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1、Unit 1 Man and Nature,Get Started,Work in pairs and discuss the following questions:We human beings live on the earth and always keep developing our civilization.Do you think man lives in harmony with nature now?Do you think that man has been destroying nature?Could you give some examples?What do yo

2、u think we should do to preserve nature?,Man&Nature,Deforestation,(),Wildlife Extinction,(),Global Warming,(),Ozone Depletion,(),Extreme Weather,(),Pollution,(),Relative vocabulary,afforestationalternative forms of energy-solar energy conserve-contaminate drinking waterdry upendangered speciesenviro

3、nmental degradation-environmental protectionenvironmentally friendlyextinctglobal warminggreenhouse gas-greenhouse effect,carbon dioxidenonrenewable resourcespollutantpurifyrain forestrecyclable-nonrecyclablesewagesoil erosionsustainable development waste disposal,Listen&Respond,You will listen to a

4、 short passage entitled“The Importance of Protecting Sea Resources”.The following words may be of some help.marine fishery exhaust endanger excessive starvation,Discuss the following questions and answer them according to the passage.What did people in Europe and America think about sea resources in

5、 the 19th century?Why are the threats to fish more alarming in some ways than the threats to animals and birds?What do scientists say about marine resources today?What warnings do they give according to the passage?,Listen&Respond,Listen to the passage again and fill in each of the blanks according

6、to what you have heard.,Listen&Respond,endangered threats resource diet satisfy harvested declining supplies excessive starvation,About the Author,Alexander Spirkin:,One of the authors of the,A corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences.,A prominent scientist,a well-known Soviet philosophe

7、r and psychologist.,Director of the Department of General Problems of Dialectical Materialism at the Academy Institute of Philosophy.,Great Soviet Encyclopedia.,Alexander Spirkin,Text A Man in the Realm of Nature,_ live in the realm of nature._ are constantly surrounded by it and interact with it._

8、is constantly aware of the influence of nature in the form of the air _ breathes,the water _ drinks,and the food _ eats._ are connected with nature by“blood”ties and _ cannot live outside nature.,Human beings,They,Man,he,he,he,We,we,Para.1,?Subjects,?Predicates,Topic:“human beings”&“nature”:closely

9、connectedBackground,Para.1,Text A Man in the Realm of Nature,Think about:The topic sentence?not only but also“transform”?convert,subdue,discipline,compeltransfer,change,Para.2,分1,总,分2,Main idea:Man is closely connected with nature.,Text A Man in the Realm of Nature,New Words&Phrases,transform:vt.,to

10、 completely change the appearance,form,or character of something or someone,especially in a way that improves it,Increased population has transformed the landscape.,这部戏几乎在一夜之间把她从一个不为人知的校园女生变成了演艺巨星。,The play transformed her almost overnight from an unknown schoolgirl into a megastar.,convert:v.,to ch

11、ange something into a different form of thing,or to change sth.so that it can be used for a different purpose or in a different way,They converted the spare bedroom into an office.,他成功地让我接受了他的观点。,He succeeded in converting me to his point of view.,In the process,the light energy converts to heat ene

12、rgy.,New Words&Phrases,这些动词均有“变化,改变”之意。指任何变化,完全改变,强调与原先的情况有明显的不同。指进行全部或局部改变以适应新的功能或用途。指信仰或态度时,强调较激烈、大的改变。指人或物在形状、外观、形式、性质等方面发生的彻底变化,失去 原状成为全新的东西。,1.In order to their environment,he drew up the project.2.Carbon dioxide can be into oxygen through theagency of plant.3.Why do the leaves on trees colour

13、in autumn?4.He always attempts to others to a particular doctrine or belief.,Directions:Fill in the blanks with the words above.Change the form where necessary.,change,_,transform,_,converted,_,convert,_,New Words&Phrases,transfer:,1.v.move from one place,job,position,etc.,to another,Michael transfe

