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1、BOOK 1-Unit 8-Listening Practice,Would you like to hear a funny story?Weve got a good one about a teacher,a riddle,and a little boy.Listen carefully and see in what way the story is related to the theme of the unit.After listening,complete the following statements according to what you have heard.,B

2、OOK 1-Unit 8-Listening Practice,1.The teachers purpose in asking his class the riddle was to see how clearlythe class could think.2.From his answer to the riddle we can see that Little Geoffrey didntunderstand;his brainthe question or the answer and that he didnt useunderstand;his brain.3.The story

3、is related to the theme of the unit through its concern over the increasing intellectuallazinessamong young people.,the class could think,understand;his brain,laziness,BOOK 1-Unit 8-Language Focus-Vocabulary,1.Fill in the gaps with words or phrases given below.Change the form where necessary.,BOOK 1

4、-Unit 8-Language Focus-Vocabulary,1)The problem of air pollution in our city is very serious because ours is a big zone of both residential and industrial buildings.2)Average students who work hard usually do better than clever students who are idle.3)When the camera is functioning properly,a green

5、light comes on.4)The fundamental issue in the current debate is whether environmental lead contamination(环境铅污染)causes intellectual impairment(受损)in children.,industrial,idle,is functioning,intellectual,BOOK 1-Unit 8-Language Focus-Vocabulary,5)The girl,scared and trembling,stood in the doorway hidin

6、g from the man who had followed her.6)It is reported that no more than a handful of U.S.companies have been successful in the Japanese market.7)Ive been doing the summer job for two months now.It would be a luxury to be able to have a day off.8)Clarence refused to comment on the state of his marriag

7、e,saying it is a private matter.,scared,handful,luxury,private,BOOK 1-Unit 8-Language Focus-Vocabulary,9)William woke up late and didnt get to work until ten oclock.10)We agreed before we did the deal that wed both take an equal slice of the profit.11)When you look at the state of his car its a mira

8、cle that he wasnt killed!12)A week before the Spring Festival the telephone exchange was jammed with people wanting to book train tickets.,woke up,slice,miracle,was jammed,BOOK 1-Unit 8-Language Focus-Vocabulary,2.Rewrite each sentence with the word or phrase in brackets,keeping the same meaning.The

9、 first part has been written for you.,BOOK 1-Unit 8-Language Focus-Vocabulary,1)The rise in gas prices will probably have a serious effect on the cost of electricity.(affect)The cost of electricity is likelyto be seriously affected by the rise in gas prices.2)I couldnt care less whether you stay or

10、leave.(indifference)Whether you stay or leaveis a matter of total indifference to me.3)The personnel manager of the company explained very clearly that they needed extra people.(drive home)The personnel manager of the companydrove home the point that they needed extra people.,to be seriously affecte

11、d by the rise in gas prices,is a matter of total indifference to me,drove home the point that they needed extra people,BOOK 1-Unit 8-Language Focus-Vocabulary,4)They found the missing will after a long hunt.(search for)The missing willwas found after they searched for it for a long time.5)There was

12、no water left by the time they got to the camp.(run out of)Theyhad run out of water by the time they got to the camp.,was found after they searched for it for a long time,had run out of water by the time they got to the camp,BOOK 1-Unit 8-Language Focus-Vocabulary,3.Complete the following,using the

13、words or phrases in brackets.Make additions or changes where necessary.,BOOK 1-Unit 8-Language Focus-Vocabulary,1)With the help of a bank loan,the company employed a group of skilled manual workers.New and complex products were developed and put on the market.As a result the company solved its finan

14、cialproblems.(financial,complex,manual)2)Philip was very upset to find it so hard to make a living by writing in the new country.He swore that he would give up his writing career and try some other job.To his delight,he was much better off/became much better off when he switched to teaching,and even

