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1、JQ/FS HSSE On Boarding Training,JQ/FS Project BasicHealth,Safety,Environment&SecurityINDUCTION,四川项目入场健康、安全与环境培训,JQ/FS HSSE On Boarding Training,In Case ofEMERGENCY,Muster Point 集合点位置,如果出现紧急情况,Safety Brief of the location,What is Goal Zero?,Goal Zero:Means that safety is a deeply held value.安全是我们深信的价

2、值观 Means no harm to people and no significant incidents.追求无人受伤、无重大事故目标 Changes how we think and act 改变我们的思维和行为方式Goal Zero is possible.“Goal Zero”是可能做到的Is integral to implementing EP roadmap.是与实现EP路线图互为一体 Shows what we mean by“safety takes priority.”体现“安全优先”的意义Is a behavioral shift and not a function

3、al programme.是一种行为的转换而不是一种功能性的活动Is about leadership at a personal level.是关于每个人对安全的领导力,什么是“零事故目标”,12 Life Saving Rules 救命规则,Shell Golden Rules 壳牌石油黄金准则,You and I:Comply with the law,standards and procedures 遵守法律、法规Intervene in unsafe or non-compliant situations 干预不安全行为和不安全状况Respect our neighbor尊重我们的邻

4、居,记住REMEMBER!STOP The Work Policy叫停政策如果你认为工作场地不安全,如果你发现有危险,如果你看见有人没有遵守有关工作规定/程序或带危险工作,请立即叫停这个工作并把这个问题汇报给你的主管If you think your work site is not safe,If you identify a hazard,If you see someone not following rule/procedure or working in an at risk way STOP THE JOB and report the problem to your Superv

5、isor,You could save a life!.,授权叫停工Empowerment To STOP,你的叫停就可能救了人命!,Will you stop?你会叫停吗?,花费必要的时间从一开始就将工作做对 Take the Time Necessary to do the Job right the First Time 不要有匆忙赶工的压力 Feel No Pressure to Rush 在开始任何工作前都使用HEMP工具 Use HEMP Tools Before Starting any Task停下来并且确保遵照所有的程序 Stop and Ensure all Procedu

6、res are followed,How To Achieve Our Goals?怎样达到我们的目标?,考虑问题并相互沟通 Think and Communicate运用你的正确判断 Use Your Good Judgment不要害怕停工并且提问 Do Not be Afraid to Stop the Job and Ask Questions,How To Achieve Our Goals?怎样达到我们的目标?,Trouble Help,基本安全规则 Basic Safety Rules House Rules 场地守则,2.开始一项工作之前确保理解所有的工作指示了解明白,3.遵守现

7、场的个人防护用品(PPE)使用要求,4.选用合适的工具,并正确的使用工具,5.保持工作地点(办公室和工地)干净、整洁、无障碍物,6.在上下楼梯时手扶护栏,7.使用安全带,开车时不使用手机,基本安全规定 Basic Safety Requirement政策Policies,Smoking 吸烟Drugs 毒品Alcohol 喝酒AIDS/HIV 艾滋病Use Of Force 使用武力Sexual Harassment 性骚扰,Environmental 环境Quality 质量Security 安保Weapons 武器Fighting 打架Theft 偷窃Dispute 外部纠纷,基本安全规定

8、 Basic Safety Requirement 个人防护用品 PPE,头部防护 Head Protection 眼睛防护Eye Protection手部防护Hand Protection 脚部防护Foot Protection躯干防护Body Protection耳部防护Ear Protection呼吸系统 Inhalation protection面部防护 Face protection,Helmet test,工具及机器设备的检验与使用所有设备、工具需经检验合格后方可使用使用正确的工具,停止使用磨/受损的工具。只有指定人员才 能操作电动工具,机械工具要维修使其状况良好。报告有缺陷的设备

9、/机器/工具。手持工具必须有防坠落措施。Use of Tools&Machinery/Equip Use correct tools and worn out/damage tools must be discarded.Only authorized person to operate power tools and machines tools must be maintained serviceable.Report faulty equipment/machines/tools.Hand tools must be secured while handling.,基本安全规定 Basi

10、c Safety Requirement,Dont Use your tools to Kill!,Safe Lifting Postures Postures causing injuries,Ergonomics and Manual Handling,Mechanical Aids(Crane,Taggers,Hoists,Forklift,etc)When do we use it?Checks before useUse of Signal Man,基本安全规定Basic Safety Requirement,人机功效和人力搬运,安全的提升姿势-错误姿势会造成伤害,机械辅助(起重机,

11、拖拉机,铰链,叉车),何时使用?使用前检查利用信号员,Packed properly&correctly labeled 包装适当并正确标签 MSDS must be available prior to 在使用之前必须有MSDS Crews MUST have good knowledge 操作人员必须有足够的知识 PTW and JSA are required 需要工作许可和工作安全分析 Stored at designated places 存放在指定的地点,Why MSDS?,Handling Requirements,Handling Hazardous Materials,基本安