14、rred from Company 6 to the Security Service.,2.n.,权力的移交迅速而又和平地得以实现。,The transfer of power was effected swiftly and peacefully.,New Words&Phrases,trans-:,prep:1.变化,转移;2.横跨,通过,transport translation transition transgene transmit transfer transcontinental transocean transdisciplinary,交通翻译转化,过渡转基因传输,传播转移

15、横贯大陆的大洋彼岸的跨学科的,New Words&Phrases,1.vt.train or develop,esp.in obedience and self-control,discipline:,Disciplining children takes patience and consistency.,New Words&Phrases,Everyone should keep discipline and you are no exception.,2.n.1)a way of training someone so that they learn to control their b

16、ehaviour and obey rules,每个人都应该遵守纪律,你也毫无例外。,Ive disciplined myself to do two hours of exercise every day.,我坚持每天锻炼两个小时。,2)an area of knowledge or teaching,作为学术上的一门学科,经济学已经有了整整二百年的历史.,As a scholarly discipline,economics is just two centuries old.,discipline problem 纪律问题self-discipline 自律instill discipl

17、ine into sb.灌输纪律观念,Collocations:,New Words&Phrases,compel:vt.,make(a person or thing)do sth.,by force,moral persuasion,or orders that must be obeyed,They were often compelled to work eleven or twelve hours a day.,法律要求雇主必须提供健康保险。,The law compels employers to provide health insurance.,Compel 强调在法律、权力、

18、力量或行动等的驱使下被迫而为。,New Words&Phrases,Think about:The topic sentence?,while How can we get the sub-topics in these two paragraphs?tensecohesive devices,Para.3&4,Text A Man in the Realm of Nature,Para.3 层次分析,As society develops,man tends to become less dependent on nature directly,while indirectly his de

19、pendence grows.Our distant ancestors lived in fear of natures destructive forces.Very often they were unable to obtain the merest daily necessities.However,despite their imperfect tools,they worked together stubbornly,collectively,and were able to attain results.Nature was also changed through inter

20、action with man.Forests were destroyed and the area of farmland increased.Nature with its elemental forces was regarded as something hostile to man.The forest,for example,was something wild and frightening and people tried to force it to retreat.This was all done in the name of civilization,which me

21、ant the places where man had made his home,where the earth was cultivated,where the forest had been cut down.,Cohesive devices by meaning:Topic:dependence Developing stages:“ancestors”“as time goes on”by form:while,however,also,for example,But,Para.3&4,Main idea:Indirectly,mans dependence on nature

22、grows because of the industrial transformation.,Text A Man in the Realm of Nature,retreat:vi.,move back or leave a center of fighting or other activity,esp.when forced to do so,The army was forced to retreat after suffering heavy losses.,你不能回避在这一事件中的责任.,You cannot retreat from your responsibility in

23、 this affair.,这些动词均含“退下,退却”之意。指从公开或公共场合退下到私下场所,也指被免除职务或自动辞职、退役等。例如:,I retired from teaching three years ago.,三年前我就不再教书了。,CF:retire,retreat&withdraw,retire,New Words&Phrases,含消极意味,多指被迫采取退下或退却的行动。强调因某种原因而有意离开,常含礼貌、谦恭等理由。也 指军队的撤退。,The enemy was forced to retreat.,敌军被迫撤退了。,As the troops withdraw,the ent

24、ire city celebrated the liberation.,部队撤退时,整个城市欢庆解放。,New Words&Phrases,concerned:a.,affected by something or worried about it;believing something is important,All the people present are concerned with childrens education.,他的项目是将这项技术应用于实际的商务问题。,His project is concerned with applying the technology to

25、practical business problems.,concerned with 关注,关心;与相关concerned about/for 担心,关爱concerned to do sth.专注于做某事as far as is concerned 就而言,Collocations:,New Words&Phrases,Topic sentence?Balance breaking downWays of illustrating?Examples:“replaceable resources”“fresh water”“eliminating industrial waste”,Para

26、.5,Para 6:modern technology,Text A Man in the Realm of Nature,acute:a.,severe;very great,The housing shortage is more acute than first thought.,一颗蛀牙可以引起强烈的疼痛。,A bad tooth can cause acute pain.,acute disease 急性病acute anxiety 急剧焦虑acute shortage 严重短缺acute sense 敏锐的感觉 acute mind 机智的头脑,Collocations:,New

