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1、设计说明,本单元是新课标高中英语必修2 unit3,中心话题是“计算机”,本稿设计的内容是热身和阅读两部分,分两课时完成。为了让学生在学习课文之前能够充分热身,对探究计算机的发展演变过程产生浓厚兴趣,热身部分不仅有丰富的图片及易懂的文字介绍,而且有可行的词汇学习和话题让学生进行讨论,这样能让学生充分热身顺利进入下一环节阅读。由于有了热身部分的充分准备,学生对计算机的了解增加了不少,而课文导入部分出乎意料的设计,能够引起学生极大的兴趣,因而他们在阅读课文时就不会感到枯燥,即使有困难如部分生词也能积极去克服和思考。值得一提还有两个课时的作业布置都是基于课堂活动内容,既是对所学内容的小结也是课堂活动

2、的延续,而且这也符合新课标所倡导的教育教学理念。,Unit 3,Computers,Period 1,Period 2,教师:许月浅,学校:福建省厦门市东山中学,第一课时 教学目的与方法说明,教学目的:1、帮助学生粗略了解计算机发展史,激发学生探索科学的兴趣;2、学习并掌握与计算机相关的人物、重要时间及部分基础词汇;3、讨论几种计算工具的优缺点,让学生明白事物的发展是必然的,但道路有时是曲折而漫长的。教学方法:1、丰富的图片与浅显的文字启发学生思考;2、具体的表格与内容,引导学生讨论并形成结果。,He has fallen in love with computer.,Period 1:War

3、ming up and speaking,Introduction:,Charles Babbage(1791-1871),English mathematician,Charles Babbage is among the most celebrated icons in the prehistory of computing.Babbage is sometimes referred to as father of computing.The Charles Babbage Foundation(基金会)took his name to honor his intellectual con

4、tributions and their relation to modern computers.,Introduction:,Alan Turing(1912-1954),Alan Turing,who designed the first real computer,was very interested in mathematical logic and was elected as a lecturer at Kings College,Cambridge And designed the“universal”machine to solve any mathematical pro

5、blem.,UPS:Uninterruptible Power Supply,mainboard;motherboard:,CD-ROM:Compact Disc-Read Only Memory,HDD:harddisk,floppy drive,floppy disc,What is it?,不间断电源,软驱,软盘,压缩光盘-只读记忆(存储),又叫“只读光盘”。,硬盘,主板,中央处理器被喻为电脑心脏,随机存储器,即人们常说的“内存”,芯片,“闪存”或“优盘”,“通用串行总线”,也称通用串联接口。,What is it?,Introduction:,They are called Artif

6、icial intelligence which means man-made intelligence.,artificial intelligence:人工智能android:机器人,Transistors:They are a way of sending and storing information that only take up a small space.,Introduction:,A network:It is a number of computers that are joined together so that they can share information

7、,The Internet:A world wide information resource where people can do many things.,Introduction:,Computer now is playing an important role in our life.But is it built in one day?No,the development of computer is long.Look,here are some kinds of“computer”for you to have a look.,Speaking activity:,What

8、are they?,What do they have in common?(have in common means share the same points)What are the differences between an abacus and a calculator?,Think about these questions:,They all can be used to calculate numbers.,An abacus is not so convenient as a calculator for it is not easy to master.,We can s

9、ee a DVD on computer but not on a calculator.We can carry a notebook computer easily but not a desk computer.,Think about these questions:,What about a calculator and a PC,a PC and a notebook computer?,Fill the chart:,need no electricity,easy to make,no electricity,Hard to master,slow,Easy to master

10、,fast,Cant display VCD,etc,Fast,can play VCD,get on net,etc,Difficult to carry,need electricity,etc,Easy to carry,Fast,can play VCD,get on net,etc.,The battery cant last long,easy to get stolen,etc.,When you do mathematical exercises,which one will you choose?Why?Which one will you not choose?Why no

11、t?When you want to get on net,which one will you choose?Why?Which one will you not choose?Why not?When there is no electricity and you have to do some calculating,which one will you choose?Why?Which one will you not choose?Why not?When you are on a long travel,which one will you take with you to kil

