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1、Project Management Workshop项目管理讲座 Morning,Workshop Objectives讲座目标,在培训的结束时,参与者将能够:At the end of the training,participants will be able to:描述项目管理与综合管理上的不同 Describe the difference between project management and general management定义项目以及项目的生命周期 Define Project and Project Life Cycle理解项目领导者在这个项目中的所处的角色和承担的

2、责任 Explain the roles and responsibilities of the project leader列出管理一个项目的关键的成功因素 List the critical success factors for managing a project区分不同类型的项目规划和项目规划步骤 Identify the different types of project planning and planning processes利用项目管理软件和技巧来管控预算和进程 Control budgets and schedules by using project managem

3、ent tools and techniques为突发事件及意外状况制定一个风险管理计划 Develop a risk management plan for contingency,Course Content课程内容,Definition of Projects项目的定义 Difference between Project and General Management项目和一般管理的区别Project Management Process 项目管理的步骤Investment Appraisal投资评估Project Life Cycle项目生命周期,Definition定义,What i

4、s a Project?什么是项目?,Definition定义,A Planned Undertaking 一个计划好的事业,Definition定义,The application of knowledge,skills,tools,and techniques to project activities in order to meet or exceed stakeholder needs and expectations from a project,while dealing with constraints on budget,time,resources and technolo

5、gies.在预算费用,时间,资源和技术有限的条件下为了达到或超过相关人员对项目的要求和期待对知识,技能,工具,技术等的应用。(即在一定时间内,满足一系列特定目标的多项相关工作的总称。),Project Similarities 项目的相同点,Define Goal制定目标Definite Time 制定时间Resource Budget 资源预算,Project Differences 项目的不同点,Scale规模Technical Complexity 技术复杂度Technological Uncertainty 技术不确定性,What are the Differences?,Projec

6、t Management 项目管理,General Mangement 综合管理,VS.,Project vs.General Management项目管理 V.S 综合管理,Nature性质Focus关注点Team Structure 组织架构Measure of Success成功的衡量标准,Investment Appraisal投资评估,Conventional Method 常规方法The Payback Method回收期法,偿付方法The Average Rate of Return Method平均回收比率法 Discounting Method 折现法The Net Pres

7、ent Value(NPV)净现值The Internal Rate of Return(IRR)内部收益率,Project Planning 项目规划,Example 举例说明,The Payback Method回收期法,Time taken to pay back the initial cost of the project 收回最初成本所用的时间For projects that earn the same amount of net proceeds each year假设项目每年赚的净收入是相同的,Drawback 缺点Takes no account of the earnin

8、g after the payback period for the full life of the project 在整个项目中不考虑回收期后的盈利Timing is ignored 时间的安排被忽略,The Payback Method 回收期法,Suitable for investment projects that 适合投资的项目有the cost is low and the project is completed in a short time投资少,周期短the investment is productive as soon as the initial cost is

9、incurred一旦有初期成本投入就有高效的投资回报the net proceeds are easily determined.有很确定的纯盈利,The Average Rate of Return Method 平均收益率法,The highest average rate of return is considered to be the most profitable 最高的平均收益率被认为是最盈利的,Depreciation is allowed for in the calculation by using the formula 折旧率也可以加到在这个公式里计算,The Aver

10、age Rate of Return Method 平均收益率法,Drawback 缺点:Comparable results can only be obtained when the life spans of the projects are the same 只有相同寿命期限的项目才能比较,The Average Rate of Return Method 平均收益率法,Net Present Value Method(NPV)净现值法,Discounts the expected future proceeds from a project to the present value

11、of those incomes 从项目当前收入的现值中折扣预期的未来收益,If the net present value of the proceeds exceeds the initial cost,the investment will be profitable 如果净现值超过了初期投入成本则这个投资是可盈利的Discounting rate to be applied 折扣率的应用Current rate of interest;or 当前利率或者Rate of interest that could be earned elsewhere if internal funds a

