1、Hayao Miyazakis world of architecture,By Weiningfeng,Hayao Miyazaki is a Japanese animated artist and prominent film director and animator of many popular anime feature films.,Hayao MiyazakiAndGhibli Museum,Driector,Laputa Castle in the Sky(1986)Kikis Delivery Service(1989)Spirited Away(2001),Castle
2、 in the Sky 拉普达外观为多层次圆形架构,最上层为温室花园和居住城市区以及天台,中间层为王宫部和城市街道,最下层为黑色石头所构成的半球体,内部为拉普达中枢和只有王家才得以进入的拉普达圣城。Laputa is on behalf of a dream,however it comes to an end by totally destroyed,the origin of the story is beautiful and with the tragedy color,just like Greek mythology.,军队的驻扎地为中古时代的城堡,村庄拥有哥德式与半木造的建筑。电
3、影中也出现英国式的采矿建筑、服饰、交通工具与具有维多利亚时代风格的海盗船。In the troopsstation,there are medieval castle architecture;the Gothic and half-timbered buildings in the village are near the fort;the Welsh mining-town,architecture,clothing,and even ground vehicles of Pazus homeland and the Victorian ambiance of the pirate shi
4、p appears in the film.,Kikis Delivery Service Kiki is a 13-year-old witch-in-training,living in a village where her mother is the resident herbalist.Its traditional for witches to live for a year alone when they reach 13.So Kiki settles in the beautiful seaside city of Koriko.,宫崎骏曾经提到过瑞典哥特兰岛上最大的城市维斯
5、比是克里克的原型,虽然小说里描绘的克里克远比维斯比来的大。不过你可以在维斯比清楚的看到围绕城市的石头城墙、山丘上的市中心与钟塔。琪琪在街道上飞行的背景则非常类似于维多利亚时代的阿德雷得市中心或是墨尔本。,Koriko,Visby,Spirited Away 故事背景设定在一个人类不能进入的“神隐之地”,通过日落后升起的一条河来隔绝误入的人与外界的联系。整个小镇是一个貌似主题公园的日本古代建筑群,其主体是巨大的多层复合建筑澡堂“油屋”,充满日本文化风味的设计随处可见,却也结合了许多西洋的潮流,如咖啡屋,霓虹灯等.Tang Wu analogies in the movie the realistic society which for the fill enticement,the desire,envies and pushes aside,although fills dirty,also can let us actually find the true,the good and the beauty in the life.,Thank you for listening!,