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1、,THE AMERICAN DREAM,UNIT 4,UNIT 4 The American Dream,Part 1 Listening Task Listening practice What you are about to hear is an interview with Dr.Lee Hertz,the director of a scientific laboratory in Stanford University California.,The following words in the recording may be new to you:poverty n.贫穷 ad

2、vertising n.广告宣传,After Listening Complete the following statements according to what you have to you.,The American Dream means different things to different people.But for many,particularly immigrants,it means the opportunity to make a better life for themselves.For them the dream is that talent and

3、 hard work can take you form log cabin to White House.Tony Trivisonno did not rise quite so high,yet he managed to make his own dream come true.,Text A,1).Read aloud paragraphs 30 to 33 until you have learned them by heart.Then try to complete the passage from memory.,After he _ _,I though more and

4、about Tonys career.He _ _ _ mind.In the end,I think he stood as tall,and as _,as the greatest American industrialists.They had all reached their success by the same _ and by the same_ _ _:vision,determination,self-control,optmism,self-respect and,_ _,integrity.Tony did not begin on the _ rung of the

5、 ladder.He began in the basement.Tonys affairs were _.But,after all,the_ _ were exactly the same.The only difference was where you put the decimal point.,passed,away,grew,in,my,proud,route,values and principles,above all,bottom,giant,balance sheets,New Expressions:turn away:把打发走例句:1)A doctor cannot

6、turn away a dying man.医生是不能见死不救的。2)Some refugees were turned away.They were too many hungry mouths to feed already.一些难民被打发走了,因为需要提供食物的饥民太多了。,take up:承担例句:I made a mistake and I will assume responsibility for it.我错了,我愿为此承担责任。do with:利用,忍受例句:1)If theres one thing t cant do with,its untidiness.若说有什么东西是

7、我无法忍受的话,那就是不干净。2)Anything to do with my finances is ma wifes province.一切有关钱财的事都由我妻子管。,Try,Try Again-T,H,Palmer Try,a lesson you should heed,Try,Try again;If at first you dont succeed,Try,Try again;Then your courage should appear,Foe,if you will persevere,You will conquer,never fear;Try,Try again.,Al

8、l of us have a dream,Words and Phrases to Drill assume balance capacity character confidence determination diet discard giant handle hunt loan personnel precision principle property skilled sometime sponsor weekly wreck above all call on check on clean up do with for sale pass way send for turn away

9、 turn down work out,1)It was already a_when two weeks later the police found his stolen car and he had to buy a new one.2)With great patience,the clerk showed the elderly lady how to check the_in her benk account on an ATM(自动出纳机).3)If you look out of the window on the left side of the bus,youll see

10、that were now_the Tower of London.4)Therell certainly be some preblems,but nothing that you cant_.5)People who_litter in the streets should be fined heavily.6)Successful businessment today are likely to be young,agressive(有进取心的),and well-eduated._,they are willing to take risks to achieve success.,w

11、reck,balance,approaching,handle,discard,Above all,7)During those difficult years,the family lived almost entirely on a_of cabbages.8)What are we going to_the food left over from the party?9)We_Toms age by getting his birth recood.10)Well go out as soon as T;ve_the kithchen.11)For women lawyers in th

12、e Unites States,there_earnings are on the average much less than those of male laeyers.12)I wont get involed in a deal like this-its against all my_.,diet,do with,checked on,cleaned up,weekly,pricinple,New words and expression compliment vt.prasise 赞扬 n.赞美的言辞或行为 例句:I complimented him on the work he

13、had done.Determination n.决心;决定 例句:Nothing will swerve him from his determinationcapacity n.the ability to understand or do sth.能力,才能 例句:The capacity to respond to stimuliskilled a.having skilled;needing skill熟练的,有技巧的;技术性的 例句:A skilled technician takes years to train.Confidence n.信心 例句:Little gesture

