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1、Unit 4 Goals of Lifelong Learning,Learning objectives,In this unit,you will:1.read about lifelong learning and online learning;2.familiarize yourself with the words,expressions,and sentence patterns related to lifelong learning and online learning;3.use these words,expressions,and sentence patterns

2、in writing and speech;4.research terms related to lifelong learning on the Internet and/or from other resources;5.give an oral presentation to the class on lifelong learning;6.learn to write proper complex sentences.,Part I Approaching the Topic,Part II Understanding the Text,Part III Integrated Tas

3、ks,Part IV Writing Strategy,Part I Approaching the Topic,Task 1 Brainstorming,Task 2 Listening and Retelling,You will need a partner for this activity.1.Brainstorm a list of 10 words commonly used when discussing lifelong learning and goals of lifelong learning.2.Can you list some qualities a“lifelo

4、ng learner”should possess?3.Do you think its necessary for a“lifelong learner”to have clear goals for learning?Please state your reasons.,Task 1 Brainstorming,Unit 4 Part I Task 1,Task 3 Listening and Retelling,1.Listen to the audio clip from“Learning:a Lifelong Career”.Use the glossary below as a r

5、eference.,Unit 4 Part I Task 3,2.Listen to the audio clip for the second time.Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases youve heard.,Unit 4 Part I Task 3,Once learning stops,vegetation sets in.It is a 1)fallacy to regard school as the only workshop for the acquisition of knowledge.2),learning sho

6、uld be a 3)process,from the cradle to the 4).With the world ever-changing so fast,the 5)from learning for just a few days will make a person 6).Whats worse,the animal instinct dormant deep in our sub-consciousness will come to life,weakening our will to 7)our noble ideal,common,_,grave,_,On the cont

7、rary,_,never-ending,_,cease,_,lag behind,_,pursue,_,Unit 4 Part I Task 3,starving our determination to sweep away 8)to our success and strangling our desire for the refinement of our character.Lack of learning will inevitably 9)the stagnation of the mind,or even worse,its fossilization.Therefore,to

8、stay 10)young,we have to take learning as a lifelong career.,obstacles,_,lead to,_,mentally,_,3.Listen to the audio clip again and then explain the main idea to your partner.,【Script】,Unit 4 Part I Task 3,Script,Unit 4 Part I Task 3,Part II Understanding the Text,Main Reading,Related Reading,Part II

9、 Understanding the Text,Main Reading,Text-Related Information,Language Points,Tasks,Text-Related Information,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,1.Lifelong Learning,Language Points,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,1.The stories of successful persons in any walk of life reveal one common trait and that is they ha

10、ve been learning life long.(L1),Paraphrase:,The stories of successful people who take all kinds of jobs tell us that they have the same quality:they keep learning all their life.,【译文】,各行各业成功人士的故事揭示了一个共同点,即他们终身都在学习。,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,reveal v.to make known something that was previously secr

11、et or unknown,reveal truth/secrets/details/methods/faults/feelingsHe may be prosecuted for revealing business secrets.The doctor did not reveal the truth to the patient.,e.g.,trait n.a particular quality in someones character,One of his less attractive traits is showing off his wealth in public.,e.g

12、.,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,2.And they are never stagnant in their knowledge bank and are very energetic people.(L2),stagnant adj.not changing or making progress,and continuing to be in a bad condition,Paraphrase:,And they never lag behind in the process of seeking for knowledge and they devote al

13、ltheir energy to learning.,【译文】,他们从不因留恋自己的知识宝库而停滞不前,他们是精力非常充沛的人。,stagnant water/business/economy,e.g.,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,3.Bring in a new element in whatever you have been doing.(L5),Paraphrase:,No matter what reaction you have been carrying out,come up with a new idea.,【译文】,无论你正在进行什么样的化学反应

14、,都要引入新的元素。,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,4.He has been doing so many different reactions and is rated highly for another Nobel Prize.(L6),Paraphrase:,He has been carrying out a lot of reactions and is considered to be successful and thus awarded another Nobel Prize.,【译文】,他完成了如此多的化学反应,获得高度评价,并因此荣获另一项诺贝

15、尔奖。,rate 1)v.to think that someone or something has a particular quality,value,or standard,The company seems to rate him very highly.Li Na is currently rated the top tennis player in China.,e.g.,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,2)n.the number of times something happens,or the number of examples of someth

16、ing within a certain period,birth/unemployment/divorce/crime rateThe countrys unemployment rate rose to 7.5%in March.,e.g.,the speed at which something happens over a period of time,Children learn at different rates.,e.g.,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,5.He was recently awarded the Othmer medal,institu