12、全规定Basic Safety Requirement,为什么要用材料安全数据表?,操作要求,NO work to commence if the above is violated如果违反以上要求,不能开工,危险品操作,环境考虑 Environmental Consideration,NOTHING is to be thrown or discharged randomly 不能任意丢弃任何垃圾 Use proper waste bin(metal/non-metal)for waste and waste oil spills/any discharge MUST be cleaned

13、immediately 使用合适的垃圾箱装垃圾(金属或非金属)/任何泄漏都必须马 上清理干净 Drip pans must be maintained 定期维护防漏油盘 Machines,equipment and tools must be checked for leakages,emission of inappropriate gas/smokes,etc that can pollute.检查机器设备和工具是否漏油,异常排气/排烟等可能造成污染 的状况,想想安全 Think Safety!,文明施工Housekeeping防火 Fire Prevention无安全防护临边洞口Ungu

14、arded Openings高空作业 Working at Height压力体系中作业 Working with Pressurized System手/指的安全 Hands&Fingers Safety落物 Falling Objects起重作业Crane Lifting正确的手动工具 Correct Hand Tools and STAY ALERT AT ALL TIMES 并且随时保持警惕,HSE管理体系 HSE Management System,工作现场HSE工具 Worksite HSE Tools,危害识别与控制 Hazard Identification and Contro

15、l(HEMP)工作场所危害管理WHM危害识别5 X 5 Hazard Identification Process 5 X 5工作危害分析 Job Hazard Analysis(JHA)工具箱会议Toolbox Talk事故控制技术卡ACT蝴蝶结工具Bow-Tie,20,危害管理程序与HSSE管理体系,PTW and JHAare HEMP Tools,IDENTIFY识别,RECOVER恢复,CONTROL控制,ASSESS评估,HEMP,危害和影响,危害及后果管理程序 HEMP,所有都记录下来,危害识别与控制:尖利物体Hazard Hunt:Sharp Objects,可能造成手指受伤的

16、尖利物体Sharp Objects with the potential of causing Hands and Fingers Injury,混合器冲洗墙的支撑架,尖利的角被磨圆滑,危险,纠正行动,Will you do?,危害识别与控制 Hazard Identification And Control,危害10+1 Hazard Identification,Can YouFindOut,辐射,体能,运动,危害识别5 X 5 Hazard Identification Process 5 X 5,观察工作环境Look around your work area先在大脑中把工作过一遍St

17、ep through the job in your mind身边其他工作要予以考虑Think of the other activities around you想到危险和风险Think of the hazards and risks识别并控制风险Identify and Control them,动手之前先动脑!Engage your mind before your hands!,LOOK AROUND环顾周围,THINK OF THE RISK考虑风险,FOCUS OBSERVATION观察要素,LOOK FOR HAZARDS观察危害,APPLY THE CONTROL控制,1)A


19、E消除;2)SUBSTITUTE替代;3)ENGINEERINING工程;4)ADMINISTRATIVE管理;5)PPE个人防护用品,5 x 5,危害识别5 X 5 Hazard Identification Process 5 X 5,识别任务范围Identify Task scope列出研究目标State Study Objectives,工作危险分析 JHA,工作危险分析 JHA,工作许可证 work permit,建立项目工作许可证制度对相关人员进行许可证管理培训,并保存记录许可证制度实施现场检查,工作许可证 work permit,班前会Toolbox Talk,记住:REMEMB

20、ER:在每份工作开始前,发现新的危险,工作状况变化时要进行工具箱会议。讨论工作任务,危险和控制措施。班前会要使用适当的语言。保证每个人员了解以上事宜可以轮换工作人员开班前会,告知你的工作人员他们有权利在认为不安全的状况下停止工作,Will you work with?,班前会Toolbox Talk,开工前会议是我们的沟通工具Toolbox Talk is our COMMUNICATION tool 1.鼓励提问和讨论Encourage questions and discussion 2.确保每人了解工作 Make Sure everyone understands the job,A.C

21、.T.卡 A.C.T Program,Identify and correct unsafe acts and unsafe conditions,识别与纠正不安全行为和状况,为什么需要A.C.T.?Why We Need A.C.T?,85%的事故由不安全行为造成,UNSAFE ACT,A.C.T 程序 A.C.T Process,观察OBSERVE,工作场所危害管理WHM,何谓工作现场危害管理?What Does WHM mean?,什么是?What Is?,直接或间接由于员工的行动或不行动所造成,并可能会导致事故发生的情况。Situations directly or indirectl

