1、English for Tourism,主讲人:党立新,Everyday English,The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment After a hurricane comes a rainbow.,I.The Curriculum Nature and Function Tourism English,as a course of comprehensive English skills intended for students of professional tourism management,aims at strengthening
2、 their English listening,and communication skills as well as comprehension ability through the training of listening,oral English and other relevant skills in actual business,such as hotel reception,room service,catering service and travel reception and foreign tour guide etc.旅游英语原本是为旅游管理专业学生开设的一门综合
3、英语技能课,是加强英语听说,交际能力必需的基础课程。通过对学生进行听力、口语等英语听说技能的训练,使学生能用所学英语开展实际业务工作,进行酒店的前厅接待、客房服务、餐饮服务及旅游接待、涉外导游,提高学生的听力理解水平、口语表达能力和对语言运用的分析理解能力。Concept and Ideas Based on the industry in which basic and commonly-used English language is needed for all posts,a comprehensive teaching system is built with the combina
4、tion of English and tourism.本课程设计的理念是以行业为依托,以各岗位所需要的基本的、常用的英语语言知识为基础,通过有目的的实践训练,建立英语与旅游业相结合的综合教学体系。,English for Tourism,The idea of the course is to improve the ability of language application in terms of the needs of tourism,in which students are the center and practice is the core by the combinati
5、on of classroom teaching and practice activities,and tries to construct TLSP method,namely the teaching model of task,listening,speaking and practicing.设计思路是:以旅游岗位需求为依据,进行语言实践能力培养。把课堂教学与实践教学相结合,以学生为中心,以实践为核心,以语言到语言加岗位技能综合能力为课堂主线,构建了TLSP,即task,Listening,Speaking,Practicing的教学模式。,English for Tourism,I
6、I.Teaching Methods,本课程采用主体式多方位教学方法,如提问法、情景模拟法、讨论法、辩论法、讲解法、听说法、交际教学法等多种形式,尽量多给学生语言实践机会。不仅可以摆脱枯燥乏味的学习过程,还可以通过音频材料深入了解不同国家社会的方方面面,从而提高学生的文化素质。本课程的教学手段主要用图像、声音、动画等多种手段展示教学内容,有效提高学生的听说能力。Multiple teaching methods are used in the course,such as questions,scene simulation,debate,interpretation,listening an
7、d speaking and communication etc.More chances of practice are provided for students to get rid of not only the boring,but also the facets of different countries to expand their horizon in cross-cultural communication.A lot of means are tried in teaching the course,such as image,sound,animation and s
8、o on to improve students listening ability.,English for Tourism,III.Focal points,English for Tourism,Teaching objectives,Help you engage in fluent and understandable oral English communicationCompose practical writing assignmentsDo written translation and oral interpretation Get some idea of the tou
9、rism development in and outside of China and cultural background information about the countries we are going to travel in class by watching relevant VCDs.,III.Focal points,Attendance and participation Assignments Final exam(oral or written),English for Tourism,Grading Scheme,What is tourism?Why do
10、people travel?What is a travel agency?,English for Tourism,Basic Information,What is tourism?Why do people travel?What is a travel agency?,English for Tourism,How to understand tourism,Home,The other,Return,Reach,Travel as circleTourism as a phenomenonElements,Definition of tourism,The temporary mov
11、ement of persons to destinations away from their usual or normal houses,the activities entered upon during their stay in those destinations and the facilities developed to provide for their requirements/needs.,English for Tourism,Definition of tourism,The temporary movement of persons to destination
12、s away from their usual or normal houses,the activities entered upon during their stay in those destinations and the facilities developed to provide for their requirements/needs.,The officially accepted definition is“Tourism comprises the activities of persons traveling to and staying in places outs