17、ted in the memory of Professor Don Othmer of the Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia fame.(L9),Paraphrase:,He was recently awarded the Othmer medal,which was to honor Professor Don Othmer,the writer of the famous work the Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia.,【译文】,最近,他被授予奥斯默奖章,奖章的设立是为了纪念著作Kirk-Othmer化学技术百科全书的作者唐纳德奥斯默教授。,U

18、nit 4 Part II Main Reading,institute v.to introduce or start a system,custom,rule,inquiry,legalprocess etc.,We had no choice but to institute legal proceedings against the airline.Police have instituted inquiries into the matter.,e.g.,n.(building that contains a)society or organization for a special

19、 purpose such as scientific or educational work,research/engineering/military institute,e.g.,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,6.He was so much involved in research on Vitamin C and was thought to be angling for another Nobel.(L15),Paraphrase:,He devoted himself to the study of Vitamin C and people though

20、t that he was making efforts to get one more Nobel Prize.,【译文】,他如此投入对维他命C的研究工作,别人认为他在为获得又一项诺贝尔奖暗暗努力。,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,1)be/get involved in to take part in an activity or event,or be connected with it in some way,A large number of software firms were involved in the project.Im afraid your

21、sons been involved in an accident.,e.g.,be/get involved with(closely)connected with(sb./sth.),Mrs.Browning has been actively involved with the church for years.,e.g.,2)angle for to try to get something you want without asking directly for it,She was obviously angling for an invitation.I didnt want h

22、im to think I was just angling for praises.,e.g.,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,7.He had booked in 1983 the Royal Albert Hall in London for his 100th birthday in 1997 for the George Burns Show.(L18),Paraphrase:,Early in 1983,he made arrangements for his performance on his 100th birthday in theRoyal Alb

23、ert Hall,which would be in 1997.,【译文】,早在1983年,他就预定了伦敦的皇家爱尔伯特音乐厅,打算在1997年自己的100岁生日时举行乔治伯恩斯专场表演。,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,8.All this account is to drive home a point all successful people learn new things all the time no matter where they work and in what profession.(L26),Paraphrase:,Ive told these

24、 stories in order to make you realize that all successful people learn newthings all their life no matter where they work and what kind of job they do.,【译文】,我讲这些故事是为了让大家明白一点 所有成功人士一直都在学习新事物,无论他们在哪儿工作,也无论他们从事什么行业。,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,an arrangement in which a bank keeps your money safe so tha

25、t you can pay more in or take money out,open/close/pay money into/draw money out of an account The employees salaries are paid into their bank accounts.,e.g.,1)account n.report;description,The witness gave the police a full account of what had happened.Keep a daily account of what you do.,e.g.,Unit

26、4 Part II Main Reading,on account of something/on this/that account because of sth(especially a problem or difficulty);for this/that reason,He was advised to go by air on account of his health problem.,e.g.,take account of something/take something into account to consider or include particular facts

27、 or details when making a decision or judgment about something,When judging her performance,we dont need to take her age into account.,e.g.,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,3)profession n.a job that needs a high level of education and training enter/go into/join a profession,Some students enter other pro

28、fessions such as marketing.,e.g.,2)drive home a point to make something completely clear to someone,I drove home to him(a point)that he must be here by nine oclock.,e.g.,by profession as ones paid occupation,Lisa is a designer by profession.,e.g.,the acting/legal/medical/teaching profession,e.g.,Uni

29、t 4 Part II Main Reading,9.Only desire must be there.(L29),Paraphrase:,The only thing you need to do is to have the desire for learning.,【译文】,只是必须有学习的热望。,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,10.Contrast this with the typical Indian society.(L30),Paraphrase:,Compare this phenomenon with the representative fea

30、tures of Indian society(in order to find the differences).,【译文】,将这种现象与典型的印度社会作个对比。,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,contrast something and/with something to compare two things,ideas,people etc.to show how different they are from each other,In another passage,the author again contrasts the land with the s

31、ea.,e.g.,contrast with somebody/something show a difference when compared(通过对比)显出差异;形 成对照,His actions contrasted sharply with his promises.,e.g.,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,11.Although life expectancy has grown still the retirement age is 58.(L30),Paraphrase:,Although people can now live longer than

32、 in the past,they still retire at as early an ageas 58.,【译文】,尽管人们的预期寿命延长了,退休年龄还是58岁。,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,expectancy n.state of expecting or hope,The mother saw the look of expectancy in the childrens eyes.,e.g.,life expectancy the length of time that a person or animal is expected to live,Wo

33、men have a higher life expectancy than men.,e.g.,the length of time that something is expected to continue to work,be useful etc.,the life expectancy of the average car,e.g.,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,12.No wonder,many salaried persons die within a short time of their retirement,unless they have ta

