some/any/no+(thing,one,body),some,any,every,no都能和one,body,thing一起构成代词,这些代词叫复合不定代词 some构成的复合

19、不定代词,其作用和some相同,用于肯定句;any构成的复合不定代词用于否定句或疑问句;no构成的复合不定代词表示否定含义.,例:I have something to tell you.我有事要告诉你。He didnt say anything at the meeting yesterday.昨天在会上他没发言。Everybody likes swimming.每个人都喜欢游泳。There is nothing wrong with your ears.你耳朵没毛病。注意:1.something可用于提建议或请求的问句中,以及希望说话对方作出肯定回答的问句中。例:Would you lik

20、e something to eat?2.复合不定代词在句子中作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数形式。例:Nobody knows his name.,4.both,neither,either 的用法,both,allboth表示“两者都”;all表示“三者或三者以上”Both his pens are good.Both of his pens are good.His pens are both good.,All of the books are interesting.All the books are interesting.2)either,any;either of,any of e

21、ither”两者中任何一个”;any”三者或三者以上中任何一个”Do you like English or Maths?-I dont like either.Either of them is good for meAny of the computers here is very modern.You may take any one of these.You may take either(one)of the two.Either of the answers is correct.Either answer is correct.,3)Neither,none;neither of

22、,none ofNeither”两者都不”none”三者或三者以上都不”None of the subjects interests us.Neither of two answers is correct.Neither answer is correct.Neither this answer nor that answer is correct.,4)both of,neither of,all of,none ofe.g.Both of them are teachers.(改否定句)Neither of them is a teacher.All of them are honest

23、.None of them is/are honest.All of us are students.None of us is a student.=None of us are students.,5)bothand,neithernor,eitheror Both Li Ping and I are students.Neither Li Ping nor I am a student.Either this answer or that answer is correct.6)on both sides of the streeton either side of the street

24、There are buildings on every side of the square.5.1)onethe other 一个另一个 2)onethe others=one the other+pl.一个其余的(有范围),both/either/neither,both:全部,都.不定代词both指两个人或事物。both 还可作同位语,它们句中的位置是在动词be,助动词或情态动词的后面,但在实义动词前面。例:They are both in good health.他们两人身体都很好。either与neither可用作形容词、代词、副词和连词等,它们的用法如下:,1)部分否定当all,

25、both,each,every(body,thing)等表示整体意义的代词与否定词连用时,一般只表示部分否定。例:All of the students did not turn up.不是所有的学生都出席了。2)全部肯定,如要表示全部肯定,应该用none,no one,neither,nobody,nothing,等对整体意义具有否定作用的代词或副词。例:None of the students turned up.没有一个学生出席。,不定代词的否定,one的用法,One,复数形式ones.可用来代替前面出现过的可数名词,以避免重复.,I dont like small boxes;I li

26、ke large ones.Your question is a wery difficult one.He doesnt like red shirts.he likes white ones.,a+形容词+one这一形式,经常见到或使用。I have an old bike,but he has a new one.我有辆旧自行车,他有辆新的。,it和one的比较,it用来指特定的东西(the+名词);而one则用于替代不特定的东西(a,an+名词),You have a pen,can I use it(=the pen)?你有一支钢笔,我可以用它(这支钢笔)吗?Do you have a pen?Yes,I have one(=a pen).你有钢笔吗?是的,我有一支。(泛指),


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