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1、Operator 接线员pret,Switchboard 总机swtbd,What is a general Switchboard Operator responsible for?,provide advisory services咨询服务,dvazri,give direction 游客问路make wake-up call 叫醒服务transfer phone call 转接电话,drekn,trnsf,deal with complaints and suggestions 投诉建议deal with emergencies 火警,kmplent,md()ns,The procedu

2、re of answering a phone call,Step1:pick up the telephone within 3 rings and greet the callerStep2:understand the guests requestsStep3:deal with requests in timeStep4:tell the information to the guestStep5:thank the guest for calling,Dialogue 1,Is Mr.Write in the room at this moment?Who does Mr.Smith

3、 want to speak to?How do you leave a phone message?,No,he isnt.,He wants to speak to Mr.Write.,When you hear the beep,you can leave a message.,Key sentences,1.May I know/have your name,please?2.Please wait for a moment.Hold on,please.3.Would you like to leave a message?Would you mind leaving a messa

4、ge?4.We except to serve you again.We are looking forward to serving you again.,This is Front Office,I will transfer your call to I am afraid this is a direct line,and we cannot transfer your call.Please hold the line and leave your message when you hear the beep.,Pair work,1.Read the dialogue2.Make

5、a dialogue,情景:Richard Steward打电话找Mr.Green,可惜他不在,于是Richard打电话到总台留了个口信,要Mr.Green回个电话给他,号码是025-588-181.,O:Good morning,operator.O:.Im afraid he is not in.Would you like toO:Certainly,sir.May I O:Yes,Mr.Steward.May I.O:025-588-181.Is that the complete message?O:Ill tell O:Youre welcome,G:I tried to.In r

6、oom 1204 but he was out.Could you try to locate him for me?G:Yes.Can you ask him to when he arrives at the hotel?G:Richard Steward.G:Its 025-588-181.G:Yes,thats all.G:That s right.Thank you.,New words and phrases,distance dst()ns 距离long-distance call 长途电话directly drektl 直接地domestic dmestk 国内的DDD(dom

7、estic direct dialing)国内直拨电话international ntnnl 国际的IDD(international direct dialing)国际直拨电话General Switchboard 总机access kses 通路,线路code(country code/area code)码,编码,Dialogue 2,What kind of service does the operator offer?Which rate is cheaper,calling directly from the room or going through the operator?

8、,provide advisory services,Calling directly from the room is cheaper.,What kind of phone call does the lady want to make,DDD call or IDD call?How do you make an IDD call from the ladys room?,She wants to make an IDD call.,Dial“8”to get into international access,followed by American country code“001”

9、,area code and home phone number.,Words and phrases,temperature temp()rt 温度storm stm 暴风雨umbrella mbrel 雨伞consideration kn,sdren 考虑,体贴wake-up call 叫醒服务weather forecast frkst 天气预报10(10 degree celsiusselss),Dialogue 3,What kind of service does the operator offer?What kind of wake up call does Mr.White

10、choose?,Make wake-up call.,He chooses the wake-up call by operator.,What time does Mr.White receive a wake-up call?Is the operator considerate?Why?,At 6:00 every day.,Yes,she is.Because she tells Mr.White to take an umbrella and keep warm when he is going out.,Exercises,Local callDomestic long-dista

11、nce callInternational callDDDIDDWake-up callMorning call,市内电话国内长途国际长途国内直拨电话国际直拨电话叫醒服务叫早服务,Listening,1.Julia has been a General Switchboard operator for 3 years.2.She has to give all the guests wake-up calls every morning.3.Julia is responsible for providing advisory service,transferring phone calls,wake-up calls,check-in,check-out,and responding to fire alarms or other emergencies.4.An operator should be polite,patient,friendly and helpful.5.Julia always smiles when she answers the phone calls.,T,F,F,T,T,


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