34、ken a new task or engaged themselves in a totally different area.(L32),Paraphrase:,It is not surprising to see that many people who receive salaries while working die soon after they retire if they havent taken a new task or taken part in activities completely different from their former jobs.,【译文】,

35、难怪,许多挣工资的人在退休后不久就会去世,除非他们承担新任务或者投入到完全不同的领域中去。,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,13.The retirement syndrome in India is a topic for a Ph.D.thesis.(L39),Paraphrase:,The typical problems caused by retirement in India are an issue which attracts thescholars attention and it can be discussed in a Ph.D.thesis.,

36、【译文】,印度的退休现象可以成为一篇博士论文讨论的话题。,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,syndrome n.set of symptoms which together indicates a particular disease a set of qualities,events,or types of behaviour that is typical of a particular kind of problem,“The underdog syndrome”is a belief that things are beyond your control.Une

37、mployment,inflation,and low wages are all part of the same economic syndrome.,e.g.,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,14.The American Chemical Society recently honoured“ACS Heroes of Chemistry”37 chemists,chemical engineers and those working in chemical sciences related jobs,for their innovations which fin

38、ally resulted into inventions of new manufacturing processes to help mankind,to fight against environmental pollution.(L41),Paraphrase:,The American Chemical Society recently gave the title“ACS Heroes of Chemistry”to 37 chemists,chemical engineers and chemical scientists to praise them for their cre

39、ative ideas,which help invent new technologies applied to production in order to help human beings and solve the problems of environmental pollution.,【译文】,美国化学学会最近授予37位化学家、化学工程师及从事与化学相关工作的人员“ACS化学英雄”的称号,他们的创新想法最终转化为发明创造,应用到了生产过程中,造福人类,抵制环境污染。,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,1)innovation n.a new idea,met

40、hod,or invention the introduction of new ideas or methods,We must encourage innovation if the company is to remain competitive.,e.g.,manufacture v.to use machines to make goods or materials,usually in large numbers or amounts to invent an untrue story,excuse,etc.,She manufactured a false story to wi

41、n sympathy from the listeners.,e.g.,technical innovations in industry,e.g.,manufacture shoes/cookers/electrical appliances/cars,e.g.,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,15.If a scientist or engineer does not learn,it could have a serious implication upon his career.(L47),Paraphrase:,If a scientist or engine

42、er does not learn new things,it may have negative effect on his work.,【译文】,如果科学家或者工程师不学习,那将给他的事业带来严重的影响。,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,implication n.a possible future effect or result of an action,event,decision,etc.,His talk will examine the wider implications of the Internet revolution.,e.g.,thing t

43、hat is suggested or implied;thing not openly stated involving or being involved,esp in a crime,The trial resulted in the implication of the former Chief of Staff in a major scandal.,e.g.,study the implications of the presidents statement,e.g.,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,16.It was found that the Germ

44、an chemical industry and universities suffer from the lack of entrepreneurial spirit and flexibility and people do not want to take on new jobs.(L48),Paraphrase:,People found that the working staff in the German chemical industry and universitiesdont have enterprising spirit or the ability to change

45、 to suit a different situation and they dont like to undertake new tasks.,【译文】,研究发现,德国化学工业界和大学里缺乏创造精神和灵活性,人们不愿意从事新工作。,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,1)flexibility n.the ability to change or be changed easily to suit a different situation,Employees expect flexibility in the workplace.,e.g.,the ability t

46、o bend or be bent easily,Stretching exercises will help your flexibility.,e.g.,2)take on decide to do sth.;undertake sth.,The HR manager took on greater responsibilities when she was promoted.,e.g.,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,Task 2 Understanding Main Ideas and Important Details of the Text,1.Answer

47、 the following questions with information from the passage.,1)What are the characteristics of successful persons according to the author?,Successful persons have been learning life long.And they are never stagnant in their knowledge bank and are very energetic people.They are never tired of asking q

48、uestions in pursuit of knowledge.,_,Task,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,2)Why does the author tell us the stories of people making great achievements at an advanced age in Paragraph B?,Because the author wants to prove that all successful people learn new things all the time no matter where they work a

49、nd in what profession.,_,3)What are the tips for living longer?,To take a new task or engage oneself in a totally different area after retirement.,_,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,4)According to the author,whats the problem both India and Germany face?,In both India and Germany,people lack entrepreneur

50、ial spirit and are unwilling to commit tocontinuing education.,_,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,2.Write a brief summary of the text based on your answers to the above questions.,The author starts the article by telling us that all successful people learn new things all their life.Then he gives us examp


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