12、l time?Why?Which one will you not choose?Why not?,Choose a topic to discuss with your partner:,Summary:,Today we have learnt something about computer.If you want to know more information about it,you can surf the internet to get it.Think about how computer came into being.And what computer is applie

13、d to?,Write a short passage to tell people what are the advantages and disadvantages of computer.,Homework:,Thank you!,Period 2:,Return,Reading:Who am I?,第二课时 教学目的和方法说明,教学目的:1、让学生了解计算机发展的几个重要阶段,进一步理解事物发展的规律与过程;2、培养和提高学生的阅读能力,帮助学生分析和归纳课文的主要信息;3、学习并掌握一些重要词汇与句型,并最终以写的形式巩固下来。教学方法:1、以一道数学题启发学生积极思考;2、快速阅读

14、与仔细阅读相结合;3、自主学习与合作学习相结合。,1642+1822+1936+1960+1970=?,Can you work out the answer in one second?,My answer is:,The development of computer,+=,1970,1960,1936,1822,1642,1642+1822+1936+1960+1970=?,Can you work out the answer in one second?,My answer is:,The development of computer,Click the years for mor

15、e information,Return,500 b.c.1642 1822 1936 1960 1970 Today,1642:Pascal built a mechanical calculating machinemechanical gears,hand-crank,dials and knobs other similar machines followed.,1822:The Analytical Machine was made by Charles Babbage.,500 b.c.1642 1822 1936 1960 1970 Today,Return,1936:Alan

16、Turing wrote a book to describe how computers could be made to work.,500 b.c.1642 1822 1936 1960 1970 Today,Return,1960:Computers had new transistors and became smaller.,500 b.c.1642 1822 1936 1960 1970 Today,Return,500 b.c.1642 1822 1936 1960 1970 Today,1970s:Computers were brought into peoples hom

17、es.,Now:Computers connect people all over the world together.,Return,Abacus,1642:The computer began as a calculating machine.,1822:The Analytical Machine was made by Charles Babbage.,1936:Alan Turing wrote a book to describe how computers could be made to work.,1960:Computers had new transistors and

18、 became smaller.,1970s:Computers were brought into peoples homes.,Fast reading:,Scan the text on Page 18,and judge the following sentences whether they are True or False:,1.Computer was made as a calculating machine in 1642 in France.()2.In 1822 computer was built to follow instructions from cards w

19、ith holes,which was a technological revolution.()3.Alan Turing wrote a book to describe how computers could be made to work in 1936.()4.In the 1960s after I got my new transistors my size was not changed.()5.In the 1970s I was brought into peoples homes.(),T,T,T,F,T,Careful reading:,Read the text ca

20、refully and try to find out the answers to the questions:,What made people think I was not simple-minded?-2.Who built a“universal machine”to solve any mathematical problem?-3.How people deal with information and communicate with each other around the world since 1970s?-,I had“artificial intelligence

21、”which made people think I was not simple-minded.,Alan Turing.,By the Internet.,4.Who am I?Find out the supporting sentences.,Key:“I”am a computer because in the text:A.Then in 1822 I was built as an Analytical Machine by Charles Babbage.B.My real father was Alan Turing.C.However,people thought I wa

22、s simple-minded until they discovered I had“artificial intelligence”.,Careful reading:,Useful words and expressions:,begin as a calculating machinebe built asfollow instructions fromsound simplea technological revolutionmakeworksolve problemsartificial intelligence,the size ofgo bybe connected bysha

23、re information bybringintocommunicate withserve the human race,技术革命,使运行,解决问题,人工智能,.的尺寸,(从.旁)走过,依照,被.连结起来,共享信息,把带入,与.进行交流,为人类服务,simple-minded,Explain the word:,Simple-minded:showing very little intelligence,结构相同的复合形容词还有:absent-mindedopen-mindednarrow-mindedsingle-mindedstrong-mindedweak-minded,eg:Man

24、y people think him simple-minded,but in fact he is very clever.,头脑简单的;笨的,心不在焉的;,虚心的,没有偏见的;,心胸狭窄的;,一心一意的;,意志坚强的;,低能的愚蠢的;etc,artificial intelligence,Summary:,Fill in the chart:The development of computer:,Homework:write a short passage to introduce the history of computer based on the chart above,analyticalmachine,universal machine,Thank you!,


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