15、 had adequate money for a new car.(swear,upset,better off,make a living),manual,and complex,its financial,was very upset,make a living by,swore,was much better off/became much better off,BOOK 1-Unit 8-Language Focus-Vocabulary,3)The other day my friend John and I paid a visit to the museum of fine a

16、rts in our city.The museum had recently acquired a handful of original paintings by an American woman artist.Ignorant of art,I turned to John and asked how her works struck him.John replied that for him,her paintings summed up/works summed up the restless spirit of America.(ignorant,sum up,handful),

17、handful,Ignorant of,paintings summed up/works summed up,BOOK 1-Unit 8-Language Focus-Words with Multiple Meanings,Now write sentences of your own,using make and the given words.,BOOK 1-Unit 8-Language Focus-Words with Multiple Meanings,1.young man,$5,hour,in his summer jobThe young man made$5 an hou

18、r in his summer job.2.what,you,change your mindWhat made you change your mind?3.Im sure,Jason,good lawyerIm sure Jason will make a good lawyer.4.vet,put something,down the dogs throat,it,vomit(呕吐)The vet put something down the dogs throat to make it vomit.,The young man made$5 an hour in his summer

19、job.,What made you change your mind?,Im sure Jason will make a good lawyer.,The vet put something down the dogs throat to make it vomit.,BOOK 1-Unit 8-Language Focus-Words with Multiple Meanings,5.story,interesting readingThe story makes interesting reading.6.five,and,five,tenFive and five make ten.

20、7.on foot,they,can,only,about 20 miles,a dayOn foot they can only make about 20 miles a day.8.I dont think,she,ever,really,it,to the topI dont think shell ever really make it to the top.,The story makes interesting reading.,Five and five make ten.,On foot they can only make about 20 miles a day.,I d

21、ont think shell ever really make it to the top.,BOOK 1-Unit 8-Language Focus-Word Family,1.Study the following words.Then use them correctly in the sentences below.,BOOK 1-Unit 8-Language Focus-Word Family,1)These drugs are effective in the developing stages of the disease.2)As children develop,some

22、 of the most important things they learn have to do with their sense of self.3)The county government has taken various measures to encourage local economic development.4)At school were trying to teach young people to develop a sense of responsibility.,developing,develop,development,develop,developin

23、g,BOOK 1-Unit 8-Language Focus-Word Family,5)A lot remains to be done to narrow the wide gap between the developing and developed countries across the world.,developed,BOOK 1-Unit 8-Language Focus-Comprehensive Exercises,1.Complete the following passage with words chosen from the Words and Phrases t

24、o Drill box.Change the form where necessary.,BOOK 1-Unit 8-Language Focus-Comprehensive Exercises,History provides many examples of the decline of great nations.The causes are complex(1),but one reason may simply be that wealthy parents tend to produce idle(2)children.Never having had to struggle to

25、 make a living by(3)hard work,they rely on the wealth accumulated(4)by their parents and grandparents to provide them with an easy life.Some Americans fear that this problem may affect(5)the future of their own country.An advanced economy needs educated workers if it is to function(6)properly,yet ma

26、ny young Americans are content to allow their intellectual faculties(7)to remain idle and seem unconcerned by how ignorant(8)they are.However,if they are to hold their place in the world,complex,idle,make a living by,accumulated,affect,function,faculties,ignorant,BOOK 1-Unit 8-Language Focus-Compreh

27、ensive Exercises,they will have to be able to compete.To do so they will have to wake up(9)to the need for hard work,education,saving and discipline.,wake up,BOOK 1-Unit 8-Language Focus-Comprehensive Exercises,2.Read the passage carefully until you have got its main idea,and then select one appropr

28、iate word for each gap from the box.,BOOK 1-Unit 8-Language Focus-Comprehensive Exercises,Dear Mom and Dad,Everything is OK,well,almost everything you see,I have a terrible headache about every half hour.Ive been having this headache ever since I jumped from my dormitory(1)during the fire.A fine-loo