27、Words&Phrases,Topic:“modern technology”(now),are being madenot good harmful as time goes on turns into wastetoxicaggressivedestructive,Para.6&7,Main idea:The previous dynamic balance between man and nature has shown ominous signs of breaking down.,Text A Man in the Realm of Nature,Topic:“the man-nat

28、ure relation”the solution,waysthe bitter truthConclusion:“live close to nature”,Para.8&9,Main idea:The solution to man nature lies in rational and wise organization of both production itself and care for Mother Nature by all humanity.,Text A Man in the Realm of Nature,apt:a.,1)exactly suitable,“Love

29、 at first sight”is a very apt description of how he felt when he saw her.,惩罚应当与罪行相适应。,The punishment should be apt for the crime.,2)having a natural tendency to do something,Some of the staff are apt to arrive late on Mondays.,New Words&Phrases,初学者极易犯语法错误.,Beginners are too apt to make mistakes in g

30、rammar.,1.Does man tend to become less dependent on nature with the rapid development of society?Why or why not?,2.What does the author think about the present relationship between man and nature?,Passage Understanding,Directions:Read the passage quickly and answer the following questions.,3.What is

31、 the feature of modern technology?,4.Why do young people like synthetic glittering fabrics that are not good for them?,5.In what way are the synthetic products harmful to the earth?,6.Whats the solution to the ecological crisis according to the author?,7.Whats the authors attitude towards the human

32、transformation of nature?,1.Does man tend to become less dependent on nature with the rapid development of society?Why or why not?,No.Directly man tends to become less dependent,while indirectly his dependence increases.He still has to take raw materials and irreplaceable resources.,2.What does the

33、author think about the present relationship between man and nature?,The previous dynamic balance between man and nature has been breaking down.,Passage Understanding,Directions:Read the passage quickly and answer the following questions.,3.What is the feature of modern technology?,An ever-increasing

34、 abundance of produced and used synthetic goods.,4.Why do young people like synthetic glittering fabrics that are not good for them?,Because they pay more attention to appearance than to health and they will only become aware of this harmful influence as they grow older.,5.In what way are the synthe

35、tic products harmful to the earth?,When synthetic products turn into waste,substances that in their original form were not very toxic are transformed into harmful substances in the cycle of natural processes.,Passage Understanding,Directions:Read the passage quickly and answer the following question

36、s.,6.Whats the solution to the ecological crisis according to the author?,The solution lies in rational and wise organization of both production and care of Mother Nature by all humanity.One of the ways is to use natural resources such as solar energy,and the power of winds.,7.Whats the authors atti

37、tude towards the human transformation of nature?,Negative.Human actions violate the laws of nature,the harmony of the biosphere,threaten to bring disaster and this disaster may turn out to be universal.,Text Structure,Parts,Paras.,Main Ideas,1,2,12,34,Man lives in the nature and transforms it.,Indir

38、ectly mans dependence on nature grows.,57,The previous dynamic balance between man and nature has shown signs of breaking down.,3,89,The solution to mannature relationship is rational and wise balance between production and care for nature.,4,Useful Expressions,1.大自然的王国,the realm of nature,2.为社会利益服务

39、,serve the interests of society,3.气候环境,climatic conditions,4.在对的恐惧之中,in fear of,5.日常必须品,daily necessities,6.打着“文明”的旗号,in the name of civilization,7.关注,be concerned with,8.不可替代的自然资源,irreplaceable natural resources,9.动态平衡,dynamic balance,10.不祥之兆,ominous sign,13.人工合成材料,synthetic goods,14.从头到脚,from head

40、 to foot,15.自然循环,the cycle of natural processes,16.在于,lie in,17.直到目前,as yet,18.回到我们的主题上,return to our theme,19.自然规律,laws of nature,20.结果是,turn out,11.崩溃,break down,12.工业废物,industrial waste,Useful Expressions,Paragraph Writing,How to support your central ideas?Development(展开)It means to explain the c

