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1、DC metrics仓库运营度量指标KPI,DC VELOCITY readers members of the Warehousing Education and Research Council(WERC),2,现代物流的挑战,提高周转率Increased Inventory Turns 提高库存周转率Reduced Obsolescence 消降报废Faster Time-to-Market 更快交付到市场Faster Cycle Times 更快的流转周期,提高库房运作透明度Real-Time inventory 实时库存Status Tracking 状态跟踪Improved Cus

2、tomer Loyalty 提高客户忠诚度,对增值服务的支持Reduced Inventory Carrying Costs 降低库存搬运成本Supports One-to-One Initiatives 支持一对一的主动服务Enable Postponement Strategies 支持产品延迟装配策略,持续改善运营,提高资源利用率Warehouse Space&Locations 仓库空间和库位Equipment 设备Human Resources 人力,库存与发货准确度的提高Shipping accuracy improved 2-5%发货准确度提高2-5%99%Location le

3、vel 超过99%的库 存准确率Inventory reduction 5-20%降低5-20%的库存,人工效率的提高Reduced Working Capital 减少人力投资Reduction of over time hours 降低加班时间Lower Labor costs 更低的人工成本,Metrics Of measure performance in key business areas of warehouse,Employee 员工Annual work force turnover 人员年度周转率Cross-train percentage 岗位轮换培训百分比Operati

4、ons 作业Dock-to-stock cycle time 从码头到库内作业周期Lines received and put away 收货和上架行数On-time receipts from supplier 即时收货率Percentage of supplier orders received damage-free 无损收货率Order fill rate 出货订单履单满足率Fill rateline出货订单行履单行比率Lines picked and shipped 拣货和发货行数Safety 安全Day count rate 日盘点率Days away from work case

5、s rate 工作中断率,Financial 财务Distribution costs as a percentage of sales 仓储成本在销售成本中的占比Days on handfinished-goods inventory 成品库龄Customer 客户On-time shipments 及时发运Total order cycle time 全订单交付周期Internal order cycle time 内部订单交付周期Capacity 能力Average warehouse capacity used平均仓库能力利用率Peak warehouse capacity used

6、高峰期仓库能力Quality 质量Order picking accuracy 订单拣货准率性Material handling damage 库内物资破损率,The Top 10:The most commonly used DC metrics,1.On-time shipments 即时发运率 The percentage of orders shipped at the planned time.(Shipped means off the dock and in transit to its final destination.)Note that the time to ship

7、may be determined by either the customer or the shipper.订单在计划时间里的发运比率(发运的意思是离开发货码头,开始运送给最终客户)请注意这个计划时间可能是由客户或承运人决定的2.Average warehouse capacity used 平均仓库能力利用率The average amount of warehouse capacity used over a specific amount of time(month to month or yearly).这个仓库能力平均数值是用指在一个特定周期的内的仓库作业时间3.Dock-to-

8、stock cycle time,in hours从码头到库内作业周期,按小 时The time(typically measured in hours)required to put away goods.The cycle time begins when goods arrive from the supplier and ends when those goods are put away in the warehouse and recorded into the inventory management system.这个时间通常按小时计算,这个周期记录到WMS中从供应商商送货物到

9、仓库开计算,到仓库最终上架的时间。4.Order picking accuracy(%by order)订单拣货准率(%订单数)This measures the accuracy of the order picking process,where errors may be caught prior to shipment such as during packaging.它度量订单拣货过程的准率率,通常会在包装的环节会被采集到5.Internal order cycle time 内部订单交期The average internal time between when the order

10、 was received from the customer and the order is shipped by the supplier.Note that order shipment is defined as off of the dock,onto the shipping conveyance,and ready for transit.它是从接到客户订单开始,到货物被供应商发送为止,订单发运是定义为离开码头,装载到运输工具上等待运输,The Top 10:The most commonly used DC metrics,6.Peak warehouse capacity

11、used高峰期仓库能力The amount of warehouse capacity used during designated peak seasons.在设计的高峰期仓库能力7.Total order cycle time 全订单交期The average end-to-end time between order placement by the customer and order receipt by the customer.平均从客户下订单到收到货品的时间8.Fill rateline 履单率Measures percentage of order lines filled

12、according to customer request.Note that a single customer order line can request multiple shipments.In this case,each shipment would be tracked as a separate request.以订单行数计算满足百分比,请注意,一个订单也许需要多次发运,在这种情形需要每次发运都可以计算为一次客户订单请求行9.Lines received and put away per hour 每小时收货行和上架数Measures the productivity of

13、receiving operations in lines processed and put away per person-hour.度量单个工人每小时收货作业行 和上架行10.Lines picked and shipped per hour 每小时拣货行和发运行Measures the productivity of picking and shipping operations in lines per person-hour.以每小单个工人度量拣货量和发运量,What is your business strategy?,Most businesses differentiate

14、themselves from competitors by concentrating on a particular strategy.Among other questions,the study asked respondents to indicate which of these strategies they feel best represents their companies goals.Customer service 客户服务Customer service focuses on a specific group or segment of customers that

15、 require a specific product or service.The entire strategy is built around serving a particular target very well,and each operational goal is driven with this in mind.Cost leadership 成本领先 Companies aspiring to be cost leaders compete on price.In these cases,the primary driver in the purchasing decis

16、ion is the price of the goods sold.Therefore,reducing and eliminating costs is absolutely critical.Product/Market innovation(Differentiation)产品创新(差异化竞争)This strategy focuses on the creation of something that is perceived industrywide as being unique or exclusive.Mix 混合型In this hybrid strategy of trying to be all things to all people,a company must focus on more than one strategy simultaneously.It is very difficult to execute,and many companies find themselves“stuck in the middle.”,What metrics do you use,


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