14、s can give confidence.,amuse vt.cause to laugh or smile;cause to spend time in a pleasant manner逗乐;给提供娱乐 例句:A clowns job is to amuse the spectators.Handle vt.manage;control管理,处理;操纵 例句:An officer must know how to handle men.homey a.(infml)pleasant;like home 舒适的;像家一样的 例句:They found the little house li

15、vable an homey.,Few people in Italy thought that Tony Trivisonno would be able to create such a good life for himself.The friend he had_(1)to join him was certainly amazed when he saw the farm.Yet right from the start Trivisonno showed a _(2)to get on.When Crawford_him _(3),he _(4)Trisionno would no

16、t come back.But he did.Later,when Crawford gave him a job in his factory,he worked hard and showed he had the_(5)to take on _(6)work.With Carwfords help he managed to get a _(7)for a house on the basis of _(8)alone,no down payment needed.Next he went _(9)for a farm _ _(10).When he found one,he was a

17、ble to_(11)his family and his dreams were ready to come ture.,sponsored,determination,turned,away,assumed,capacity,skilled,loan,character,hunting,for sale,send for,ThemerelatedRead the passage carefully until you have got its main idea,and then select one appropriate word for each gap from the box f

18、ollowing the passage.business modest convery dream grow urge save engineeing immigrants career recent rich invest tough steady,The American dream used to go to something like this:arrive in his country for an unskilled job with small pay.Save and_until you can open a small businessin_years,a takeout

19、 restaurant or a dry cleaner.Buy a_house in the subers.Send the children to college an hope they_up to be doctors.In the past decade,that_has changed.For many_today,the new version of the dream goes more like this:arrive in America for a hign-tech job with good pay,invest and invest until you can op

20、en your own_.Buy a huge house in an exclusive suberb.Ane if you dont have a(n)_degree?Work like crazy,get a tech-relatedjob and_a large part of your wages into stocks until youdont wait ofr your kidsare_.,save,recent,modest,grow,dream,immigrants,business,engineering,invest,rich,Translation1)据报道,联合国调

21、解人(mediators)制定出了他们希望双方都能接受的方案。(work out)2)多丽丝小心翼翼地在森林行走,害怕遭到大蛇的攻击。(giant)3)地震、台风和其他自然灾害(disaster)无法防止,但可采取行动保护生命财产。(property)4)我买了一期新的我最喜欢的体育杂志就赶紧回家,急着想读之自娱。(amuse)5)海伦缺乏信心,我从未遇到过想她那样没有自信的(unsure of oneself)人。(confident),It is reported that UN mediators have worked out a plan which they hope will b

22、e acceptable to both sides.,Doris walked in the forest cautiously,afraid of being attacked by giant snakes.,Earthquakes,typhoons and other natural disaters cannot be prevented,but action can be taken to protect life and property.,I bought a new issue of my favorite sports magazine and hurried home,a

23、nxious to amuse myself reading it.,Helen lacks confidence.Ive never known anyone so unsure of herself.,Translate the passage into English,using the words and phrases given below.,托尼大学毕业后打算自己开业。一开始好多银行家都拒绝了他的贷款要求。但他毫不泄气,继续一个个拜访银行家寻求帮助。有一位银行家被他的决心和乐观精神所感动,最终答应贷款给他。如今他成了一位富翁。在谈到令人惊奇的成就时,托尼说重要的是创造机遇而不是等

24、待机遇。turn down call on amaze loan determmination,After graduating from college,Tony decided to start his own business.At the beginning,many a bank turned down his request for a loan.But he was not a bitdiscouraged,and continued to call on one banker after another seeking help.,Impressed by his determination and optimism,one banker finally agreed to loan him the money.Now he has become a wealthy businessman.Talking about his amazing achievement,Tony says that it is important to create rather than wait for opportunities.,Theends,Thanks,小组成员:龙雨婷杨情江琴陈雅琴陈小红,


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