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1、Healthy Body,Healthy Mind,Wonder Drug!,Feel goodEnhances self-esteemInduces calmImproves thinkingMakes you more attractiveNo negative side effectsIts legalIts free,Overview,ExerciseMindfulnessSleepTouch,“Perhaps the most fundamental development in behavioral medicine is the recognition that we can n

2、o longer think about health as being solely a characteristic of the body or the mind because body and mind are interconnected.”,Exercise and Modernity,Reduction of physical workRising levels of mental illnessThe need for exercise,“Our forefathers lived every jot as well as we,when they provided and

3、dressed their own meat with their own hands;lodged upon the ground,and were not as yet come to the vanity of gold and gems.”Seneca,Overcoming Depression(Babyak et al.2000),156 patients with Major Depressive DisorderThree groups(exercise,medicine,exercise*medicine)Anti-depressant:Sertraline(Zoloft)Ex

4、ercise:Thirty minutes three times/week,Overcoming Depression(Babyak et al.2000),Results(16 weeks):All three groups improved(60%)No significant differences among groups10 months follow-upRelapse medication:38%Relapse medication*exercise:31%Relapse exercise:9%For dysthymia(McCann&Holmes,1984)Not exerc

5、ising is like taking depressants,More Benefits,PsychologicalEnhanced self-esteemLower anxiety and stressAdjunctive treatment for clinical disorderImproved cognitive functioningPhysicalWeight loss/controlReducing chronic diseasesStronger immune systemBetter SexNot a panacea!,Micro and Macro Recovery,

6、1-4 days of rest a weekListen to your body!Quantity affects quality,“Repeated workouts that are too intense to allow complete recovery may cause endurance athletes to experience staleness,a syndrome that is characterized by increased psychological symptoms of anxiety with increased sympathetic nervo

7、us system,catecholamine,and cortisol base rates.”Dienstbier&Zillig(2002),Recovery in Sports,Derek Clayton,Joan Benoit,Overcoming barriers,Pain/discomfortDivide and conquerDistracters(TV,music,etc)Social support,Overcoming barriers,Pain/discomfortDivide and conquerDistracters(TV,music,etc)Social supp

8、ortTime commitmentAn investmentRitualizeSubconsciousJust do it(the five minute take off)Body as important as mind,Exercise:The Unsung Hero,“In a way,exercise can be thought of as a psychiatrists dream treatment.It works on anxiety,on panic disorder,and on stress in general,which has a lot to do with

9、 depression.And it generates the release of neurotransmittersnorepinephrine,serotonin,and dopaminethat are very similar to our most important psychiatric medicines.Having a bout of exercise is like taking a little bit of Prozac and a little bit of Ritalin,right where it is supposed to go.”John Ratey

10、,Exercise Revolution,ObesitySchool performanceViolenceUltimate currency,Mindfulness Meditation,One-pointednessDeep breathingNo good/bad meditation,The Mind of a Meditator,Left-to-right ratio in prefrontal cortex,Left-to-right ratio in prefrontal cortexThe startle response,The Mind of a Meditator,“Gi

11、ven that the larger someones startle,the more intensely that person tends to experience upsetting emotions,Osers performance had tantalizing implications,suggesting a remarkable level of emotional equanimity.”Daniel Goleman,Growing Tip Statistic,“The process itself has some extraordinary qualities,b

12、ut not necessarily the subject.The important idea is that this process is within the reach of anyone who applies himself or herself with enough determination.”Lama Oser“From the perspective of neuroscience,the point of all this research has nothing to do with demonstrating that Oser or any other ext

13、raordinary person may be remarkable in him-or herself,but rather to stretch the fields assumptions about human possibility.Some of these key assumptions have already begun to expand,in part due to a revolution in neurosciences supposition about the malleability of the brain itself.”Daniel Goleman,Mi

14、ndfulness Meditation(Kabat-Zinn),Decrease in anxietyMood changePre-frontal cortex activationImmune response,Mindfulness Therapy,Awareness/acceptance of body signalsCreating alternative neural pathwaysPractice and practice,“With the shift from trying to ignore or eliminate physical discomfort to payi

15、ng attention with friendly curiosity,we can transform our experience.”,“Trying to get rid of depression in the usual problem solving way,trying to fix whats wrong with us,just digs us in deeper.rumination is part of the problem,not part of the solution.”,From Doing to Being(William et al.2007),Breat

16、hing,Shallow breathing,Stress/Anxiety,Deep breathing,Calm/wellbeing,Breathing,“If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip,it would be simply to learn how to breathe correctly.”Andrew Weil,Sleep,Pre-Edison:10 hours/dayToday:7 hours/day25%of 18-29 year olds get 8 hoursMake sleep a

17、 priority,Effects of Sleep,Immune systemEnergy levelsWeightMotor skills(accidents)Cognitive functioningStress/anxiety levelsDepressionGet your“Happiness Sleep”,Sleep Tips,8 hours/dayNap timeWatch your exercise and foodPermission to be humanPay attention to internal rhythms,Good Night,Good Life,“Effe

18、cts of sleep deprivation on health and well-being have been documented by research.Cognitive skills and physical performance are impaired by sleep deprivation,but mood is affected even more.People who get less than a full nights sleep are prone to feel less happy,more stressed,more physically frail

19、and more mentally and physically exhausted as a result.Sufficient sleep makes us feel better,happier,more vigorous and vital.”William Dement,Getting In Touch With Touch,Physical healthMental healthBetter sex life(Masters&Johnson),The Need for Touch,Hug research(Clipman,1999)Win-winRespecting self an

20、d others,“We need 4 hugs a day for survival.We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance.We need 12 hugs a day for growth.”Virginia Satir,Bibliography and Recommendations Babyak,M.,et al.(2000).Exercise Treatment for Major Depression:Maintenance of Therapeutic Benefit at 10 Months.Psychosomatic Medicine,62,

21、633-638.Benson,H.(1997).Timeless Healing.Scribner.Field,T.(2003).Touch.Bradford Books.Murphy,S.(2004).Run for Life:The Real Womans Guide to Running.The Lyons Press.Salmon,P.(2001).Effects of Physical Exercise on Anxiety,Depression,and Sensitivity to Stress:A Unifying Theory.Clinical Psychology Revie

22、w,21,33-61.Sarno,J.E.(1991).Healing Back Pain:The Mind-Body Connection.Warner Books.Trockel,M.T.et al.(2003).Health-Related Variables and Academic Performance Among First-Year College Students:Implications for Sleep and Other Behaviors.Journal of American College Health,49,3.,Bibliography and Recomm

23、endations Bennett-Goleman,T.(2002).Emotional Alchemy.Three Rivers Press.Benson,H.The Relaxation Response.HarperTorch.Carrington,P.et al.(1980).The Use of Meditation:Relaxation Techniques for the Management of Stress in a Working Population.Journal of Occupational Medicine,22,221-231.Derezotes,D.(200

24、0).Evaluation of Yoga and Meditation Trainings With Adolescent Sex Offenders.Human Science Press,17,97-113.Kabat-Zinn,J.(1990).Full Catastrophe Living:Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress,Pain,and Illness.Delta.Hall,S.S.(2003).Is Buddhism Good for Your Health?New York Times Magazine,September 14.Shapiro,S.L.et al.(2002).Meditation and Positive Psychology.In C.R.Snyder and S.J.Lopez(Eds.),Handbook of Positive Psychology,632-645.Oxford University Press.,


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