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1、Unit12 Whats the best radio station?Section B1a Write these words and phrases next to their opposites in the chart.,funniest most creative quietest best,肯定的,否定的,乏味的,无聊的,most creative,quietest,best,funniest,1b Pairwork Tell your partner about people you know.Use the positive words.,A:My sister Isabel

2、 is the funniest person I know.,2a Listen to people talking about the school talent show.Write these names under the performers.,演员;演出者;演奏者,Eliza VeraSteve DennisThe Math Teachers,Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4 Picture 5,Eliza,Steve,Vera,Dennis,The Math Teachers,2b Listen again.What do the

3、people say about the performers?Fill in the chart with the adjectives you hear?,best,funniest,most creative,worst,loudest,A:Wasnt that a great talent show?B:Yeah!A:Who did you think was the best act?B:Oh,I thought Eliza was the best.Shes an excellent piano player.A:Yeah.She was great.And I thought S

4、teve and his dog were the funniest.B:Me too!I couldnt stop laughing!And how about Vera?Wasnt she creative?,A:Yeah,Id say she was the most creative act!I dont know many people who can play the guitar upside down!B:Who did you think was the worst?A:Oh,Dennis!He was terrible!He cant juggle at all!B:I k

5、now!A:What did you think of The Math Teachers?B:Well,they were definitely the loudest!,2c Pairwork Look at the information about the talent show and make a conversation.,A:Who was the best performer?B:Eliza was the best performer.,3a Read the article about the school talent show.Fill in each blank w

6、ith one of the words in the box.,Last weeks talent show a great success.There fifteen acts.Eliza Clark won theprize for the performer.She played a beautiful piano piece.Hu Yue was the performer.He danced without music.The prize for the act went to Steve Tianand his dog,Fido.They a cute song together

7、.,was,成功,没有,were,best,quietest,funniest,sang,3b Look at activity 2b on page 74.Write an article about the other performers in the school talent show.,3c Imagine you went to a talent show of famous people.Write an article about the talent show.,The Famous People Talent show was fantastic.The funniest

8、 performer was Jim Carrey.,He sang a cute song as he danced to his song.His dance was cheerful(欢快)and funny.Tom Smith was the quietest performer.He played dumb show(哑剧)which was very interesting.Susan won the prize for the best performer.She played a wonderful violin piece.,4 Groupwork Interview thr

9、ee classmates.Write their answers in the chart.,A:Who do you think is the funniest actor?B:I think Jim Carrey is the funniest actor.,Self check 1.Fill in the blanks with the words given.Change the form of the word if necessary.,dance learn do a survey of go think about,1.What did you in school today

10、?2.We what movies students like watching.3.It was interesting to hear what the class action movies.4.Boys love action movies but girls dont often to see them.5.Can you?We need some more actors for the talent show.,learn,did a survey of,thought about,go,dance,2 Read the information about the three ci

11、ties.Find more information about them and complete the chart.Decide which is the best city to visit for a winter vacation.,Sanya is in Hainan Province.Its still warm in winter.Its about 15c in the afternoon.Sanya has beautiful beaches.The price of a hotel room is about 320 yuan a night.,省,仍然,Harbin

12、is in the north of China.Its cold in winter,sometimes-30c.Tourists need to wear warm clothes.There is an Ice and Snow Festival in winter.A hotel room is about 230 yuan a night.,冰雪节,Beijing is not very cold in winter.Its about-5c.It doesnt often rain or snow.Hotels usually cut their prices in winter.About 200 yuan a night is enough.,充足的,足够的,Sanya,Harbin,Beijing,Sanya,距离,路程,最远的(far的比较级),Sanya,Harbin,


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