13、ide their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure,business and other purposes.,English for Tourism,Tourism-related industries,Food industries Food&Beverage:Not only provide basic sustenance for tourists but an important factor in the overall tourism experience.Transporta
14、tion,Stagecoach(1500 A.D.)Invented in Hungary.Railroads(1825)First passenger train was in England.Boats&Ships(early 400 B.C.,but first ocean liner 1840)Automobile(1908)Henry FordAir Travel(1919),English for Tourism,Tourism-related industries,The hotel industry,Commercial hotelsLuxury hotelsBudget mo
15、telsResort hotelsIn-city motels,Business people or middle-class touristsUpper-class touristsStudents and budget travelers Driving travelers who want to visit some central city attractions,English for Tourism,Tourism-related industries,Infrastructure,The basic services on which all tourism depends.Th
16、ese systems include water and sewer systems,communication networks,medical facilities,electricity,police and fire protection and roads.,Travel information,The traveler may gather information on prices,value,schedules,characteristics of the destination and available activities.,English for Tourism,Wh
17、at does WTO mean?World Tourism Organization&Key Benefits of Tourism World tourism Organization The world Tourism Organization(WTO)is the leading international organization in the field of travel and tourism.It serves as a global forum for tourism policy issues and a practical source of tourism know-
18、how.WTOs membership includes 139 countries and territories and more than 350 Affiliate Members representing local governments,tourism associations and private sector companies,including airlines,hotel groups and tour operators.With its headquarters in Madrid,Spain,WTO is an inter-governmental body e
19、ntrusted by the United Nations towards the promotion and development of tourism.Through tourism,WTO aims to stimulate economic growth and job creation,provide incentives for protecting the environment and heritage of destinations,and promote peace and understanding among all the nations of the world
20、.,English for Tourism,Leading the Worlds Largest Industry,The world Tourism Organization believes that governments have a vital role to play in tourism.WTO exists to help nations throughout the world maximize the positive impacts of tourism,such as job creation,new infrastructure and foreign exchang
21、e earnings,while at the same time minimizing negative environment or social impacts.Tourism is the worlds largest growth industry with no signs of slowing down in the 21st.Receipts from international tourism have increased by an average of 9 per cent annually for the past 16 years to reach us$476 bi
22、llion in 2000.During the same period,international arrivals rose by a yearly average of 4.6 per cent to reach 698 million in 2000.,Benefits of Tourism Tourism is now the worlds largest industry,it not only does a lot of benefits to our society,but also does a lot good for ourselves.The reasons are a
23、s follows.First of all,it provides employment opportunities.Tourism is a labor intensive industry and creates many job opportunities especially for young people and part-time and full-time workers.Secondly,tourism can preserve the environment and heritage.Tourism highlights the need for proper manag
