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1、语法形容词/副词的比较级和最高级,一、形容词或副词有“级”的划分英语中,大多数形容词或副词都有“级”的分原级(即:原形)、比较级、最高级三个等级。比较级意为:“较,更”最高级意为:“最”如:tall-taller-tallest(高-更高-最高)good-better-best(好-较好-最好)二、形容词或副词的比较级和最高级的构成规则:1.一般情况,大多数在词尾加-er,构成比较级;词尾加-est,构成最高级。如:long-longer-longest short-shorter-shortest,2.词尾是字母e的,只加-r,构成比较级;只加-st,构成最高级。【不能重复字母e】如:lat

2、e-later-latest nice-nicer-nicest large-larger-largest close-closer-closest3.词尾是字母y的,变y为i,再加-er,构成比较级;再加-est,构成最高级。如:early-earlier-earliest easy-easier-easiest funny-funnier-funniest friendly-friendlier-friendliest busy-busier-busiest curly-curlier-curliest4.但由“形容词+ly”演变成的副词,其比较级和最高级并非是按第(3)条进行的,而是在原

3、级前面加上more 或most构成比较级或最高级。,如:carefully-more carefully-most carefully【carefully是一个副词,它是由形容词careful词尾加上后缀ly变来】loudly-more loudly-most loudly quickly-more quickly-most quickly slowly-more slowly-most slowly quietly-more quietly-most quietly5.由“辅音字母+元音字母+辅音字母”构成的单音节形容词或副词,其比较级和最高级,不是直接加-er/-est变成,而是先双写末尾

4、的辅音字母,然后再加-er/-est.【当然只是少数几个】如:big-bigger-biggest hot-hotter-hottestthin-thinner-thinnest sad-sadder-saddest6.所有多音节或部分双音节形容词或副词的比较级和最高级,并非在词尾加-er/-est,而是在原级前放more或most.【简单说:就是很长的词】,如:outgoing-more outgoing-most outgoingbeautiful-more beautiful-most beautifulserious-more serious-most seriousinteresti

5、ng-more interesting-most interestingdifficult-more difficult-most difficultboring-more boring-most boringcreative-more creative-most creativeimportant-more important-most important三、有八个形容词或副词的比较级和最高级是不规则变化的,须熟记。(1)good-better-best(2)well-better-best(3)bad-worse-worst(4)badly-worse-worst,(5)many-more

6、-most(6)much-more-most(7)far-farther-farthest【指实际距离的远】(7)far-further-furthest【指抽象意义上的远】【注:后者用的较少,father(父亲)与 farther(更远)的读音相同,书写时不要出错】old-older-oldest【规则变化:指实际年龄大小】old-elder-eldest【不规则变化;指辈分、排行,elder不能与than连用】如:She is my elder sister.她是我的姐姐。He is my elder brother.他是我的哥哥。He is my eldest son.他是我的大儿子。I

7、m 15 years old,he is ten years old.I am older than him.我15岁,他10岁。我(年龄上)比他大。,(8)little-less-least 所以,记住:many/much、little、good/well、bad/badly、far 八个的比较级与最高级。强化训练 写出下列形容词或副词的比较级和最高级形式:young long friendly qiute ugly small big warmcold beautifully quick quickly blue white shortlarge thin funny interestin

8、g good little many clever smart fast slow slowly high tired outgoinghappy happily successful little bad wellclose far young loud loudly wide deep hungryclear clearly,关于比较级词尾-er和最高级词尾-est的读音问题-er 读作:/倒e恶/;-est读作:/ist衣思特/注意:-ng结尾的形容词,其比较级和最高级,要把/g 格/音读出来。如:long-longer-longest young-younger-youngest-r结

9、尾的形容词,其比较级和最高级,要把/r润/音读出来。clever-cleverer-cleverest poor-poorer-poorestclear-clearer-clearest你能正确读出这些比较级和最高级的发音吗?longer longest cleverer smarter taller tallest biggerbiggest faster fastest smaller smallest higher highest louder loudest older oldest,形容词或副词的比较级的用法,用法:表示两者(两个人或两个物)之间的比较,则用比较级。表示“其中一个比另

10、一个更”或“较”。后面通常用连词than连接另一个比较对象。基本句型是:主语+谓语动词(系动词be)+比较级+than+比较对象eg:Jim is taller than Mike.Mike is shorter than Jim.I am more outgoing than him.He is quieter than me.Lily studies harder than Lucy.Tom is lazier than Bob.Pandars are smarter than pigs.I run faster than her.The Changjiang River is longe