41、entral ideas in logical parison,contrast;cause,effect;Illustration(例释)It means to illustrate the central ideas by using facts or examples.e.g.general examples,specific examples;dataBoth of these two ways should be used when you are writing an argumentation.,Further Development,Development(Sample),Se

42、condly,drinking soybean milk is healthier than drinking milk.Milk is good for health,but it has cholesterol and lactose while soybean milk does not.Thus,those who have a habit of drinking milk have a higher risk of getting hypertension,coronary heart disease and diabetes,for they may take in too muc

43、h cholesterol and lactose.By contrast,the habit of drinking soybean milk keeps people in a safer distance from being caught by those diseases,and at the same time contributes to strengthening immunity and maintaining physical condition.Accordingly,soybean milk is more beneficial to health.The writer

44、 makes a contrast between soybean milk and milk.Besides,he achieves the conclusion via stating the reasons.,Further Development,Illustration(Sample),Last but not least,the increasing convenience of modern life hinders people from taking sufficient exercises to keep fit.For example,they now go to wor

45、k and back home by bus,by car or by tube instead of on foot or by bike.Another example is that diversified TV programs have lured people to stay at home to be a couch potato while in the past people often went out and had a walk in the evening.Here,the writer supports his topic sentence with two wel

46、l chosen examples.,Further Development,Man and the environment are closely related.However,man and the environment have never been on such bad terms as they are now.A harmonious relationship between man and nature is essential for human survival on the earth.,Directions:Write a brief summary of the

47、text.The topic sentence of each paragraph has been done for you.,2013年12月大学英语四级新题型四级和六级的试卷结构、测试内容、测试题型、分值比例和考试时间如下表所示:,一般阅读过程,6.平时如何提高阅读技能,1)阅读的过程首先是对文章主旨和作者观点的理解和把握,因为其他的细节内容都是为支持这些而服务的。因此我们阅读英语文章时,一定要有一个全局观念,从宏观上来把握文章,做到了这一点,我们面对各类文章的各类题型都能够从容应对。,在有限的时间内要把握文章的主旨和作者的主要观点可采用略读和跳读的方法,即集中注意力,不必记忆细节,忽略

48、个别生词及难懂的词句,重点把握全文总体大意。首先把握每段的主要意思,阅读每段的段首句和段尾句或找到段落的主题句,留心反复出现的单词。在此基础上就可了解全文的大致内容。注意文章的开始段和结束段,因为它们往往是对文章内容的概括。,2)集中注意力,阅读时以意群为组,我们在阅读过程中常常觉得时间不够用,或者是读完了文章,大部分单词的意思也都知道,却不明白这个句子或整篇文章讲了些什么。这主要是因为不良阅读习惯,如:,因此与读英语文章时应该以“意群”(meaningful thought group)为单位阅读,即将单个的词语按照自然的语法和意义关系组织起来。,“指读”,即用手指或笔尖指着文章逐词阅读;“

49、回读”,即在阅读中遇到生词或不熟悉的短语时,返回到句首甚至段首重读;如果遇到长句,常常反复多次;“译读”,即在阅读过程中,不断把词,短语,以致句子译成母语来理解。边看边读出声音,边看边用笔指着心里默念逐字阅读等这些不良的阅读习惯都影响了阅读速度及理解。,Successful improvement of your reading depends upon your eagerness to improve and your willingness to practice.,如果你一个一个词来读这句话,你的视线就要在每个词上都要停留一次,影响阅读速度,如果以意群为单位,即:,Successful

50、 improvement of your reading depends upon your eagerness to improve and your willingness to practice.,这样,你的视线是在每个词组上停留,停留次数减少,意义比较连贯,即使你的视线在词组上停留的时间要比在一个单词上停留的时间稍微长一些,但因为意义容易理解,总体时间还是要比前者短,而且阅读质量提高了。词组越长,阅读速度越快:,Successful improvement of your reading depends upon your eagerness to improve and your w


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