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1、课前复习检查.词汇检索1.mean(名词)_(形容词)_ 2.able(形容词)有残疾的_3.home(形容词)无家可归的_4.fit(名词)_5.gentleman(复数)_ 6.toothbrush(复数)_7.rain(形容词)_,meaning,meaningful,disable,homeless,fitness,gentlemen,toothbrushes,rainy,.词组默写1.需要更多的食物 2.过马路3.作为而被知道 4.把分成小组5.完成做某事 6.两天两夜不睡觉7.走过公园 8.翻山越岭9.一个极好的机会 10.团队精神,1.need some more food2.c

2、ross the road3.be known as4.group.into.5.finish doing sth6.for two days and nights without sleeping7.walk through the park8.climb over hills and mountains9.an excellent chance 10.team sprit,.词组默写11.互相支持帮助12.支援小组13.尽力做某事 14.需要帮助的人15.至少 16.提供某物给某人17.轻视,瞧不起 18.靠近19.听到某人正在做某事20.注意,11.support and help ea

3、ch other12.support team13.try ones best to do sth14.people in need15.at least16.provide sb with sth/provide sth for sb17.look down on18.be close to19.hear sb do/doing sth20.pay attention to,.句型再现1.支持慈善事业很有意义。Its _charities.2.我认为你不会完成你的行走。I _youll ever _.3.十八岁以上的人们可以自行组成四人一组,参加这个慈善步行。People _ eightee

4、n can _a team of four and join the charity walk.4.你得计划好步行过程中你要带的东西。You should _ going to carry _.,meaningful to support,dont think,finish your walk,over,group themselves into,plan what you are,during the walk,.句型再现5.为什么不尽你最大努力去帮助需要帮助的人呢?Why not _to help _?6.你们有自己的支持队伍很重要。Its important that _.7.如果我想参

5、加慈善步行,我需要注意些什么?What do I need _if I want to join the charity walk?8.欲知详情,请致电5558 6390,与艾米联系。For _,please contact Amy _5558 6390.,try your best,people in need,to pay attention to,you have your own support teams,further information,on,【语法点拨】A.It is+adj.+that+从句 用来表达对某人做某事的看法。意思为“做某事是”。Its wrong that s

6、ome people look down on disabled people.B.It is+adj.+to do sth 用于对做某事的看法。意思是“做某事是”。It is interesting to read comic books.C.It is+adj.for sb.to do sth表达对某人做某事的看法。意思是“对某人来说,做某事”。It is necessary for teenagers to learn from workers and farmers.这三种句型意思相似,It is+adj.+to do sth句型不明确指具体人。常用的形容词有:right,wrong,

7、useful,meaningful,helpful,possible,difficult,easy,important,necessary等。,【考点释析】1.I dont think you will ever finish your walk.我认为你绝不会走完这段步行的。not ever意思是“决不,绝不会”,相当于never。2.Trailwalker is held in November every year.和Tailwalker takes place in November every year同义。take place 不用于被动语态3.People over 18 can

8、 group themselves into a team of four to join this charity walk.group在本句中是动词,意思是“集合,成组”,groupinto“把组成”。,4.Oxfam Trailwalker is a tough hike because you have to finish walking a 100-kilometre trail within 48 hours.5.The trailwalkers have to walk through 8 country parks and over 20 hills and mountains

9、.6.You should plan what you are going to carry during the walk.7.What do I need to pay attention to if I want to join a charity walk.pay attention to意思是“注意到”,后接名词或动名词。8.Theyll be very useful,especially if you get lost.get lost“迷路”=lose ones way,9.What else do I need to take?=What other things do I n

10、eed to take?10.If you are interested in hiking and helping poor children,do not miss the chance.11.The first ten people to finish the walk will each receive a souvenir too.12.For further information,please contact Amy on 5558 6390.further在本句中是形容词,意思是“更多的,更进一步的”。Ill go abroad for further study.13.The

11、 money is used to help poor people and to support development projects.be used to do sth.意思是“被用来干某事”,相当于be used for doing sth.,【基础过关】.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1.His house was washed away and he is _(home)now.2.I will go to England for _(far)study next year.I can learn a lot more.3.We should help the _(able)pe

12、ople.Life is hard for them.4.What the man said was _(record)on the tape.It can be listened to in our office.5.Beijing is one of(beautiful)places in China,and I have been there twice.6.The story _(it)is interesting,but its a little difficult for children.7.You cant watch TV until you finish _(do)your

13、 homework.,homeless,further,disable,recorded,the most beautiful,itself,doing,.单项选择1._is an international charity to help poor children in the world.A.WHO B.UNICEF C.NATO D.WTO2.-How can you help _people,Dr Ma?-We can give them an operation to help them see again.A.disabled B.deaf C.blind D.elderly 3

14、.Its wise to take a map and a mobile phone when you travel,_ if you get lost.A.mostly B.certainly C.especially D.usually,.单项选择4._is impossible for us to learn a foreign language well within a few months.A.This B.It C.That D.There 5.We should do _ to improve the environment.A.useful everything B.some

15、thing useful C.nothing useful D.anything useful6.The work is too difficult for Mr Zhu to finish in a week.He needs_days.A.more two B.two more C.two another D.another more,.单项选择7.Each of us has to write a _report every two weeks.A.two-hundred-word B.two-hundreds-word C.two-hundreds-words D.two-hundre

16、d-words8.The young men walked _the forest and came to a big river at last.A.on B.over C.through D.across9.-_ go to the theatre together with me?-Good idea.A.How about B.Why do you C.Why not D.What about10.To improve his English,he spends _one hour a day listening to English programmes.A.at last B.at

17、 least C.at once D.at all,.完成句子1.参加植树俱乐部是很有意义的。It is_join the Tree Planting _.2.在业余爱好上花些时间对我们来说是有必要的。Its necessary on our hobbies.3.对于年轻人来说学会团队精神很重要。Its important _ to _.4.还有什么需要帮忙的吗?Is there _ that I can do for you?,meaningful to,Club,for us to spend on,for young people,learn team sprit,anything else,


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