11、r than The Yellow River.注:than(比)后若是人称代词,书面语用主格,口语多用宾格形式。,你能用以上比较级的基本句型汉译英吗?1.我比他高 2.他比我矮 3.Lily比lucy更小心些。4.他工作比你较努力一些。5.这本书比那一本更有趣6.Tom比Jim大。7.我比你小得多。8.我的苹果比你的大 9.你的书包比我的小10.这幢楼房比那一幢更旧 11.我比你更用功些。12.这支钢笔比那一支更贵。13.他跑得比你快。14.你比他矮一点点。15.这山比那山高。,比较级还实用于下列句型:Which/Who+比较级,A or B?【or表示选择关系,作“还是,或者”讲】如:Wh

12、ich do you like better,coffee or tea?咖啡和茶,你更喜欢哪一种?Which is more delicious,apples or pears?哪一种水果更美味,是苹果还是梨?Which is higher,Mountain Tai or Fu Ji Mountain?哪座山更高些,是泰山还是富士山?Who is more famous,Lu Xun or Li Bai?Who is more popular,Zhao Benshan or Beckham?谁更受欢迎些,是赵本山还是贝克汉姆?,英语中,表示“越来越”,常用“比较级+and+比较级”结构表达。

13、【即:同一个比较级用and连接叠加在一起】如果是多音节的形容词或副词,则用“more and more+多音节形容词或副词原级”。bigger and bigger 越来越大 smaller and smaller younger and younger 越来越年轻stronger and stranger 越来越强(大/壮)faster and faster 越来越快more and more beautiful 越来越漂亮/美丽more and more important越来越重要 more and more outgoing越来越开朗常用句型:Sb./Sth.becomes/gets某

14、人/物变得越来越 如:You are getting younger and younger.你正变得越来越年轻了。It is getting colder and colder.天越来越冷。,句型:主语+the+比较级+of+the two.如:Tom is the taller of the two boys.Tom是这两个男孩中最高的。英语中,表示“越,越”,则用句型:“The+比较级,The+比较级”如:The more,the better.越多越好!The harder you study,the better grades you will get.你学习越努力,你取得的成绩就越

15、好。The more you eat,The heavier you will get.你吃得越多,你将会变得越胖(重)你能否会翻译:“站得高看得远”()()you stand,()()you see.,你能否会翻译:“他越忙就越高兴”()()he is,()()he feels.形容词的比较级前可加数词,表示“大(小)多少”或“长(短)多少”如:He is five years younger than me.他比我小(年轻)5岁。I am two years older than my brother.我比我的弟弟大(老)两岁。This ruler is three meters long

16、er than that one.这把尺子比那一把长3米。This hole is ten meters deeper than that one.这个洞比那一个深十米。Yao Ming is 0.5 meter taller than Pan Changjiang.姚明比潘长江高半公分。I am one meter shorter than You.我比你矮一米。,表示倍数时用“times+比较级+than+”如:My room is three times bigger than yours.我的房间比你的大3倍。China is many times larger than Janpan

17、.中国(面积)比日本(的面积)大许多倍。注意:1.在使用比较级时,必须是同类比较,不能异类比较。eg:My school is more expensive than(C).A.you B.your C.yours The population of China is larger than(C)A.India B.Indian C.Indias,2.为了加强比较的程度,可以在比较级前面加上一些词或短语,如:much/a lot/far+比较级“得多”a little+比较级“一点点”,当然还可以在比较级前加上even,a bit 等等。如:I am much taller than you.

18、我比你高得多。She is a lot shorter than me.她比我矮得多。Tom is far more outgoing than Jim.汤姆比吉姆外向得多。His homework is a little better than yours.他的家庭作业比你的要好一点儿。选择:This movie is()than that one.A.more much interesting B.much more interesting,表示两个人或物在某一方面相同(一样),用同级比较句型:as+形容词/副词原级+as+比较对象。“和一样”eg:I am as tall as him.

