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1、恶劣天气条件下的管制用语,广州终端管制中心,周海军2013年7月,主要内容,2023/10/1,Guangzhou Terminal Control Center,2,低云低能见度,雷雨天气通报,等待尝试进近,风切变的通报,全体注意,刚落地的320反映02R进近五边是雨区,无危险天气。,一、雷雨天气通报,2023/10/1,Guangzhou Terminal Control Center,3,All stations,no dangerous weather reported on final approach course runway 02R by an A320 just landed

2、,only moderate rain.,将机组报告的天气通报给其他航空器,将气象雷雨警报通报给机组,一、雷雨天气通报,2023/10/1,Guangzhou Terminal Control Center,4,KQA886,气象部门告知本场西侧30公里处有雷暴在往东移动,预计30分钟内影响本场,持续一个小时,有强降水和闪电。,一、雷雨天气通报,2023/10/1,Guangzhou Terminal Control Center,5,KQA886,Met office informed that thunderstorm with heavy rain and lightning 30km

3、west of the field is moving to the east,expect reach in half an hour and will affect the field at least 1 hour.,KQA886,气象部门告知本场西侧30公里处有雷暴在往东移动,预计30分钟内影响本场,持续一个小时,有强降水和闪电。,二、风切变通报,2023/10/1,Guangzhou Terminal Control Center,6,一般情况下需要通报风切变的强度、位置和高度。风切变按强度分为:强(strong)、严重(severe)以及中度(moderate)三种。通报20分钟。

4、,2023/10/1,Guangzhou Terminal Control Center,7,CXA8305,风切变警报,刚降落的A320报告五边距接地点5km有强的风切变,请注意。,CXA8305,windshear warning,an airbus 320 has just landed and reported strong windshear on final 5KM from touchdown.Please take caution.,二、风切变通报,五边距离接地点5公里有强风切变。(刚落地A320,给CXA8305通报),2023/10/1,Guangzhou Terminal

5、 Control Center,8,二、风切变通报,CXA8305,风切变警报,0815降落的B737报告02R跑道进近1500米的高度层有强的风切变。CXA8305,windshear warning,arriving B737 reported strong windshear on approach runway 02R at 0815,height of windshear layer 1500m.,刚刚有一架飞机复飞,报告在短五边有强的风切变,建议你终止进近等待一下。One aircraft has just overshot reported severe windshear on

6、 short final,I suggest you stop approach and hold for a moment.,常用表达方式:,2023/10/1,Guangzhou Terminal Control Center,9,三、低云低能见度,白云机场落地最低标准:,2023/10/1,Guangzhou Terminal Control Center,10,三、低云低能见度,HVN502,进近,跑道02R现在的能见度800米,RVR600米,刚才有一架进近时已复飞,目前有四架飞机正在等待天气好转,你要继续进近吗?,HVN502,approach,Runway 02R weather

7、 now visibility 800m,RVR 600m,one aircraft has just overshot approach,Four aircraft are holding for weather improvement.Do you want to continue approach?.,2023/10/1,Guangzhou Terminal Control Center,11,三、低云低能见度,天气低于标准。Weather is below minimum.,一架飞机降落并报告,云高80米,能见度1公里,你的意图是什么?One aircraft has landed a

8、nd reported cloud base 80m,visibility 1km.Whats your intention.,常用表达方式:,天气仍然是低于标准,我们建议你继续等待。The weather is sill below minimum standard,we suggest you continue holding.,2023/10/1,Guangzhou Terminal Control Center,12,四、等待、尝试进近,情景模拟:管制员:因为前面有两架飞机中断进近并报告五边天气太差,所以建议GIA898等待天气好转或备降。GIA898决定等待天气好转。GIA898 询

9、问什么时候天气好转。管制员告诉GIA898 天气一好转就会告诉他。管制员告诉GIA898 本场天气正在好转,询问其是否想尝试02R ILS进近。GIA898 决定尝试02R ILS进近,如果不成功将选择香港备降。,2023/10/1,Guangzhou Terminal Control Center,13,四、等待、尝试进近,GIA898,the previous two aircraft terminated approach and reported that weather on final is too bad.So I suggest you to hold for weather

10、improvement or divert to your alternate airport.,GIA898,we want to hold for weather improvement.,2023/10/1,Guangzhou Terminal Control Center,14,四、等待、尝试进近,GIA898,we will notify you as soon as the weather improve.,GIA898,when will the bad weather improve?,2023/10/1,Guangzhou Terminal Control Center,15

11、,四、等待、尝试进近,GIA898,local weather is getting better.Do you intend to make a trial on ILS approach runway 02R?,GIA898,we will make a trial on ILS approach.If we cant make it,we will take HONGKONG as alternate.,2023/10/1,Guangzhou Terminal Control Center,16,延误时间不确定。Delay not determined.,我们预计天气会在15分钟内好转。We expect the weather improving within 15 minutes.,常用表达方式:,报告剩余油量。Report your endurance.,四、等待、尝试进近,17,


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