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1、Welcome to France,Official Name:The Republic of FranceThe Republic of France has a population of more than 64 million people.It includes four overseas departments in Martinique,m:tini:k n.马提尼克,Guadeloupew:dlu:p瓜德罗普岛,Reunion,ri:ju:njn留尼旺岛and French Guiana法属圭亚那.Metropolitan,metrplitn.大都市的France in Wes

2、tern Europe accounts for just over 80 percent of the territoryteritri领土,领域and 96 percent of the population of the French Republic,Brief introduction,France is an influential member of the European Union(EU).It attaches a high priority to European integration,intirein集成综合.France held the EU Presidenc

3、y 1 July-31 December 2008.France is a Permanent Member of the UN Security Council and is a nuclear weapons power.It is a member of the Group of Eight(G8)and Group of 20(G20)major economies.France holds the Presidency of both the G8 and the G20 in 2011.France takes a leading role in contributing to t

4、he Middle East peace process and development issues in Africa.,1.Paris 2.Provence,Paris,Paris the capital of France and also the biggest city of France.,The Louvre,the biggest museum worldwide is located on the bank of the Seine River.There are not the words to describe the Louvre and its significan

5、ce cannot be understated,an amazing museum hosted by an impressive building;from its beginnings as a royal fortress to the public institution we see today.,Louvre Museum,Today the museum features more than 6000 European paintings dating from the 13th century to the19th century.Its largest collection

6、 is of prints and drawings with an inventoryinvntri,-t:ri n.存货of 130000.Other collections include Islamic izlmik伊斯兰教的art,Oriental Antiquities东方古物,Egyptian Antiquities,and Greek Antiquities with pieces that date back as far as the seventh millenniummilenim千年期B.C.Reflects centuries of change in the po

7、litical and social environment and is a symbol of art,considered as a Mecca mek众人渴望去的地方for artists and art lovers alike,Notre Dame de Paris,Notre Dame de Paris巴黎圣母院(Our Lady of Paris,in English)is one of the most important Cathedrals ki:drl主教座堂in France and one of the most popular Cathedrals in the

8、world.It reflects the born of Gothicik n.哥特式Architecture style by being one of the first Cathedrals built under this style.Its conception comes from a social need,a need of a new symbol for a new social and political power and by1160 the church of Saint Stephen(where Notre Dame Cathedral is now loca

9、ted)was looked upon as obsolete since it could not really display the prestige of a fast growing urban society.,The Eiffel Tower,Known as the most visited paid-monument worldwide it was once famous for being the tallest structure on the planet for 40 years until 1930 when the Chrysler kraisl n.克莱斯勒(

10、美国产轿车品牌名)Building in the United States was built.This tower is one of the most visited attractions in France and it is worldwide recognized as one of the most important symbols of this country.,Despite the fact that half of Paris was ready to clobber Eiffel for designing it and getting the city to a

11、pprove having it plonked down next to the Seine for the Worlds Fair 1898 the Eiffel tower won the hearts of millions around the world.It is now the symbol of the planets most visited city and it is awesome to stand next to it.,The Arc de Triomphe(法语)凯旋is one of the most spectacular monuments遗迹;纪念物of

12、 Europe,that stands in the centre of Place Charles de Gaulle戴高乐纪念馆,also known as the Place de lEtoile独立流行 Its construction was began in 1806,por orden de Napolen I拿破仑一世 en honor those who fought for France,particularly during the Napoleonic Wars,and today also includes the tomb tu:m n.坟墓of the unkno

13、wn soldier.,Arc de Triomphe,Palace of Versailles,An UNICCOs World Heritage Site recognized and respected all over the world through History because of its importance,the Palace of Versailles will always be a must as a destination for all tourists that visit France.,Flower Sea,Provence,Characteristic

14、 architectural,lavenders,Sunflowers,seaside,Provence is located south France,extends from Mediterranean,meditreinin n.地中海Seas coast to the interior hilly area,middle has the river Rhone to flow,the very many historical cities,on dressed up since old times Lis sunlight and the deep blue sky,startled

15、sta:tld v.震惊(startle的过去分词)made the common people to be colorful.,Look at the sky!,Light blue sky,vast,dark,gorgeous,unconstrained,nknstreind不受限制的fluctuation,flktjuein起伏,plain broad,the mountain ridges are precipitous prisipits险峻的;The lonely canyon峡谷,the desolate adj.荒凉的old castle,wind the sierra 锯齿山

16、脊and is lively can.All in on this south Frances earth deducts ten thousand kind of characters and styles.,The entire Provence n.普罗旺斯area has the different common weather because of the extremely rich change cloudy clear not to decide,warm wind genial di:njl适宜的,the cold wind is wild;Topography tprfi地

17、势,Characteristic architectural,The local product high quality grape good wine,20%for is high-level and goes against the level liquor to plant.Because the Mediterranean Sea sunlight is sufficient,the Provence grape includes more sugars minute,these sugars transform into the ethyl alcohol north,causes proletariat prosperous Si Jiu the liquor precision to compare the liquor to outdo 2.Slightly brings the orange yellow the dry peach red wine most has the characteristic.The common red wine includes:Cotes de Provence,Coteaux d Aix en Provence,Bandol.,Thank you!,


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