29、king young man was passing(2)by my window when he saw the flames leaping(3)from the window.He was kind enough to call the fire department(4)and ambulance.Since my furniture was burned(5)up and my room destroyed(6),I have been staying at this young mans apartment.I thought seriously(7)about marrying

30、him but I know how you feel about mixed marriages(8).Mom and Dad none of the above happened to me.I dont,dormitory,passing,leaping,department,burned,destroyed,seriously,marriages,BOOK 1-Unit 8-Language Focus-Comprehensive Exercises,have a headache.There was not a fire in the dorm and I didnt meet a

31、young man with whom Im living.Im writing this letter to tell you that Ive just received my report(9)card.I have three Ds and two Fs.I just thought,if I put this in a different perspective(10),it would sound better!Your Loving Daughter,report,perspective,BOOK 1-Unit 8-Language Focus-Comprehensive Exe

32、rcises,3.Translate the following sentences into English,using the words or phrases in brackets.,BOOK 1-Unit 8-Language Focus-Comprehensive Exercises,1)没有个人档案,求职者很难指望受雇当老师。(file)Without his personal file,an applicant can hardly expect to get/be employed as a teacher.2)有了足够的冰,我们就能冰这些饮料了。(chill)With en

33、ough ice,we would be able to chill the drinks.3)依我愚见,阅读是打发闲暇的最悦人方式。(humble,leisure)In my humble opinion,reading is the most pleasant way to spend ones leisure.4)有人说,美国运动员迈克尔 菲尔普斯(Michael Phelps)在,Without his personal file,an applicant can hardly expect to get/be employed as a teacher.,With enough ic

34、e,we would be able to chill the drinks.,In my humble opinion,reading is the most pleasant way to spend ones leisure.,BOOK 1-Unit 8-Language Focus-Comprehensive Exercises,2008北京奥运会上赢得8块金牌简直是个奇迹。(miracle)Some people said it was simply a miracle that the American athlete Michael Phelps won eight gold m

35、edals at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.5)洗衣机坏了,我们只能用手洗衣服了。(break down)The washing machine has broken down,so we have to wash our clothes by hand.,Some people said it was simply a miracle that the American athlete Michael Phelps won eight gold medals at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.,The washing ma

36、chine has broken down,so we have to wash our clothes by hand.,BOOK 1-Unit 8-Language Focus-Comprehensive Exercises,4.Translate the following passage into English,using the words and phrases given below.,BOOK 1-Unit 8-Language Focus-Comprehensive Exercises,今天早晨我从我的便携式收音机中听到一则很有意思的新闻:一个三十六岁的男子和他十岁的儿子在

37、同一个班级上课,为取得高分而互相竞争。事情是这样的:那个男子叫李伟,小时候太懒散,什么都不肯学。由于几乎没有受过教育,没有掌握有用的技术,所以他很难挣到足够维持生活的工资。他的生活经历使他充分认识到一个道理:他必须首先获得知识,然后才能积累财富。李伟发誓要跟儿子一起上学,下决心努力学习。,BOOK 1-Unit 8-Language Focus-Comprehensive Exercises,This morning I heard an interesting piece of news over my portable radio:A man of 36 and his son of 10

38、 attend the same class competing with each other for high marks.The story goes/Its like this:The man,Li Wei by name,was too idle to learn anything when young.With little education,with no useful skills,he could hardly earn an adequate living wage.His life experiences drove home to him the point that

39、 he had to acquire knowledge before he was able to accumulate wealth.So Li Wei swore that he would go to school with his son,determined to learn.,This morning I heard an interesting piece of news over my portable radio:A man of 36 and his son of 10 attend the same class competing with each other for

40、 high marks.The story goes/Its like this:The man,Li Wei by name,was too idle to learn anything when young.With little education,with no useful skills,he could hardly earn an adequate living wage.His life experiences drove home to him the point that he had to acquire knowledge before he was able to accumulate wealth.So Li Wei swore that he would go to school with his son,determined to learn.,


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