24、ement and,through effective policies and planning,can ensure that the environment,heritage and inherent character of an area is preserved.Thirdly,tourism can improve transport ser-vices.Tourism can stimulate the establishment of new facilities and improve transport services at the same time.And the
25、last not the least,tourism can broaden our outlook.Tourism can provide the opportunity for residents to interact with other people and cultures,it also can bring new ideas into the community.Anyway,tourism improves our quality of our life,and benefits us a lot.,English for Tourism,English for Touris
26、m,Youve got to find what you love,Jobs says,乔布斯说:你必须要找到你所钟爱的东西!,This is the text of the Commencement address by Steve Jobs,CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios,delivered on June 12,2005.,1.如何把生命中的点点滴滴串连起来2.关于爱和损失3.关于死亡的,Daily English in Hotel,1.Daily English:Operator.1).请问您贵姓?对不起,请您重
27、复一次好吗?May I have your name?/Would you give me your name?I beg your pardon?(Pardon,please?)2).请拼出客人的名字好吗?How to spell the guests name please?3.对不起,因线路问题我听不清楚您说话,请重新打一次好吗?Im very sorry.I cant hear clearly,.Could you call it again?4能告诉我客人是哪里人吗?Would you tell me where the guest comes from?5能告诉我客人是哪间公司的吗
28、?Would you tell me which company the guest is from?6.对不起,我们在酒店的名单上找不到客人的名字。I m sorry.We cant find the guest name on our hotel list.7.介意我把电话转接到接待处让他们为您查一下,好吗?Would you mind connecting the line to reception to check it?8.我再帮您查一下,请稍等。I will check it for you again.Just a moment please.9.很抱歉,让您久等了。I am s
29、orry to have kept you waiting.,Daily English in Hotel,10.请您重复一遍您说的,好吗?Could you repeat what you said?/I beg your pardon?11.请您讲慢一点(大声点),好吗?Could you speak more slowly(loudly)?12.请稍等,我将为您转接。Wait a moment,please.l will connect/transfer it for you.13.您好,先生。这里是总机,您有一个外线电话,介意我接入您的房间吗?How are you,sir?This
30、is the operator.You have an outside line.May I put it through?14.晚上好,丹尼斯先生,布鲁斯先生的电话,请问您是否需要接听?Good evening,Mr.Dennis,Mr.Bruce is on the line(Phone)now.Would you like to take it?15.对不起,先生,他的电话占线,请您稍后再拨。Im sorry,sir.The line is busy now,Could you please call back later.16.对不起,先生,电话无人接听,请您稍后再拨或留言。Im so
31、rry,sir.Nobody is answering,Could you please call back later or leave a message.17.让我重复一次您的信息吧。Let me repeat your message.,Daily English in Hotel,18.对不起,我听不懂您说什么,我可以帮您转接给大堂副理吗?Sorry I cant follow you.May I put you through to the assistant manager?19.对不起,先生,房间电话未挂好,转不进去。Im sorry,sir.The phone is rest
32、ricted,I cant get through.20.对不起,先生,我们不可以透露客人的房号。I am sorry,sir,were not allowed to disclose our guests room number.21.我是758房客,有人给我留言吗?I am staying in room 758./I am the guest of room 758。Did anyone leave message for me?22.我的电话留言灯一闪一闪的,是否有我的留言?The message light flashes constantly.Is there any messag
33、e for me?,Daily English in Hotel,23.对不起,先生我们暂时没有收到您的留言。Im sorry,sir.There is no message for you./We havent got any message for you.24.是的,您有一个留言。您不在时,*先生打电话给您,请您早上9点在大厅等候,届时会有人来接您。Yes,you have got a message.Mr.*has phoned to you when you were out,he wanted you to wait in the lobby at 9;00am,the compa
34、ny will send someone to pick you up.25.晚上好,*先生,请问您有收到您的留言吗?Good evening,*sir.Did you receive your message?26.晚上好,*先生,您的朋友*先生邀请您今晚7点到二楼中餐厅用晚餐。Good evening,*sir.Your friend Mr.*invited you to have dinner on the second floor at LIBAI room in the Chinese restaurant at 7 oclock tonight.,English for Recep
35、tion Desk,Part 1 Greetings问候1.Welcome to haiyatt garden Hotel.Im*,what should I call you,please?欢迎光临海悦酒店。我是*,请问我该怎么称呼你呢?2.Good morning/afternoon/evening,Sir/Madame.What can I do for you?先生/女士,你好!请问我能为您做点什么?3.My name is*,is there anything else I can do for you,just let me know.我叫*,如果需要我为您做些什么,请告诉我。4.