12、re used to finance the project为项目提供融资的其他内部资金的利率,=折现现值 项目的初期成本(Discounted present value)(Initial cost of the project),Internal Rate of Return Method(IRR)内部收益率法,IRR(财务内部收益率)=The rate of interest that will reduce the proceeds from the project to the original cost 项目在整个计算期内各年财务净现金流量的现值之和等于零时的折现率(也就是使项目的

13、财务净现值等于零时的折现率)Project is profitable if项目只有在下列情况下才是盈利的It equates with a reasonable return on capital invested or at least is more than the cost of borrowing the funds to finance the investment只有当投入资本能够合理的回收或者至少高于借用于融资的资本If the proceeds from the investment are not regular 如果投入的收益不稳定the only way to fin

14、d the internal rate of return is by trial那么找到内部收益率的唯一方法是不断尝试摸索,其他注意事项Other Considerations,Sometimes difficult to estimate the future income from an investment project 我们经常很难去评估一个投资项目的未来收入Quantifying the amount by which revenue will be raised may be extremely difficult 确定盈利的额度是更加困难的事情Difficult to qua

15、ntify the risk element 很难去确定风险因素的数量Unforeseen circumstances may invalidate the appraisal 无法预料到的情况也许会使你的评估作废e.g.inflation 比如说通货膨胀The life of the project may have been wrongly estimated 项目的生命周期也可能会被估算错误Government intervention may affect the project 政府的干预也会对项目的运作有影响,Project Life Cycle项目的生命周期,Divide eac

16、h project into several project phases to provide better management control and appropriate links to the ongoing operations of the performing organization 把每个项目分为几个小阶段是为了对执行机构的实施运作过程提供更好的管控和适当的链接,Characteristics of Project Phases,Each project phase is marked by completion of one or more deliverables,

17、which is/are:每个项目阶段都以完成一个或多个可交付成果为标志Tangible,verifiable work product which form a generally sequential logic designed to ensure proper definition of the product of the project.可交付成果是某种有形的,可验证的工作成果,它会形成一个大致的顺序逻辑旨在于确保产品有个恰如其分的定义The conclusion of a project phase is generally marked by phase-end reviews

18、 which are often called项目的最终阶段一般会是阶段末审查,它也叫经常被称为Phase exits,stage gates,or kill points 阶段放行口,阶段关卡或验收站 For:Determine if the project should continue into its next phase,and决定这个项目是否能继续到下一个阶段Detect and correct errors cost effectively 有效检测和纠正错误费用,Characteristics of Project Life Cycle项目生命周期的特性,Serves to d

19、efine the beginning and the end of a project 用来定于一个项目的开始和结束Determine which transitional actions at the end of the project are included and which are not 定义哪些过渡动作是属于该项目的哪些是不属于的Deliverables from the preceding phase are usually approved before work starts on the next phase 前阶段的可交付成果一般需要在下个阶段开始前被核准“Fast

20、 Tracking”快速跟进A subsequent phase is begun prior to approval of the previous phase deliverables when the risks involved are deemed acceptable 当涉及的风险被认为是可以接受的前提下,后一个阶段的开始会先于前一个阶段的可交付成果的批准,项目管理过程Project Management Process,A series of activities embodied in a process of getting things done 在完成项目的过程中包含了一

21、系列的活动,Project Management Process项目管理流程,Planning规划What are the organizations mission,objectives,goals and strategies?组织的任务,目标和策略是什么?Organization组织Whats involved and why?哪些条件需要被涉及进来,为什么?Motivation激励What brings out the best performance of people in supporting the organizations purpose?怎样才能使这个项目中的队员有最佳的

22、表现,Project Management Process项目管理流程,Directing指示 Who decides what and when?谁来决定做什么以及什么时候开始做Controlling管控 Who judges results and by what standards?谁来对结果做出评价以及他的评判标准是什么?,Project Management 项目管理,Exercise 练习 Project Planning Situation 项目规划形势,Project Planning项目规划,Purpose目的Lays a solid foundation for condu

23、cting a project 为执行一个项目打下坚实的基础Forms a baseline for other necessary activities such as project budgeting,project control and project administration 为其它必须的活动制定一个基线,比如说项目预算,项目控制和项目管理(行政方面)Makes people understand what they are expected to produce,what they have to do,and commit them to do what is requir

