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1、动词ing形式的归纳,概述,动词的-ving形式具有名词(动名词)的功能,可以在句字中作主语,宾语和表语.它具有形容词(分词)的功能,可在句子中作定语,表语,和宾语补足语.,I.动名词,动词的ing形式具有名词的功能,可以在句子中作主语,宾语和表语.,1.做主语,Reading is important in learning English.Looking after the patient is a nurses job.注意:在某些特殊结构中,特别是It is no useuselessno goodshamedangerousa waste of time/worth/worthwhi

2、le doing sth.It 是形式主语,真正的主语即动名词放在句末,2 做宾语.ving跟在某些特定的动词后面作宾语.,避免错过少延期建议完成多练习喜欢想象禁不住承认否定与嫉妒逃避冒险莫原谅允许感激和考虑明白鼓励要禁止,Avoid,miss,put offAdvise,finish,practiceEnjoy,imagine,cant helpAdmit,deny,envy,Escape,risk,excuseAllow/permit appreciate considerUnderstand,encourage,forbid,3 做表语,His hobby is collecting s

3、tamps.My greatest happiness is serving the people.注意;动名词作主语,可以和表语换用.反之 也一样.,4.动名词的复合结构动名词的前面可以带上自己的逻辑主语构成动名词的复合结构.,物主代词,如his,my;人称代词如him,me名词所有格,如Toms;名词普通格如TomDo you mind my/me smoking here?I insisted on my husband/husbands paying the bill.The sound of desks being opened and closed could be heard o

4、ut in the street.He suggested somebody taking over the job.,注意:动名词的复合结构作句子主语时,则通常使用名词的所有格或物主代词Marys coming late made her teacher angry.His not being able to come is disappointing.,II.现在分词,动词的ing具有形容词的功能,可在句中做定语,表语,和 宾语 补足语,1 定语,Does he work in the reading room?Our teacher uses a very good teaching m

5、ethod.Do you know the man standing by the door?This village is made up of 500 families belonging to five nations.,2.表语:表主语所具有的特征.,The food smells inviting.The story is very touching.常这样用的分词有:amusing,charming,encouraging,confusing,disappointing,discouraging,exciting,puzzling,astonishing,refreshing,sh

6、ocking,striking,surprising,etc.,3.宾语补足语,感官动词:see,hear,feel,smell,watch,notice,observe,look at,listen to和使役动词:set,keep,have,get,leave,make,find,send等都可以用分词作宾语补足语 we saw him climbing a tree.The police caught the boy stealing.拓展:在被动句中,即成为主语补足语:The boy was caught stealing.The children were last seen pla

7、ying at the river bank.,4.动词的ing形式具有副词的功能,可在句中做状语,1.)做时间状语,Hearing the noise,I turned round.=when I heard the noise,Looking out of the window,I saw some students playing there.=when I looked out of the window,注意:分词短语前面可以用while,when等连词,2.)作方式状语或伴随状语,He came running back to tell me the news.All night

8、long he lay awake,thinking about problems.He sat in an armchair,reading the newspaper.,3).做结果状语,Her husband died ten years ago,leaving her with three children to look after.The heavy snow lasted a weak,causing a lot of accidents.,4).原因状语,Being sick,I stayed at home.=As Because I was sick,Not knowing

9、 her address,I cannot write to her.=As I dont know her address,5).条件状语,Turning to the right at the crossing,you will see the post office right before you.=If you turn right at the crossing,youll,=Turn to the right at the crossing and you will see the post office.,6).做补充说明,The plane leaves at six,arr

10、iving in Chicago at ten.=.,and will arrive in Chicago at ten.The children were walking to the park,talking and laughing all the way.=,and were talking and laughing all the way.,III.独立主格结构,独立主格结构本身就是一种复合结构,由名词或代词加分词等构成,表时间,原因,条件,方式,伴随和补充说明等.常见结构如下:1.名词+-ving分词 They all went to the playground,he alone

11、 remaining in the dormitory.2.名词+-ved分词 The question settled,they went back by plane.,3.名词+动词不定式 So much homework to do,we have no time to play.4.名词+形容词 He looked at me up and down,his eyes wide open.5.名词+介词短语/副词 Hundreds of people went out of the cinema,some in pairs,others alone.6.名词+名词 His son no

12、w a college student,he is no longer worried about his job.7.There be 句型的独立结构 There being no bus,we had to walk home.,IV.做独立成分,动词ing形式在句中没有逻辑主语,可以独立存在,这些短语已经成为习惯用语,用来修饰整个句子Generally speaking(一般说来)Strictly speakingRoughly speakingFrankly speakingJudging from,Taking all into considerationConsidering ev

13、erythingEg:Judging from her face,she must be ill.Considering everything,it is worth trying.,IV.动词ing形式的各种变化形式,时态,语态,主动,被动,一般式,完成式,doing,having done,being done,having been done,动词的-ving形式的一般式表示动作和谓语动词同时(或几乎同时)发生,Hearing the news,she burst out crying.Not knowing what to do,he went to the teacher for h

14、elp.2.动词的ing形式的完成式表示动作先于谓语动词发生 Having lived there for dozens of years,he knows the city well.Not having received their letter,he decided to write another one.,3.动词ing形式的被动式表示动作对于逻辑主语而言在意义上是被动的.I would like to have a look at the animal being operated on.Having been invited by the students,he gave them a talk on history.,注意:动名词的被动语态是跟在动词和介词后面的.,eg.He remembered being taken to Beijing at the age of ten.They attended the meeting without being invited.We were all excited for having been praised.,


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