36、If you have any problems,please feel free to contact us.如果你有任何需要,请随时联系我们。,Part 2 Helping to Check-in帮助入住1.Please have a seat for a while Ill help you with the check-in procedure.请在那边稍坐一会儿,我将会为您办理入住手续。2.Would you please give me your passport and credit card?,Ill return them to you right away after th
37、e check-in procedure.请把您的护照和信用卡交给我。办完入住手续后,我会马上归还给您。3.How many nights will you stay this time?这次入住您会住多少天?4.Which room would you like,smoking room or non-smoking room?您是要吸烟房间还是不吸烟房间?5.Excuse me,Sir/Madame.How would you like to pay the deposit,together or separately?先生/女士,不好意思,打搅一下。请问您是要分开付押金还是一起付呢?He
38、re is your room key and the breakfast coupon.Would you please sign here?这是您的房卡和早餐券。请您在这里签个名好吗?7.Here are your passport and the credit card.You can go up to the room now I hope you enjoy your stay with us.这是给回您的护照和信用卡。现在您可以上房间了。希望您在这里居住愉快。,English for Reception Desk,Part 3 Providing Service During St
39、aying 居停期间提供服务Regular Service常规服务1)Please wait a second.Ill transfer it for you.请稍等一下。马上为你转接过去。2)Because you are checking out two days early,You need to give us two cash vouchers back.您比原定退房的时间提前了两天,所以我们需要收回二张现金券。3)There is a great garden and pond behind the hotel,which is suitable for exercise jogg
40、ing and walking.酒店后面有很漂亮的花园和水塘,那里是非常适合跑步(锻炼身体)和散步的地方。4)This money is damaged.Im afraid we cant change it,this is according to the hotel regulation.(hotel rules-)您的钱(纸币)上有裂口(污迹),按酒店的规定,我们不能为您兑换。5)Im sorry that you could not get cash by credit card here.I can book a car to take you to the bank to get
41、some cash.,English for Reception Desk,English for Reservation1May I have the room type,please?/What kind of room would you like to reserve?请问需要预订哪一类型的房间?2What kind of room do you have?请问贵酒店有什么房间类型?3We have standard,superior,deluxe,executive rooms.There is also one presidential suite as well.Furtherm
42、ore,we have a floor of non-smoking rooms,and we also have some connecting rooms.我们酒店有标准房,高级房,豪华房,行政房。除此之外还有总统套房。而且我们酒店还设有不吸烟楼层及连通房。4How about your hotels location?请问贵酒店位于哪里?5Well,our hotel located in houjie town,Dongguan City.The Crown Prince hotel is only 30 minutes from Dongguan,45 minutes from Sh
43、enzhen airport and 15 minutes to Chang Ping railway station,by car.我们酒店位于东莞市厚街镇。本酒店离东莞30分钟车程,到深圳机场45分钟,到常平火车站只需15钟车程。6Whats the level of your hotel?请问贵酒店是几星级的?7Our hotel is a five-star hotel.本酒店是五星级的酒店。,English for Reservation,8How about your hotels facilities?请问贵酒店有什么设施?9We have four kinds of resta
44、urant,lobby bar,conference room,health center,swimming pool,shop prince and KTV equipment。.本酒店有四种类型餐馆,大堂吧,会议室,健身会所,游泳池,商场及KTV设施。10Which dates would you like to book?When will you check in and check out?请问您需要订哪一天?什么时候入住及退房?12Does your hotel have pick-up service?请问贵酒店有接车服务吗?13Yes,please contact the co
45、ncierge for details.有的,详细内容请联系礼宾台。14Can I get harbour view in your hotel?我可以看到海景吗?15I am sorry,you cant.But you can have a nice view of a large pool surrounded by beautiful landscaping.很抱歉,不可以。但您可以看到周围美丽的泳池景。16What is your hotels website and email address?请问贵酒店的网址及邮址?,English for Reservation,English
46、 for Reservation,17.Our hotels website is xxxx and our email address is xxxx.To reserve a room or give feedback to us.我们酒店的网址是xxx而我们的邮址是xxx预订房间或有任何建议可与我们联系。18.Your reservation is temporary and it will be cancelled if you dont arrive before 6p.m.on that day.您的预订是暂时的,如果那天下午6点前不到,我们将会取消您的预订。19.I am sorry,no elite room is available./All rooms are unavailable.很抱歉,提供不了雅致客房。/所有房间都订满了,