24、ed.使大家理解哪些是需要被提出的,哪些是需要去执行的,然后使他们致力于完成那些要求Types of Plans 计划类型Activity Plans行动计划Resource Plans资源计划,Project Planning,The Planning Process计划的步骤Set measurable objectives 制定评判标准Identify activities and establish procedures确定活动建立规程Identify required resources(time,budget,man&equipment)确定必要的资源(时间,预算,人力,设备)An

25、alyze existing resources分析现有的资源Assign responsibility 分配任务Consider alternatives 考虑好备选方案Provide contingencies 提供意外事件的参考方案Establish check points and control mechanism建立检查点和控制机构Documentation 文件,Project Planning,Central Limit Theory中心极限定理(趋中理论),E=Expected time(预期执行时间)O=Most optimistic time(最乐观,最少的用时)P=Mo

26、st pessimistic time(最保守估定,最长可能用时)M=Most probable time(最可能的用时),Levels of Plans,The number of levels(i.e.degree of details)of plans required will depend on the complexity of the project)标准的划分取决于项目的复杂程度总体规划(蓝图)Master Plans 阶段计划 Stage Plans 具体计划 Detailed Plans 个人工作计划 Individual Work Plans,Roles and Resp

27、onsibilities ofProject Members项目成员的角色和责任,Customer客户受益于项目Benefits from the project制定初级要求Defines the original requirements.Project Owner项目主体Takes ultimate responsibility for a project 对项目承担最终成败责任 Provides support from the rest of the business although they will not be managing the project themselves虽然

28、不参与项目的管理但是从其他事情上提供支持Project Manager who is nominated to 项目经理是被授命于:Manage the team 管理团队 Bring to fruition the results wanted within the specified and agreed constraints.在特定的条件中完成任务,Project Management项目管理,Discussion讨论 What are the roles of a Project Manager 项目经理的角色是什么?,Role of Project Manager 项目经理的角色-

29、,Identify and assign Project Team members and appraise their performance 制定和分配团队的工作评估绩效2.Direct and organize the Project Team to develop the service platform 指导和组织项目成员去发展服务平台Ensure that team members are skilled to perform and arrange training when necessary 确保队员们得到相应技能培训Supervise and give consultati

30、on to team members during the project development 在项目的发展中提供指导和建议Report to the Project Owner periodically on the progress of the project 定期给给项目责任人汇报进程6.Ensure team members are well aware of the objectives of the project,and major issues,decisions and targets 确保成员们很清楚项目的宗旨,主要问题,决定和目标7.Resolve any conf

31、licts and issues 解决内部的冲突和争论 8.Prepare project budget and secure the required resources i.e.budget,manpower,equipment,etc 准备项目的预算,取得必要的资源(预算,人力,设备)9.Manage risk through out the project 管理风险贯穿整个项目10.Plan,schedule,and monitor the progress of the project 制定计划/进程表,监控项目的进程Monitor,review,and take appropria

32、te actions to ensure time,cost,and quality targets are met 监控,检查以及采取适当的行动去确保时间,费用和质量 达到预期标准Ensure that all documentation required are prepared and approved by appropriate level of authority 确保所要求的文件都准备好且经有相关权限的人批准13.Ensure a smooth dissolution of the project team 确保项目团队顺利解散14.Prepare Implementation

33、Review Report 准备完整的审查报告,Feasibility Study可行性研究,Technical Feasibility 技术可行性被提议的方法是否可行Is the proposed method workable?能否利用当前已有的设备Can it be run on existing equipment?是否有足够的知识去运行新的系统Do we have the knowledge to run the new system?Functional Feasibility 功能可行性结果是否会令终端客户满意Will the result satisfy the end-users?是否会对当前的运作模式产生冲击How will it affect existing modes of operation?前面提到的改变是否符合法律要求Will the proposed change meet legal requirement?Financial Feasibility 财务可行性费用和时标是否正确 Are the cost and timescales right?获利是否能够回报承担的风险和付出的努力 Is the return big enough to justify the risk and effort?,Thanks!,


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