19、Are you as friendly as him?She is as hard-working as me.You run as fast as him.This movie is as boring as that one.He works as hard as me.My father gets up as early as my mother.【注:第一个as是副词,修饰形容词或副词原级,第二个as是连词,后接另一个比较对象】,选择:Tom is as()as Jim.A.thiner B.thinner C.thin D.the thinnestHe plays the piano

20、 as()as you do.A.good B.better C.well D.best.翻译填空:我和他一样搞笑。I am()()as him.篮球和足球一样受人欢迎。Basketball is()popular()soccer.我和你一样严肃。I am()()()you.,表示“甲不如(不及)乙”,则用上一句型的否定式:notas/so+形容词/副词原级+as+比较对象。“不如/不及”“和不一样”【注:第一个as是副词,修饰形容词或副词原级,可以用so替换,第二个as是连词,后接另一个比较对象,则不能用so替换】eg:Im not as/so tall as him.我不如他高。She i

21、snt as/so hard-working as me.她不及我用功刻苦。You dont run as/so fast as him.你不及他跑得快。This movie is not as/so boring as that one.这部电影不如那一部烦人。He doesnt work as/so hard as me.他工作不如我努力。My father doesnt get up as/so early as my mother.我爸爸不如妈妈起得早。,句型:notas/so+形容词/副词原级+as+比较对象。“不如/不及”“和不一样”可以与比较级句型相互转化为同义句。你能把以下句子

22、转化成同义句吗?Im not as tall as him.()She isnt as hard-working as me.()You dont run as fast as him.()This movie is not as boring as that one.()He doesnt work as hard as me.()My father doesnt get up as early as my mother.()Made by He Peng 2015.10.28,Which goes faster,the bike or the car?,The car goes faste

23、r than the bike.,The bike goes fast.,Which flies higher,the plane or the bird?,The plane flies higher than the bird.,The bird flies high.,Which runs faster,the dog or the sheep?,The dog runs faster than the sheep.,The sheep runs fast.,¥100¥200,Which is more expensive,the brown coat or the the yellow

24、 coat?,The yellow coat is more expensive than the brown one.,The brown coat is expensive.,Donald duck,Harry Potter,Which is more interesting?,Harry potter is more interesting than Donald duck.,Donald duck is interesting.,Guess!,Which means of transportation is safer?,bus,plane,Which country is large

25、r?,Australia,The yellow River,Which river is longer?,The Changjian River,Which mountain is higher?,Fu Ji mountain,Huangshan,vegetables,pizza,Which is more delicious?,Who is more popular?,Beckham,Zhao Benshan,“比较”出来的英语1.A friend is easier lost than found.朋友易失不易得。2.Enough is as good as a feast.知足常乐。3.

26、Better to do well than to say well.说得好不如干得好。4.Better the last smile than the first laughter.宁可最后微笑,不可首先狂喜。5.Doing is better than saying.会说不如会做。6.Two heads are better than one.两人智慧胜一人。7.Good to begin well,better to end well.善始好,善终更佳。8.An eye finds more truth than two ears.百闻不如一见,If you have a chance

27、to travel,where do you like to choose?And why?2.When you want to shop,where would you like to go?And why?3.If your parents arent at home and they give you some money to buy food by yourself,where would you like to buy?And why?4.If this Sunday your classmates and you want to have a picnic,where would

28、 you like to go?And why?,My answer1.I want to travel to Hai nan,because it has the most beautiful scenery.2.I want to go shopping in a supermarket,because I think it has the most comfortable environment.3.I would like to go to KFC,because it has the friendliest service.4.I want to go to the Forest P

29、ark,because it has the freshest air and it can make us relaxed.,选择精题:1.Lucy is very short,but she is _ than her sister.A.shorter B.longer C.taller D.older 2.Frank is _ friendly than his brother.A.a little more B.a few more C.much D.a little 3.Sam is _ at Chinese than Jim.A.good B.well C.better D.goo

30、der,4.This one is too large.Can you show me a _one?A.larger B.large C.small D.smaller 5.Do you think March is _ than January?Yes,its _ warmer.better,a little B.well,much C.worse,very D.nicer,quite,7.Im _ quieter than Susan.A.little B.few C.a little D.a few 8.The watch is not _ beautiful as that one.

31、A.very B.too C.so D.more,9.His French isnt so good as _.A:he B:him C:his D:hers 10.Its much better than _ classes.A.have B.has C.to have D.having 11.Her bag is newer than _.A.mine B.my C.me D.I,13.Which one is _,this one or that one?A.good B.bad C.bestD.worse14.He is _ than me.A.older B.elder C.youn

32、g D.more younger15.I think your room is _ bigger.A.a lot B.a lot of C.lots of D.more,16.The _,the better.A.much B.many C.more D.most 17.Do you know who is _ of the twins?A.shorter B.heavier C.the older D.the funny18.The weather in North China is colder than _ in South China.A.B.this C.the one D.that,Thank you for listening!,


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