22、y caused by action or inaction of employee that may lead to an accident,不安全状况,违反现有HSE规定/规则,工序和作业惯例,增加自己或他人受伤害的可能性,造成财产损失或不良环境影响的行为。Action that increases the chance of injury to himself or others,property damage or environmental impact through violation of established HSE Rules/Regulations,Procedures

23、,Practices,不安全行为,作业场地HSE不规范行为Worksite HSE Behavior,作业场地HSE不规范行为Worksite HSE Behavior,是否明知故犯违反程序规定?Do you knowingly break procedures?是否会视而不见或假装没有看见?Do you look away or pretend you didnt see?是否会走捷径?Do you take short cuts?Does your supervisor do things or ask you to do things that are unsafe?你的管理人员会自己做

24、或命令你做不安全的事情吗?,作业场地HSE不规范行为Worksite HSE Behavior,是否明知故犯违反程序规定?Do you knowingly break procedures?是否会视而不见或假装没有看见?Do you look away or pretend you didnt see?是否会走捷径?Do you take short cuts?Does your supervisor do things or ask you to do things that are unsafe?你的管理人员会自己做或命令你做不安全的事情吗?,WillYou Take ThisCar?,4

25、0,危险因素,屏障,恢复准备措施,后果,事件/事故,后果,后果,蝴蝶结模型,控制措施(保持在可控制范围内),为应急作好准备,目标:降低可能性(主动预防),目标:减轻后果以防再次发生(事后采取行动),HSE 风险管理工具,风险与结果管理程序-领结原则举例,落下物体,事故报告 Incident Reporting,记住Remember!所有的事故必须通报,分类,调查和汇报,吸取教训,防止类似事故的再次发生。All Incidents must be Notified,Classified,Investigated and Reported so that key findings can be u

26、sed for learning and preventing recurrences.,事故报告 Incident Reporting,为什么会发生事故?Why We Have Accidents?,事故调查表明事故主要原因:Incident Investigation indicates the main causes to be:缺少良好的监督Lack of good Supervision.未能识别风险 Not identifying Hazards.未能遵守基本规则.Not following Basic Rules,Why?,未遂事故报告Near Miss Reporting,通过

27、控制三角形底部的不安全行为事件,能够直接控制事故的发生。By aiming at the base of the triangle i.e.at unsafe practices,one is working directly at preventing accidents.,未遂事故 案例1 Near Miss Incident#1,60 ft,25 lbs(12.5 Kg),在一家炼油厂里In a refinery,60英尺高的储罐 60,我们能够改变吗?Can We Change This?,超过85%的事故是人为因素造成的,而常常受害者又是人,因此:More than 85%of al

28、l accidents are caused by people&people are often the target,therefore:,This is for,YOUYOUR Friends&YOUR Family,为了你,你的朋友和你的家人,我们如何能改变?How Can We Change This?,Consider the Safety Triangle.安全三角形概念,这三要素对于创造安全工作环境是同等重要的最难控制和改变的是行为All three elements are equally important to create a Safe Work Place.The h

29、ardest to control or change is Behaviour.,好的程序,安全行为,好的设计和维护,壳牌中国应急管理架构SCEPCO Emergency Structure,应急程序 Emergency Procedures,Level 1 Yellow,Project or Site Emergency Response Team项目应急管理组,Level 2 Orange,Level 3 Red,Chengdu Emergency Response Team成都联合应急管理组,China Upstream Crisis Manage Team,UIX/UIA Suppo

30、rt,Shell China Crisis Manage Team,应急程序 Emergency Procedures,现场撤离 Site Evacuation 全体人员必须完全清楚集合点位置及救生设备的使用Crews to be fully aware of their mustering,the use of life saving appliances.,应急设备 Emergency Equipment 全体人员必须清楚应急设备的地点并且在紧急情况下能够使用Crews to be aware of the location of equipment and be able to use

31、it during emergencies.,紧急情况 Emergencies理解个人的责任,应急反应小组的任务和责任Understanding individual responsibilities,ER Team duties and responsibilities,Monkey?,Money Is Enough toSave you?,什么是HSE?What does HSE mean?你能说出几个HSE场地守则?What is house rules?最低必备的PPE要求?What is minimum PPE requirement?临时设备管理要求是什么及有效期?What is

32、the requirement for the temp.equipment?5.吸烟规定,哪里可以抽烟?What it the smoke policy?6.什么是MSDS?What does the MSDS mean?7.什么是应急响应?What does ERP mean?,问题Q&A,8.HEMP分为哪四个过程?What is the process of HEMP?9.什么是TOOLBOX 会议系统?What does Toolbox mean?什么是JHA?What is JHA?什么是5*5?What does 5*5 mean?事故分为哪几类?事故调查,报告的目的是什么?Incidents classification and purpose?什么是ACT?What is ACT system?什么是工作危害管理?它有哪些主要内容?What does WHM means and contents?,


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